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This page is dedicated to the creator of a wonderful tarot and handbook:

Anne Franklin

 The Sacred Circle Tarot has inspired me many days and nights. 

The card that you are about to view, mirrors my soul and true self

Queen of Wands



Illumination - Queen of Wands


The card depicts a handsome, red-haired woman clad in a flame-colored dress. About her forehead, she wears a chaplet of marigold flowers and clasps a spear in her right hand. She is accompanied by her fox familiar, and together they await the midsummer dawn before the needfire.

The Symbolism

The Queen of Wands represents the stable dimensions of the element of fire. Here is the hearth fire that lies at the heart of the home, warming, welcoming, and nurturing. With her spear she is prepared to defend her domain with the ferocity of a vixen defending her cubs.

In this illustration, she has lit the midsummer needfire from her own hearth flame. In the past, all the people would gather at the solstice eve on the nearest hilltop and light the bonfires of oak to  encourage the sun to rise on the longest day at the zenith of its powers. The chain of fires and beacons could be seen blazing through the night across the country.

The Queen's animal familiar is the fox, an ancient inhabitant of Britain, cunning, wily, and clever enough to adapt to any environment, whether woodland, moorland, mountain, or even city. Very old foxes are said to have magical pearls of wisdom in their heads. The fox's red coat and its swiftness make it an emblem of fire and the sun. However, it is also a burrowing animal and a familiar guide to the Underworld, associated with the journey of the sun through the netherworld and its emergence at the winter solstice. The Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, are known "the light of the fox."

Divinatory Meanings

The fire of the Queen of Wands nourishes and sustains as it inspires. Hers is the illumination of faith and vision that comes from within and that cannot be dimmed or extinguished by external sources. But just as the hearth fire needs to be fed, so does the flame of the spirit. This card calls on you to sustain your vision and nurture your spirit. It is time to develop the qualities of independence, creativity, and warmth.

The influence of the Queen of Wands may make itself felt in your life in the form of an actual woman. She is friendly and warm, but forthright and even a bit bossy. With the Queen, what you see is what you get. She is completely open and straightforward and detests people who employ subtleties and tricks to what they want. Women who flutter their eyelashes and pretend helplessness earn her contempt. The Queen of Wands will tackle anything. Her home is always warm and welcoming and she rules it with a tireless energy and practical skill. Those whom she takes to her heart will find her a loyal and loving friend who provides both a strong shoulder to cry on and practical help in a crisis. Her strength does not derive from the perceptions or needs of others; she is completely independent, her will is strong, she is sure of who and what she is and arranges her world with a sure touch. She can be passionate, impulsive, and quick-tempered, though her rages never last long and she is incapable of holding a grudge. The Queen of Wands may be a successful career woman, as she is imaginative and creative, or she may focus her many talents on her home and children.

* Taken from "The Sacred circle tarot" - A Celtic Pagan Journey - By Anna Franklin *

Rev.: 09DEC00