The "Wisdom" of Sweet Mongoose
Alec Miller is a pansy
- On Friday December 23, 2000 Alec Miller decided to throw my papers on the floor and call me “Marcus the carcass”. Well did I have something to show that little pansy. I followed him up to the front of the room and said, “Hey you stupid a** f***** me and you right now. I attempted to hit him in the chest. This was going to be a pretty hard punch, but Alec moved and I just nicked his shoulder. He fell back about 5 feet and tumbled over a chair and knocked over two desks. I just put my head back and laughed. Alec was taught a lesson for once in his life. He is a pansy.
Brittany Spears
- Wow she has big a** tits. It seems every time I see her on stage or on the television she has bigger tits. Damn woman be happy, you just keep making yourself look more and more like a prostitute. One of these days when your getting your tits inflated they are just going to run out of room to put the silicon. If you ever fell off a boat you would float automatically because all the silicon you have in your body.
Comments or questions? 1998-2002, Ulan Shad Holdings Co.