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This site is maintained and copyrighted © by:
Wanda Anderson/Nelson 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

Welcome to Graphics by Tisha's Touch!!! You may use any of my graphics; please download and save them to your hard drive, right click and choose "save" or "save as". All I ask is that you please use one of my small logos that are located on the bottom of any of my pages. Please display it on the pages where you use my graphics, or if you use a Credits Page, please display it there ;) If you do not want to use the logos, please use a text link. Use of my graphics only requires a link back to me, but please do not use them on Porn, Hate, or Offensive Sites. This really is not to much to ask as it takes time to make free graphics for your enjoyment. To give a link back is a simple step. This is how to link back to me.... <a href=""> and choose one of my logos to link it with. When using a text link use these simple directions: <a href=""> Thank you so very much for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your visit!!! P.S. If you have any questions as to how to save graphics to your own server, or linking, please feel free to send me an email and I will be happy to answer your questions. Tisha

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