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Here follows parts of an Internet fan question session with Dave, that I’m guessing occurred
 around mid 1996(?)

Q: Dave, could you tell us about your solo plans, touring with The Smithereens?

A: I’m involved in conversation with the band and they are very excited about it. We’re trying
 to put it together as soon as we can.

Q: What did you think of the way Ray described your relationship in X-Ray?

A: I tried to read it but I didn’t understand it. Are there any shrinks out there? By the way, 
my son’s new band is called ‘Shrink’.

Q: How do you feel about the Jolly Rancher Company using All Day and All of the Night?

A: I think the song sounds great on TV, but I don’t see how it’s going to encourage people
 to buy candy. Hopefully, it will encourage them to buy Kinks records.

Q: What has been the reaction to your “alien” revelations in KINK?

A: People either think I’ve totally lost it or they are fascinated and extremely 
interested by it.

Q: Would you attempt a one-man show / reading of your book when it comes out here?

A: I intend to do readings, but in book stores as well as to perform solo shows in theatres.

Q: Solo shows in theatres? I can see you rockin’ with the ‘Reens in rock clubs! That’s what we 

A: Rock clubs is what I meant!

Q: When will be the next big Kinks tour?

A: Early 1997 if I can manage to retrieve Ray from his own ***hole!
(There followed 
a long discussion about the structural beauty of the Davies brothers’ posterior protuberances, 
which culminates in...) haven’t seen mine close up! It’s a killer! Photos may be provided on request!

Q: What about those persistent rumours that Ray even addresses in his book? That he’s gay?

A: Ray’s never been gay, he’s been miserable!