In 1998, the voters of Tehachapi passed bond measure A which provided the funding to construct a new high school (original concept pictured above) on Dennison Road. The new campus will be constructed on a 63 acre lot and will have the capacity to serve 2,200 students. The original projected opening date of the new high school was August 2002; it has been moved up to the beginning of the 2003-04 school year (late August 2003). The projected cost of the new school is nearly $40 million dollars. The cost of the project is to be equally shared by the State of California and the residents of Tehachapi.

The current high school on Anita Drive (pictured above) first opened its doors in 1965. The first graduating class at the new high school had less than 100 students. Over the years, the school enrollment at the high school has increased to over 1,400 students and facilities have become crowded. The class of 2001 had roughly 300 graduates.
The table below illustrates the growth of Tehachapi High School over the years. The growth of the school in the 1980's enabled the athletic teams to dominate Desert-Inyo League play --- specifically in the major sports programs. In the early 1990's, the school left the high desert (CIF Southern Section) and joined the much more competitive South Sequoia League located in the San Joaquin Valley (CIF Central Section).
History of Tehachapi High School Enrollment
| Enrollment | League | CIF Section |
1930 | 35 | Sierra | Central |
1940 | 110 | Sierra | Central |
1950 | 130 | Sierra | Central |
1960 | 290 | Desert-Inyo | Southern |
1970 | 440 | Desert-Inyo | Southern |
1980 | 600 | Desert-Inyo | Southern |
1990 | 1,000 | Desert-Inyo | Southern |
2000 | 1,400 | South Sequoia | Central |