"The Devil's Hold"


Logline: Victoria is hypnotized into rebelling against Heath

Set-up: The characters are the same as in the series except there is no Eugene. The story takes place during Heath’s first year with the Barkleys.

  “Well, Nick my boy, have you got all the fencing completed like you said you’d have?” Jarrod asked his brother as he gave Heath a wink.

“It just so happens Jarrod that Heath and I finished them today, no thanks to you I might add,” Nick said pretending to be put out.

“Dinner’s ready,” Audra called coming into the parlor.

“Uh, you didn’t cook again by chance did you?” Nick asked Audra while looking at Heath and rolling his eyes.

“It just so happens that I did. We’re having roast duck, potatoes, peas and apple pie,” Audra said proudly.

“Well, lead the way my fair lady,” Jarrod said taking Audra’s arm before Nick could say anything. Audra’s cooking skills did need to be fine tuned, but he didn’t want to see her feelings hurt.

“I hope it’s edible,” Nick said to Heath under his breath. “Last time...” Nick stopped talking as he heard a carriage pull up to the house.

Silas was almost to the door when it opened and in walked Victoria Barkley.

“Mother,” Audra yelled and wrapped her mother in an embrace.

“You’re home early; you weren’t due back for a couple more days,” Jarrod said as he took his turn hugging his mother.

“Am I glad to see you,” Nick said, “and just in time. Audra’s cooking has just about done me in.”

Nick and Heath walked up to their Mother at the same time. Victoria returned Nick’s embrace, but when Heath hugged her, she pulled away without looking at him.

Nick and Jarrod saw the move and exchanged confused looks. Looking at Heath they could see pain and confusion evident on his face.

Audra was too busy chattering to notice anything amiss.

Jarrod tried to cover up what had just transpired by taking his mother’s arm and leading her to the dining room while saying, “Mother you’re just in time for dinner. I bet you’re famished.”

“Yes, I am at that, and I want to hear what’s been going on while I’ve been away. Charles and Charlene send their love to you all.”

Everyone settled around the table, and Jarrod said grace. Audra started in right away telling her mother about all the social activities that had occurred in her absence which was fine with the boys; they were all lost in their own thoughts. When she could find a break in Audra’s chattering, Victoria asked Jarrod about his law business and Nick about the ranch, but not once did she ask Heath anything, and the one time Heath said something, Victoria pretended she didn’t hear him. Nick and Jarrod exchanged looks again and Nick shrugged.

After dinner, instead of joining the family in the parlor, Heath excused himself and went outside.

“Silas, will you serve us coffee in the parlor,” Victoria said and got up and walked out of the dining room and the rest of them followed. After an hour of playing cards with Nick, Audra said, “I wonder what’s keeping Heath?”

Nick and Jarrod looked at their mother, but there was no expression on her face.

“I was hoping he’d come back in time to play cards with me. He always gives me a better game. Not that I haven’t enjoyed playing with you Nick,” Audra said with twinkling eyes. She so loved to tease her brothers especially Nick.

“Yeah,” Nick said through slanted eyes at Audra and then chuckled.

“Oh well, I’m going on up to bed. Cooking wears me out,” Audra said grinning at Nick. She knew he didn’t much care for her cooking, but she’d get better.

After they’d said their goodnights to Audra, Jarrod approached his mother, “Mother, has Heath done something to upset you?”

“If you mean other than coming here and disrupting our lives and ruining your father’s good name, then no, I don’t guess he’s done anything,” and with that said, she rose, said goodnight and went to her room leaving Jarrod and Nick staring flabbergasted behind her.

Nick was the first to recover, “What was that all about?”

Jarrod just shook his head. He was at loss for words, and kept staring at the staircase waiting for his mother to come back down and retract what she’d said or at least explain it.

Realizing that wasn’t going to happen, Jarrod finally said, “I’m going to town early in the morning, and wire Charles and Charlene. See if anything happened while Mother was visiting them.”

“Maybe she’s just exhausted. That was a long trip,” Nick suggested. He fervently hoped that was all it was. He and Jarrod looked at each other. They both knew that wasn’t the reason.

“Well, we better turn in. Tomorrow could be a trying day,” Jarrod said.

“Yeah, think I should go check on Heath?” Nick asked. He was still in a sort of state of shock. He couldn’t believe the words he’d heard spill forth from his mother’s mouth.

“I don’t know; might be best to leave him alone for now and see what tomorrow brings,” Jarrod said.

“I guess you’re right,” Nick said looking at the door.

“Come on,” Jarrod softly said as he put his hand on Nick’s arm. Slowly they made their way up the stairs to their bedrooms.

Nick had trouble falling asleep. He was worried, very worried. He wasn’t able to fall asleep until he heard Heath come in sometime after midnight.


The next morning Heath woke up, dressed and had breakfast in the kitchen with Silas before the rest of the family was up. He didn’t understand his Mother’s reaction to him yesterday, and he thought it best to avoid her this morning.

Nick and Jarrod were almost finished with their breakfast when their Mother and Audra sat down.

“Where’s Heath?” Audra wanted to know.

“Uh, he’s already eaten and has headed to the north pasture to check the fences,” Nick said watching his Mother to see what her reaction would be. Her face looked like stone and she made no comment. ‘Things weren’t going to be better today’ Nick thought.

“Well,” Jarrod said rising, “I’ve got business in town early this morning, so I’ll see you lovely ladies later. Nick, I’ll walk out with you.”

“Huh, yeah,” Nick said wiping his month and grabbing another biscuit before leaving the table.

“It doesn’t look like mother’s attitude towards Heath is any better,” Nick said after they were out the front door.

“No, it doesn’t,” Jarrod agreed. “Why don’t you see if you can keep Heath away from the house until late this evening?”

“I don’t think that will be a problem. Why do you think he left early this morning?” Nick asked.

“To avoid the ice, I’d imagine,” Jarrod answered.

“Get that telegram sent Jarrod,” Nick said, and Jarrod nodded in response.


That night at dinner there was a lot of tension in the air. Jarrod, Nick and Heath were quiet, not wanting to say anything for fear of how their mother might react. Jarrod had not heard anything from his telegram yet.

Audra, unaware of the reason for the silence between her siblings and her mother, broke the quietness, “Heath, did you tell mother about that new stallion you bought while she was away?” .

“I don’t think Mother wants to hear about some old horse right now, maybe later,” Heath said barely looking up from his plate to acknowledge Audra.

“How dare you call me Mother,” Victoria spit out venom. “I am NOT your Mother. YOUR mother slept with MY HUSBAND.”

Heath’s face turned all shades of red, and his jaws were clenched tight. He looked at his siblings, said, “Excuse me,” and quietly left the room.

“Mother! How could you say something like that to Heath?” Audra cried.

“HOW? BECAUSE IT’S TRUE, THAT’S HOW.” Victoria said with her voice full of hate.

Nick threw his napkin down on the table with force, and followed Heath out of the room.

Jarrod got up and took Heath’s chair and pulled it up close to his mother. “Mother, are you all right?”

“Of course I am,” she declared looking at Jarrod then Audra. “Why are you both looking at me like that?”

“Because when you left here, you loved Heath. Loved him like he was your own son. What has happened to change how you feel about him?” Jarrod asked taking his mother’s hand.

“Mother, you asked Heath to call you Mother. I don’t understand how you can say such hateful things to him. What’s he done to deserve this? You’ve really hurt him....and us. He’s our brother.” Audra was openly crying now.

“I have never loved that...that product of MY husband’s affair.” Victoria spewed forth. “I’m going upstairs.”

She rose from her chair and walked out of the room without another word.

Jarrod sat dumbfounded.

“Jarrod, what’s happened to Mother? She was so mean to Heath. I’ve never, ever heard Mother talk to anyone that way; even people she despises,” Audra said as she dried her eyes.

“I don’t know honey. I just don’t know, but I’m going to do my best to find out.” Jarrod came around to Audra’s chair and put his hands on her shoulders. “Why don’t we go see if we can find Heath? I’m betting he could use us right now.”

And with that, Jarrod and Audra left the table with dinner barely touched.


Nick found Heath in the tack room straightening it up; even though, it didn’t need it. Heath kept that room neat as a pin, well organized to the point where they never had to look for anything.

He walked up behind Heath and put his hand on his shoulder. “She didn’t mean that Heath. I don’t know what’s wrong with Mother, but I do know she didn‘t mean that.”

Heath didn’t turn around, but he did nod his head that he heard what Nick said.

Jarrod and Audra entered about that time, and Audra ran up to Heath, wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “Oh Heath, I’m so sorry about what Mother said. I know she didn’t mean it. Something’s wrong with her. I’ve never known her to talk like that to anyone. Did all of you see the look in her eyes? I’ve never seen that look before in Mother.”

Audra waited for her brothers to speak, but no one did.

“Well, what are we going to do? We’ve got to help her. Something is terribly wrong,” Audra cried.

“We know Audra, this morning I sent an urgent telegram to Charles and Charlene to see if anything happened during Mother’s visit. I expect to hear something from them tomorrow,” Jarrod said.

“I think Dr. Merar should take a look at Mother,” Audra said looking to all her brothers for support.

“I think you’re right Audra. Heath, want to ride into town with me right now to ask the doc to come out first thing in the morning?”

Heath nodded. His heart was too full of hurt to say anything. His head knew Victoria Barkley, a woman whom he loved and had come to call Mother, probably didn’t mean it, but a small voice inside of him was saying what if she did? What if she had changed her mind about him? What if she truly hated him the way it seemed tonight at dinner? Yes, he’d go with Nick. He needed the cool night air ride.

After Heath and Nick left the tack room, Audra said with her eyes full of tears, “Oh Jarrod, did you see Heath. He is hurting so much.”

Jarrod brought Audra to him and wrapped his arms around her, giving her what little comfort he could.


Both Heath and Nick were gone early the next morning before anyone else was up. Nick loved his mother, but he didn’t know this woman. She wasn’t his mother, and he was going to stick close to Heath to give him all the support he could.

Jarrod and Audra waited at the house for Dr. Merar to arrive. They told their mother about the doctor coming, and of course, she insisted she didn’t need a doctor, but Jarrod was adamant that she get checked out citing she hadn’t had a check-up in awhile.

Audra took the doctor up to Victoria’s room when he arrived, and came back down to wait with Jarrod. “I sure hope he can find out what’s wrong with Mother,” Audra said more to herself than Jarrod.

Thirty minutes later, Dr. Merar made his way down the stairs to where Jarrod and Audra waited. “Let’s go somewhere private,” the doctor stated.

Jarrod motioned the doctor to the library and shut the door after Audra and the doctor was inside.

“Doctor, what is it?” Audra immediately asked.

Dr. Merar looked at these two young people whom he’d known all their lives as he searched for the words to say. He decided to just come out with it. “I couldn’t find anything physically wrong with your mother, but if she acting the way Nick described to me last night, that’s not normal. At least not for your mother. I did mention Heath to her to see her reaction, and you’re right. Her expression changed to one of aggravation and disgust. Something’s not right, but I don’t know what it is. This is beyond me.”

He waited a minute to let them absorb this information and then continued, “I would suggest you have Victoria see a psychiatrist.” He heard Audra gasp. “There happens to be one in town right now. He’s here with a young man who was found wandering the streets of San Francisco. He won’t say anything except ‘Stockton’, so the doctor has brought him here to see if he’ll come out of the trancelike state he’s in. I could see if he’d look at your mother while he’s here if you’d like.”

“A psychiatrist? Doctor are you sure? I thought maybe she was overtired, or maybe hit her head while she was gone,” Audra said softly with a lost look on her face. Her insides were all tied up in knots.

“Doctor, it wouldn’t hurt to speak with this psychiatrist, see if he could see Mother. What is his name?” Jarrod asked.

“Dr. Jason Phillips,” the Dr. Merar answered.

“I’m sorry Jarrod, Audra, I wish there was more I could do. I know this is a shock for you. It is for me too,” Dr. Merar said; his heart going out to these two. It’s times like this he wished he was a storekeeper.

“Thank you doctor, I’ll be by your office tomorrow. Think you’ll have time to have talked to Dr. Phillips by then?” Jarrod asked. He hated to rush the doctor, but they needed their mother back, Heath needed her back.

“I’ll try. Don’t get up, I’ll see myself out,” he said as he walked out of the room.

“Jarrod, this is a lot more serious than I thought,” Audra was close to tears. “What has happened to Mother?’

“I wish I knew Honey,” Jarrod said as he stood looking out the window wondering how they were going to get through this.


Nick was calling it a day, and telling the men to load up; they were heading to the ranch.

Heath walked up to him and said, “Nick, I think I’ll stay at the line shack tonight.”

“You don’t have to do that Heath. I’ll be beside you, so will Jarrod and Audra.”

“I know, and thanks, but I think it will be better if I do,” Heath said.

“Ah Heath, maybe the doctor has found something out. Why don’t you come on back to the ranch with me? We’ll face whatever news the doctor had to say together.”

Heath was quiet.

“Come on, Heath,” Nick prodded. He didn’t like seeing his little brother hurt like this.

Heath nodded his head slightly and said, “All right, Nick.”


Victoria hadn’t come down from her room since the doctor left. She had Silas bring her lunch up to her, and it looked as though he would be taking dinner upstairs to her too.

Jarrod had shared Dr. Merar’s news with Nick and Heath and they were discussing what to do when they heard the door to Victoria’s room open. They quieted, and Heath went and stood in the corner away from the others. Victoria entered the parlor, smiled and asked everyone about their day same as she always did...everyone except Heath. Other than leaving Heath out, she was her old self.

“Dinner’s ready,” Silas announced from the door.

Jarrod escorted Audra and Victoria to the dining room, and Nick motioned for Heath to follow. Heath had the look of a deer ready to bolt.

After grace was said everyone started eating, but no one was saying anything. Finally Victoria spoke up, “Jarrod, are you going into town tomorrow?”

“Yes I am, do you need me to pick you up something?” Jarrod asked.

“No, I’d like to ride in with you, and do a little shopping,” she said.

“Mother do you think you should, maybe you should rest another day or two,” said Audra. She didn’t want her mother going to town. If she said something against Heath in town, it would spread like wildfire, and talk had only recently died down about Heath coming to them in the first place.

“I’m perfectly fine Audra. Why do you all think something is wrong with me? Because of him?” she said glaring at Heath.

“Mother, I’ll be glad to have your company tomorrow,” Jarrod said as he tried to get her attention away from Heath.

“What’s wrong with all of you? Can’t you see he’s just living off of us? Ha, he’s probably not even your father’s son. He just made the whole thing up. Tom would never have had an affair, and if he did, he would have sired a child better than this,” Victoria said pointing to Heath. Her voice had ridden to a feverish pitch as she spoke.

“MOTHER, THAT’S ENOUGH!” Nick yelled.

Heath got up and left the room.

“THAT’S RIGHT, LEAVE,” Victoria yelled after him. She stood up from her chair and glared at Heath’s retreating back.

Nick glared at his mother then followed after his little brother.

“Mother, how could you,” Audra cried and ran from the room.

Jarrod stayed in the dining room. He watched as his mother calmly sat down and ate her dinner. ‘Something had to be done and done now,’ he thought.


“I should have gone to the line shack,” Heath said as he hit the post on the front porch.

“Heath, I’m sorry,” Nick said.

“I should leave,” Heath said.

“NO!” Nick quickly stated.

“Nick, she’s hurting. I don’t know what’s wrong, but something is and seeing me is making her worse,” Heath said turning to face his brother. “It would be better if I just go.”

“No, it wouldn’t. You just hang tough little brother. We need you. I need you. Mother is not herself, but we’re going to find out what’s wrong with her. Ok?” Nick waited but Heath didn’t answer.

“Heath, promise me you won’t do anything foolish like leaving,” Nick asked.

“All right for now, Nick,” Heath answered as he stepped off the porch and headed in the direction of the barn. Nick knew Charger was going to shine tonight. Brushing his horse always relaxed Heath.


“Well, my little plan is working,” Jason Phillips said to himself. “I just got finished talking to Dr. Merar. I’m going to see Victoria Barkley tomorrow. Seems she not acting right. Imagine that,” then Jason Phillips let out a loud wicked laugh.


Jarrod came riding Jingo at full speed toward Nick and Heath who were repairing a fence line in the north pasture.

“HEATH!” Nick yelled at Heath to get his attention, then motioned toward Jarrod coming.

They stopped working and wiped the sweat from their eyes, neck and face.

“What is it Jarrod?” Nick asked meeting him as he dismounted.

“This telegram came from Charles and Charlene this morning. They say Mother did not come to see them. They sent their apologies in the delay of their reply, but they’ve been in Boston for a month, and only arrived home yesterday.

“WHAT!” Nick exclaimed.

“Then where has she been for two weeks?” Heath asked.

“That’s what we’re going to find out,” Jarrod answered. “Boys, I’m afraid to say it, but I think Mother’s been brainwashed or possibly drugged.”

“That would explain her bizarre behavior,” Nick said.

“But who would do such a thing?” Heath wondered aloud.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think whoever it is, is out to hurt just her,” Jarrod said.

Nick looked at Jarrod and said, “You think they’re out to get Heath?”

“I think this person or persons are out to hurt the whole family,” Jarrod said looking at both his brothers, “and they’ve succeeded. The whole family IS hurting.”


Dr. Phillips arrived at the Barkley home early the next morning. After meeting the three sons and one daughter, he told them he’d have to examine their mother alone.

“Well,” Jason Phillips said after closing the door to Victoria’s room, “it’s nice to see you again.” He held up his pocket watch, “Now just focus on the watch,” he said as he swung it back and forth like a pendulum. “Victoria Barkley, Heath, the bad son who’s living with you is starting to get dangerous. It’s dangerous for him to live with your real sons and daughter any longer. You’re going to have to get rid of him before he hurts someone. He’s no good. He’s not even Tom Barkley’s son. He is a fake. He’s using all of you until he gets everything he wants, but you aren’t going to let him. You’ll stop him won’t you?”

“Yes, I will,” Victoria stated in a voice that didn’t sound like her.

“Good, now I’m going to go now,” Jason Phillips said and put his watch back up. He gave Victoria something to make her sleep then left the room.

Meeting her worried children downstairs, he said, “Your mother has a headache. I gave her something to make her sleep. She seems to be very disturbed, but I can’t tell how serious it is yet. I’d like to see her again tomorrow.”

“Doctor, is there any more you can tell us?” Jarrod wanted to know as the others listened intently.

“It’s too soon,” he said. “Are you Heath, the one that causes her so much agitation?” the doctor asked looking at Heath.

Heath nodded.

“Well, you might want to keep your distance from her for awhile, at least until I can examine her further,” Jason Phillips added.

“All right,” Heath said.

“I’ll be back in the morning,” he said, and left without another word.

“Well that’s just great. We’re no better off than we were before he came,” Nick quipped.

“Nick, these things take time,” Jarrod said trying to humor him.

“I sent some telegrams today to find out where Mother got off the train, when she left Stockton, and where she boarded it when she returned. I also hired the Pinkerton agency. They’re getting on it immediately,” Jarrod told his siblings.

“I WANT YOU OUT OF HERE. YOU HEAR ME. OUT OF HERE. GET OUT NOW!” Victoria shrieked in a voice they’d never heard before, as she flew by Jarrod and Nick and started pounding Heath’s chest before anyone knew what was happening. Heath held his arms up to ward off her blows while Jarrod pulled his mother off.

“GET OUT NOW!” she continued to scream and tried to pull out of Jarrod’s hold.

“Come on Heath,” Nick said needlessly because Heath was already headed out the door. Nick gave Jarrod a look that said ‘do something’ on his way out.

Nick found Heath in the barn saddling Charger.

“Nick, I’ve had enough. I’m leaving until she’s better. Don’t try to stop me,” Heath said. Nick could see a depth of hurt in Heath’s eyes when he turned to look at him and say, “I can’t stand what I do to her.”

Nick nodded, “Maybe you’re right Heath, but I don’t want you at the line shack. Why don’t you get a room at The Cattlemen’s? That way we can keep you posted on the situation here, plus you can help me in finding out what happened to Mother.”

“Okay, but I’m not going back in there tonight,” Heath said looking in the direction of the house.

Nick nodded, “I’ll go get some of your things.”
