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15. How did you ever share your time and love amongst 8 kids?
I have always loved the huggin' and kissin' part--no problem there. Ha. As the children got older and the testings got bigger, God "slapped" I Corinthians 13:4-7 on me! Working hard at it yet!! While yet in childhood, though busy I tried hard to watch their play. How they loved it!! Now dad and I want to be available to chat, laugh, and take pictures!! Ha.
16. Do you have any chances to witness, when you're tied up with caring for Bill at home all the time?
God nudged us to keep a gospel-tract box on our large tree for the golfers that came up to our property line along the side of the golfcourse. We bought 1000 tracts when we moved here--now need more. Up till 1 year ago, Bill was just as eager to give out tracts, and give his witness. For fun we counted seven people had been contacted that day in our shopping center. There are loads of opportunities. Jehovah's Witnesses accepted our 5 min. testimony they agreed to listen to when they came with their version of the "GOOD NEWS," and we also witnessed to servicemen, neighbors at door, on the telephone, and we write "Jesus Loves You" on every check, etc.
17. How will you handle it if you lose Bill? [Bill Svanoe suffered from Alzheimer's the last five or so years of his life--Editors]
God has been so merciful and good to let us have 52 years together. I might say He has been doing some specialized work in our hearts these past five years. Just to see Bill smile with tears in his eyes when I sing about Jesus! He loves Christian TV. For me it has been a deep refining!! Bill's healing? Wondeful, but God is in control.
18. What were the best things about Bill as a lover and a Daddy?
Before marriage, I cried. Bill asked why. I said I wished we could have this kind of love and affection throughout our marriage. He said with Jesus in us and Jesus between us, we could!! Jesus makes lovers. Bill was always patient and forgiving with his kids, but would even stop on Hwy. to spank three of them and then go on!!
19. What's one or two things that you have to do all the time that you wish your kids could take over for you?
(1)Writing letters has always been a chore for me. When I broke my arm one time, Bill's secretary offered to take dictation. It was terrific. Many letters written! (2) Read the scriptures to dad and me while I mend or clean (Vic and Lute do help in this way some times).
20. What is the hardest thing to handle in a Christian life, and how do you handle it?
I don't have a good handle on it yet (ha), but seriously, I know the Lord wants total abandonment, all the way, 100% for Him--Who gave His all!!! THE TIME IS SHORT, FIELDS ARE WHITE, WORLD EVENTS POINT TO JESUS SOON RETURNING!!!
21. Will you come to the reunion next year, considering how much you missed Bill this time?
Yes, I certainly plan to! These times of getting together are priceless! Driving back to our motel that last night, both Ren and Vic spoke of that heartfelt prayertime we had! Yes, I was concerned about my honey, but it should be easier next time.
22. What advice can you give on raising kids successfully?
With most Christian parents, I suppose we would have to say, "We acted on the light we had, but we needed more light!" So, #1, Dad and Mom having a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and letting His LIFE overflow to each other and then to the family!
23. Tell how Dad exemplified patience hat time you two had a flat tire when you first met!
Bill and I were invited to a relative's home in the country one evening. On the way out there the car slipped on ice and rammed into a cement bridge. We got out to look over the damage. The tire was flat, but worse, the wheel was badly bent under the car. Bill said softly, "I guess I'll have to go for help." In my heart I said, "I could live with this kind of man." Ha.
24. Do you remember a special romantic moment with Bill that you could share?
No kidding--Bill and I have had a thing going for us that God must have placed the moon up there especially for lovers. It's always been fun while sitting on the front steps, out for a short walk, to point to the moon and kiss and hug--it seemed so romantically right! Let me indulge one more moment--okay? Always before entering the church to attend weddings he would take me in his arms and kiss me on the front steps! People around, he didn't care!!! Ha.
Now a tribute to my Honey!! Bill enjoyed having fun times with the children. While youngsters, he would challenge them at checkers, dominoes, and carum, and took the whole family to Audubon Society films (animals, fish, flowers, and bees) each week. He bought croquet sets, badminton and volleyball sets, down through the years. Almost every Sunday, the whole family went to the lake, and softball always followed. Bill went with his boys canoeing with outfitters at Ely, Minnesota. How Bill appreciated his four boys in landscaping, thus paying their own way through college. Bill gave all glory to God!!!!

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