"April Showers"


Logline: April proves to be almost as hectic as December with the exception that Steve and Jaime finally get married, and Dan has big plans to help them have a baby

  It was Thursday the first of April 1976 Danny sat in his ‘office’ at OSI. It felt good to be back to work. He was feeling much better. He worked only three days a week though Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Rudy thought he should have a four-day weekend for a while longer anyway.

He had just finished loading new data into Rudy’s computer. “How are you doing Dan?” Rudy asked coming into the office.

“I’m ok, where were you when I came in?” Dan asked looking up from the computer.

“I had to run down to the security vault for a minute.”

“Taking out, or putting in.” Dan turned back to the keyboard.

“Putting in Dan.” I was talking to you dad earlier. “We were talking about Joey. He turns five in a couple of weeks.”

“Yea I can’t believe he’s going to turn five and what a difference from when he turned four. This is really his ‘first’ birthday.’ Danny exclaimed

“That’s what your dad says. He wants to make it special for him.” Rudy stated. “Your dad said Joey’s Birthday is the sixteenth.”

“Yea the sixteenth. I just hope it’s not as eventful as the twins birthday back in January.” Dan looked up from his work again.

“That was pretty eventful wasn’t it?” Rudy reminded himself.

“Anyway, I got everything loaded that you wanted me to. How do you think the twins are doing? I think they have grown a little.”

“Yea I was thinking the same thing we will have to measure them when we get home tonight.” Rudy agreed.


In Oscar’s office Jaime, Oscar and Sheila Rothman were in the middle of a meeting.

“Mr. Goldman I must comment on how wonderfully the children are doing with their studies. I have seen many home schooled children and non of them even come close to the level your sons are working at.” Shelia informed him.

“Is that a fact?” Oscar looked at her.

“That’s a fact. Sir. The twins are in second grade but they are working at first quarter fourth grade level. And Joey is not even in kindergarten and he is working at a fourth quarter first grade level. I think that Jaime could slow down with them just a bit.”

“Well maybe we could scale back just a little.” Oscar agreed. He was remembering the night not to long ago he had heard Joey reading to the Marc and Matt. That’s why he had called this meeting.

“I’m telling you sir. I am very impressed by the progress they are making. I usually at this point am suggesting that home schooling cease because the children just aren’t progressing.”

“Well I’m glad that you find their work acceptable. Now if you don’t mind. I don’t mean to sound rude, but I believe Jaime has a friend watching the children and I believe she needs to get back to the house.”

“Yes I need to get going myself. I have ton of things to do, and there are only so many hours in the day. Thank you for arranging this meeting.” Sheila stood “I’ll see that you get the newest test booklets and new supplies by the end of the week.” She told Jaime.

“Thanks, I’ll see you to your car. I really have to get back to the house.” The two of them left. Oscar reached for the phone and dialed Rudy’s office. Rudy picked up. “Rudy I need to see you and Danny in my office.

Oscar was sitting at his desk when they walked in.

“You wanted to see us Oscar?” Rudy said as he and Danny sat down.

“Yea I just had a parent/teacher conference which are coming up in the regular school system, by the way, I have Danny’s next week. Anyway Shelia said the kids are working well above grade level. She wants Jaime to scale back just a little. You know she told me that even Joey is working at how did she put that, fourth quarter first grade level.”

“That’s fantastic.” Rudy said. “Since the peanut butter incident I’ve watched him closely he has no lasting affects what so ever.”

“Yea I know. And what’s good, is because of the peanut butter he has no memory of being kidnapped.” Oscar informed him.

“Well that’s good.” Rudy said. Again he turned to Danny “Why don’t you go on back down to the lab. I have some things I want to discuss with your dad.”

Dan stood up “Yea ok.”

Danny walked to the door. “Ok see you down there then.” He opened the door and left.

After he left Rudy turned to Oscar. “He really is a remarkable kid, you know that don’t you?”

“Yea, I know. Not just his intelligence but everything else as well.”

He seems to be doing much better. I mean he is slowly gaining more weight not as quickly as I would like, but he’s not trying to lose it either.”

“So you believe that it was just the Laura Mills incident?” Oscar wondered

“I’m sure it was just the stress from that. He’s back working with me, but to relieve some of the stress I told him to come in only three days a week.”

“Is that a fact? How does Dan feel about that?”

‘He’s ok with it.” Rudy replied.

“Well I’m just glad he’s back on track. I still think we need to watch him.”

“Of course we do, and I will. Now on another note I want to retest him. I think he’s smarter now than a few months ago.”

“You’re not serious I mean is it possible?” Oscar was startled.

“I’m very serious and yes, it is very possible.” Rudy stood to leave. “I think next week I’ll test him again. “

“Well if you think it is necessary I guess it would be alright. Let me know the results. Huh Rudy?”

“You’ll be the first Oscar. Well I need to get back to the lab and see what trouble Dan is up to down there. I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll be down in a few minutes.”


Steve was waiting for Jaime when she got back to Oscar’s house. “How was your meeting?” He asked

“It went just great. The kids are doing wonderful. In fact they are so far ahead I can take a couple of days off. Sheila even suggested it.”

“That’s great. I guess now is as good a time as any.” Steve started to reach in his pocket. “Where are the children?” Jaime asked.

“They are up stairs with Minnie. Jaime come here I want to ask you something.” Steve again started to reach into his pocket.

“Hang on just a second. I want to check on the kids.”

“Jaime the kids are fine. I need to ask something.” Steve complained, “They can wait for just a few minutes.”

Jaime turned at the serious tone in his voice. “Ok, I’m listening.”

Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He handed it to Jaime. “I wanted to give this to you at Christmas but I thought it was to soon.” He handed her the box.

Jaime opened it. “Oh Steve!” She cried looking at the ring inside.

“Well what is your answer?” Steve eyes danced with longing and hope.

“Oh Steve, my answer is yes. Oh yes. I would love to be your wife.”

“Great, that’s great. Now I guess we have some plans to make, for the wedding.”

“Wedding? Who’s wedding” Oscar asked walking into the dinning room where Steve and Jaime were standing.

“Ours” Steve announced.

“I knew it, I knew it!” Danny cried. “When is the wedding?”

“Well we have to decide that.” Steve turned to Danny. “Maybe we should go home and talk things over.”

“You two can talk here if you want you can use my office, then if you need any advise I’m more than willing to lend a hand.” Oscar told them. “In the mean time I’m calling Rudy and telling him. I know I’d love to help you with the plans, I’m sure Rudy will too.”

“Well then why don’t we just plan to talk about it after dinner.” Jaime stated. “I don’t have to many people I want to invite. I just want a simple ceremony.”

Oscar hung up the phone. “He’s on his way.”

“What’s all the excitement about?” Marc asked as he Matt and Joey came down the stairs.

Oscar looked at the twins. “Steve and Jaime are going to get married, son.” Oscar told him.

“That’s g great S Steve.” Matt said. “I I’m h happy f for you.”

“Thanks Matt.” He turned to Marc, “how bout you buddy, are you happy for us?”

“I guess so. Steve.” Marc said. He stuck his hands in his pocket and walked to the other side of the room.

“You don’t sound very happy about it.” Steve observed.

Marc just shrugged his shoulders. “I’m ok.”

A short time later, Rudy arrived “So what’s this I hear. You two are going to finally tie the knot?”

“Yes!” Jaime exclaimed she showed him the ring Steve had given her. “Oscar I want the kids to be in the wedding. I thought that Joey could be the ring barer. And I thought the other kids could do something as well.”

“They can be grooms men.” Steve suggested.

“What’s a g grooms m man?” Matt asked.

“It just means you stand up with the bride and groom.” Danny explained. “So when is the big day going to be?”

“I don’t know yet. Steve said. “I would like to be married as soon a possible.”

“Well same here.” Jaime said. “How about one day next week?” Jaime suggested. Then continued “How bout a week from today? That would be the ninth.”

“I don’t know if we could get a church by that time.” Steve said turning to Jaime.

“What if we just go to a justice of the peace?” Jaime asked. “I wouldn’t mind that. I mean we have been living together for some time now”

“Then it’s settled. I’ll arrange it “ Oscar said. “Marc what’s bothering you?” Oscar turned to him.

“I’m fine, really I’m tired can I go up to my room?”

“Don’t you want dinner?”

“Not really.” Marc replied.

Oscar reached over and touched Marc’s forehead. “You don’t feel warm. Are you sure you feel alright?”

“I feel fine dad. Really.” Marc headed up stairs.

Oscar turned to Steve. Steve was huddled with Rudy and Jaime making plans. Oscar decided to join them.

Marc went up to his room. Matt followed. “M Marc why aren’t y you h happy f for J Jaime and S Steve?”

“I am happy Matt. I’m just tired, that’s all.”

“No. You’re not happy, I wish you would tell me why…”

“Matt I’m fine. Really I’m just tired. Just leave me alone.”

Matt left the room and went back downstairs. “What’s Marc doing?” Oscar questioned when Matt appeared in the kitchen. “Is he coming down to eat?”

“I d don’t think s so d dad, he s says he’s t itred.” Matt replied.

Oscar looked to Steve for help. He was busy talking to Jaime. Oscar decided to take matters into his own hands. “Excuse me I’ll be right back.”

Oscar left the kitchen and went upstairs to the twin’s room. The light was off when he entered Marc was lying on his bed.

“Marc, why don’t you come down stairs for dinner?” Oscar sat on the bed beside him.

“I’m not hungry dad.” Marc turned toward the wall. “My tummy hurts.” He continued looking at the wall.

“I’ll have Rudy come up then if you’re sick.” Oscar got up and headed for the door.

“I’m not sick, I just said my tummy hurts.” Marc objected.

“Well just to be on the safe side.” Oscar started slowly downstairs waiting for Marc to catch up to him. Marc didn’t.

Oscar returned to the kitchen “Where’s Marc?” Steve asked noticing that Marc was missing.

“He says his tummy hurts and he’s not hungry.” Oscar sat down “I don’t know. Something is bothering him.”

“You want me to talk to him?” Steve wondered.

“I would appreciate that Steve.” Oscar breathed a sigh of relief. “Maybe he’ll talk to you.”

Steve left the table and went up the to Marc’s room. “Hey buddy how are you doing? Your dad says you don’t feel well.”

Marc spoke in barely a whisper. “I’ll be fine Steve. I’m just tired.”

Steve reached over and touched Marc’s cheek “You don’t feel warm.” He observed.

“I’m not sick, I’m just tired. I really don’t feel like eating right now.” Marc refused to look at him.

“Marc why won’t you look at me?” Steve asked.

No answer.

“Come on Marc please look at me, answer me.” Steve pleaded


“Well maybe you’ll feel better in the morning.” Steve got up and left the room. He joined the rest in the dinning room.

“Is he coming down?” Oscar wanted to know.

“No he’s not. I wish I knew what was bothering him.” Steve said. Then he turned to Jaime. “We better get going.”

“Yea we have a lot of plans to make before next Friday.”

That weekend nobody went anywhere. It rained the whole time. Marc stayed in his room most of the time.

“How is Marc?” Rudy asked. Late Sunday after noon after Oscar came back downstairs.

“He still won’t come out of his room.” Oscar answered

“I better go check on him Maybe he’s coming down with something.” Rudy stood to go upstairs.

“He doesn’t have a fever Rudy.” Oscar told him.

“I’ll just go look in on him anyway.” Rudy went up to Marc’s room. “You feel ok Marc?”

“Yea Rudy I just want to stay in my room.”

“Ok then.” Rudy left it at that.

On Monday Jaime arrived at her usual time to tutor they boys. “I know that Sheila told me to scale back, but I probably won’t be here next week.” Jaime explained to Oscar.

“That’s fine. I have Minnie Russell lined up for next week and part of this if you need the time.” Oscar told her as he went out the door.

“How’s Marc feeling by the way?” Jaime asked.

“He’s the same. He hasn’t talked all weekend. He hasn’t eaten much either Rudy is really getting quite concerned about him. Rudy says if he spikes a fever or you feel he’s worse to bring him in.”

“Of course I will. I won’t hesitate.” She assured him.

“I’ll call later to see how he’s doing. I will probably be early tonight. Are you ready for the big day?”

“Yea Steve is about to turn inside out.” Jaime laughed.

“Well I hope he doesn’t do that.” Oscar smiled as he walked out the door. He turned before leaving. “Danny will be home after school. He only works for Rudy on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.”

“Ok I’ll expect him then. I’ll see you later Oscar.” Jaime headed for the dinning room to get started.

“Yea see you later.” Oscar walked out the door.

“Boys!! Marc! Matt! Joey!” Jaime called.

Matt and Joey came into the dinning room. “Did you guys have breakfast?” She asked.

“Yea dad made pancakes.” Joey answered.

Jaime turned to Matt. “Where’s Marc?”

“H he’s up s stairs.” Matt told her.

“Well have a seat at the table. I’ll get you two set up, and then go get your brother.”

‘D don’t c count on h him c coming d down.” Matt started “H he h hasn’t b been d down all w weekend.”

“Well maybe he’ll come down for me.” She went on upstairs. She knocked on Marc’s door before she went in.

“Marc, why don’t you come on downstairs have some breakfast and then we’ll do some schoolwork.”

Marc refused to acknowledge her presence much less look in her direction. “Marc why don’t you tell us what’s bothering you, maybe we can help.” Jaime pleaded.

Marc picked up a book and moved to the other side of the room and began looking at the pictures.

She walked over to him. “Marc honey, you have to tell us what’s bothering you.” She told him. She gently took the book from him and put it back on the shelf.

Marc got up from the chair and walked over toward the window.

“Oh no you don’t” She grabbed Marc by the collar “Now come on sweetie, come on downstairs, and eat breakfast, then we are going to do some school work. Ok?”

Marc wouldn’t look in her direction much less answer.

She took him downstairs and into the kitchen. She took down a bowl filled it with cereal poured milk on it. Then set it in front of Marc. “Now I suggest you eat.” She stated. Marc dipped his spoon into the cereal lifted up a spoonful and lifted it out of the bowl

“That’s more like it.” Jaime said as she turned back to the other kids. “As soon as he finishes, we’ll get started.”

She turned around just as Marc emptied the spoon onto the table. She caught him before he did it a third time

“Marc! What has gotten into you?” She cried. “You’ve never acted like this.”

Marc folded his arms across his chest and didn’t answer.

Out of desperation Jaime turned to Matt. “Do you know what’s wrong with Marc?”

Matt glanced at Marc. Marc scowled at him.

‘You better not tell.’ He thought at Matt

Matt turned to Jaime. “No, no I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“Well something is wrong I just wish he would tell us.” ‘Maybe it’s time I made a phone call.’ She thought. She went into Oscar’s office and dialed Rudy. “No Rudy he still isn’t any better. I got him to come down stairs, but he won’t even look at me much less talk to me. I just poured him a bowl of cereal and he dumped it on the kitchen table.”

“I knew I should have brought him with me this morning. Jaime would you bring him into the lab?”

“We’re on our way.” It wasn’t easy getting Marc out to the car, but they managed. It took less than an hour to drive in the pouring rain into DC and to the OSI building.

Jaime led the three boys down the hall to Rudy’s office.

“Good morning boys, sorry you were still sleeping when I left this morning.” Rudy greeted when they walked in. He turned to Jaime “Why don’t you take Joey down to Oscar’s office. He’s waiting for you. I need Matt for just a moment, then I’ll send him down.”

“Ok. Joey why don’t we go see daddy?” She turned to Marc “It’s going to be fine honey.” She ruffled his hair. Marc shrugged away.

“Come on Matt, Marc let’s get started. I meant to do something over the weekend and in all the excitement forgot all about it. I wanted to see how much if any you have grown.”

Marc only scowled but allowed Rudy to measure him. “Well you’ve grown a quarter of an inch. That is usually when you start having problems. Is that what’s going on?”

Slowly Marc shook his head.

“Ok Matt your turn.” Matt stepped up to be measured next “you’ve grown a quarter of an inch as well. Do me a favor join your dad and Joey? I want to talk to Marc. Matt. If you know what’s bothering Marc we really need you to tell us.”

Matt shrugged “I really don’t know, he won’t tell me.”

“Ok then tell your dad we’ll be down when I’m finished.”

“Ok Rudy see you later.” Matt left

Rudy quickly turned to Marc He had no expression what so ever. Usually when they were separated they got upset.

Rudy walked over to Marc and put his hands on his shoulders. “Marc, we can’t help you if you don’t tell us what’s wrong.”

Marc shrugged away from him He walked over to the area Rudy had set up for the kids with puzzles, coloring books and other items of interest to kids. He picked up a coloring book and sat at the table. He began to thumb through the book without coloring.

“Hi Rudy” Steve said as he walked in. “Oscar and Jaime told me Marc was down here. He still isn’t any better huh?”

“I wish I knew what to do for him. I measured him he has grown a quarter of an inch, but I don’t think that’s the problem. We have been that route twice now and Marc has never behaved like this, I think it’s because he’s in so much pain.”

“Let me try talking to him again.” After grabbing another coloring book Steve went over and sat at the table with him. Steve opened his book and began to color a picture. “You want to talk about it Marc?”

Marc took his color and scribbled all over his page then did the same to Steve’s.

“Hey! That wasn’t very nice” Steve complained.

Marc turned his head away from him.

Steve looked up at Rudy “I give up.”

Jaime and Oscar walked in. “Rudy, Jaime may have come up with something.” Oscar said as they left Marc to sit in the outer office while the four adults stepped in to Rudy’s inner office.

Jaime spoke “You don’t think he overheard us talking about his parents do you…?”

“Jaime you could have something there.” Steve interjected.

They all looked at the small boy sitting at the table. He had scribbled on every page in the coloring book in front of him. And was grabbing another.

Steve stepped out “Marc if you can’t color in the book right don’t bother coloring at all.” He said.

Marc looked up at Steve and grabbed the book then ripped it in half.

Oscar walked out to him “That is it. He grabbed Marc by the collar and turned him over his knee “I never wanted to do this to any of you kids” He quickly gave Marc two sift swats on the back end.

“Now you’re are going to tell us what’s wrong with you!” Oscar demanded standing Marc on his feet.

“I hate you!” Marc screamed. “I hate all of you!”

“Marc!” Oscar scolded

“Oscar just a minute.” Jaime walked over to him. “Why do you hate us Honey?” she got down on her knees in front of him.

“I’m not your honey!” Marc pushed her back. “Just leave me alone. Nothing is wrong. Don’t you get it? I don’t want to talk to any of you!!!”

They all were shocked by Marc’s outburst.

“After several minutes Rudy broke the silence. “Why don’t you want to talk to us?”

Marc closed up again and wouldn’t speak.

“Well then” Oscar started “If that’s the way you feel you don’t need to come to the wedding on Friday.”

‘I didn’t want to go to any dumb ole wedding anyway. Steve said he was my friend but he lied to me.’ Marc thought to himself.

“Now do you want to change your mind?” Oscar demanded

Marc folded his arms across his chest and said nothing.

“Fine then Minnie can take care of you on Friday. While we go to the wedding. Marc didn’t respond one way to the other. He wandered back over to the table and sat down. He took out another color book and started to color.

“Well I better get them back home.” Jaime said. She turned to Oscar “Why don’t you have Callahan bring Matt and Joey down.”

Oscar dialed his office and told Callahan to send Matt and Joey down. “I’ll send Matt, but Joey is coming to live with me. You don’t care do you?” Callahan teased.

“No not at all,” Oscar laughed. “Jaime is ready to go.”

“I’ll send them right down.” Callahan said

“Oscar do you want me to get anything going for dinner?” Jaime asked before she went out the door. “I thought I saw a pan of chicken in the frig.”

“Thanks do you mind putting it in the oven around four?”

“Not at all. Let’s go gang.” She led the kids back down to the car.

“What do you suppose is going on in that little mind of his?” Steve asked. “I mean I’m usually the only one he will talk to and now he acts like I’m not even around nor does he want me around.”

“I noticed that.” Oscar agreed. “I don’t know what the problem could be.”

“Do you suppose Matt knows even though he says he doesn’t?” Rudy wanted to know.

“I’m sure Matt knows all about it, but Marc has sworn him to keep it from us. They do that a lot.” He added.

“Well maybe we can get Matt to break his vow of silence.” Rudy surmised. “Especially if we stress how important it is.”

“I hope so. I just wish he would talk to us.” Steve added.

“Yea me too.” Oscar said. “I need to get back to work. I’ll see you tonight Rudy, Maybe something will happen in the mean time.

“For the better I hope, yea see you tonight.” Rudy answered.

“Steve stay for a moment. I got your test results back. I’m afraid I have some bad news. The two of you are not going to be able to have kids.”

“I was afraid of that. When I turned 21 I got a wonderful birthday present…”

“I know the mumps. Do you want me to tell…?”

“No Rudy I’ll tell her. Thanks for checking on it for me. In fact I already gave her the heads up on it.”

“You can always adopt you know.” Rudy reminded

“Yea I thought about that too. I’ll have to talk to Jaime tonight.”

“If you need any help just holler “ Rudy told him

“Thanks Rudy. I appreciate that. But like I said I already told her I was going to have it looked into. She said it didn’t matter.” Steve sighed. “Well I better get going.”

Jaime and the kids got home “What do you guys want for lunch?”

“Spaghetti Os” Joey said.

“That sounds simple enough.” Jaime said. “Does that sound alright to you two?” She turned to the twins.

“S sounds g good t to me.” Matt agreed

Marc nodded. ‘I hope that means he’s going to eat’ Jaime thought.

She took a can of spaghetti Os out of the cupboard and emptied the contents of the can in to a saucepan.

She took three plates down from the cupboard a set them on the table. “Lunch is ready guys.” She called.

The three sat at the table “You guys just sit. I’ll answer it.” Jaime got up and answered the ringing phone.

“Hi Steve.” She spoke into the phone.

“Hi, how’s Marc?”

“Well he’s eating anyway.”

“That’s good. Um Rudy got those test results back…”


“It’s just like I thought, we won’t be able to have kids. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry it’s not your fault you had the mumps.” Jaime assured him

“I know, but I feel like it is. I really want to have a family. Especially with you.” Steve added.

“We can always adopt “ Jaime suggested.

“I thought you wanted your own?” Steve said.

“Steve as long as we are raising him together, what difference does it make?”

“I guess your right.” Steve sighed. “We’ll discuss it more tonight.”

“Oscar thought he’d be early, so I won’t be late. I want the kids caught up before we have the wedding.”

“Ok then I’ll talk to you later bye.”

“Bye and Steve don’t worry about it.” Jaime assured him.

Jaime hung up the phone and stepped back into the kitchen. Matt and Joey had finished their lunch. Marc had eaten some of his.

“Ok guys lets get to work.” They all walked into the dinning room and Jaime gave them all work to do. “You guys work on this, I’m going to clean up from lunch.”

‘I’m going to tell Marc. You need to tell them how you feel.

Marc turned to Matt. I told you what would happen if you said one word.’ Marc doubled up his fist and shook it at Matt.

‘Ok I won’t tell, but you really should.’

Marc shook his head. “I’m going upstairs.” He got up and walked up the stairs and went to his room.

Jaime came back from the kitchen. “Where’s Marc?” She asked.

“H he w went u up t to our r room.” Matt informed her.

Jaime went upstairs. She opened Marc’s door without knocking. “Marc honey you really need to get back downstairs and do your school work,” Jaime spoke softly to him.

Marc was lying on his bed he turned his back and slowly raised his middle finger

Jaime was shocked by the gesture “Marc! What has gotten into you?”

Marc put his finger down, but he said nothing to her.

“I’m going to have to tell you father. You know that don’t you?”

Marc nodded.

Jaime was almost in tears as she walked downstairs. ‘Something is wrong. Something is very wrong’ She thought to herself.

“Hi Jaime. Marc still not talking?” Danny asked when she entered the dinning room.

“I don’t know what to do Danny. Can we talk downstairs in you office?”

Danny smiled at her. “Sure we can. Come on.”

“You kids finish up the work I gave you. I’ll be right back.” She and Danny went down the basement where Dan’s office was.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” Danny asked when they were both seated.

The rabbis ran back and forth in their cages.

“Well first of all before we start. I though you had only two rabbits?”

“Yea, well one of them had a baby. That’s why I bought two females in the first place. I was hoping to avoid that.” Danny lied. “But I don’t think that’s what you wanted to talk about.”

“You’re right, I’m afraid. I mean could there be a possibility Marc is rejecting his bionics.”

“Rudy and I haven’t had a chance to discuss it. I won’t work with him again till tomorrow.” Danny explained.

“I know Danny I want your opinion.” Jaime pressed

“If you want my opinion it would have to be no.” Danny assured.

“What makes you so sure?” Jaime asked

“Cause it hasn’t happed before. I know you had a problem with that Rudy made me read the file just so I would be up to date on all aspects of bionics. With you it happened within a matter of a week or so. Marc has been bionic for several months.” Danny reminded.

“Yea I know, but it is possible?” She was anxious for an answer.

“Look anything is possible, but at this point I would say it is very unlikely.”

“I respect your answer Danny. I think outside of Rudy you probably know more about bionics than anyone.”

“Yea I guess you have a point there.”
