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Yelsha's Optical Illusion Gallery

So you decided to try out your luck at my optic illusions? Here's a little something to wet your appetite.
If you're good at these, you'll have a blast. If you're not...well, it's not my fault if you don't have a good time.

The Galleries

Gallery 1--Beginner. Contains some of the classics. All have people themes.
Gallery 2--Intermediate. Not hard but you have to pay attention.
Gallery 3--Intermediate. They may take you a minute but these are my favorites.
Gallery 4--Intermediate/Difficult. Some are more difficult that others but not terribly .
Gallery 5--Difficult. Only in so far as you'll need some help. Don't worry, I've given hints and pointers.
Illusion Links--Some pages I looked at while putting this place together.
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