
At midnight Steve decided to call it a day and fell onto his cot still dressed in black sweat pants and a gray USAF sweatshirt shirt. Oscar and Rudy followed shortly after. Around 3 a.m. Rudy awoke to muffled sounds in the room. He found Oscar sitting on a chair wide-awake. The doctor walked over to inquire why he wasn’t asleep.

“I don’t know. I keep having this recurrent nightmare involving him.” Rudy couldn’t help but notice Oscar expression of deep concern as he stared at Steve sleeping soundly on his stomach, facing them.

“Do you want to talk about it?” The doctor asked matching Oscar’s hushed tone.

“No not really.” He replied never moving his gaze. “You know if anything should happen to Steve before his contract is up I don’t think I could live with myself, especially now since he and Jaime are so close to being married.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Oscar you have to keep in mind your hands were tied and still are. There’s no way the Secretary would have allowed both Jaime and Steve resign. I don’t think Steve’s having a hard time with it do you?”

“I don’t know, he never discusses it.”


At Steve’s Washington apartment Jaime sat in front of the fireplace ensconced in a heavy quilt deeply engrossed in preparations for her January wedding. She came to Washington over the Thanksgiving holiday since Helen and Jim were visiting a terminally ill friend in Michigan. Steve was called out by Oscar around 9:00 p.m. with a promise to return by midnight and Jaime was hoping to have him home soon. With her body warmed by the fire her eyes slowly closed as she drifted off to sleep with a content smile on her face at the thought of soon becoming Mrs. Steve Austin.

A rapid knock on the door startled her awake. She was disoriented at first before realizing she wasn’t at the California ranch. Another urgent wrap on the oak door brought her out of her fog.

A quick glance at the wall clock as she ambled sleepy-eyed across the room told her it was 2:00 a.m. she immediately opened the door to find a weary Oscar Goldman staring at her with a solemn expression on his face. It didn’t take her long to notice his glassy eyes and the wrinkles covering his usually crisp business suit. Suddenly she was wide awake as her gut twisted at his strained words.

“Jaime it’s…it’s Steve…he…”

“What happened?” She asked, her voice firm but quivering.

“He …was shot…He’s at the medical center…”

Jaime never saw the cool-headed Oscar have difficulty completing a sentence before. “Oh God is he….?” She choked out and was unable to verbalize the rest of her thoughts as tears filled her eyes.

“We should hurry Jaime. My car is downstairs and…”

Jaime was already leaning down to don her boots then grabbed her coat from the rack next to the door. They hurried down the elevator and into the bitterly cold night, neither speaking of the possibilities.


They sat stone-faced in the waiting room, both lost in their own thoughts. Jaime was realizing her and Steve’s elusive dream of living ‘happily ever after’ might dissolve by sunrise. Oscar was mentally reviewing the event over and over wondering if it could have been prevented. He was shocked how it eerily paralleled the recurrent nightmare he’d been having for the past four weeks, ever since they took Steve to the cabin. Maybe that was the reason he felt the need recently to send Steve out with a partner on the last few assignments to watch his back. It was a decision that had brought Oscar some relief from his increasing anxiety. When Jaime finally questioned him about incident the only thing Oscar could tell her was he was monitoring Steve and the other agent from a vehicle parked in the vicinity. While both men waited to meet an informant on a side street all hell broke loose. The semi-automatic gunfire originated from a fast approaching car and didn’t cease until both agents were down, the car speeding off. The other agent was killed instantly and Steve was hit three times.

Jaime went to use a telephone hoping to contact Steve’s parents; her previous three attempts were unsuccessful. Oscar stood to stretch his legs when he saw Rudy heading towards him.

“How is he?”

“He’s alive. All three slugs went straight through his chest but not before doing serious damage to his internal organs.”

Oscar was amazed, “I didn’t think anyone could have survived that.”

“Just ‘Anyone’ wouldn’t have.”

Oscar wore a confused look at the doctor’s comment.

“Anyone else would have died, except maybe for Jaime. The human body can only afford to lose a third of its blood before it becomes a major problem. Because of Steve’s bionics his body only requires half the blood supply a normal person does but his body still produces the full amount you and I have. In a situation such as this he can afford to lose half his blood supply without it being fatal. It’s the only reason he didn’t bleed to death before you got him here.”

Oscar just nodded his understanding of Rudy’s explanation. For several moments of silence they both sat wearily on the chairs.

“Where’s Jaime?” The doctor asked concerned.

“Calling Steve’s parents.”

Rudy nodded and rubbed his face with his hands taking a moment to rest his tired mind and body. He took a very deep breath before sharing his private thoughts with his friend before Jaime returned, “Oscar, I haven’t seen Steve in this bad a shape since his plane crash. He went into cardiac arrest twice in the operating room. I honestly didn’t think we would bring him back.” He stated in a soft voice trying to convey to his friend the dire circumstances they were facing. Oscar just stared at Rudy trying to comprehend his words. They were interrupted when Jaime returned immediately inquiring about Steve’s condition.

Rudy stood and took both her hands in his hoping to offer the support he knew she would need. “Jaime he’s alive but… his condition is critical. He survived the surgery but he’s in a coma and on a respirator. We just have to wait and see.”

“Can I see him?” She choked out as the emotions building in her chest threatened to escape.


The trio headed to the ICU where Jaime was not fully prepared for the sight before her. The beeping of the heart monitor competed with the sound of the respirator for dominance in the quiet room. Air was mechanically being forced into Steve’s damaged lungs, the crude plastic tubing occupying his trachea held in place at his mouth with tape. His chest was fully covered in bandages with electrodes positioned underneath to monitor his rapid heart rate. Jaime had never seen him look so pale. She was only in the room long enough to get a look at him from the doorway before turning and quickly leaving the room. Oscar and Rudy shared a concerned look before they followed her into the hallway.

She stood leaning against the wall, her body shaking as she sobbed. Rudy went to her and turned her to face him. He wrapped his arms around in a compassionate embrace assuring her things would be okay. After she regained some control of the tears she took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Now tell me what you’re not telling me, Rudy.”

His large dark brown eyes met her blue ones. He couldn’t lie but he couldn’t find the right words to lessen the pain.

“You don’t expect him to live do you?” She said directly, her eyes searching his for an honest answer.

The doctor quickly considered his options and knew he couldn’t string her along, “Jaime we are using every known medical treatment to give Steve the best chance to make it through this. He’s fighting like hell I can tell you that.”

“But that’s doesn’t answer my question.”

“I don’t know the answer Jaime. He is in very bad shape but he has surprised me before. I think in the next 48 hours we’ll have a better idea of his prognosis.

Her tone quieted as she stared at the crumpled tissue in her hand, “If he dies this will all be my fault.”

“Jaime none of this is your fault. You have to believe that.” Rudy informed her.

Oscar, who was within earshot but not intrusive, knew Jaime was aware of Steve’s OSI contract. He never found out how she came to have the knowledge, assuming Steve had told her.

He chimed in with low tone, “He’s right Jaime. If anyone is to blame it’s me. I’m the one you should be pointing the finger at.” There was a short silence before directing his words to the doctor, “If anything changes I’ll be at my office, there’re some calls I need to make.” He turned and left without another word.

After watching the tall man walk away with slumped shoulders the doctor turned his attention back to Jaime, “Did you get a hold of Helen and Jim?”

She nodded, “They will be here by noon today.”

“That’s good. Do you still want to sit with Steve for awhile?” When she didn’t immediately answer he added, “You know he needs to know you’re here, he needs to hear your voice.”

“Okay.” She quietly responded, allowing him to walk her back to the room. Knowing what to expect did not make the situation much easier. Her gut twisted as she leaned over his still form and placed a tender kiss on his forehead whispering, “I’m here Steve. Mom and Dad are on their way.” At a loss for any more words she sat quietly at his right side holding his hand tears occasionally making their way down her cheeks.


Three hours sitting at his bedside gave Jaime time to think. Lost deep in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the nurse enter the room to check the patient. However her mind was brought swiftly back to the present when the nurse lean out the doorway urgently requesting Dr. Wells’ presence. Rudy quickly entered as his staff pointed out the ongoing arrhythmia noted on the EKG.

It was only seconds before the irregular beeping sounds became a constant ominous tone, an unwavering flat line displaying on the screen. Jaime instantly jumped to her feet and moved out of the way as Rudy helped the petite nurse turn the inert patient onto his side and slide a firm backboard underneath him so they could begin CPR.

Her mind barely comprehended all the orders and responses being called out, “Crash cart…CPR…adrenaline…” She watched the scene in horror as if it was a late night movie. Rudy promptly disconnected the respirator tubing at Steve’s mouth as a nurse snapped a plastic football shaped object to the tube exiting his throat. She began squeezing the ambu-bag with both hands, forcing air into the patient’s lungs manually while the doctor began chest compressions. Jaime wanted to leave but was frozen in place by the eerie drama. The words continued around her, “pulse?…four, five, breathe…charge to 300…five, breathe…”

Oscar had heard the code blue announced overhead as he exited the elevator and saw Rudy run into Steve’s room. He stopped in his tracks not wanting to witness his young friend’s death, a death he felt responsible for as if he had pulled the trigger himself.

Steve’s body jumped slightly at the first jolt from the defibrillator but the constant tone was uninterrupted. Rudy continued chest compressions while ordering a syringe of adrenaline hoping to jump-start the heart. After three cycles of CPR Rudy was ready with the syringe clutched in his right palm. After using his other hand to locate the correct area on the patient’s left chest he brought the needle downward in a stabbing motion, depressed the plunger with his thumb then yanked it from Steve’s chest.

He immediately ordered the defibrillator be charge to 350 Jules and returned to performing CPR waiting for the machine to reset. At this point Jaime stared wide-eyed at the team’s frantic efforts to save her fiancé realizing at that moment he was actually dead.

Rudy began urging his friend, “Come on Steve don’t do this, not now! You have to come back dammit! Do you hear me?”

The final shock caused the patient’s heart to beat once. Several long seconds passed…another beat…a few more seconds another beat. Everyone held their breath as the beats increased in frequency until a normal rhythm returned. The team breathed a collective sigh of relief that the patient was alive again. The doctor’s eyes found Jaime standing in the corner of the room. As the nurses hooked Steve back onto the mechanical respirator and removed the backboard Rudy took Jaime into the hallway only to run into Oscar standing just outside.

Rudy answered Oscar’s unvoiced question, “We got him back. In fact his heartbeat is stronger now than before it stopped. Hopefully this will be the worst of it and he’ll improve from here on out.”


Steve’s distraught parents arrived as expected. Jaime contacted a nearby hotel and reserved a room for them. For the next two days they joined Jaime in Steve’s room, all three trying to coax him out of his coma. By the second evening Helen and Jim took a break and headed to the cafeteria with plans to bring a stubborn, sleep-deprived Jaime some dinner when they returned. She sat alone with Steve solemnly telling him of the wedding plans when Rudy entered.

“Any change?” His eyes glancing at the monitors.

She just nodded. “Do you think he’ll be okay Rudy?” She asked although she was well aware he was not a fortuneteller.

“I’m optimistic since he’s come this far.” He stood across the bed facing her but her eyes remained on Steve, his face relaxed with his long dark lashes fanned out across his cheeks.

“You know Rudy I don’t think I could live without him.” Her voice was sad and distant, barely above a whisper, almost as if she was talking to herself. “He’s my best friend… my confidant… my lover…my soul mate.” After a moment her tear-filled eyes traveled up to Rudy’s face, feeling a little awkward for sharing such private thoughts out loud but the look on Rudy’s face was one of compassion and understanding. “I was sitting here thinking maybe I should return to the OSI so Steve can void his contract. Our relationship won’t withstand this Rudy. It’s already starting to wear us down and there’s still 5 years left to go. I can’t allow Steve to pay for my freedom with his life.”

The doctor thought for a few minutes. He knew both of these people so well, maybe better than anyone else. He hoped his words would convince Jaime that her returning to the OSI was not the best solution.

“Jaime I don’t think Steve could stand by while you go back to being an agent. When he signed that contract, unbeknownst to you, he was giving you a gift. By not allowing him to fulfill his contract is like throwing that gift in his face. Yes his gesture was extremely generous to say the least but that’s just the way Steve is. You’ve known him for more years than I have and we both know he would do anything for his family and friends.”

A smile slowly crossed her face as she shifted her weary gaze from Rudy to Steve. “That’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him. He has such a big heart and he cares so much for people.”

“So you see you have to let the whole thing go. You can’t let it bother you because then Steve picks up on your feelings and it tears him apart. The last thing he wants is to hurt you Jaime but he knows every mission unintentionally causes you distress. You must find a way to deal with the situation because it’s not going to change for a long while.”

Jaime absorbed Rudy’s thoughts. She didn’t want to hurt the man she loved. She didn’t realized how much her guilt was eating at him. “I’m sorry Steve I didn’t mean to make things more difficult for you.” Her face suddenly drained of all its color, shock registering clearly. “Rudy he squeezed my hand!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure. Look.” She held Steve’s hand just above the sheet. “Steve can you squeeze my hand again?” Nothing happened. “Please Steve try.” Slowly his fingers closed weakly around Jaime’s hand. The ecstatic pair finally felt hopeful and shared the good news with Helen and Jim upon their return to the room.


As the midnight hour approached with no more response from their son, the Elgin’s left the hospital to spend the night at their hotel room. Rudy had mistakenly assumed Jaime had left with them.

Entering Steve’s room the doctor let a grin cross his lips at the sight of Jaime sitting in a chair, leaning forward on the bed, her head pillowed on her right arm, her left was resting on Steve’s hand. At a closer look from the opposite side of the bed he could see she was sound asleep.

A quick check of his patient’s vital signs told him Steve was getting stronger. His attention was pulled from the monitors by Jaime’s sleepy voice. His grin grew into a huge smile at the interaction he was witnessing.

Without opening his eyes Steve weakly lifted his right hand out from under Jaime’s and touched her long hair. Jaime mumbled her annoyance, “Steve, stop it.” Her hand lightly nudged Steve’s hand away from her head. “I’m tired… let me sleep.” She let out a deep sigh before her eyes popped open and her head shot up realizing what just occurred.

She jumped to her feet and looked at Steve’s face. She called his name and urged him to wake up, her voice elicited eye movement under his closed eyelids. The patient worked diligently until his heavy eyelids lifted halfway. She held their breath while silently cheering Steve on. Rudy leaned in and told Steve not to attempt talking because he was still on a ventilator.

Steve provided a miniscule nod of understanding but his weary eyes never left Jaime’s tear-streaked face above him

“Oh God Steve…you’re awake!” A large smile covered her face as she whispered, “I love you.”

Steve fought hard to keep his eyes open but was finding it impossible. He knew his strength was quickly waning. Without a voice the best he could offer his bride-to-be was a familiar wink before falling into a deep healing sleep.


Since awaking from his coma Steve’s condition improved daily. The artificial ventilator was detached soon after but it took two days for his raspy voice to return to its normal tone. The I.V. line was replaced with bland hospital food in an effort to replace the several pounds of body weight the patient had lost. The sutures were removed both from the surgical site on his chest as well as from the exit wounds on his upper back. Steve’s assisted walks to and from the bathroom progressed to short unsteady jaunts down the hallway with Jim or Jaime at his side.

After five days Steve finally convinced his parents to return to their ill friend in Michigan assuring them he was on the mend and would follow Rudy’s orders. Before leaving Washington the four family members agreed they would spend the upcoming Christmas holiday together.

Jaime had gotten a leave of absence from her job so she could assist Steve in his recovery on the East coast. She passed the time finishing wedding plans with the occasional input from the groom. She looked up from her notebook when Rudy cheerfully greeted them.

“Well it would seem by your test results that you may be out of here by Christmas.” The news brought instantaneous smiles to the couple. “On the one condition that you stay here in Washington for a little while for check ups. Okay?”

“Sure!” Steve agreed eagerly.

“Oh and by the way I wanted you to know that you won’t be cleared to return to your OSI duties for quite awhile.” He winked at Jaime knowing this would lessen the stress between them temporarily. Steve’s voice got the doctor’s attention.

“Just so I’m cleared for the honeymoon duties in time.” He gave his bride a wicked smirk and a wink which was answered by blushing cheeks and a swat on his arm, “Steve!”

Rudy laughed, “I don’t think that will be a problem.”


Oscar was sitting amongst a sea of paperwork strewn all about his usually uncluttered office. Text books, file folders, budget records, loose sheets of papers, and photographs were topped with two legal pads already filled with notes. He hoped his experience as a former prosecutor and skill as a diplomat would serve him well in his presentation next week. All in all he knew he was facing a steep uphill battle.

He sat back on the leather couch and stretched his long frame suddenly overwhelmed by the research still ahead of him. Needing a break he sighed heavily as he stood, grabbed his suit coat and headed to the medical center. He hadn’t seen much of Steve during his convalescence; usually he just called Dr. Wells to check his progress. The few times he did appear in person the tension between him and Jaime was thick enough to cut with a knife.

His long strides covered the space between the elevator and nurse’s desk quickly. Rudy was standing at the desk writing in Steve’s chart, glancing up he was surprised to see Oscar. “Hi.”

“Hi Rudy. How’s Steve?”

“Improving slowly.” He answered distractedly as he continued with his documentation. “Right now he’s probably sound asleep from exhaustion.”

“Exhaustion? What was he doing?”

“According to his nurse instead of his usual two trips up and down this long hallway he pushed himself to do six. It completely wore him out.”

“I take it he’s anxious to get out of here then?”

“You could say that.” Rudy answered as he flipped the chart closed, placed his pen in the breast pocket of his lab coat and headed to Steve’s room with Oscar at his side.

Rudy opened the door to allow Oscar to enter. The doctor was correct his patient was in a deep slumber.

Seeing her former boss Jaime immediately closed her book and rose from her chair to take her leave. Rudy stepped from her path as she walked to the door. Oscar’s hand on her forearm stopped her exit. It was time to clear the air.

“Jaime…I’m sorry I’ve made you so angry with me.” His eyes searched hers for forgiveness.

She made direct eye contact with the tall man, “I’m not angry with you personally Oscar. I’m angry at the agency you represent, the same organization that thrives on its power to control a person’s life.” She gave a quick glance over her shoulder making sure Steve was still sound asleep before returning her livid gaze at Oscar.

Rudy knew Jaime never had difficulty with speaking her mind but he was unprepared at the intense emotion behind her words.

“Two weeks ago Helen and Jim almost lost their son, Rudy almost lost a best friend and I almost lost my fiancé. Tell me Oscar what did you almost lose two weeks ago…a loyal friend…or maybe the son you never had…or was it just your star quarterback?” She swung open the door and stepped through leaving Oscar speechless.

The doctor busied himself with his patient not knowing what to say to his wounded friend who was trapped between the proverbial rock and hard place. Oscar looked at Steve for a few seconds pondering his answer to Jaime’s question.

“When will you be clearing him to return to duty?”

“Well according to his pulmonary function tests his lungs are only back to 70% normal. I’d say it will be a while, probably not until after the wedding.”

Oscar nodded then he remembered the second reason he came here, “By the way Rudy I’ll need updates and cost estimates for both your present and upcoming projects regarding the bionics program by Friday. I need to review them before my meeting with the Secretary next week.”

“Isn’t that what I gave you three months ago?”

“Yes but now I need any changes, adaptations, improvements, that sort of thing that may have come up in the past few months even if they are just ideas on paper.”

“Sure I’ll send them over.” Rudy didn’t ask the reason behind the odd request for the information, assuming it was at the Secretary’s request.

“Fine.” Oscar continued to stare at Steve, the son he never had, and without another word he left.


Steve awoke late in the evening to find his physician friend standing at his bedside reviewing his chart. Steve’s sleepy voice startled the doctor, “Don’t you ever go home Doc?”

Rudy gave him a guilty smile, “I will soon.”

“Remember what I said at the cabin…you need to get out into the real world more often.”

“Yea I remember. How are you feeling?”

“Just tired and frustrated.”

“Uh huh. I heard about your marathon in the hallway today.”

Steve looked at Rudy as he bit the inside of his lip considering if it was worth denying it before conceding with a heavy sigh, “I learned my lesson okay?”


Steve laid his head back while the doctor listened to his lungs through the stethoscope.

“Rudy with everything that has happened since Thanksgiving I haven’t had a chance to thank you for all your hard work.”

“You’re welcome but I think you did most of the hard work.” The doctor’s mind flashed back to the three cardiac arrests whose outcomes were more due to the patient’s will to live than his skills as a doctor.

“Well thanks all the same. By the way there’s something I wanted to ask you.”

“What’s that?”

“Well…we’ve known each other for what 14 years, we’ve been through a lot together and I consider you one of my best friends.”

“I feel the same about you so what’s your question?”

“I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my Best Man?”

Rudy couldn’t contain the smile that traveled across his face. “Sure, but I would be the one who would be honored.”


Jim opened the door with a warm hearty ‘Merry Christmas’ which was echoed enthusiastically by the casually dressed Oscar and Rudy as they stepped over the threshold. They relinquished their coats to the host before ambling through Steve’s apartment. They found Helen in the small kitchen putting the finishing touches on a turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

They both accepted Jim’s offer of cocktails as Rudy inquired about the couple’s whereabouts. Jim pointed towards the sliding glass doors off the living room. The two men smiled at the scene. On the balcony Steve stood behind Jaime, his arms tightly encircling her as she leaned back into him. Occasionally words would be exchanged followed by stillness as they watched the subdued city below then. It was obvious they just enjoyed being physically close to one another.

The doctor couldn’t help but ask knowing the outside temperature wasn’t much above freezing, “Are they deliberately trying to catch pneumonia?”

Helen entered the spacious living room being warmed by the fire and placed a tray of appetizers on the coffee table when Jim chuckled and challenged Rudy, “Well if you think you can get them to come in you welcome to give it a shot.”

Helen interjected, “I asked them to come in earlier and Steve just said, ‘in a minute Mom’ that was an hour ago. I think they just needed some time alone to talk.”

Jaime turned in Steve’s embrace and they shared a tender kiss before reentering the home, greeting their holiday guests with hugs and handshakes. As Jaime led Oscar to a quiet corner the doctor requested an update from his recovering patient. Steve assured him that things were almost back to normal.

Rudy chuckled a warning, “You better not look too healthy or Oscar might demand I return you to active duty.”

Steve returned the humor, “If he makes any suggestion to that fact before the day is out I’ll throw myself off this 10th floor balcony.”

They eyed the interaction between Oscar and Jaime from a distance, neither hearing her heartfelt apology for her recent behavior towards him. He assured her there were no hard feelings since it was an overwhelmingly stressful time for all of them. They shared an embrace as Helen announced dinner was served.

The table was full of the traditional holiday foods. Helen and Jim were seated at the ends of the rectangular mahogany table. Steve and Jaime sat side by side across from Rudy and Oscar. As soon as the wine was poured Oscar stood to propose a toast to the engaged couple. ‘May your future hold all that you hoped it would’ he looked directly at Steve hoping his covert work over the past month would have a positive outcome as everyone responded with a clink of their crystal glasses.


It was a beautiful, sunny California day, perfect for an outdoor, lakeside ceremony. The still water reflected the occasional cloud that drifted high above. Steve and Rudy stood together in dark suits, Rudy in navy, Steve in black, as the 40 guests took their seats. Helen approached her handsome son, running her hand through his collar-length feathered hair then held him in a warm embrace before taking her seat next to Oscar. Jim appeared as if out of no where and wrapped his fatherly arms around his son, his pride evident in his face. He whispered a last piece of advice to Steve and they disengaged laughing at their private joke. The father of the groom walked away in search of the bride.

“Are you ready?” Rudy asked gesturing to the aisle.

“Are you planning on walking me down the aisle?” Steve joked.

“Yes, I promised Jaime I would make sure you got there in one piece.” They headed toward the reverend together. The doctor was surprised that Steve was so calm.

The music began and Peggy Callahan, dressed in a light blue short-sleeved cotton and lace dress that accented her blue eyes and suntan meandered down the aisle. Before stepping to the side she blushed as Steve shared a smile and a wink. The quartet began the wedding march as the guests rose from their white chairs and turned in unison towards the bride.

Jim expertly led a nervous Jaime to her dashing groom standing in front of the old familiar fallen tree trunk that had shared the couple’s private moments for years. Steve was mesmerized by the sight of her, looking stunning in a form-fitting short-sleeved white satin dress with lace overlay that hung to her mid-calf. Her hair was curled in loose ringlets and pulled up in an elegant style with stray ringlets resting on her long neck which was accented by a delicate diamond necklace she received from Steve as a wedding gift. A few tiny white flower buds were interlaced in her hair matching the flowers in her small bouquet.

Jim handed his escort over to her groom as they smiled at one another still not believing they had made it this far. The bridal party and guests took their seats as Reverend Toomey began the ceremony.

“As we begin please allow me to share with you a true story about a young precocious 11-year-old boy who attended my Sunday school. After one class, in which we talked about the different kinds of love that exist in the world, between family members… between girls and boys… between men and women the boy approached me when the others had gone. He asked me very seriously if I knew how a person could tell if they found the person they should marry.”

Rudy heard a soft groan from Steve as his head lowered and he closed his eyes vaguely remembering the conversation with the reverend over 20 years ago. He was wishing Oscar would yank him from these nuptials and send him to the Far East so he could avoid the embarrassment that was coming.

“Steve, are you okay?” the doctor was concerned at Steve’s pallor.

He opened his eyes and looked at his Best Man, “Yeah Rudy I just may need a stiff drink really soon.”

The pastor continued, “I explained to a young Steven how, when he grew up, he would begin to search for that someone special, someone whom he enjoyed being with, shared the same interests and goals, someone he respected. My young friend asked ‘how do I know I should be with them forever, you know until death do us part and all that?” The guests giggled at the thought of a young Steve’s concern.

“I told him he would know when nothing else in the world mattered to him but her. Her happiness and well-being would be of the utmost importance to him. Put simply, for the young man to understand, he would do anything for her.” The reverend paused, took a breath and continued.

“I watched his face became very serious. Many of you here have known Steve Austin for a long time and would recognize that steely, focused look he gets when he is deep in thought.” Chuckles scattered the crowd at the recollection and the pastor smiled, “So you do know the look. Well he had that look as a boy and I assured him he shouldn’t worry that he had plenty of time in his life to find that special someone since he was barely 11 years old. His eyes met mine and that crooked smiled crossed his face.” The crowd laughed out loud. The reverend nodded knowing the crowd was with him.

“Do you know what he said to me? He said confidently ‘Reverend I’ve already found her’ and with that he thanked me and walked away. I had no doubt the girl he was referring to was the tall, 8-year-old blonde, blue-eyed tomboy I’d see him with constantly.” He smiled at Jaime. “The same pretty girl that sits at his side here today.”

Steve and Jaime shared a smile with Steve red with embarrassment as Jaime squeezed his hand. It was the first time she had heard the touching story.

The reverend looked at the beautiful bride. “Jaime I knew your parents, Jim and Ann. I am sure they are here in spirit not wanting to miss their daughter’s wedding day. I can also say your mother has approved of your choice for a husband.” Jaime looked at him surprised then smiled at Steve.

“I remember the day at a church picnic when your mother was watching you playing with your friends. You and Steve were partners for every contest and competition. I remember the smile on Ann’s face. She looked at me and said it wouldn’t surprise her at all if you and Steve married as you both complimented each other perfectly in temperament, athletics, intelligence and stubbornness.” The guest laughed again. He smiled and gestured his wish for them to stand together before him.

“Now we gather today to do just that. In the sight of God we join Jaime and Steve in matrimony. If anyone can show just cause why they should not lawfully be joined together let him speak now, or forever hold his peace.” The crowd remained silent so the pastor went on, “I ask now for your declaration of intent. Steven Austin, will you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, keep yourself only unto her until death do you part?”

Steve replied a firm, “I will.”

“Jaime Sommers, I ask now for your declaration of intent, will you take this man to be your wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, keep yourself only unto him until death do you part?”

She smiled, “I will.”

Now that you both have publicly declared before this company your pledge of faith, each to the other please state your promises.

The bride and groom turned to face each other, holding hands and praying they would remember their vows.

Steve took a deep breath and look into Jaime’s blue eyes, “I, Steve, take you Jaime, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life.”

Jaime exhaled slowly and said, “I, Jaime, take you Steve, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life.”

Steve turned and accepted the wedding rings from Rudy. Placing the thin gold band next to her engagement ring he said, “Jaime please accept this ring as a token of my undying love, respect and fidelity.”

His wink calmed her as she placed the gold band on the ring finger of his left hand, “Steve, please accept this ring as a token of my undying love, respect and fidelity.”

The pastor continued, “Now that Jaime and Steve have consented together before their friends and family I pronounce them husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Steve and Jaime turned toward each other. Steve wrapped his strong arms around the love of his life dipped her gracefully in front of the guests and gave her a romantic kiss. The crowd clapped and cheered at the gallant gesture.

“Ladies and Gentleman, I am proud to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Austin.” The crowd applauded.

The couple kissed again before sauntering down the aisle as rice was thrown over their smiling faces.


The wedding guests walked down the well-worn path to Steve’s ranch where a gigantic white tent was erected to house the reception. Everyone enjoyed the celebration which, after the meal and dancing, slowly made its way out into the waning sunlight.

After a few hours most of the guests had bestowed their congratulations and best wishes on the couple before taking their leave. Only a handful of close friends and family still mingled around as Oscar and Rudy positioned themselves near a large flat topped boulder sipping their drinks watching the happy newlyweds make their rounds hand in hand. Oscar gestured them over feeling the time was right.

“Steve, Jaime I need to talk with you.”

Rudy tensed at the tone in his voice, the one he used when talking ‘shop’.

Jaime and Steve stood side by side also keenly aware of his familiar tone.

“I wanted to give you your wedding gift before you left.” He handed Steve a small black velvet box. Steve took it as he glanced at Jaime before opening it. It held an elegant Zippo lighter. Steve’s brow rose in puzzlement as his thumb slid along the smooth polished silver metal and then over the finely detailed hand carved golden eagle on the front. Removing it from the box Steve looked back at Jaime then at Oscar still confused, “Oscar I don’t smoke.”

Oscar chuckled, “I know that.” He quickly dropped his smile as he locked eyes with his friend. Steve realized there must be something more to it than that so he looked it over again, flipping the weighty object over in his hand and finding words engraved on the back. He silently read them and returned his gaze to his boss who was relieving a waitress of her sterling silver serving tray which held four glasses of champagne. After giving a glass to each member of the group he sat the tray down on the boulder between them. Jaime asked what the inscription said.

Steve took a deep breath, cleared his throat and read the words aloud for Rudy and Jaime to hear, “From this day forward the eagle takes to flight, free at last.” Three quarters of the group wore bewildered expressions unsure of the message behind the words. With his glass in his left hand Oscar reached into his breast pocket with his right and removed a folded paper, placing on the tray not breaking Steve’s eye contact.

Rudy asked, “What’s that?”

Jaime was already unfolding the document and saw the inked signature. “It’s Steve’s original contract.” She made eye contact with her surprised husband and they both in turn shifted their attention to Oscar. Steve was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do next.

Oscar smiled, “Well pal are you going to do the honors?”

Steve’s eyes fell first on Rudy who shrugged; it was obvious he had no knowledge about this gift, then on his wife who had tears in her eyes.

“Jaime?” Steve asked with a raised brow and slight tilt of his head. She held the document over the tray as Steve smoothly flipped open the lighter and ignited the lowest corner of the paper. All four watched in silence as it disintegrated on the tray leaving nothing but ashes.

Their impromptu ceremony was interrupted by Jim, “Steve I hate to say this but you need to get going or you’ll miss your flight. I already put your suitcases in the car.” He slapped his son in the back before retreating from the group

“Okay Dad, thanks. And thank you Oscar.” He offered his hand in friendship and gratitude and it was graciously accepted.

“You’re welcome Steve and good luck.”

Jaime also thanked Oscar and embraced each friend before heading into the house. It only took them a few minutes to change clothes. The two men watched as the attractive couple exited the house in casual attire, exchanging goodbyes with Helen and Jim.

As Steve held the car door open for Jaime she warmly waved to Oscar and Rudy before settling in. Steve swiftly walked to the driver’s side and opened the door. He paused a moment as he looked down at the lighter still in his hand. With a crooked grin he looked at his longtime friends, slid the lighter into his pants pocket and winked before sliding behind the wheel.

The dust slowly settled on the driveway when Rudy shared his sentiments, “That was a good thing you did.”

Oscar turned to face him, “Then why do I feel so bad?”

“Because you’ll miss him that’s why.” There was s short silence before Rudy wanted more information, “Why is the Secretary so willing to give up his only bionic operative?”

Oscar downed the last of his drink, “because it’s only temporary.” The doctor shot him an angry look. “For now we just wait.”

“Wait for what?”

The tall man let out a heavy sigh, “Another opportunity…to fall from the sky so to speak.”

“You mean….”

Oscar just nodded in affirmation. “You see Rudy you are partly responsible for getting Steve released. I was able to convince the Secretary that a newer model was necessary, your project summaries and expected advances in bionics that I asked for when Steve was in the hospital helped me make my case.”

“So you basically you told him that Steve was ‘obsolete’?”

Oscar nodded. “Of course I may have exaggerated just a little.”

Rudy asked, “Steve is not going to like knowing another cyborg was built so he could be free.”

“Well Rudy, the way I see it, sooner or later we would have built another one. It’s not Steve’s decision. Besides I think it’s time that Steve Austin stops being responsible for everyone else and starts enjoying a normal life don’t you?”



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