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Title: Waking Joy

By: T'Yanna

Rating: Nc-17

Pairing: SS/?

Spoilers: All books, nothing specific.

Disclaimer: Not mine, making no money. I'm just enjoying playing in a way to fun universe. No infringement intended.

Summary: A celebration takes a turn for the better.


He lay awake staring at the wall he could barely see in the fading firelight. Even though it was the middle of the night, his mind refused to stop, to rest. He sighed.

The hand on his stomach petted him softly and the body behind him moved closer as if to offer comfort. He tensed. His companion merely petted him again and he forced himself to relax. His companion nuzzled his hair but settled deeply asleep within seconds, never really having woken up.

In the silence of his companion's steady breathing, Severus Snape's mind screamed at him. "This is what happens when you don't think!" Unfortunately, his conscience agreed with his mind. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to regret what had happened the night before.

It had been graduation and the usual celebration began. However this year had been different in that there was the extra joy of Voldemort's final defeat. Severus knew that the graduates most deeply involved, Potter, Weasley, Granger and Malfoy (who had turn against his father and told Dumbledore everything he knew or had overheard), had a strong need to relax and let go of the agitation of the past few months. All of them did. That was why he said nothing about the firewhiskey in the punch. He even had a few butterbeers himself.

Severus almost never drank. He wasn't one who wanted to loose control. Still he was far from drunk when he decided to leave the party. The revelry and drunken thank-you's he'd gotten now that his role as spy was public knowledge had grated on his nerves.

He was, however, buzzed enough not to notice that he'd been followed until he reached his door. He swung around to confront that person when he found himself pinned to the door being kissed like he'd never been before. Severus wasn't sure how they got in his quarters and to his bed chamber. All that he knew was he'd never felt so desired and the when his lover whispered that he was beautiful, he actually believed it. It didn't even matter to him that he was tumbling naked into bed with a student, another man, an attraction he'd kept deeply buried since his own days at Hogwarts.

Anything his lover wanted Severus gave eagerly. He didn't even bulk as he was eased onto his stomach. He wasn't bothered in the least to give up control. His lover was gentle and thorough and by the time he entered him, Severus was reduced to whimpers and begging.

For a man his age, it was over embarrassingly quick, but his lover didn't seem to mind. A small, cold part of Severus' heart reveled in the warmth and comfort of the embrace and gentle snuggle after his lover had cleaned them up. The gentle kiss on his forehead before his lover settled him in his arms to sleep had awakened emotions he'd thought long dead.

That more than anything had kept him from following his lover into dream. His mind rejected what Severus was feeling. It tried to rationalize it, but kept tripping over the logistics of it. How had he known about Severus' attraction to him? Severus had thought he'd hidden that from everyone even himself except in his dreams.

His mind flinched away form the memories of the erotic and romantic dreams that had plagued him the last two years. Instead it went back to rational. It was just a response to the best sexual experience of his life, admittedly no feat as Severus was painfully inexperienced for someone his age. That and the alcohol. It had relaxed his inhibitions. It was.... not much of an excuse.

Around and around it went. His mind fought to make sense. His conscience berated him for his lover's age. And his heart demanded that this was real and begged not to give it up.

At dawn finally emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted he fell asleep.


A moan woke him. Severus tensed. His companion, somewhere in the middle of the night his mind had convinced him to shy away from the word lover, was waking. Then the revulsion, regret and rejection would come.

He tried to harden his heart, but knew it wouldn't do much good. Much as he hated to admit it he wasn’t as unfeeling as most people though. At least he was good at hiding it.

Severus closed his eyes trying to decide if he should pretend to be asleep and let his companion slip away or try and blame it all on the alcohol. Judging from the second moan from behind him, it was at least true in part. Just not the part of why he'd let it happen.

He still hadn't decided when the arm on his stomach tightened in a hug. His companion nuzzled the hair away from his ear and began to nibble. Severus had never though of his ear as an erogenous zone before, but he found himself moaning at the sensation.

All too soon, the mouth left his ear and began to nip at his jaw. Severus turned his head into the caresses. A moment later he received a kiss that re-awoke all the feelings he'd spent the night trying to bury. It seemed to last hours, but Severus knew it would never be enough. His mind screamed at him to resist that as soon s his companion was fully awake, he'd get hurt.

Then the need for air broke through his thoughts. He pulled back reluctantly to find he'd somehow moved onto his back beneath his companion. His body reveled in the heat and texture of the all that skin against his. Even as Severus slowly raised his eyes to his companion’s face, he found himself shifting his legs to allow his companion to settle more deeply against him, their erection rubbing together.

Instead of rejection in the eyes above him, he found something he was scared to name. Severus watched mystified as a smile grew on his companion's lips. "This is better than any hangover cure even you could brew."

He felt his brain stutter and then leap into action. He knew who Severus was and was happy about it! A joy like he hadn't felt since some long ago time in his childhood bloomed in his chest.

Severus returned his companion's, his lover's, kiss eagerly, his fingers clutching his head and tangling in his hair. his hips moved feverishly desperately against his lover as if to prove to his disbelieving mind that this was real. his lover seemed startled by his sudden fierceness, but didn't hesitate in meeting him move for move. His hands caressed Severus sides as if to calm him, but the concern only heightened his excitement.

Despite this, it lasted a long time. All the mental and emotional aspects of sex suddenly made sense. TO his surprise, the mere fact that he was with someone he... cared for and who seemed to car for him eclipsed even the amazing physical sensation. He sighed at every rub of his body against his lover. He couldn't take his eyes off the passion filled _expression above him. It was like some sort of secret fantasy come to life only better. Only real.

He didn't even care that he was almost out of control, that his hands were clutching and his hips jerking desperately. He wasn't all that surprised when he came before hi lover and only slightly embarrassed. He was almost glad in that he could watch his lover's face. He refused to look at his emotions surfacing at the realization that he could make anyone feel like that.

Severus was more concerned with trying to get his arms to unlock from around his lover's shoulders and fingers from his hair. Their hearts and breathing had slowed before he finally managed it. The hands however only made it far enough to rest on his shoulders.

They clutched at his lover when he moved, but he only shifted far enough to reach his wand from the robe dangling from the nearest bedpost. With a quick word he cleaned them both and settled back on top of Severus before tossing his wand onto the bedside table.

"Better?" he whispered softly. Severus found himself blushing for the first time in ages. He looked away only to have his burning cheek cupped. The gentle but insistent pressure turned his face back and he raised his eyes. His lover opened his mouth again to speak. "Sev..."

"Ronald Weasley!" The bedchamber door bounced off the wall with a thud that would’ve woke the whole castle. Except, of course, for the fact that the whole castle seemed to be on the other side of the door, with Molly Weasley right in front. "How dare you take advantage of poor Mr. Snape at such an emotional time?!"

Too stunned to move, Severus watched as Albus and Arthur Weasley manhandled Molly out of the way and closed the door.

His eyes flew to his lover's face. Ron gave an embarrassed laugh. He leaned down to kiss Severus and whispered against hie lips, "Guess I'll have to make and honest man of you now."

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