Title Tournaments
World Title 1988 World Title 1998 Intercontinental Title 1990 Intercontinental Title 1996
Intercontinental Title 1997 Intercontinental Title 1998 Tag Title 1995 Tag Title 1996
European Title 1997 Light Heavyweight Title 1997 Womens Title 1993 WWE Tag Title 2002

Miscellaneous Tournaments
Wrestling Classic Sam Muchnik Memorial Kuwaiti Cup 1996
Kuwaiti Cup 1997 Middle East Cup RAW tag team tournament
Brawl for All WWE Title contender tournament

King of the Ring Tournaments
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
non-televised KOTR tourneys 1985-1991

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Email: msatrang@hotmail.com