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Gallery 3

Are the longest lines parallel, or are they closer to each other at one end?

They look crooked but are not. Measure then holding pencils up to your monitor. They're really straight.

They can even look curved. But are not. Your brain is fooling around again. It got too many clues and got mixed up.

Follow the staircase around. Can you determine the lowest or highest step?

What happens when you go around in a clockwise direction?

What happens when you go around in a counter-clockwise direction?

Move your eyes around the image.

Does the circular middle section appear to separate from the rest of the figure?

Does it appear to be at a different depth and even move?

This scene depicts a larger man chasing a smaller man. Or does it?

The two men are absolutely identical.

What you see is not always what you perceive.

What is wrong with this figure?

At first it looks fine; a triangle in perspective.

Look at the corners and you begin so see that this is an impossible triangle.

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