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The story behind the picture...

After a truly wonderful show in Wilmington, DE, I rushed to the
gangplank that led off
the stage, the customary RDF Kollective bouquet in hand to give to Dave.
He spotted me with the flowers, smiled and gave me a huge hug and called
me a sweetheart.(BIG SIGH). 

In a flash of inspiration I asked if I could have my picture
taken with him. He said, "Sure !!" and put his arm around me.

Unfortunately, I got my fingers caught in his hair when I went to put my
arm around him and pulled his hair a bit. He laughed and said something
about me playing rough ! (I blushed I'm sure.) Right before the picture
was snapped he was playing with the back of my hair. He moved his hand
back to my shoulder just as the picture was being taken.

That's why I'm laughing so hard. That and I have this gorgeous man, whom
I have worshipped for years, holding me in his arms. (even BIGGER sigh

God save the Kink !

Leslie M. Ohanian