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Title: Energy

Author: Ty and Yelsi

Rating: PG-13

Codes: GP/WC (gel pack/warp core), WC/O (warp core/other)

Summary: This is all Amiroq’s fault. Challenge response.

Note: Maybe because it’s 2 am, but this was just f***ing hilarious. And no don’t ask where this came from.


Pulsing is a very, very good thing.

And he’s just so beautiful when he pulses… All that power and combustion so expertly controlled.

Oh, the other gel packs think I’m crazy but I think pulsing is just so…. SEXY.

Damn, I’m leaking again.

Maybe that nice Klingon will take me down and put me next to him while she “repairs” me. I love it when I am “repaired.” It’s such a better view of my WC…

Hmm, then again there’s nothing like a sudden jump to warp speed and all the energy is flowing throw me, in me, around me, above me. And all because of him….

Oh, Warp Core, how I love thee! Let me count the ways.


I don’t know what it is with that crazy gel pack. It’s always sending me these love read-outs…

“Pulse for me, baby!”

Oh, please.

Not that she’s not a nice gel pack, but I just… I like being with pieces of machinery.

In fact, B’Elanna has a phaser drill I’ve had my eye on. And I know she wants me. I just need to make my move.

That’s right, baby. Come to papa.


I can’t believe he did it with that slut of a drill. I just….

How could he do this to me! I loved him and he stepped all over my bio-neural core as if it were cosmic dust on Voyager’s outer hull.

I thought he was different! I thought I was special to him!

But no, I’m just one of his harem. Well, if he thinks he’s gonna “go to warp” like nothing happened any time soon he’s got another thing coming.

Feedback loops are a bitch.


“Captain, I can’t seem to reroute power passed gel pack number 437. I can’t remove it either.”

“What does this mean?”

“We’re dead in the water. The warp core’s essentially off-line.”

“Any explanation?”

“No, ma’am. But Vorik seems to think it has something to do with my new phaser drill.”
