"A Camping We Will Go"


Logline: Steve's camping trip is spoiled by an attack of appendicitis and an appearence by Steve's old enemy Dr. Dolenz


Steve pulled up in front of Oscar’s house. He had been planning this trip with Marc and Matt for sometime.

He walked across the porch and rang the bell. “Hi Steve.” Oscar said opening the door.

“Are Marc and Matt ready?” He asked

“Well Marc is ready, but Matt can’t come.” Oscar informed him.

“Why not.” Steve demanded “Oscar you know we have been planning…”

“Yea I know. Matt has got in trouble last night. He is grounded.” Oscar informed him “If you don’t’ mind, Dan would like to go?”

“Dan? Dan wants to come camping?” Steve was shocked

“Yea I was surprised myself.” Oscar muttered. “Anyway I’ll call them. Steve do you feel ok? You look terrible.”

“Yea. I feel ok. I just have a side ache is all, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

“Maybe you better not go. I’ll explain to the kids the you don’t feel well.”

“Oscar, I’m fine. I don’t want to disappoint the kids.” Steve explained.

“You won’t disappoint them.” Oscar assured

“Well then I don’t want to disappoint myself.” Steve smiled. “I have really been looking forward to this trip.”

“Well ok. I’ll go round up Marc and Dan.” Oscar left to go find Dan and Marc. Steve sat down on the couch rubbing his right side.”

‘Dam I wish this would stop.’ He thought.

“They are on the way. How is Jaime feeling?” Oscar asked when he returned to the living room where he had left Steve.

“She is pretty good.” Steve explained.

“She’s not upset you’re leaving her for the weekend while she’s pregnant?” Oscar asked.

“Actually she’s having company herself. They are giving her a shower or something. No men allowed.” Steve informed, “It’s going to be wall-to-wall woman. That’s why I chose this weekend to spend with the boys.”

“Well Marc will appreciate it.” Oscar stated.

“That’s the main reason I’m doing it. I don’t want Marc to think I’ve forgotten him. Here they come.”

“Hi guys.” Steve called as Marc and Dan entered the living room. “Are you ready?”

“I have a couple of questions first.” Dan stated.

“What’s that Dan?” Steve asked.

“Are we staying in a tent or a cabin?”

“I have a cabin you’ll love it.” Steve assured.

“Well that’s good. I really didn’t want to sleep on the ground with all the bugs.” Dan exclaimed.

“Come on Dan.” Steve wondered. “Where is your sense of adventure?”

“I really don’t have one. Now my second question, “ Dan flashed a concerned look. “Do you feel ok? You look terrible”

“Like I told your dad. I have a little pain in my side, no big deal. Are you and Marc ready?”

“Steve, I wouldn’t ignore a pain especially in the right side. Maybe you should have Rudy check it out before we go.” Dan cautioned. "May postpone the trip for another time." Dan suggested.

“Dan I’m fine. I don’t think we need to bother Rudy. Let’s go.” Steve started to lead the two boys out to the car.

“Maybe Dan is right Steve. It will only take a second to get him. You know what they say an ounce of prevention…”

“Oscar, I’m fine really. It’s starting to feel better.” Steve informed them “Come on guys, get in the car.” Steve called.

“Steve?” Marc started as they got into the car. “Are we going to your special cabin?”

“We sure are partner. You remember that cabin?”

“Yea I do.” Marc sat back and watched the countryside whiz by.

Dan was doing the same thing only for a different reason. He was taking in every curve and turn. He kept looking over at Steve. He was looking worse by the minute. Dan wasn’t sure but he had a pretty good idea what was wrong.

The kids were busy watching the road. And Steve was busy concentrating on the pain in his side, hoping it would go away rather than ruin his weekend get-a-way no one noticed the car following them. It was a dark green four-door sedan with out of state plates. An elderly man sat behind the wheel.

The man. Doctor Jeffrey Dolenz thought as he drove. ‘I see you’re taking a little trip Col Austin. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret. You’re not coming back.” He laughed as he followed Steve’s car. 'I have a wonderful surprise for you.’ He continued to smile.

‘I’ve spent enough time in prison because of you. Now it is time for you to pay the piper so to speak.’

He continued to follow Steve’s car at a safe distance, so Steve wouldn’t suspect he was being followed.

An hour later they arrived at Steve’s cabin. “I need to tell you Dan. This is my secret hideaway. You can’t tell your dad where we are or where this cabin is.”

“I understand Steve. How does your side feel?” Dan was concerned.

“It still hurts, but not as much. “What say we unload the car? You two guys can share this room and I’ll take the other one.”

“Ok Steve. Where is the phone?” Dan looked around

“I didn’t bring it with me. I told you, this is my private hideaway. I don’t want to be bothered by the outside world.”

“But what if we have an emergency?” Dan speculated. Thinking about the pain Steve was having.

“I don’t plan on having an emergency.” Steve told him.

“Well ok. Here Steve I can carry my own bag.” Dan picked up his bag and took it to his room.

“Ok well now that we are settled I’ll fix dinner Do you kids want hamburgers or hotdogs. I’m sorry Dan I was expecting to have just the twins.” Steve apologized.

"That’s ok Steve. Hog dogs are fine I guess.” Dan turned up his nose. Listen I brought a couple of books. I’m going into my room to read if that’s ok.”

“Yea, I guess so.” Steve started making dinner for the boys. “Marc. Why don’t you go out and gather up some twigs and sticks and stuff that way we can get a fire going in the fireplace.”

“Sure Steve, no problem.” Marc headed out the door. He started for the woods that surrounded the house.

“Marc.” Steve called. “You need your jacket.”

“Ok Steve.” Marc grabbed his Jacket. “Are we going fishing while we are here?”

“We’ll see partner.” Steve continued to hold on to his right side.

Dolenz sat watching and waiting for his opportunity He was so busy thinking of the fun he was going to have once he got into the cabin, he didn’t see Marc go in or back out. He had seen Danny and wondered who he was. ‘Probably some orphan that Mr. Goody two shoes is getting to know better or something.’ Dolenz thought to himself.

He couldn’t wait any longer. He decided it was time to make his move. He got out of the car and walked up to the door of the cabin.

Danny was reading in his room and Steve was standing at the stove. His right side was really hurting. ‘If I can just hold out till I take Marc fishing tomorrow.’ Steve thought. ‘Then we’ll head back early. I really should have talked to Rudy before I left.’

“What in the world was?” Steve cried out. When the cabin door crashed open. He turned and saw Dolenz standing in front of him.

“We have a lot to talk about Col Austin.” Dolenz stated.

‘Marc you listen to me, and I mean it! You stay outside!' Steve ordered. ‘I mean it. You head for the main road and wait for Danny!’

Outside Marc heard Steve’s order. He knew something was wrong. Going by what had happened in the past, Marc knew to obey Steve’s orders.

“What do you want Dolenz.” Steve almost whimpered he was in so much pain.

“I want much Col. I have decided that robots are not as good as bionics. I think I want to know how you are made.” Dolenz explained.

Steve watched out the kitchen window. He could see Marc making his way up the path to the main road. ‘I can’t believe he actually listened to me.’ Steve thought. ‘Now I just have to get Danny out of here.’

Steve ran into the bedroom and locked the door. Dolenz ran up to the door and started pounding on it. “Austin you’re not going to get away.”

“What’s going on Steve?” Dan asked.

“Dan, I need you to get out of here. Marc is waiting for you on the main road…”

“What is going on?” Dan demanded, “Who’s here?”

“The man’s name is Dolenz he is after the secret of bionics. Your father will know who he is. I am going to distract him; you go meet your brother.” Steve was almost in tears his side hurt so bad.

Dan shook his head. “No way Steve I’m not leaving you alone.”

“Dan, I need your help. You have to get your dad. I know you were watching as we drove up here. You know the way back to town.”

“I do at that, but Steve I’m afraid you are sick I think you have appendicitis.” Danny explained. “Your side still hurts? Doesn’t it?” Dan questioned. “It’s not getting better.”

“Dan!" Steve winced. "You are getting out of here before he breaks the door down. Go call your dad and Rudy.”

Dolenz continued to beat on the door. It would only be a matter of seconds until he succeeded in breaking it down.

Steve stepped over to the window and opened it. “Come on you go catch up to Marc he’s waiting for you.” Steve could barely speak the pain was so bad

Danny slipped out the window and ran to catch up to Marc. “I really didn’t want to leave him.” Dan explained as they headed for town. I’m pretty sure he has appendicitis.” Dan explained.

“Appendicitis!” Marc cried. “Is he going to be alright?”

“I don’t know Marc. I really don’t know. No he’s not going to be alright if he doesn’t get to a doctor and fast…"

Danny no more made his escape out the window when Dolenz broke the door down. “Trying to get away? Are we? I don’t think so.” Dolenz sneered.

Again Steve watched as Dan caught up to Marc. He breathed a sigh of relief when they disappeared down the main road.

“I guess you got me Dolenz.” Steve admitted.

“Now I’m going to find out exactly how your bionics work even if I have to kill you.” Dolenz stated.

‘You may not have to kill me.” Steve thought. ‘I think Dan was right. I don’t think I can take the pain anymore. ’ Steve passed out onto the floor.

Dolenz didn’t even flinch “Very good.” He said. “Now I can get you to my own lab and see exactly how you are made. Then I can have an army of bionic men at my command doing what I ask. If I’m lucky I’ll even have you.”

Dolenz began to move the unconscious Steve across the floor so he could put him in the back of his car. Mid way across the floor he stopped. "What is my hurry? No one knows I’m here." Dolenz said to himself.

He sat back and turned on the radio. “I’ll just relax for a bit. It was a long trip up here.”


Danny and Marc finally made their way into the small town, “You stay right with me.” Dan ordered Marc. They walked into gas station and Dan placed the required coins into the pay phone

Dan dialed the number at OSI. It rang several times before Oscar answered it. “Dad?” Dan spoke

“Dan, is that you?” Oscar asked.

“Yea. Dad there is trouble, big trouble” Dan started

“What is it son?”

Danny proceeded to tell Oscar what had happened. And that he thought Steve had appendicitis.

“You and Marc stay right Rudy and I are on the way.” Oscar called before he hung up the phone.

Back in the cabin Steve had come around a little. He wasn’t fully awake, but he was aware of what was going on.

Dolenz was tired of sitting around. “I think it’s time I get you back to my place.” He offered. He got up and walked over to where Steve had been lying on the floor. He finished dragging him across the floor of the cabin and opened the door.

“I wish you would cooperate just a little more.” Dolenz complained.

Steve was not conscious enough to speak. He wanted to scream at Dolenz though. Right now he thought he would let anybody take his appendix out.

‘I just hope Rudy and Oscar are on the way” He thought before he slipped back into unconsciousness.

Back at the OSI Oscar turned to Rudy who was sitting in front of him “Rudy we have troubles.” Oscar stated as he hung up the phone.

“What kind of trouble?” Rudy wanted to know.

“That was Dan apparently our old friend Dolenz is out of prison. He is holding Steve hostage. Do you remember my telling you Steve had a pain in his side when he left this morning?”

Rudy nodded.

“Dan says it has gotten worse. He thinks it’s his appendix.” Oscar related.

“That’s what I thought when you told me earlier.” Rudy stated. “Where are they? Because if that’s the case we have to get to Steve fast!” Rudy got up from his chair.

“Dan gave me directions. What do you mean we have to get there fast?” Alarm was rising in Oscar’s voice.

“I mean the appendix could burst.” Rudy said. “That could cause all kinds of problems. We better get going.”

“I’ll call Jaime and tell her what’s going on.” Oscar stated.

“As long as you do it from the car phone.” Rudy started for the door.

“It’s that serious Rudy?” Oscar was perplexed.

“Yes Oscar. If the appendix bursts Steve could be in serious trouble. I would prefer to get it out of him before it does.”

“Maybe Dan is wrong.” Oscar hoped.

“No he’s not, that was my first thought too.” Rudy explained.


Dolenz carried the unconscious Steve out to his car. He put him in the back seat then got behind the wheel himself. He reached for his coat where the keys were only to discover he had left his jacket with the keys in the pocket in the cabin.

In the back seat Steve started to come around again. He could see he was in a car. He looked into the front seat thinking he would see Rudy and Oscar. There was no one there.

‘Must be Dolenz’ car’ Steve thought. I have to get away from him.’ Steve forced the door open and crawled out of the back seat.

He didn’t get very far. As much as he tried to keep himself alert he again slipped into unconscious.

When Dolenz emerged from the cabin he saw Steve on the ground only a few feet from where the car was parked. “Now, now. You don’t want to come with me?” Dolenz bent down and put Steve back into the car.

On the drive to Pratt, Vriginia, Oscar called Jaime to explain what was going on.

“I knew he shouldn’t go.” Jaime cried. “It’s history repeating itself already.”

“What are you talking about?” Oscar demanded.

“Well you know Steve’s natural father died before he was born and…”

“Steve is not going to die!” Jaime. Oscar assured. “Rudy and I are on our way to Pratt right now.” Oscar informed her.”

“I’ll be sitting by the phone. Call me the minute you know anything.” Jaime was in tears.

“I will.” Oscar promised.

Back at the cabin Steve again came around. He could see Dolenz behind the wheel. ‘I have to stall for time.’ Steve thought. ‘Rudy should be here soon.’

In the front seat Dolenz could hear Steve stirring. He turned toward him the keys in his hand. “You will not get away from me Col. Austin.” Dolenz laughed.

Steve grabbed the keys out of Dolenz’ hand and with the little bit of strength he had left threw them out the window. The keys went flying through the air.

“That was not a very smart thing to do.” Dolenz hissed. “Don’t worry I’ll get you out of here.”

Steve fought as hard as he could to stay awake. He kept his eye on Dolenz. Steve watched as Dolenz got out of the car to look for the keys.

Oscar and Rudy pulled up to the gas station where Marc and Dan were waiting. Dan grabbed Marc by the arm “Come on I don’t want them to have to wait for us.”

Oscar had barely stopped when Dan threw the door open “Let’s go.” He cried “I’ll tell you where to from here. We aren’t that far!!”

Oscar followed Dan’s direction and they were at Steve’s cabin in a matter of minutes.

They saw Dolenz’ car but Dolenz was nowhere to be seen. Rudy and Oscar leaped out of the car.

“Where’s Steve?” Oscar shouted.

“I don’t know.” Rudy said as he started looking around. Steve could hear them. Weakly he called out. “Rudy, Oscar over here.” Steve called out.

Rudy ran over to Dolenz’ car. “Steve. Just take it easy, you’re with us now.” Rudy assured.

“Dolenz is still around.” He warned. Rudy could hardly hear him.

“Don't worry Steve. We’ll watch out for him.”

Rudy assessed Steve’s condition

“Let’s get him in the car Rudy.” Oscar called as he ran to the car.

“There isn’t time Oscar! Let’s just get him into the house we are going to have to do the surgery here.”

Oscar helped get him into the cabin. “I’ll do it in the bed room here. Oscar help me get him on the bed.”

Between the two of them they got Steve on the bed and Rudy proceeded with the surgery.

Out in the living area Oscar stayed with the kids. He walked over to Marc. “It’s ok Marc. Steve will be just fine.” He tried to assure.

“I’m going to go outside dad.” Marc stated.

“No you better stay here. Dolenz is still out there.”

“That’s why I want to go outside.” Marc surmised. “I want to find him.”

“Marc you stay right here ok.” Oscar stood and walked over to the bedroom door. He was wondering how Steve was coming. Had they gotten to him on time?”

They all watched the door waiting for Rudy to come out and tell them how Steve was.”

After what seemed like hours Rudy finally emerged.

Oscar was on his feet in seconds. “Well Rudy?”

“It’s not good news. The appendix burst before I got to him. He’s going to be all right but right now he’s very, very sick…

“What do you mean Rudy?” Oscar demanded.

“When an appendix bursts. It spreads poison throughout the blood stream. Our best bet now is to get him to the hospital as fast as we can. I need to start him on antibiotics as soon as I can.”

“Is he strong enough to make the trip?” Oscar asked

“No not really, but I have no choice. I have to get him to the hospital.” Rudy explained. I’ll take Steve in his car. You take the kids in yours.”

“Is Steve going to be all right?” Marc asked.

“I’ll be very honest with you Marc.” Rudy bent down to him. “I really don’t know. You go with your dad. I’ll do everything I can.” Rudy stood “What about Dolenz?” He asked.

“I don’t know, let’s worry about him later.” Oscar commented. “Right now my concern is for Steve. Let’s get him to the hospital Are you taking him to The National Medical Center?”

“Yea. Call Jaime have her meet us there. You better find someone to watch the kids.” Rudy told him.

“I bet Callahan will do it. I’ll call her on the way in. We’ll just leave the kids at the OSI.”

“Good idea.” Rudy agreed. “Do you want to help me get Steve to his car?”

The two of them carried Steve out to Steve’s car the laid him in the back seat. “You sure he’ll be all right till we get there Rudy?’ Oscar asked. “I just don’t like him in the back seat by himself away from you.”

“We don’t have much of a choice. We’ll just have to take our chances. We don’t have time to wait for an ambulance to get up here.” Rudy stated. He got into the driver’s side of Steve’s car. “Besides. They would only take him to the nearest hospital I’ll see you when you get to the there. Call Jaime and tell her to meet us there.” Rudy called before he drove off.

As he drove from Pratt to DC Rudy kept glancing into the back seat to check on Steve.

Oscar followed close behind just in case Rudy had trouble. He called both Jaime and Callahan from the car phone. Callahan agreed to watch the kids. And Jaime said she was on her way to the hospital.

In the backseat Steve started to come around. He tried hard to see the person who was driving. He hoped it wasn’t Dolenz. “Rudy?” He called out.

Rudy turned to the backseat. “Yea Steve it’s me. You just rest. We’re on our way to the hospital.” Rudy explained.

“Ok. What about Dolenz?” Steve whispered.

“We don’t know where he is Steve. That’s not my concern now. You are very sick I need to get you to the hospital” Rudy told him

“Ok I’m just going to sleep.” Steve closed his eyes and drifted off into a painful sleep.

Once again Rudy glanced into the backseat. He could tell Steve was just sleeping but he sped up just a little anyway.

smdmsmdmsmdmsmdmsmdm They arrived at the hospital Jaime was waiting for them just inside the Special Bionics Section. Rudy had already arranged for a medic to meet him with a gurney so he could get Steve upstairs.

“How is he Rudy?” She asked as Rudy wheeled Steve into the area.

“He’s still not very good Jaime. I’m very concerned.” Rudy wheeled Steve into his lab and started Steve on various antibiotics.

Jaime was standing outside the lab when Oscar showed up. “How is he Jaime?”

“I’m not sure Rudy hasn’t come out yet. He really didn’t tell me much of anything.” Jaime told him. All I know is what you told me on the phone. The appendix burst?”

“I’m afraid so Jaime. Rudy was quite concerned about it.” The two of them turned when they heard the door open.

“How is he Rudy?” Jaime wanted to know.

“He’s still in critical condition but I think he’s getting better.” Rudy surmised. “I am concerned about a couple of things though.”

“Well tell me Rudy.” Jaime pressed.

“I’d really rather not. Not right now anyway. I just want to keep a close watch on him. I’ll stay here with him tonight.”

“What about Dolenz?” Jaime asked.

“We don’t know. As far as we know he got away from us for the moment anyway.” Oscar stated.

“Is there anything I can do? I really feel we should find him. I mean if what Dan says is true. He wants the secret of bionics? I don’t think any of us are safe. Steve, me or even Marc.”

Well Steve will be here tonight. I’ll arrange for a guard. “Why don’t you stay with us?” I really don’t want you alone especially at a time like this. I’ll arrange for security to guard the house.”

“Well Oscar as much as I appreciate the invitation I would rather stay here with Steve. Is that alright Rudy?”

“Of course Jaime. I’ll arrange it.” Rudy agreed. “What about Marc?”

“I don’t even think Dolenz knows I have kids, much less that one of them would be bionic I think he’ll be alright I don’t even think he know about Jaime.” Oscar presumed. “I’ll still arrange a guard though.”

“Yea, I guess you’re right.” Rudy assumed.

“Has he regained consciousness Rudy?” Oscar wondered.

“He came to on the way in. He’s just sleeping right now. In fact I’m helping that along.” Rudy explained.

“Why?” Jaime asked.

“Because he’s in a lot of pain right now. I think keeping him asleep is the best for him. Come on Jaime, I’ll get you settled for the night.”

Rudy led Jaime to another room “You just go to sleep. I’ll let you know if anything happens.”

“Thanks Rudy.” Jaime climbed into bed. It had been a particularly trying day. She was asleep in no time.

Rudy entered Steve’s room he was awake. The drugs Rudy had given earlier in the day had worn off.

“How are you feeling?” Rudy asked.

“Not so good. I just feel so tired and weak. What happened?”

“Your appendix burst. You’re pretty sick. I’m doing everything I can right now. But I need you to rest. I’ll give you more medicine to help you sleep. Jaime is here. Do you want to see her?”

“Yea. If you don’t mind.” Steve grimaced. “Is there something you can give me for the pain?”

“You got it coming right up. Listen, I’m going give you that. Then I want to take some more blood. Your body has been producing massive amounts of white blood cells to fight the infection. I want to see if the antibiotics have kicked in. If not, and your … it could be a problem.” Rudy tried to explain.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Steve gave him a pained look. Rudy injected with a pain medicine. He then drew the blood he needed for the test. “I’ll send Jaime in. Then I’ll get back to you on this.”

Before he went into the lab he stopped and told Jaime Steve was awake and wanted to see her.

Jaime headed for his room. “Hi honey how are you?” She asked.

“Well I think I’m going go be alright.” Steve tried to smile. “The drugs were kicking in and he wasn’t in so much pain anymore.

“Well that’s good. You gave me quite a scare.” Jaime breathed a sigh of relief she was glad to see he was doing better.

“Speaking of scared. How are Marc and Dan?” Steve wanted to know

“I don’t know. Oscar left them with Callahan while we were here.” Jaime explained.

Steve nodded. The drugs were really taking an effect. “Yea that’s probably a good thing.” He stated before he drifted back to sleep.

Jaime was still watching him when Rudy walked back in. “Rudy what is it you look upset.” Jaime observed.

“Yea I am. I just got the blood tests back. I’m telling you Jaime, I don’t like it at all.” Rudy stated.

“Well tell me Rudy. Please!” Jaime begged.

“It is the same thing I was concerned about earlier.” Rudy looked at her.

“I remember you saying something like that. Rudy what is it?”

“Well I guess you have the right to know.” Rudy began.

“More than anybody here. He’s my husband.” Jaime reminded.

“Well. Steve has a serious infection from the appendix bursting. In order to fight it off his body is producing massive amounts or white blood cells.” Rudy turned to her.

“I’m listening. Go on Rudy.” Jaime urged.

“I was hoping that with the antibiotics it would slow it down.” Rudy continued.

“Rudy I guess I don’t understand what you are trying to say. I mean isn’t it a good thing that Steve’s body is trying to fight it?

Rudy shook his head. “Under normal circumstances yes. But you see white blood cells not only fight off infection, they destroy any foreign matter in the body.”

Jaime continued to stare at the doctor not quite understanding what he was saying.

“Jaime that’s what happened to you. Your body did the same thing right before you…”

“Rejected? Rudy is that what you are trying to tell me?” Steve’s body could reject his bionics?”

Rudy slowly nodded his head. “That’s exactly what I’m tying to say…”

“Oh come on Rudy it never happened to him before. Why would it happen now?” Jaime demanded.

“Steve has had his ups and downs before.” Rudy began. “What I mean by that is he’s been sick. He’s been injured to the point where I didn’t think he would come back to us. But this is different.” Rudy tried to explain. “At least I know what to look for this time. I should be able to stop it before it goes to far.”

“Is that the main reason you’re keeping him asleep?” Jaime asked.

Again Rudy nodded.

“Well does Steve know what’s going on?’ Jaime wondered.

This time he shook his head. “No Jaime. I haven’t told him.”

“Rudy. I think he has the right to know.” Jaime demanded

“Yea, your probably right. I just don’t want him to get away from us like you did. Do you remember?”

“Vaguely I do. But it seems like it was part of a bad dream.” Jaime related.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to do another blood test. I just hope the white cell count has dropped.”

Jaime watched as he entered Steve’s room “It just can’t be what you think it is Rudy.” Jaime whispered.

Rudy went in and took another blood sample. “If it hasn’t dropped this time Steve I’m afraid you’re going to have to have another operation.” Rudy said more to himself. “And to be honest, you’re just not strong enough for it right now.”

Jaime waited for Rudy to come back and tell her what the situation was. Before Rudy was finished Oscar joined her.

“Minnie is watching the kids. Well I dropped Dan off at School. He’s pretty upset.” Oscar told her. “How is Steve?”

Jaime told him the same thing Rudy had told her a while back. About the fact Steve’s body could reject his bionics.

“You’re not serious?” Oscar stammered.

“Yes I am. I’m just waiting for Rudy to come out and tell me the results of the last blood test.”

“Jaime, he’s going to be just fine.” Oscar tried to assure her.

They both turned to see Rudy walking down the hall. They both moved forward to greet him.

“Jaime told me everything Rudy how is he?”

“The white count is dropping. The antibiotics are finally doing their job.” Rudy told them. “I’m keeping a close eye on it though.”

“Can I see him Rudy?” Jaime asked.

“In a little bit. Let him sleep off the drugs I gave him. He should be fully aware by early afternoon. Why don’t you go home and get some rest. I’ll call if there is any change.”

“I hate to leave him Rudy.” Jaime argued.

“I understand, but you have not just yourself to think about. The baby needs rest too.” Rudy explained.

“I guess you’re right “ Jaime agreed. “I’ll be back after lunch.”

“That sounds great.” Rudy agreed.

“I’m going to go to Rudy. I need to call the house and tell Marc that Steve is going to be all right. I can can’t I?”

“He’s still pretty sick and he could have trouble fighting a cold right now, but yea he’s going to be just fine. He needs a lot of rest though. I’m not real sure how long he’ll have the immunity problem.” Rudy stated. He tried to explain to Oscar that it would be a while before Steve would be back on missions.

“Just so long as he’s going to be alright.” Oscar observed.

“Well, I’ll know more as the next few day progress. But right now, the white count is almost back to normal.” Rudy told him

“Ok I’ll see you later. Let me know if there are any significant changes.” Oscar started down the hall.

“Yea Oscar, I will.” Rudy promised. “I just wish Dolenz weren’t running loose. I don’t trust that guy. I mean I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting him. But I’ve heard you and Steve talk about him.” Rudy reminded.

“Yea, I know what you’re talking about. I suppose I’ll dispatch another agent to locate him.” Oscar supposed.

“Yea, well what ever you do, don’t send Jaime. Steve will kill you.” Rudy warned.

“I know. I’m not sure whom I’ll send. Maybe I’ll just wait for Steve to get better. I’m sure he doesn’t know about Jaime and Marc. I’m pretty sure…”

“How would he know about Marc? He’s been in prison for over a year. My question is why was he released?” Rudy wondered.

“He wasn’t. He escaped. They are searching for him.” Oscar explained.

“Maybe they caught him already then.” Rudy surmised.

“That’s what I’m going to check on when I get to the office.” Oscar left and headed down the hall. He left the building and headed back to the OSI.

Rudy went back into Steve’s room. “So are you feeling a little better?”

“Yea Doc. I think so. I still feel pretty weak, but not as bad. What’s going on?”

“Well your white blood cell count kept going up, which is actually supposed to do when you have an infection as bad as you had.” Rudy started to explain.

“So then it was a good thing is it still going up?” Steve wanted to know

“No it’s going down which is a good thing.” Rudy saw the quizzical look Steve gave him. “Steve my biggest fear was…he began to explain what had happened.

Steve could only give Rudy a stunned look.

As soon as he got to his office he phoned the DC police. “This is Oscar Goldman I just wanted to check the Status of recently escaped convict Dr. Dolenz.”

“As far as we know sir he is still at large.” The police chief informed him.

“Ok thank you. You will keep me informed?” Oscar asked.

“We sure will sir.” The Chief stated.


Later that afternoon Jaime returned to the hospital. She entered Steve’s room. He was sitting up in bed eating a light lunch.

“How are you feeling?” She asked.

“I feel better than I did yesterday at this time.” Steve pushed the tray aside. “Listen, do me a favor. Go get me some real food.”

Jaime shook her head. “No you just had major surgery, Rudy has you on a restricted diet.”

“He What?” Steve bellowed.

Rudy was just getting ready to enter the room when he heard Steve’s out burst. “What is wrong Steve?”

Steve pointed to the tray with the half eaten lunch. “This is the problem Doc. I want some real food. This stuff tastes like…well you know?”

Rudy thought for a moment. “I guess you could have something else. That is if you are hungry?”

“I’m starving. Get me something to eat!!”

Rudy started laughing. “Ok, ok. I’ll see what I can do.” Rudy left the room

“Now that he’s gone. I suppose he told you about the… the…” Steve stopped.

“About the possibility you could reject?” Jaime stated quietly.

Steve nodded. “Yea. I could hardly believe it.”

“Same here.” Jaime said. “Rudy says it’s not a problem now.”

“Yea that’s what he told me.” Steve sat up “Now for a serious talk. Have they caught Dolenz yet?”

Jaime shook her head. “No Steve they haven’t” She told him

“I see now another question. How are the kids? Dan and Marc.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen them all day. Oscar got Minnie to watch the younger kids, and Dan went to school.”

“But they are ok. Dolenz hasn’t found them?” Steve was concerned

“No, Oscar doesn’t think he even knows he has kids.” Jaime explained.

“Good. That’s good.” Steve felt reassured.

On his way back from the deli where he had gone to get Steve a sandwich Rudy met Oscar on the elevator.

“How is Steve doing?” Oscar asked.

“He’s much better.” He held up the bag from the deli. “Steve’s orders. He wanted real food.”

“Well that’s a good sign. Good news I guess.” Oscar exclaimed.

“Yea he’s on his way back.” Rudy smiled “The last blood test has the white count back to normal.”

“More good news.” Oscar stated. “Now for the bad news…”

Rudy turned to him. “And that would be?”

“Dolenz is still at large. Can I see Steve now?” Oscar asked.

“If he’s awake. He was the last I saw. He and Jaime were talking.”

They got off the elevator and headed down the hall to Steve’s room.

They entered Steve’s room. Jaime was sitting in a chair. Steve’s bed was empty. “Where is Steve?” Rudy wanted to know. “Is he in the…’

“No Rudy he’s gone.” Jaime informed them

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Oscar demanded

“It means he left. I made the mistake of telling him that Dolenz was still at large. He went to catch him.”

“You’re not serious?” Rudy asked

“Yes I am.” Jaime started crying.

“He can’t leave here. He’s still very weak and still very sick. His immunity system is not up to where it is supposed to be.”

“What exactly does that mean Rudy?” Oscar wanted to know.

“It means that if Steve caught so much as a cold his body wouldn’t be able to fight it. It could kill him…

While Rudy and Oscar had been riding up in one elevator Steve had been heading down in another he made his way out of the hospital and caught a cab.

‘I really don’t know where my car is. I’ll just rent one for now.’ Steve thought as he rode along in the back of the cab. ‘I have to find Dolenz.’ Steve continued to think

He got to the car rental garage and rented a car. “My best bet is to start back at the cabin.” Steve muttered to himself after he drove off.

“You don’t think he left the hospital, do you Rudy?” Oscar asked.

“There is one way to find out.” Rudy stated. He headed for the door of the OSI section of the hospital. “Excuse me.” Rudy approached the guard. “Did Col Austin leave this area?”

“Yes sir. He left about a half hour ago.” The guard told him.

“You let him leave?” Rudy shouted.

“With all due respect sir, our job is to keep people out, not in.” The guard stated. “Yea I guess you’re right.” Rudy sighed. “Did he say where he was going by any chance?”

“No sir. He just headed for the elevator and was gone.”

“Ok. Well thanks.” Rudy headed back to Steve’s room “Well he left. Eight to five he went to look for Dolenz.” Rudy surmised.

“Do you think he can handle it Rudy?” Oscar sounded concerned.

“No. But obviously he does.” Rudy assumed.

“Well I’m going to go help him.” Jaime stood and headed for the door.

“No you’re not!!” Rudy demanded. “If we allow that Steve will have both our heads.”

“Rudy! He can’t do this on his own!” Jaime proclaimed.

“Jaime, where would you start?” Oscar wanted to know.

“I suppose I would start back at the cabin.” Jaime presumed.

“You really think that’s where he is headed?” Oscar asked

“I’m sure it is.” Jaime said.

“Let me do it this way then. I’ll dispatch a team to assist Steve. You really need to stay here.”

smdmsmdsmdmmsmd Steve reached his cabin. Dolenz’ car was still parked in the drive. ‘I can’t believe he’s still here’ Steve thought. He crept around the side of the cabin and peeked in the window.

‘I can’t believe this. He’s in there.’ Steve could see Dolenz sitting in the living room. He slipped around the back of the cabin and opened the back door and stepped inside.

Steve walked through the kitchen and into the living room. ‘Where did he go?’ Steve thought.

He looked around the living room. Then he noticed that the front door was open. Dolenz was standing on the porch. “I see you have returned I am assuming that car belongs to you Col. Austin.” Dolenz said. Rubbing his hands. “I knew if I stayed around, you would come back.”

Steve saw Dolenz turn back around he ducked into the narrow hallway that led back to the bedrooms. But Steve could still see him.

He stood watching for sometime. Dolenz sat in the chair in the living room Steve decided to make his move. He raced into the living room and grabbed Dolenz by the collar. “Ok Dolenz this is it.” Steve said. “I’m afraid you are coming with me.”

Steve didn’t realize how weak he had gotten from being sick. Dolenz easily got lose from him. He turned and grabbed Steve. “I’m afraid you are mistaken Col Austin. I do believe you are coming with me.” Dolenz sneered.

He led Steve outside and into the waiting arms of the OSI task force. “Give it up Dolenz!” Russ Called.

“Never!” Dolenz cried. He held tightly to Steve.

“Come on Dolenz.” Oscar called. “Just let it go. You’re surrounded.

With his last bit of strength Steve shoved Dolenz off the porch. Russ and the rest of the task force surrounded him.

Steve turned to see Rudy standing beside him. “Rudy I think you better get me back to the hospital.” Steve said.

“That’s where we are headed. Can you make it to the car?” Rudy asked.

“I think so.” Steve let Rudy and Oscar help him back to the car. “Oscar, do me a favor.” Steve handed him the keys to the car he had rented. “Take this back for me?”

“Sure Steve, no problem.” Oscar assured him taking the keys.” Don’t worry about it. You just go with Rudy.”

Rudy and Steve got into Rudy’s car. “How are you feeling Steve?” Rudy asked a hint of concern in his voice.”

“I just feel very tired. Real weak” Steve explained.

“You don’t feel sick, like your catching a cold or anything?” Rudy pressed for information.

“No Rudy, I just feel real tired.” Steve assured. He turned his head toward the window and drifted off to sleep.

They arrived back at the hospital and Rudy reached over to wake Steve. “Think you can make it back inside?” He asked.

“Yea I think so. Why am I so weak?” Steve demanded.

“Steve I told you, you were pretty sick. You needed to stay in the hospital.” Rudy explained.

“I just wanted to find Dolenz.” Steve told him.

“Well now that he’s on his way back to jail will you please relax and take it easy till you get better?”

Steve nodded as they rode the elevator back up to the floor Steve’s room was on. “Ok” Rudy ordered “back to bed. And if you’re a really good boy, I’ll bring you a book to read tomorrow.” Rudy laughed.

“Rudy. I have to know. Are Marc and Dan alright?”

“They are fine. Dan was a little upset at first. He wanted to blame himself but I had a long talk with him he’s fine.”

“Well that’s good.” Steve lay back down on the bed. “I just want to sleep.”

A week later Rudy felt Steve was strong enough to leave the hospital He gave Jaime strict instructions that Steve was to take it easy for the next several weeks..

“I’ll see to it that he does.” Jaime assured. “Come on Steve. Let’s go home.”


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