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Picture Page!

The first three pictures come from Leslie M. Ohanian. So she gets a big thank you from me!

This is a picture of Leslie with Dave in Wilmington, DE on 5/30/98, she says "I'm the one laughing my head off."

Click here to find out why Leslie is laughing so much...

Jennifer Christy-Vient also gets a big thank you for sending in these amazing pictures!

Click here for a picture of the artist.

These pictures are from Tony Spero. They were taken at a show at the Bottom Line. Click on an image to see it full size.

I'm putting the pictures donated by Bill Blackmon, from his site Kinks Alive!, on a seperate page.

Here is another picture from Leslie M. Ohanian, which she won on an Ebay auction. Thanks Leslie :-)

More pictures for the New Year! Thanks Leslie! :-)

If you wish to use any of these pictures, would you please contact me so I can make sure it is ok with the people who sent them. Thank you.