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Pearl and Bob, Still Lovebirds in 1943 (Bob Would be Taken in 1947 in a Plane Crash)

1. Have you got any boy friends?
No, I only receive a Cristmas Card and a Birthday card every year from a man friend. That's as far as it goes. His sister and brother-in-law remember me also. Very good friends during my Lutherland Bible Camp days working as the camp cook.
2. What's your favorite part about getting together with family or "coming home"?
Hugs, kisses, and Christian fellowship. Getting to know everyone better.
3. What's made you happiest with your family?
When we would all get together for Christmas at my home. Also it thrills my heart to see my children live for the Lord, and believe in mother's and Grandma's prayers.
4. Where do you live now?
In Golden Rose Senior Citizen's mobile home park, with a clubhouse where I go to potlucks and doughnut and dessert socials.
5. How old are you?
Seventy-nine years young. I mean it. I don't feel any older than when I was in the late forties.
6. What is your beauty secret?
While I wasn't blessed with, beauty on the outside, with God's help the beauty of Jesus shines through my life.
7. Are you interested in a boyfriend and if so, will you give your requirements of the same?
I am only interested in as far as if the Lord arranged it for me.
8. What prayers of your parents do you see still need to be answered?
Prayers still unanswered is to see my children letting Jesus be the Lord of their lives.
9. When you were growing up, did you feel like a mother to the younger children?
Yes, beause my parents trusted me when they would leave my little sisters while they drove to Bryant to choir practice.
10. Have you become a "free-er" personality as you get older?
Yes, the older we get, more wisdom is given when you let God take over in our lives.
11. What do you wish to happen this year, 1988?
That my life will tell for my precious Savior, happily doing for others.
12. How have you handled your needs for tenderness, loving, hugs frm a man, all these years without Bob?
God has filled my life with so many interests and joyful tasks. Friends and my family are so good to show love and concern. When going to church, we feel free to express our Christian love to one another too with hugs and handshakes and even a back rub!
13. What is a typical day like for you?
I wake at 6 or 7 o'clock to news and Swindall or Dobsen radio ministries, exercise, and massage any soreness or ache. I get going by putting on a dress for the day of babysitting, have my fruit, cup of decaf coffee, and a muffin. I read my devotions, pray, and then work out for people, caring for people, or babysitting, etc.
14. What organizations are you a member of, and which do you enjoy most and why?
Tacoma Seamen's Center Auxiliary, Towhee Garden Club, Church Bible Study, Naomi Circle, Evangelical Lutheran Church Women, Lay Renewal in different Lutheran churches, Women's Aglow. I enjoy being called on to give a witness to my faith. I also do quilting at church.
15. Did you ever think of getting married again? Why or why not?
No, I do not intend to get married again. It would only happen if God brought a Spirit-filled Christian man into my life, and swept me off my feet.
16. What were some hints you would give new Moms and Dads on raising their kids successfully?
Teach babies in the high chair to fold their hands and thank God for their food. Pray and read Bible stories especially at bedtime. Then ask them to repeat after you. They learn quickly. Take them to church and Sunday School. Sending them isn't good enough. Pour into them all the love God gives you when correcting them. Follow through, then hug them. It pays off.
17. Do you have enough money to live on till you're 99? Yes, I am trusting God. There is no worry. The Lord sticketh closer than a brother. He also assures me He will supply all our needs, not necessarily all our wants. I let my sons know a little about how I stand financially. I am still managing with God's help. PTL
18. Do you believe Bob sees you you ever talk to him like you do with Jesus?
I'm not sure Bob sees me, only when he sees me in my dreams, and I talk to him in my dream. And that truly blesses me and my day seems happier. I thank God for those dreams. Beautiful. There's always a wall of separation for the now. No separation in heaven.

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