Why Slash?
By Yelsha Wiles

You know, I never thought much about writing slash.  A couple of my Voyager friends wrote it and it was a great pastime.  Eventually I started doing it myself.  But then other friends asked “Why would you write that stuff?  I just don’t understand.”

So why do I write slash?  Is there something about me that makes slash interesting to me?  Not anymore than any other slash writer.  I’m straight, Christian, and what most people would call “a good girl.”  Of course, most people don’t know about my slash.

I think what I like about slash is the chance to explore emotions.  Men show love and affection in such simple ways.  It’s amazing to look at men’s interaction and see how loving they can be.  And surprisingly enough, it’s helped with my relationships with the men in my life.

So why slash?  Because I get to delve into the male psyche, and that has helped in my own life.


March 15, 2001.

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