"God hath not promised

Smooth roads and wide,

Swift, easy travel,

Needing no guide;

Never a mountain,

Rocky and steep,

Never a river,

Turbid and deep:

"But God hath promised

Strength for the day,

Rest for the labor,

Light for the way,

Grace for the trials,

Help from above,

Unfailing sympathy,

Undying love."

[Permission to republish "God's Kind Care," by Annie Flint, Faith, Prayer and Tract League, Grand Rapids, Michigan, being sought. The following excerpts from postcards are mostly addressed to Darrell's mother, who stood by him in prayer through all his troubles as well as his triumphs--Editors]


Oct. 5. Yankton State Hospital, Yankton, SD. Dear Mother, How are you? I am getting better all the time. The doctors take good care of me. I am trying to be a good boy. How are you coming along in all the hard work? I have quite a few friends. Jesus is still my friend, I think, and hope, and trust. Hope to see you some time. Just remember me. That I will still try to be a good boy. This is quite a big troublesome world, isn't it? I hope, I will get to see you when the time comes to leave. I sure would like to see little Joyce. I am feeling better all the time. Love, Darrell [Darrell's mental troubles brought him to be institutionalized for a time when he was fifteen. At sixteen he was better, so he was enrolled in Augustana Academy by his Grandpa Alfred Stadem, but Darrell relapsed and he could not finish. It was quite a few years later that he found his way out of mental illness and demon possession to the point where he could take Bible courses and finish them, and even start attending Bible school "on the outside" in preparation for later full-time street and mission ministries--Editors]


June 22. DeSmet, SD. We were in quite a storm. A tornado went right over us. Uncle Leroy, Grandma, and cousin all went to the storm cellar. God spared us!

July 30. Still passing out Gospel tracts, testifying in mission [probably in Sioux Falls, SD], leading mission services, etc., singing solos, etc. Will be coming back soon [to Washington State], Lord willing.

October 11. Yakima, WA. Write soon. I'm working at restaurants as dishwasher. But I'm not too happy. Mrs. _____ said and hinted to me it is a little more work for her having me here. Maybe I should get a room of my own. They are only $20.00 a month.


[Sioux Falls?] I'm at the Union Gospel Mission. They let me stay overnight here, and I had a good comfortable bed to sleep in. I met a new young Southerner who is the new superintendent, Charles Sandlin. A young man from the Baptist seminary is sharing Christ with the men. I'm giving them my book to both the superintendent and to Uncle Hans and Aunt Alida [DELIVERED FROM THE POWERS OF DARKNESS by Darrell Ginther--editors]


April 12. Minnesota. Enjoying the ride on train from L.A. to Ford Madison. Spent almost 12 days at Old Pisgah Christ Faith Mission. Preached downtwn L.A. for 12 days. Arrived in Minneapolis. Will stay at Fremont Ave. So.

August. Minneapolis. I've been going to the Wayne Parks Tent. Staying at Pastor Herman Beaver's home. Attending their church services at the American Indian Evangelical Church where he is pastor. His wife attended Augustana Academy about the year I did.

August 24. Minneapolis. God has been blessing me with a place to stay and meeting my needs, for which I am careful to give God all the praise and thanksgiving. I have been staying at Pastor Beaver's home here in Mpls. Pastor asked me to give a message from the Word at the Sunday evening evangelistic service They were having a reception in honor of Pastor Groner [sp?]. I'll be going down to visit Grandma for a few days, then back to Mpls.


January 23. Seattle. "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will thrust forth laborers into the fields which are white unto harvest." I am just getting ready for my 1974 outreach for lost souls. It takes the power of the Almighty to save souls, you know. At church yesterday about 50 souls got saved at the morning worship service. Rev. Wood was up there praying with them as the choir sang an invitation song over and over. I'll be seeing you, Lord willing, the lst of Feb.

February 19. Los Angeles. I heard an evangelist over in Palm Beach. His name was Kenneth Hagin.

April 20. Chicago. Brother and Sister H. L. Wood greeted me at the Evangelistic Service at Miracle Life Center as they came back to Chicago Thursay night to be in the service. They were surprised that I was here. Pastor Wood said to me,"You sure get around, don't you!" Write to me now when I get back to Minneapolis. I have to speak on Mother's Day.

April 20. I'm leaving Chicago this morning for Minneapolis at 10:30. I hope to be back [Chicago] in June. I am going to Mpls. for the Silver Tea at the New Hope Center. "If ye walk in the Light"--I John 1:7. I'll be back to Seattle. I have to get a box of books [his book, DELIVERED FROM THE POWERS OF DARKNESS, to give out--Ed.].

Minneapolis. I'm going to the New Hope Center where Thor Haugen is the Superintendent, for the Silver Tea by the Women's Auxiliary.

May 12. Minneapolis. I'm back from Chicago, now staying at Pastor Beaver's home. I've been cleaning the church yard, as well as taking old storm windows off house.


March 31. Los Angeles. Helped Sister Thomas, evangelist, to get to airport to go minister to Aglow fellowships, and small churches on Vancouver Island. She said she enjoyed me, and prayed for me. I have been seeking the Lord. He uses me in prophecy from time to time.


June 1. London, UK. "Victory in Jesus" Sure enjoyed my stay here in London with the Griffiths, Esther and Dennis. Went to the Pattern Pentecostal Church. The Lord is good. The children come to receive Good News with tender hearts. Pray for God for some to be saved. Leaving for Germany on Tuesday. Went to an art gallery with Bible pictures painted long ago, saw a park full of beautiful rhododendrons, flowers, and Mock Orange with sweet-smelling fragrance, Towers of London, the Queen's Jewels, etc.

June 18. London, UK. Went to Pattern Pentecostal Church with Union Gospel mission friends Esther and Dennis Griffiths. Pastor asked me to give the closing prayer. Returned to give testimony here. Going to Germany.

June 21. Stuttgart, West Germany. "We Would See Jesus"[Augustana Academy's School Song]. God is good! Sure fun flying on German Lufthansa jet airliner from London to Stuttgart in W. Germany. I'm staying with a wonderful Christian family, the Herman Benglers.

June 25. Bonnlanden, West Germany. Leaving Bonnlanden for Neuhausen. This is a German school. I have walked by on way to forest. Just came from the hospital at Bonnlanden and German nursing home at Plattenhardt. Shared some choruses in song and Word in tracts in German. Have been going with the Herman Benglers to church services. I have been sharing, praise the Lord! God is good! Will be going to Stuttgart to buy more Gospel tracts. Will get on bus where Bruce and Gloria used to live.


Los Angeles. May go to Tacoma to stay with [younger brother] Ron, Lord willing, to rest up and be re-supplied with the Word of God. Then on to Winnipeg, Canada.

January 22. Vancouver, B.C. Arrived by train. Gal. 2:20. God is good.

January 24. Finally arrived in Winnipeg. will leave tonight at 5:30 for Mpls. on Greyhound bus.

January 25. Minneapolis, Minn. Enjoyed the train trip in Canada. Passed out tracts, good ones of Wayne's [his younger brother, who had a Christian bookstore--Ed.].

January 28. New room on Blaisdell Avenue. Went to church, spirit-filled young people.

February 1. Minneapolis. Be leaving here for L.A. to the Christ Faith Mission. Go by Greyhound to Rapid City, SD, then by Continental Trailways bus to L.A. Will stay in L.A. about a month before going back to Minneapolis. Please pray for me.

February 5. [Minneapolis?] Will go to L.A. to Christ Faith Mission to take a lot of Spanish Gospel tracts to pass out to the Mexican Americans.

February 7. Minneapolis. My blood pressure was 98. I prayed and God touched me, and it was 100, normal. Visited Pastor and Mrs. Beaver of the American Indian Evangelical Church in Emerson. They asked me to eat supper with them.

February 14. Minneapolis. Will be leaving here to go to L.A. Been passing out a lot of tracts. Will take some to California.

February 29. Minneapolis. Leaving for L.A. soon, by bus and train. Pay $35 a week at Tourist Hotel near Greyhound bus depot on Hennepin. Food very expensive. Paid $12 for a foot massage. Someone gave me 2 bowls of homemade chilli.

Los Angeles. Have 2 briefcases full of thousands of Spanish to English tracts of the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ. Do pray for me and souls. Will go to Christ Faith Mission later.

March 1. Minneapolis. At Tourist Hotel. Called Uncle Bill and asked him what I should preach as I was invited by the Salvation Army Harbor Light church in the Center, and he said why not the Parable of the Prodigal Son. So I did. Received $120.00. The Holy Spirit was there, and moved mightily, and His anointing was there to break the yokes in the lives of men. Two were delivered and saved. What a miracle-working God we have! Invited out for Uncle Bill's birthday.

On way from Minneapolis to Omaha. Hope to share the Gospel with those who gather at the mission downtown. Pray for my safety and for the salvation of lost souls. Preached on Luke's Gospel about the man who wanted to follow Christ but had excuses why he couldn't go where Christ wanted him to go.

March. Los Angeles. I was used of God and asked to share from God's Word. Spoke thru microphone and loudspeaker so the elderly could hear. Singing choruses also with Brother and Sister Milky [sp?] and another 2 ladies.

April 7. [Los Angeles?] Will be coming your way, to Washington, soon.

June 11. Duluth. Praise the Lord for His victory over Hell and death and sin. Am preaching and singing the Gospel at Logger's Mission. My picture will be taken, and my answers to the Duluth Herald lady reporter will be put in the paper.[Website guests can see this very good, uncritical article in Prince of Zion, Part Three]

June 14. "Jesus wept."--shortest verse in the Bible. God is moving and blessing my ministry. The Lord has given me to share with the dear folks of Minnesota. Hope to see you in June, as I want to get to Brother Wood's Gospel tent services later. I'm through preaching here.

June. Duluth. Will be leaving here on train for Tacoma, for [younger brother] Ronald's home. Will attend NW Evangelistic Association revival, Pastor Wood officiating. Stayed at Radisson-Johnson hotel.

September 5. Minneapolis. "A merry heart goeth good like a medicine." Proverbs 17:22. Stayed at Hotel Andrew last night. Going to work at the Garden Restaurant at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International airport. I have to work, or I will stay in pup tent on Nicollet Island [in the Mississippi River, Minneapolis-St. Paul]. I fish in the river and catch bullheads.

Minneapolis. Leaving for Chicago on Amtrak train, from Minneapolis-St. Paul Midway Train Station. Will be at Miracle Life Temple on Michigan Avene in So. Chicago. Then go to Milwaukee, then back to Minneapolis. I was in Omaha, reached a lot of folks. I'm camping out on Nicollet Ave. Island by the water. I was in the paper. A little black lady dressed in white also was preaching on the corner across the street in Omaha. Greet all my friends.

September 10. Omaha. Will leave Omaha, then go to Sioux Falls, and back to Mineaplis. So I believe God that He will anoint me and fill my mouth so that out of my belly shall flow rivers of living water. Let's believe for souls to be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, for Jesus says His Word will not return void. Will probably stay at the City Mission in Omaha.

September 12. St. Paul. Faith will lead us home to heaven--"a little heaven to take us to heaven."

September 12. God has been so good, and I love Jesus more every day, and I trust I will continue in the will of God and will have His anointing always when I preach the Gospel to the sinners and the saved. O that people be saved and be uplifted by Hs precious Holy Spirit!

September 17. Minneapolis. Leaving for Chicago on train. Then stop at Milwaukee on way to Twin Cities. Stayed at Harbor Light Center last night. [Picture of "skyway" downtown Minneapolis, with Darrell's note: "Where I stand and preach and sing--evangelist on the mall."

Minneapolis. Be leaving here. Hope to see Victor [his Svanoe cousin]. Greyhound to Watertown, SD. Then Jack Rabbit to DeSmet. Stay at Pastor's residence in DeSmet where Uncle Leroy [Stadem] lived.

September 25. DeSmet, SD. Stayed at Cottage Inn Motel, paid for by the Salvation Army. I will be staying with Victor on the Farm and possibly go hunting. Gal. 2:20. "Jesus Christ is my Redeemer, Resurrection and the Life." II Tim. 1:7.

September 28. Sunday. Lake Preston, SD. On way to Minneapolis. Stayed with Victor on Plain View Farm 2 days.[Darrell went away loaded with squash and other produce Cousin Victor had grown on Plain View Farm using methods of mounding soil to conserve water he had observed while on active U.S. Army duty in Viet Nam; Victor's experimental farming showed the productivity that could be achieved in a small acreage.--Ed.]

Sioux City, Iowa. Stayed at the Union Gospel Mission last night. Singing here, "The Living Waters Flow." Thank the Lord for His wonderful protecting hand over me and the protection of His blood around me daily. Preaching to the sinners that Christ died for them! "Jesus, lover of my soul, foul I to His fountain fly."

St. Paul, MN. Leaving St. Paul for Duluth, then at Thunder Bay, Ontario, I board train for Vancouver, B.C. Then Amtrak to Seattle. Then change trains for Tacoma, then call [younger brother] Ronald. Pray for souls to be saved in Thunder Bay. ["God's Kind Care," poem by Anie Flint on back of postcard]

Winnipeg, Manitoba. God made a way for me. One evening a man, Theodore, and his wife took me in so I have a beautiful apt. in a basement to sleep in, and have a bath. Yes, He will do the same for others when they trust and love and serve Him. Isn't that just like Jesus? I John 1:7. II Tim. 1:7. I Pet. 24:6. John 3:16. [And Theodore and his wife will receive an evangelist's reward for their kindness to Darrell, according the scriptures, what Jesus said.--Ed.]

October 13. Edmonton, Canada. To Washington via Canadian Pacific Passenger train. Passing out tracts in many cities and places.


March 21. Amsterdam, Holland. John 3:16. Jesus loves me, this I know. Thank you for praying. This being Saturday, busy passing out tracts and singing on the main street from the train station here in Amsterdam. The people are all very receptive. Of course, some aren't, but I love them anyway.

July 12. Seattle. Got a job at Bread of Life Mission. They have a program for alcoholics. I go to most of the services. Rode over and back to Seattle on ferry.

October 5. Eugene, OR. "Jesus wept." "Christ makes a difference." I was walking on a bridge and received a citation from a police officer. I have to pay $20 and go to court [$20 was a stiff fine back then--Ed.]. But God will fix it for me. Am singing and preaching at the mall downtown. Sang at the University to the students. Please pray for the folks of this city. God is moving by His Spirit. [Picture: University of Oregon, Erb Memorial Student Union Building]


Los Angeles. Just arrived at the mission when I was invited for supper. Had a good meal with vegetables and stew. Talked with Brother______, and I will help out in the kitchen with the chores.


Sioux Falls, SD. Uncle Leroy [Stadem] came over to visit me at the community dormitory run by a Catholic sister and others from different churches. So I'll be staying several days till Monday here. Then I may leave for Watertown and visit Mrs._____. [In Watertown are many Stadem relatives, descended from Sever Stadem, Darrell's Grandpa Alfred's brother--Ed.] If I can find them. Otherwise, I'll go to Fargo, ND, and stay at the mission a day or two, then back on the Greyhound to Spokane. Stay at a mission there for a few days. Then to Seattle. Stay at the mission there a few days. Then go to Tacoma, so it will be about the end of August before I get back to Tacoma. Pray for souls to be saved! All I do is give out the good things of the Gospel in songs to Jesus and preaching.

Billings, Montana. Pray for me as I keep on giving out spiritual dainties of scripture from the Word of God. Sioux Falls was great, attended St. Joseph's Roman Catholic cathedral. God bless you, carrying on for Jesus our Bright and Morning Star.

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