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The Verges Most Wanted

Status: At large, very large!
Reward: 250,000 Concord Dollars
Real Name: Grim
Alias: The Reaper
Race: Human
Age: 41
Height: 8'1"
Weight: 932 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Born: Thuldan Prime

Concord Photo Record

Appearance: Grim is a larger than a normal human with oddly colored skin, grey. He has short unkept black hair and usually always wears some sort of armor. His favorite weapon is the Dragon 3 Heavy Flamer, of which he tries to hide the fuel tank pack with a large overcoat.

Personality:Grim has an explosive temper and he hates sarcasm. He believes he is all brains and even more muscle, proving his intelligence by planning his escape from a maximum security prison on a moon base. He also is some what of a firebug, starting fires to cover up his crimes.


Grim earned his nickname "The Reaper" by fighting in an underground fight club on Thuldan Prime and reaping the rewards from winning every fight. His opponents said that hitting Grim was like puching a brick wall. After several years of fighting, he "aquired" the club as the previous own slipped in the bath tub and broke his spine in five different places. After seeing how the underground worked, Grim spawned into several other illegal businesses. Using his intellect and his muscle, he became big, too big. His reputation grew so much that the Prime Minister of Thuldan Prime took a personal interest into stopping him and sent the Thuldan Special Forces after him. After a few years of cat and mouse, they finally captured him alive, but the battle field that was left was unbelievable. Three major cities lie in radiational ruins (Grim set off 3 tactical nukes in an attempt to kill the current Prime Minister, of which he killed five of them before he was finally apprehended).

He was sent to maximum security prison on a hidden moon base, but after just 4 months had devised a plan and escaped with a freighter. Concord has tracked his current where abouts to somewhere in the verge and they have learned that he is starting to rebuild his former underground empire. If anyone has seen or heard from Grim call the Concord Criminal Hotline (CCH) immediately, or you might not live very long.

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