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This Betty Boop8 site

owned by Tisha.

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Betty Boop Webring!!
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Vintage Cartoons
Vintage Cartoons
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B☺☺P-aholics by hagnotes
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Betty Obsession
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ThisRingSurf Paw Prints On The Heart Net Ring
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All They Ask Is To Be Loved
They Should Never Suffer Abuse.
"BIG" Kisses To You From Them.
Put Your Paw Prints Here To Join.

Isn't there a dreamer in all of us?

Tisha is a Dreamer
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Isn't there a dreamer in all of us?

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This The Gemini Ringsite is owned byTisha.

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Graphics by KimbyLee Campbell

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Number of visitors since February 13, 2002.

This site is maintained and copyrighted © by:
Wanda Anderson/Nelson 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

Graphics were created by freeware clipart I found on the net.