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One of my favorite things about the interface on the main page is that the link to this page is right on top. This is a page about me, not that I'm all that interesting. *shrug*

I suppose we should start out with the basics. I'm 5'1/2" with red hair and blue or green eyes depending on what I'm wearing and glasses. I'm not going to tell y'all what I weigh but I'm honest enought to say I'm on the fat side. I'm 19 and a twin. I am a sophomore in college (I'm not saying where 'cause I'm thinking of transfering again) studying history. (I haven't declare it yet but I FINALLY decided!)

Sonique my alterego, (who knew a twin needs one?) shows herself in my political views. I'm a Democrat, just so I can vote in the primaries, and somewhat embarrassed to admit it. I'm pro-choice, pro-hunting, pro-gay rights, anti-drugs (not that I think the Drug Wars done anything), an environmentalist and for free-trade.

I guess you'd say that I'm a combination of Mid-Western values and a little liberal rebellion. I'm also very out spoken, but I do try not to offend, usually. I take the things I'm passionate about very seriously, sometimes too much so. Besides the issues above I love Star Trek, historical novels (in any genre), Star Wars, SCI FI in general, most animals (that excludes my sister's cat -- I'm strictly a dog person) and astrology.

My Hometown

I'm showing off just how much of a hick that I am. I found the homepage of the museum back home today and thought I might as well let whoever drops by see Newell's clame to fame. More sheep per capita than anywhere in North America. The population is officially just above 700, but I think that some of the Census folks counted the mice. I guess that it's like any small town in the midwest. Everybody knows everything that you ever did and you know everthing they do, whether you want to or not. It's just something you learn to live with. Sometimes it's nice to be recoginzed by the people you meet on the street, though.

Still, I'm not sure whether they just want some juicy peice of gossip or if they really care. Probably, both. *shrug*

Click for Rapid City, South Dakota Forecast Click for Des Moines, Iowa Forecast

The Black Hills

My hometown isn't too far from the Black Hills of South Dakota. I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. You go a little stir crazy. I must say that even though there's not much to do when you're a kid out in the boonies it is a good way to grow up. I'm not saying it's for everyone but at least back home you always had a pretty view. I suppose most people would say I'm a hick and
after living here in Des Moines (I went to school there one year), which isn't much of a city, size wise, I'd have to aggree with them. Still, you gotta love fresh air and dew on the grass at dawn or even the smell of fresh cut hay and great sunsets.
