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This fic is untitled and unfinished. I wrote this while on a road trip but by the time my turn at driving was over I'd lost the inspiration. I'm not sure who the other character was originally but I'm willing to take suggestions.

Codes: Voy K/?

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Everything but "Dream Lover" belongs to Paramount. No money is being made so please don't sue me.


Harry Kim woke slowly. He blinked several times to clear the sleep from his eyes. He moved to roll over, then froze with a groan. He was stuck to the sheet. Again.

His eyes closed and a blush crept up his neck. Dream hands and lips moved over him again. Arousal flooded him, but even more powerful was a sense of being loved and protected.

Harry opened his eyes. He frowned as he peeled himself free. Rolling onto his back, he stared at the stars streaking by. He sighed. What was it about this dream that had so much power over him?

He’d been having it for three years. It wasn’t the same dream, but always the same person. The same man. He’d never had that kind of relationship. As the dreams increased in frequency, he’d thought about it, a lot.

Twice he’d decided that was what the dreams were about. When he’d sat down to choose who to approach, though, he’d felt guilt, almost as if he were cheating on his dream lover.

His frown deepened. His eyes narrowed in concentration. The man in the dream was… tall… muscular… strong? His eyes were…. His hands were…. His lips were… sensual?

With a growl, he threw himself out to bed. Out of habit, he started a cold shower. He usually woke up shortly after the dream ready for another round. He didn’t like the take things into his own hands, because that too felt like cheating.

With a savage, twist he turned the water temperature to just before scalding hot. He muttered, “How can I cheat on a man I can’t even remember? A man who doesn’t exist?”

Gently, despite the anger and frustration within him, he began to fondle himself. Ruthlessly, he kept his mind off fantasizing. It had been a long time since anything sexual wasn’t related to the dream.

Just as he was really getting into it, he closed his eyes. Suddenly, the hands on him were HIS. The pleasure doubled, instantly.

Then he heard the voice, whispering in his ear. “Come, Harry. I want you to come for me.”

He obeyed. It was almost as good as the dreams. Then he opened his eyes. The realization that he was alone hit him like at sledgehammer.

He sank down to the floor. Water pounded down on his head, but it didn’t hide the fact that he was sobbing.

That was the problem. He could remember every detail of the dreams except the man. He wanted to know who he was. He wanted to be able to make his dreams a reality.

He raised his hand to wipe his face. Images from the dreams came back to him. Most of them were average but some could only be described as kinky. Still others disturbed him, but he knew if his dream lover ever appeared and asked him, he’d do them and more.

Harry let out a bitter laugh. He was in love with a man that didn’t exist outside his imagination.

- Part 2 -
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