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Got Tree Huggers???

Remember when People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals started the Got Beer? campaign, where they encouraged college students across america to drink beer instead of milk, because milk is more dangerous (and because college students dont drink enough beer, and too much milk). Well, i sure do! And I recently looked into it to see if it was still happnin' by looking into it at the peta webpage (which i will not link, as i HATE THEM), and i noticed this:

UPDATE! Out of respect for concerns brought to PETA by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), PETA is pulling the "Got Beer?" Campaign materials from college campuses...
ahhh, but HERE is the kicker
...notwithstanding the enormously positive response from college students.
.....really? you mean that college student reacted POSITIVLY to being encouraged to drink beer on a regular basis instead of milk??? WELL SH*T MAN!!!

Keep in mind that peta ran this campaign at colleges across the country with most students under the legal drinking age of 21? (you know, Freshmen, Sophmores, and most juniors).

Another neato thing is that apparently peta tried to buy madd off, by donating 500$, which madd returned. peta didn't like being pushed around by respectable orginization so they sent a nice reply, some points of which are: Madd is just picking on peta as an 'easy target', that they are against milk for ethical reasons whereas alcohol is legal in america (so is milk, duh!), that madd should focus on 'more productive avenues' such as alcohol companies sponsorship of sporting events (but those ads dont say "Drink beer instead of Milk" do they???), and (and this is GOLD) "by returning contibutions from the people who work at peta, whereas you do not presumedly return donations from people who work at Budweiser or Coors, or even the National Rifle Association (cheap shot, no pun intended) or the Ku Klux Klan headquarters, you have allowed your predjudices regarding our humane (as in the thousands of kids who die of alcohol related deaths each year) agenda to let you refuse money(bribes) that madd could have used($500!!! OOOOOHHHHH) to help stop problem drinking."

The basic jist of all this is that MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING is a rascist, opportunistic, animal hating, murderous group that is just picking on the poor carrot-munching freaks of peta for their own personal gain.

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