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<bgsound src="images/boopcmin.wav">

Betty says,
"Always remember 9/11/01."

Click here to meet the webmistress.

Click Here to Download
Click here to download Betty Boop's Free Photo Album.

It is a photo album with Betty Boop on the cover
and you fill the rest of the album with your own pictures.

Please sign my Guestbook!

Boop Boop De Boop!!!
Please leave your autograph in Betty's guestbook.

Don't be shy!!!
Please email your comments and questions.

Number of vistors since January 9, 2002.

This site is maintained and copyrighted © by:
Wanda Anderson/Nelson 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

The background set I created for this page is from free tubes I found on the internet.
The Betty Boop graphics are from cards I own of Betty. The background set is linkware.
If you use the set, please take along my logo for a link.
The linking address is
Please download graphics to your own server.
If you link to me, I would love to hear from you
so I can visit your site!!!

Betty Boop, Bimbo, Pudgy, and Koko are owned by, copyrighted by, and licensed trade marks of

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