The Best of DarkPsycho77 ************************** Topic: Castlevania and games started by DaGame007 --- From: GoodGame1 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:18:18 PM | Mark for Moderation DarkPsycho77 you need to stop being so lazy. get up of your computer chair and call walmart yourself. what is it DarkPsycho77? are you scared of the man on the telephone? scared the telephones gonna electricute you? LOL From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:19:55 PM | Mark for Moderation well game since u hate me so much no im not lazy my parents wont take me and my dad is on the phone alot From: ulanshad | Posted: 6/7/2001 8:33:58 PM | Delete this message ummmmm, If your dad is on the phone, how do you get on the internet all the time? log off, call wal-mart, and find out. --- *************************** Topic: a review started by DarkPsycho77 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/8/2001 9:04:24 PM | Mark for Moderation i have gba and 2 games this is a reveiw of it gba has great sound and the best graphics castlevania is ok but challenging and pinobee is fun but easy --- *************************** Topic: Holy (Word That Rhymes With Pit)! started by Giromen --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/8/2001 9:13:23 PM | Mark for Moderation i ahve gba and some game sthey have the best graphics --- *************************** Topic: want info on gba ask here started by DarkPsycho77 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:49:24 PM | Mark for Moderation want info on gba post here From: Valentino da Legend | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:51:34 PM | Mark for Moderation How many simultaneous colors can show up in bitmap mode? From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:53:21 PM | Mark for Moderation look it up thats how u can find it your welcome --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:55:27 PM | Mark for Moderation i did help him i said look it up now whos the idiot --- From: Valentino da Legend | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:10:01 PM | Mark for Moderation *Stand up proudly* I think we scared him off for 3 minutes! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:12:34 PM | Mark for Moderation i wouldent say that --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:22:33 PM | Mark for Moderation y do u think im 7 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:25:14 PM | Mark for Moderation i can type 200 words a minute From: shafer6 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:26:25 PM | Mark for Moderation You might be able to type 200 words, but will it mean anything? Everything you say is garbage. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:27:10 PM | Mark for Moderation if it was garbage i would be taking out the trash --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:28:25 PM | Mark for Moderation u can think what u want --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:34:30 PM | Mark for Moderation i was on the pot no what did i miss --- From: CVXFREAK | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:35:57 PM | Mark for Moderation ANSWER THIS QUESTION: 4 - (-4) + 5 - 3 From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:40:34 PM | Mark for Moderation answer is 2 From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:40:56 PM | Mark for Moderation the answer is 2 From: CVXFREAK | Posted: 6/7/2001 7:41:46 PM | Mark for Moderation NO, THE ANSWER IS 10. HAHAHAHA! --- ******************** Topic: DarkPsycho77 has left this board started by chiizu --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:13:59 PM | Mark for Moderation ya got jealous From: Kaboobi | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:15:42 PM | Mark for Moderation AHHHHHH! DarkPsycho77!!! Everyone hide, maybe he'll get bored and leave... From: GoodGame1 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:15:59 PM | Mark for Moderation [This message was deleted by a GameFAQs Moderator] From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:17:07 PM | Mark for Moderation oh no im a monster yall have problems From: GoodGame1 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:25:38 PM | Mark for Moderation [This message was deleted by a GameFAQs Moderator] From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:29:19 PM | Mark for Moderation i wouldent be talkin your asking questions to From: Kaboobi | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:31:14 PM | Mark for Moderation What are you trying to say DP77? From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:33:31 PM | Mark for Moderation goodgame and would yall just stop making fun of me From: Silver Scizor | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:36:56 PM | Mark for Moderation You deserve it with all the crap you've been saying. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:38:10 PM | Mark for Moderation not really now all of u should cause im just asking ?s and i wouldent mess with me to much i have some connections From: Silver Scizor | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:46:19 PM | Mark for Moderation yea, connections, righttttttttttttttttttttttt...... From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 6:48:01 PM | Mark for Moderation want me to use those ******************************** Topic: I'm... so... happy... started by Earthshaker --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:36:17 PM | Mark for Moderation i already have so stop bragging From: ANTYaz925 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:40:32 PM | Mark for Moderation Actually, Dark, YOU are bragging, since you mention you have a GBA on every post you make here. Just a little info I thought was worth mentioning. :) From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:00:03 PM | Mark for Moderation u can think what ever u want From: ANTYaz925 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:00:40 PM | Mark for Moderation Can someone say SPELLCHECK!? From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:02:00 PM | Mark for Moderation anty i can say spell check y u caint From: ANTYaz925 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:03:17 PM | Mark for Moderation why* you* can't* How can I not say "spellcheck"? I just said it. Can you please speak grammatically correct? From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:04:14 PM | Mark for Moderation hey smart 1 u dident say it u typed it From: ANTYaz925 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:05:25 PM | Mark for Moderation smart* one* you* didn't* Geeze, spellcheck on GameFAQS MB's should be mandatory, not an option. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:07:28 PM | Mark for Moderation well i reall y did say it and hey spell check is for sissys From: ANTYaz925 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:08:52 PM | Mark for Moderation If spellcheck is for "sissys" then not spelling right must be for losers, no? Really, just stop embarassing yourself with that spelling. Besides, it's pointless and immature to argue on an MB. I'm done. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:10:56 PM | Mark for Moderation a sissy is a loser of course u know that cause its wrote on your head From: Qax | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:13:30 PM | Mark for Moderation *written not wrote --- [This signature was deleted by a GameFAQs moderator for high sexual nature] From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:15:40 PM | Mark for Moderation i can type what ever i want oh ya just to ya your lil message at the bottom of your messages r being dleted From: Qax | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:17:37 PM | Mark for Moderation whats wrong with my sig? --- [This signature was deleted by a GameFAQs moderator for high sexual nature] From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:18:49 PM | Mark for Moderation i dont know what is says but gamefaqs is deleting it From: Hydro Chocobo | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:06:58 PM | Mark for Moderation Darkone... you truly are an idiot.... that IS his sig. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:08:43 PM | Mark for Moderation u r to From: Hydro Chocobo | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:11:08 PM | Mark for Moderation WTF??? I will call you Darkone until you can spell right. From: Hydro Chocobo | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:12:19 PM | Mark for Moderation [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:13:13 PM | Mark for Moderation y do u careeeee how i spell doessss thiss tick u offfffff From: Hydro Chocobo | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:14:39 PM | Mark for Moderation [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] From: dmbf5guster | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:15:26 PM | Mark for Moderation [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] From: Hydro Chocobo | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:15:45 PM | Mark for Moderation No, it makes me laugh. From: Lunchlady Doris | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:16:46 PM | Mark for Moderation Hydro, as far as I know, you can completely delete all traces of a message if there are no more after it, which is why the Hi post is gone. And Dark.. thanks for the laugh. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:20:54 PM | Mark for Moderation your welcome happi to give u a laugh From: ulanshad | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:46:39 PM | Delete this message I should have marked DarkPsycho 2 days ago when he posted "what iz ur im sn" on about 15 topics... --- Estoy Conejo Diablo. USN - **************************** Topic: yahooooooooooooooo lol?????????????? started by DarkPsycho77 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 8:57:03 PM | Mark for Moderation this topic is only gba if anything else u will be in trouble --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 9:02:08 PM | Mark for Moderation maybe i havent played alot of bomber man games From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 9:05:08 PM | Mark for Moderation what 3 games should i get im thinking castlevania chu chu rocket and super mario advance --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 9:11:35 PM | Mark for Moderation never herd of them --- ******************************* Topic: about that four game thing for the gba games started by DarkPsycho77 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:26:50 PM | Mark for Moderation if u biye 4 gameboy games and sell them for 1 gba game thats stupid u should keep the four games then u would have more to play From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:29:49 PM | Mark for Moderation post --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:31:40 PM | Mark for Moderation well a game thats $ 40 u should wait for and get something cheaper like n64 was $200 now ive seen it for $ 60 at walmart From: RTYPE | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:31:45 PM | Mark for Moderation you are correct From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:33:19 PM | Mark for Moderation i still dont agree i think every 1 wants it so bad that there goin to mess up From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:34:55 PM | Mark for Moderation post away From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:37:31 PM | Mark for Moderation post plz --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:46:18 PM | Mark for Moderation dont do it From: SpiritualMachines | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:48:11 PM | Mark for Moderation Do what? From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:50:31 PM | Mark for Moderation the 4 for 1 deal its not a good deal think about it From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:53:28 PM | Mark for Moderation every 1 if i where yall i wouldent do that 4 for 1 deal From: SpiritualMachines | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:53:29 PM | Mark for Moderation To me it is, I could probably buy 4 games for about $10-$20 and GBA games cost $50-$70 so it is a good deal in my opinion. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:55:06 PM | Mark for Moderation well if u could biye 4 game boy games real cheap then biye them but the gba games will go down like the n64 was $200 noy ive seeen it for $60 at walmart From: Hinkbert | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:57:13 PM | Mark for Moderation You're not the smartest knife in the drawer are you Dark? Anyway why isn't it smart to trade 4 old crummy games? Tell me that. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:58:45 PM | Mark for Moderation well u may want them back and u dont know for sure that your plan will work plus the games will go down From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:00:59 PM | Mark for Moderation post post post away away away From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:02:59 PM | Mark for Moderation plz post me bored From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:08:59 PM | Mark for Moderation posta --- From: Giromon | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:23:32 PM | Mark for Moderation Dude, shut up DARK. People can do whatever they want with their money. If they think it's a good deal, then let them think that. And if they wait till it's cheap and OLD, then everyone else would be bragging that they have it. And how long did it take for N64 to go down to $60? Oh ya, 4 YEARS!!!! If they want to wait that long to buy a game that came out at luanch date, then they might as get a new one because the one they wanted would be outdated and probably have sequals. Oh, learn how to spell. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:24:34 PM | Mark for Moderation your friend is crazy in the head but u lucky duck From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:26:55 PM | Mark for Moderation hey giromon i saw n64 for that much a year after it came out nad im not letting u talk to me like that on y postings --- From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:27:20 PM | Mark for Moderation here's an idea buy some old games that you already have for really cheap then you won't feel bad about trading them in and you can get games really cheap and you don't have to wait! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:28:34 PM | Mark for Moderation ive herd that idea alot ok im sick of that idea From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:29:13 PM | Mark for Moderation why it's a good idea? From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:30:51 PM | Mark for Moderation besides don't you remeber how it was like a year before the price of wave race 64 went down form $70 to $50 From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:31:26 PM | Mark for Moderation it is but the game will go down in 2 months and your biyeing games that u can sell on e bay for a higher price From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:32:53 PM | Mark for Moderation if your getting them for like $2 like me then you can't get $40 to buy a gba game from selling them on e-bay!, plus you'ld have to wait too long! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:35:20 PM | Mark for Moderation well no u wouldent cause u caint get them to oction it off in 30mins and a 2 doller game u could sell for 30$ on ebay 4 games =120$ wich = 4 game boy advance games From: Valentino da Legend | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:37:01 PM | Mark for Moderation Seriously Dark, what grade are you in? Your spelling and grammar is horrendous. --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:37:48 PM | Mark for Moderation postaaa --- From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:38:25 PM | Mark for Moderation who the hell would pay $30 for a game boy game? a lot of new game boy color games don't even cost that much! maybe you would buy them but i'm pretty sure no one else is that stupid! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:40:06 PM | Mark for Moderation well like u said there old some may not be sold in stores any more and some peolpe could be lookin for them From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:42:19 PM | Mark for Moderation ok maybe thats possable, but a lot of stores sell old games that people trade in. still the most someone would pay would be like $10! and you'ld have to wait a week to get the money! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:44:09 PM | Mark for Moderation remember u can get it done in 30 mins From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:46:49 PM | Mark for Moderation if you only had the bid up for 30 minutes you would only get like $5 at the most because it wouldn't be on long enough for a lot of people to find it, then you have to wait for the winner to send you the money! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:48:30 PM | Mark for Moderation have u herd of phoning money and u can start the bid at price From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:50:51 PM | Mark for Moderation still you'ld have to hope that the small handfull of people, if anyone, who are willing to pay even $5 for the game you have are searching for it within the half hour that you have the bidding up! --- From: chiizu | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:55:06 PM | Mark for Moderation Dark- Your proposition is completely laughable. With all this time on your hands to buy old games and sell them on eBay for $10, why don't you just get a job? I think that the idea of buying 4 old games for $10 and getting a GBA game is a great idea and I applaud the person who came up with that idea. Gaming isn't like a collecting business, games lose value over time. I am going to get a job over the summer to pay for my habit which is, admittedly expensive. Meanwhile, why don't you keep your ideas to yourself and go buy an Atari 2600, I hear they are selling for about $10 these days. --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:56:54 PM | Mark for Moderation well i dont need the money From: fred3 | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:57:07 PM | Mark for Moderation thank you cheese god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: chiizu | Posted: 6/6/2001 7:58:08 PM | Mark for Moderation Then don't tell us about all your selling old games on eBay business, we don't want to hear it. --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:03:29 PM | Mark for Moderation have fun at dinner time From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:04:59 PM | Mark for Moderation c ya From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:11:43 PM | Mark for Moderation posto --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:17:53 PM | Mark for Moderation i have gba too From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:22:18 PM | Mark for Moderation how was dinner From: Hydro Chocobo | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:33:35 PM | Mark for Moderation DP77, is that name a reflection of your real life? From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:39:40 PM | Mark for Moderation no y its yours --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:53:30 PM | Mark for Moderation plzo posto plzo okao From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:56:48 PM | Mark for Moderation hydro r u there do u ahve a sn From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:02:18 PM | Mark for Moderation im out keep on posting From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:17:50 PM | Mark for Moderation yahoooooo From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:22:45 PM | Mark for Moderation plz post my goal is to have the most post yahoooo postaa From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:28:17 PM | Mark for Moderation post on america From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:46:29 PM | Mark for Moderation will u peeps post From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:59:14 PM | Mark for Moderation yahoooooooooooooo --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 10:15:58 PM | Mark for Moderation when will all of yall lern From: Hydro Chocobo | Posted: 6/6/2001 10:40:06 PM | Mark for Moderation When will we learn? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 10:41:16 PM | Mark for Moderation ya when --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/7/2001 8:50:04 PM | Mark for Moderation postaaaaa plzooooa --- ****************************************** Topic: Super Mario Advance = Mario All-Stars started by Valentino da Legend --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/3/2001 5:22:48 PM | Mark for Moderation do any of u have yahoo msn aim instant messenger if u do post your sn --- ****************************************** Topic: people is tony hawk 2 going to be the same as the play station 1 started by DarkPsycho77 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 10:01:49 PM | Mark for Moderation is tony hawk 2 goin to be the same as the play station 1 From: Twist Of Fate HB | Posted: 6/6/2001 10:05:32 PM | Mark for Moderation No it does not turn angles (see in frot of you) you see it from 1 angle From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 10:07:31 PM | Mark for Moderation yo k thanxxxxxx --- *************************************** Topic: i have need advice started by DarkPsycho77 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 5:59:29 PM | Mark for Moderation i already have gameboy advance and i need to know what 2 games i should get and whats casltevania and cirlce of the moon --- From: Silver Scizor | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:50:25 PM | Mark for Moderation Umm for someone with your level of intellegence dark, I would get Elmo's Number Counting adventure to brush up on the basics. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:52:21 PM | Mark for Moderation so your getting that From: Silver Scizor | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:53:04 PM | Mark for Moderation nope From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:55:25 PM | Mark for Moderation u just typed that and if im so dumb then how come i dont c u with a topic that has over 50 post From: Silver Scizor | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:58:12 PM | Mark for Moderation OH NO!! I don't have a topic with FIFTY WHOLE posts!!! Now i guess I'll never live up to my idol of darkpsycho.... (note the HEAVY sarcasm) From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 8:59:30 PM | Mark for Moderation whats the deal with u u r crazy in the head From: Twist Of Fate HB | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:29:26 PM | Mark for Moderation you shuld leve or people will crack on you From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:31:15 PM | Mark for Moderation what u mean From: TTCFCL | Posted: 6/6/2001 9:43:04 PM | Mark for Moderation crack on you... right. --- ************************************ Topic: what is casltevania started by DarkPsycho77 --- From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:06:04 PM | Mark for Moderation what is casltevania --- From: Twinkie | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:06:54 PM | Mark for Moderation I have a question: What is a caslte? From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:08:19 PM | Mark for Moderation answer me first --- From: Valentino da Legend | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:10:31 PM | Mark for Moderation Castlevania is the 51st state into the Union. Pennsylvania was split up in to two seperate states. One is Pennsylvania, the other is Castlevania. Damn you Bush! From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:10:56 PM | Mark for Moderation ok thanx whats chu chu rocket From: Valentino da Legend | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:14:12 PM | Mark for Moderation Now Chu Chu Rocket is a different story. NASA combined as space shuttle with a train, making transportation twice as fast. From: DarkPsycho77 | Posted: 6/6/2001 6:15:14 PM | Mark for Moderation thanx --- ********************************* OTHER INFO DarkPsycho77's AIM Profile: hi ya [name] how r u.did u know todays date is [date] and did u know the time is[time] well whoever reads this im me i love u crystal ********************************* An exclusive interview with DarkPsycho77: ulanshad : hey DarkPsycho, how do you like the "Best of DarkPsycho77" compilation I made? DarkPsycho77 : huh ulanshad : I made a compilation of your best GamneFAQs posts DarkPsycho77 : u did DarkPsycho77 : whats it clled ulanshad : "The best of DarkPsycho77" DarkPsycho77 : ill have to find it ulanshad : DarkPsycho77 : weirdo ulanshad : who? DarkPsycho77 : u ulanshad : why? DarkPsycho77 : your stalking me ulanshad : they're funny posts DarkPsycho77 : too u DarkPsycho77 : u sicko ulanshad : who is u? ulanshad : do you mean "you" DarkPsycho77 : r u some kind of sicko ulanshad : no DarkPsycho77 : then y u stalking me ulanshad : I'm not DarkPsycho77 : yes u r ulanshad : stalking is the physical following of a person DarkPsycho77 : thats what u doin ulanshad : but I havn't left my chair DarkPsycho77 : u dont have to to stalk ulanshad : to... ulanshad : I MADE A SHRINE OF YOU!!! ulanshad : DarkPsycho77 : I DONT CARE U STALKER ulanshad : You are ulanshad : You are now the "USN Idiot of the Momment" ulanshad : be proud ulanshad : did you block me?!?!? (DarkPsycho did.... enter name no. 2) zeLlamaMAN: hi DarkPsycho! DarkPsycho77: AND WHO MIGHT U BE zeLlamaMAN: I'm a fan of yours! DarkPsycho77: WAR zeLlamaMAN: war? DarkPsycho77: YA DarkPsycho77: WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR zeLlamaMAN: what??? zeLlamaMAN: absolutly nothing? zeLlamaMAN: hey, I saw you at a webpage zeLlamaMAN: you're famous DarkPsycho77: YA I DONT CARE zeLlamaMAN: why? DarkPsycho77: WAR GOOD GOD YA zeLlamaMAN: you are the USN Idiot of the Momment zeLlamaMAN: arn;t you proud? DarkPsycho77: SHUT UP zeLlamaMAN: who? zeLlamaMAN: why do you hate everyone??? DarkPsycho77: I DONT DarkPsycho77: BUT I HATE PEOPLE LIKE U zeLlamaMAN: why do you hate me zeLlamaMAN: do you know you arn't that popular on the GameFAQs message board? zeLlamaMAN: people there regard you as an idiot DarkPsycho77: WELL I DONT GIVE A DAMN zeLlamaMAN: why do you spell so much better on IM then on the message board? DarkPsycho77: CAUS EI DONT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK zeLlamaMAN: why did you block ulanshad? DarkPsycho77: Y DO U CARE zeLlamaMAN: i dont know DarkPsycho77: SO DONT ASK zeLlamaMAN: ulanshad made a webpage honoring you as an idiotm, you should thank him zeLlamaMAN: I'm his assistant editor at the webpage DarkPsycho77: I DONT CARE DarkPsycho77: LEAVE ME ALONE zeLlamaMAN: come on, be friendly zeLlamaMAN: you should be a comedian DarkPsycho77: YA WHAT EVER zeLlamaMAN: that whole "spellchecks are for sissys" was great zeLlamaMAN: and when you thought Qax's signeture was deleted by Game Faqs, that was great too zeLlamaMAN: and when you thought it was a bad idea to trade in crappy old GB games for a GBA game, that was WORLD CLASS DarkPsycho77: I DONT CARE DarkPsycho77: THINK I CARE I DONT DarkPsycho77: BUG SOME 1 ELSE zeLlamaMAN: you obviously do DarkPsycho77: NO I DONT SO FUCK OFF zeLlamaMAN: you argued about those things forever DarkPsycho77: BITCH zeLlamaMAN: U R DarkPsycho77: U R DAMN DarkPsycho77: BLOCKIN U BIYE zeLlamaMAN: ok zeLlamaMAN: bye-o (enter name no. 3...) ByeO MrSaturn: wassup? DarkPsycho77: WHO R U ByeO MrSaturn: why are you blocking me? ByeO MrSaturn: im runningout of names man (thus concludes my interview with DP77) ********************************** 2001 Ulan Shad Networks