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The Great Larva Page

... sexy boy II...

Beat this Otakon ;p bee dah

Nipple Van!

... Van...

Just check him out! He's Nipple Van! Where can you find a better irl Van than the one right here? Check him out in the main gallery to find more pictures of this sexy boy!

Sinister... is sexy!

... darth sidious...

Yes... Sexy Boy Darth Sidious from Star Wars graced Anime Expo's presens by visiting! Whoa, doesn't he just look so evil, mysterious, and sexy?

Look!  Larva-chan!

... Shinma ...

... the very dark, and very bishoonen Larva from Vampire Princess Miyu posing with Miyu. Isn't that just such a perfect Larva if you've seen one? ^_~ *gets a huge head due to her ego inflating* Well... if I grew 2 feet...

Itekure!  A Ken Hidaka!

... Ken Hidaka...

... the sexiest Weiss Kruetz boy... Ken Hidaka who's just so cool! Yet another female cosplayer who chose a very sexy boy and succeeded very well. ^_^

Wai wai!  Youji Youji!

... Youji Kudou...

Sugoi! A third Weiss Kreutz bad boy! Even though it is another female cosplayer. ^_^ Why do they all have to be girls??? ;_;

Yatta!  Ken on Vacation!

... Ken on Vacation...

Is it me or are the guys in bathrobes known as "the sex"? ^_~v This guy was really cool cause he played along with us and our weird story! This guy is total stalking material! Lucky him he has three small girls doing it... two which are very cute! *the Rinoa and Merle off course!*

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