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Lauren's Page

Hello and welcome to my wonderfully useless page!


NEW!!!Go to a map of's not as wierd as it sounds!!NEW

Hi. I'm Lauren.I'm Shelby's sister. She didn't think I was important enough to have my own address, I'm just a link, which is typical of older sisters. I'm am a 14 year old 8th grader. I like basketball, softball, volleyball, Cross Country and basically all sports. I like pretty much all subjects in school. I listen to anything that's on the radio. I like anything my mom cooks. Generally, I'm very versatile.




Thanks for coming to my page! Come back again, i don't have a guestbook so I can't do any of that "sign my guestbook" or "checkeck out my guest book." But if I did have on that would fill up this spot. Now you can just click here to go back to Shelby's page


I would like to give credit to the artist who drew the beautiful crayon drawing cloud background; she also designed this web page- hastily- but she got it done.