
« Laura’s parents? » Joey exclaimed interrogatively.

Fred turned to the shattered boy and nodded grimly. Joey’s face crumpled at the thought of his friend having met with a grisly death. « Sheriff Madden, what about Laura? Is she…dead? » he asked brokenly.

« No, she isn’t, » Fred was happy to inform. « She hid from the men. » He turned to Nick and Jarrod and continued, « She was able to identify the killers before she withdrew within herself. »

« Where is she now? » Nick asked.

« Over at Dr. Merar’s. »

Joey gripped Nick’s arm and looked up at him with beseeching eyes. « Uncle Nick, can we go see her? »

« Of course, Joey, » Nick answered while folding his fingers around the boy’s trembling hand like a glove.

« Ah Nick, if you don’t mind, I’d like a word with you first. »

« Sure Fred. Jarrod, » Nick held Joey’s hand out to his brother, « would ya take Joey over to Doc Merar’s? I’ll be right with ya. »

« Okay. » Jarrod clasped Joey’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. « Come on Joey, let’s go see your friend. » As Jarrod ushered Joey out the door, he cast a disquiet look at the two men.

« Don’t worry, Jarrod. I won’t keep Nick long. »

The second the door was shut, Fred broached the subject of the posse he’s forming to track down the assassins. They are scheduled to hit the trail at cockcrow and wished Nick to be part of the gang.

« Normally I’d be raring to go, it’s just that my brother Heath’s still laid up and…well...I’d feel better if I was home in case he takes a turn for the worse. »

« I understand, Nick. »

« Just in case though, where will you be meeting tomorrow morning? »

« Right here. »

« Alright. » Nick gave Fred a hearty handshake before he made his way down to the doctor’s office, where he found Jarrod and Dr. Merar discussing Laura’s case.

« Hey Doc, how’s the girl? »

« As I was telling Jarrod, physically she’s fine. What worries me is her emotional state. She witnessed her parents’ gruesome murder and after identifying the killers, she lapsed into catatonia. »

« Same thing happened to our sister a while back. »

« I remember your mother mentioning it to me. »

Joey anxiously tugged at Nick’s sleeve. « Uncle Nick, can I see Laura? »

« Is it okay, Doc? »

Dr. Merar smiled and nodded his consent. « She’s in the next room. Go right in. »

Joey took a firm hold of Nick’s hand and led him to the examining room where six-year-old brunette Laura Brenner was sitting motionless in a chair by the window, staring out into nothingness with tighly-clenched fists resting on her laps.

Joey knelt beside his traumatized friend and reached for her hand only to have Laura jerk it away from his grasp. Alarmed by her reaction to his touch, Joey slanted his head to make eye contact. « Laura, don’t you recognize me? It’s Joey. »

The girl remained impassive with her eyes barely blinking.

« The girl has family, doesn’t she? » Nick asked the doctor.

« I telegraphed her aunt in Minnesota early this morning. I’m still waiting for an anwer. »

« Can she come stay at the ranch with us? » Joey asked with imploring eyes.

« Can we, Doc? »

« I was about to suggest it. Audra having been struck with mutism herself might be more qualified to handle the problem. I’m better with flesh wounds than mental illness. »

« We’ll take her home then. »

« Thank you Uncle Nick. » Joey wore a jubilant smile as he turned to Laura and clasped her arm. « Come on Laura, you’re c…. » he cut abruptly in mid sentence as he recoiled in shock by Laura’s sudden yank of her arm. »

Nick edged up to Laura and cooed her with reassuring words before he lifted her dainty body into his arms. He carried her out to the wagon where he set her down in the back. Both Joey and Jarrod propped her comfortably against a stack of saddle blankets. Joey scooted over to her and slowly placed his arm around her shoulders, hoping not to meet with another rebuff on her part. « Everything will be fine, you’ll see. The Barkleys are very nice people, » he soothed as he gently tightened his grip around Laura’s shoulders.

« You keep talking to her, let her know she’s with friends, » Jarrod heartened the young woeful boy. He waited for Joey to acknowledge with a nod before he ruffled his hair.

« You don’t mind some company to the ranch? I want to go check on your brother. »

« Mind? I was about to ask you to ride along with us, Doc. »

« Give me a minute to get my medical bag. »

« Alright. »

Dr. Merar walked back to his office as Jarrod alighted from the wagon and clapped the dust off his hands before patting Nick’s back. « Nick I need to remain in town to catch up on some paper work. Will you be alright? »

« Yeah, sure, » Nick answered absently.

« She’ll be fine, » Jarrod reassured.

Nick exhaled a shuddering breath. « It’s not her I’m mostly worried about. »

« His fever’s down, Nick. That’s a good sign, » Jarrod stated convincingly, giving Nick’s drooping shoulder an empathetic squeeze for courage to keep the faith.

« Pappy, I just don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel like I’m gonna lose it any minute. » Nick confided in a voice cracking with emotion. « They’re so young. »

Jarrod’s forehead wrinkled with concern for his careworn brother who was verging on an emotional breakdown. He clasped the back of his neck and pulled him into a brotherly hug, clapping him on the back before he disengaged the clench. He stared into Nick’s tear-clouded eyes. « Would it help if I told you I feel the same? »

An involuntary chuckle snorted out between Nick’s curled lips as he sponged his eyes dry of tears threatening to trickling down his cheeks. He was pegged as a man who never gave free play to his emotions, and he silently chided himself for his debility to face the situations with a cool head, but the tragic events of the past twenty-four hours involving his brother and two young innocent children had taken a heavy toll on the emotionally-drained man.


During the ride back to the ranch, Joey maintained a one-way conversation with the mute girl, refusing to get discouraged by her silence. When they arrived at the Barkley mansion and Nick reined back the horses outside the front door. He climbed in the back to lift Laura in his arms and sent Joey ahead to find Victoria as he carried her to the house. Joey flung the door open and held out calling Victoria’s name when he saw her descending the grand staircase.

« Joey! » she welcomed the boy with her arms outstretched. She clasped both his hands. « I have some wonderful news for you. » Her gleeful smile soon faded as her face registered concern at the sight of Nick carrying Laura. « Nick, what happened? Is she hurt? »

« Not physically. »

Victoria brushed her hand against the young girl’s cheeks and brow to check for any sign of a fever. « What’s wrong with her? Where are her parents? »

« They’re dead, » Joey informed grimly.

Victoria stared at Joey, staggered by the news her mind refused to assimilate. She looked up at her son for a confirmation that came in the form of a sorrowful nod, just as Dr. Merar entered.

« Victoria. »

« Howard! »

« Did Nick tell you? »

« I was told Laura’s parents were dead? »

« Yes. » He placed a hand on her shoulder and walked with her to the living room. « She lapsed into a catatonic state and since Audra went through a similar experience, I thought she might be able to help the girl. »

No sooner had Nick settled Laura down on the sofa that Victoria was showering her with attention. She sat on the edge, holding her hand and brushing the hair back from her forehead. « I remember that vacant stare in my daughter’s eyes after she witnessed the horrific death of her best friend. » She absently rubbed the six-year-old girl’s hand between hers as her mind wandered back to Audra’s ordeal.

A tug at her sleeve snapped her back to the present. « Mrs. Barkley, you said you had good news? » Joey asked expectantly.

She turned to him with a smile and put her hands on his shoulders. « Yes I do. There’s someone up there who’s been asking for you. »

Joey’s eyes widened in excitement. « Uncle Heath? He’s awake? »

« He sure is. »

« Come on Joey, » Nick said, reaching for the boy’s hand, « let’s go see him. »

Joey bounced up to Nick and clasped his hand.

« Nick, will you ask Audra to come downstairs? »

« Sure, Mother. »

Nick and Joey sailed upstairs to Heath’s room where Audra was assisting her feverish brother in drinking a few sips of water.

« Uncle Heath! » Joey exclaimed in ecstasy.

« Hey champ, come over here, » he invited with a hoarse voice.

Joey leapt across the room and jumped on the edge of the bed in one single energetic bound, causing Heath to moan in pain.

« Easy there young fella. I’m still a bit tender. »

« I’m sorry Uncle Heath. I didn’t mean to hurt you, » Joey apologized profusely.

Heath gently ruffled the boy’s chestnut hair. « It’s okay, champ, » he heaved out in the single breath he’d been holding to deaden the smart.

« I was so afraid you’d never wake up. »

« Hey, what kinda talk is that? » Heath clasped the back of Joey’s neck and pulled him closer to gaze into his grief-stricken hazel eyes. « I was just plain tuckered out so I took a lit’le rest. But as Uncle Nick will tell ya this is a working ranch, » he threw a heavy wink at Nick standing behind Joey, « and he won’t have me lolling in bed for very long. »

« That’s right, » Nick piped up to emphasize Heath’s point to ease the boy’s anguish. « Your Uncle Heath’s not a layabout. He knows I can hardly get by without him, » he said, winking back at Heath. He laid a hand on Audra’s shoulder who stood next to Joey with a beatific smile. « Audra, Mother would like to see you downstairs regarding a delicate matter. »

« What is it Nick? » She asked with a tinge of concern.

« Joey, why don’t ya go down with Audra and explain it to her. »

« Okay. » he bend down to kiss Heath on the cheek. « I’ll be right back. »

« I won’t go anywhere, champ. »

Joey gave Heath another kiss before he leapt sryly out of bed and followed Audra out of the room.

Nick ruffled Joey’s hair on his way out. He closed the door and cast a rueful glance at his brother.

« What is it Nick? Don’t tell me I’m dying? » Heath jested weakly.

« The Brenners are dead. »

« What do you mean dead? »

« They were killed by the same men who slaughtered Joey’s parents. »

« The same men? »

« Unh-unh. »

« The little girl? »

« She’s safe. We brought her back here. She shut herself out completely. We’re hoping Audra can get through to her. »

« Poor Laura, » Heath sighed in dismay.

« Fred’s forming a posse to track the men down. He asked me to tag along but since ya were still out of it, I turned him down. But now that you’re back with us I’m thinking of joining them in the morning. »

Heath sighed and sank his head into his pillow « I sure wish I could go with ya. »

« Don’t ya get any funny ideas, Heath Barkley! Mother will be spitting nails at us if you so dare getta of that bed! » Nick scolded with a scorching glare.

« Do you know the men? »

« Yeah. Some cutthroats by the name of Joe Kelsey and Clay Danvers. They’re wanted for murder in over twenty counties. »

Heath’s eyes bulged in alarm at the mention of the names. « I was sure they were long dead. »

Nick’s eyes narrowed inquisitively « You know them? »

« Kinda. They once left me for dead. »

Nick’s brow furrowed with deep concern. « What happened? »

« A couple of months before I came here, I drifted in a seemingly ordely lil’ town and stopped at the saloon where I sat on a poker game. Got roughly a thousand when I decided to call it quits. Needless to say my winning streak got a few eyes my way, including Kelsey’s and Danvers’s. When I left the saloon… »

« Let me guess, » Nick interjected, « they followed ya and jump ya? »

« Right. Cleaned me out, pumped two slugs in me and shoved me at the bottom of a ditch. »

Nick’s face crumpled at the thought of Heath in the throes of agony.

« Yeah it hurt like hell, » Heath said in response to Nick’s grimace. « I was losing blood and I knew death was near, so I made my peace with the Maker » He took a long shuddering breath before continuing, « Next thing I knew I was lying on a soft bed with these three girls staring at me. »

« And ya thought you’d died and gone to heaven, » Nick teased.

« Close. They were young’uns, then, twelve at the most. They’d been playing near the ditch when they found me. Their folks brought me to their house and with their fine tending I was back on feet. »

« Remind me to send them a thank you note. »

« No need, Nick. Already took care of that. »

« Do these men know you’re alive? »

« I reckon not. I rode back into that town to report the crime. I picked them out from wanted posters that’s how I got their names. They’d been spreading a reign of terror, lying low for a spell until the dust settles and then hit again, mostly for money. »

« But why hit on the Stanleys and Brenners? They don’t have much money. Why not slit throats of the rich folks like us? »

« We ain’t worth the trouble and risk of getting caught. »

« That makes sense. »

A numbness crept over Heath’s legs, prompting him to shift to a more comfortable position. The movement blunted the edge of his pain that radiated through his left side.

« Ya all right? »

« Yeah, » Heath breathed out unconvincingly. He inhaled deeply before he locked stares with Nick. « Nick, don’t sell them bloodhounds short. They’re moving shadows and fast on the draw. That’s why they ain’t been caught yet. »

Nick puckered his lips and nodded in acknowledgement to Heath’s caution. « Thanks for the warning, Little Brother. I’ll watch my back and keep my eyes peeled. »

Dr. Merar appeared in the doorway.

« How’s the patient? » he asked jovially as he made his way to the bed to set his medical bag on the night stand.

« I’ve rejoined the living that ain’t such a bad start, » Heath chaffed the good doctor who sat on the rim of the bed to take his pulse.

« How do you feel? » he queried with a finger on Heath’s wrist and an eye on his pocket watch to establish the pulse rate.

« Lousy. »

« That’s to be expected. » He brushed the back of his hand against Heath’s cheeks and forehead. « You still have a bit of a fever but it’s nothing alarming. » He removed the bed sheet off Heath’s chest to examine the sutures. Nick peeked at the wound. The sight of it shot a prickle up his spine.

« Well, I’ll go downstairs and come back later when the doc’s finished. »

« Later Nick. » Heath waited for big brother to be out of earshot before addressing the doctor. « So what’s the verdict, doctor? »

« The wound appears to be healing nicely. No sign of infection. I can safely apply a bandage over it now. » He reached for his medical bag and took out a roll of gauze. He unfurled a small amount and cut out a large square.

« When can I get out of bed? » Heath asked with eager anticipation.

« Not for another week or you’re liable to tear off the stitches. » Dr. Merar noted Heath’s annoyed look in a sidelong glance. « I mean it, young man. You’re to remain confined to this bed for a least five days. If you do not comply I’ll be forced to sedate you. » He spoke stoutly with an eyebrow raised in a warning.


At first flush the next morning, Nick got ready to join the posse in town. After slippping on his clothes and checking his gun, he grabbed his bedroll and went down to Heath’s bedroom. He nudged the slightly ajar door open and poked his head in. Victoria was ensconced in the rocking chair with a book. He padded up to her. « How is he doing? » Nick asked in a soft voice.

« He’s had a good night. He slept all the way through without any medecine, » she whispered back while gazing at her sleeping son with a grateful smile.

« That’s good, » Nick signed. He joined her in a smile as her gave a silent prayer of thanks. « I’ll try to make it back early. »

« Don’t forget Nick, you’ve invited Andrea to join us for supper tonight. »

Nick’s face cringed with embarrassment. « Oh that’s right. With everything that’s happened I plumb forgot. »

« I’m sure she hasn’t »

A roguish smile played on Nick’s lips. « You think so? »

« I know so. She’s very fond of you. Question is : do you feel the same way towards her? »

« He does but he’s just too mousy to ask her to marry him, » Heath mumbled groggily.

Nick planted his fists on his hips and thrust out his chest. « Well, well, well, look who’s eavesdropping. »

« Kinda hard not to do with you two standing there. » Heath’s slowly opened his eyes and focused on the two shadowy forms.

« I’m sorry we woke you, son, » Victoria apologized with a hand on his shoulder.

« You didn’t Mother. I was awake, just too lazy to pry open my eyelids. » He stirred to stretch out his legs, then painfully wiggled himself into a more comfortable position. « I warned ya, Nick. I ya keep straddling the fence ya’ll liable to fall off. »

« I ain’t ready to take the plunge yet, » Nick replied tetchily.

« What are ya so afraid of? »

« Commitment, I guess. »

« Well ya’d better make up you mind soon ‘cause she ain’t gonna wait for ya long. »

Nick look down at his feet as he shifted his weight from one leg to another. « Yeah, well, I guess I could talk to her tonight. See if she digs this grumpy old bear. »

« Boy Howdy! He must really be in love ‘cause he admitted to being grumpy, » Heath chaffed with a wink thrown at Victoria.

« It must have slipped out. »

« Sure it did, » Heath continued to banted his big brother. He wore an ear-to-ear grin at his success of having once again ruffled Nick’s composure.

Nick narrowed his eyes in contempt and jabbed at finger at Heath. « Consider yourself lucky you’re lying in that bed right now, » Nick growled, his voice raising an octave that prompted Victoria to gesture him to lower his tone to avoid rousing the entire household.

Heath’s smirk dissolved into a solemn face. « Nick be careful out there,» he cautioned tensely.

« I will. You get better, ya hear? »

A smile flickered on Heath’s lips as he gave Nick a nod of the head.

Victoria bend down to kiss Heath on the forehead. « I’ll be back shortly. » She stoked his cheek when he acknowledged with a nod. She followed Nick out of the room and gingerly closed the door behind her. « Let’s go down to the kitchen. I’ll fix you some breakfast. » She tucked her arm in Nick’s as they descended the stairs.

« If it’s all the same to you Mother I’d rather head on now and grab breakfast in town. I wouldn’t want to miss the posse. »

Victoria sighed her disappointement but forebore to make any comment. As they both reached the end of the staircase, Victoria cupped Nick’s face in her hands and gazed worriedly at the betwitching hazel eyes. They both stood, wordless, their expressions conveying their innermost thoughts. Nick leaned in and pecked Victoria on the cheek. « You tell Joey to take care of Heath while I’m gone. »

« I will. »

He started for the door when a tug at his sleeve stopped him from going further. He felt his mother’s gentle squeeze on his arm telling him to keep on the watch. He cast her a reassuring smile before crossing the front door.


The members of the posse congregated in town at the sheriff’s office and thereafter broke into threesomes to cover more grounds. Nick was teamed with Dale Haskey and Tim Mulligan, two young foolhardy hotheaded mules, breathing fire and fury, who were ready to raise Cain and tear up the earth in nailing the cutthroats who butchered their boss Burt Stanley.

They would grudgingly take Nick’s orders who had been deputized first in command, following in his trail and silently plotting to veer off course when a gunshot echoed followed by a bloodcurdling scream that rent the air. They spurred their horses to the Sanderson farm. They jumped down their mounts and took cover. A second shot resounded accompanied by a shrill cry that Nick recognized as Andrea’s.

« Throw down your guns and come out with your hands up. You are completely surrounded, » Nick shouted.

Joe hurried to the window to peer at whoever was dictating the warning. Clay was grasping Andrea by the neck and muzzling her mouth with his hand. « Who is that Joe? » he asked while trying to keep the wriggly girl under control.

Joe squinted. His eyes raked the surrounding area in search of a protruding gun or part of a face. « I can’t see anyone. »

« We’re waiting, » Nick shouted, hidden behind a horse trough.

« Come and get us! » Joe challenged to the voice.

« How many do you reckon there are? » Clay asked tensely.

« I can’t see anybody. For all we know he could be alone. »

While Joe momentarily averted his stare from the window, Tim made a circumspect move toward the door. Nick beckoned him to remain in hiding but the impetuous boy turned a deaf ear to Nick’s orders. As he saw Tim poised ready to kick down the front door, Nick scuttled through the yard with his back arched to give the boy a severe tongue-lashing. Too late, Tim burst in, shooting Clay in the arm. The shock made him lose his grip on Andrea who instinctively fell to the floor. Joe was posted by the door and got a clear shot at Tim, gunning him down with one single bullet to the chest.

« Hold it right there Mister! » Joe warned Nick who instantly froze. Joe slowly reached for his gun and tossed him on the floor next to Andrea.

Nick extended his arms to reach his terrorized lady friend, shivering face down on the floor. She gazed up at him with eyes overflowing with tears, and flung her arms around his neck as they cuddled her up in his arms. Beside them laid Andrea’s parents’ bodies weltering in their blood.

Joe levelled his gun at Nick’s head with a fiendish grin. « I guess we have two more witnesses to silence now. »

« Wait! »

« What is it Clay? »

« Maybe we can use them. »

« For what? »

« Bargaining chips. Them for our freedom. »

« We don’t need any. We kill them and get out of here. »

« You heard what he said? We’re surrounded. If we try to get away, they’ll gun us down. »

With his finger nervously scratching the trigger, Joe chewed on his brother’s plan of action. Reluctantly, he secured the hammer on his gun and thrust it into its holster. « Alright. We’ll keep them alive for now. » He went over to Clay to examine the wound.

Andrea buried her face in Nick’s neck and heaved a shuddering sigh of relief as he tightened his arm around her shoulders. « Nick, I’m so scared, » she sobbed.

« Shuuuuu, it’ll be alright. » Nick’s comforting words succeeded in having a temporary calming effect on her. Her dewy eyes gazed into his hazel brown for a few timeless seconds before he laid a tender kiss on her forehead. When their glinting stares met once more, Nick swallowed hard and raised a hand to her cheek. « Andrea this may not be the proper time and place but I need to ask you. »

« What is it Nick? « she asked with a sniff.

« I realize that I’ve already waited too long. »

« What? »

« Andrea Sanderson, will you marry me? »

A nervous giggle escaped between her trembling lips as her body shivered in fear and excitement. « Yes Nick, I will marry you. »

He planted a deep kiss on her lips and held her into a tight clench. He marvelled at his ability to have captured the heart of that headstrong city girl from Minneapolis, who had vehemently spurned his advances. He recalled their first fiery meeting during which scratch marks were carved in his cheeks, courtesy of Andrea’s sharp nails. The stinging sensation lingered for days. Strangely, he found himself smitten by the gutsy number that he kept pestering for a date. She finally accepted, convinced that he would stop badgering her if she did. Surprisingly on that night, a romance started to blossom between the two mule-headed individuals and as days cascaded into weeks, the two became inseparable.

« We’ll get out of this, » he whispered reassuringly in her ear.


Back at the ranch, Victoria was outside, standing on the living room balcony, her shoulder lounged against the doorway with her arms folded across her chest. She stared expectantly at the iron gates, hoping to catch a glimpse of Nick riding in. At her request, supper had been held on the stove. She was conscious of the fact that joining a posse meant having to remain on a hot trail longer than expected and consequently, the men often failed on their promise to respect their dinner dates. She was fretting not only for her son but for Andrea as well. The girl had been expected at the house over an hour ago and failed to show up. Victoria had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was terribly wrong.

Jarrod joined her on the balcony. « Hey there beautiful lady. Don’t mind some company? »

She smiled and tugged at his arm. « Of course not. How’s Heath? »

« Joey said he ate everything on his tray and then fell like a log. »

« That’s good. He’s getting better. Is Joey still with him? »

« No he’s gone to Laura’s room. He and Audra are going to make another attempt at getting through to the girl. »

« I hope they succeed. »

« If not than perhaps her aunt can. She’s arriving into Stockton a day after tomorrow. »

« Yes I know. » She sighed heavily.

Sounds of thuddering hooves snapped her to attention. She squinted her eyes at the approaching rider. She and Jarrod hurried over to the front door to welcome the stranger. No sooner had she opened the door that Dale rushed in, short-winded. « Mrs…Mrs. Barkley. »

« Calm down Dale, » Jarrod said as he took the frantic boy by the shoulders. « What is it? »

« It’s your son, ma’am. »

« Nick? »

« Yeah. He…we…we went to ch..check the Sanderson place when we heard gunshots and… »

Both Jarrod’s and Victoria’s eyes widened in horror.

« They were there. »

« Who? »

« The gunsligners we’ve been after. Tim burst in and they…they shot him. Nick…Nick he… »

Before Dale could catch his breath to continue, Jarrod shook him violently. « Where’s Nick? » he thundered at the shaken boy who was out of his mind with fear.

« They got him. »

« Oh, my God! » A towering rage burned in Jarrod’s eyes as his temper began to flare up.

« Where’s the sheriff? » Victoria asked.

« I don’t know, ma’am. I came straight here. »

Jarrod dashed to the parlor to retrieve a rifle from the gun cabinet. Victoria quickly followed him. The ire look in her son’s eyes mirrored the one he had after his wife’s murder. She pleaded with him to listen to reason, that he should wait for the sheriff but his blood was bubbling over with an implacable vengence. After giving the rifle a quick check, he snatched a box of ammunition off the shelf and stormed out of the room.

Victoria caught up with Jarrod in the foyer and bounced in front of him to block his way. She seized him by the shoulders and tried to hammer some sense into him, unaware that her scolding was echoed up the stairs to Heath’s bedroom to which door stood ajar.

« Mother I can’t wait for the sheriff. I need to get to Nick now before it’s too late. »

« Jarrod there’s no sense charging in there alone and get yourself killed! I may have already lost a son I don’t want to lose another, » she begged with a voice broken with sobs.

« Dale, go find the sheriff and tell him what happened. He’ll find me at the Sandersons. »

« Right away, Jarrod. »

Jarrod wrenched himself free of Victoria’s grasp and marched towards the door. She grabbed his arm and spun him round to face her. « Jarrod, please! »

« Mother, I have to go. »

Upstairs, Heath was buttoning up his shirt when he cast a look out his window and saw Jarrod mounting Jingo and galloping away. As he buckled up his gunbelt around his waist, he felt a painful twinge in his stomach. He clutched his side and sat on the bed to let the pain subside. He took a few deep breaths and heaved himself up. He staggered over to the dresser to pick up his gun that he thrust into its holster.

He opened the door at a slit and peered out to see if the coast was clear. He wafted down the stairs and quickly swung right to the kitchen when he heard the sound of Victoria’s footsteps in the livingroom.

Joey was helping Audra turned down Laura’s bed as the little mute girl was sitting catatonic by the window. She observed intently Heath wobbling up to the barn.

Victoria climbed up the stairs to check on Heath. When she saw the empty bed, she made her way to the bathroom and knocked on the door. There was no answer. She went to Laura’s room. « Has any of you seen Heath? »

« He’s asleep Mrs. Barkley, » Joey informed.

« He’s not in his bed. »

« I haven’t seen him Mother. Perhaps he’s taking a bath. »

« I checked the bathroom. There was no answer. »

Laura tried to speak, her mouth formed a word but no sound would come out. She summoned all of her strength to utter the name, her body shuddering uncontrollably. Her eyes suffused with tears as she desperately tried to speak. « He…Heath! »

The threesome jerked their heads toward Laura in surprise. They all rushed over to the window and squatted down in a circle around her.

« Laura, come on, you can do it, girl, » Audra egged on.

« He…he…left, » Laura cried.

« Who left? » Victoria asked.

« He…Hea…Heath. I…I… saw him. He went…af…after his..br…brother. »

Victoria stood upright and put a hand over her mouth « Oh no! » she gasped. « He must have heard everything. »

« Mother, Heath is in no condition to ride. »

« I know! »

« What do we do? »

« Audra, go to the bunkhouse and asked Ciego to round up a couple of men to ride to the Sanderson place. Tell him that Dale Haskey has gone to fetch the sheriff who will meet with them. »

« Right away, Mother. » Audra scurried out out the room and thundered down the stairs.

Joey was comforting his friend who had broken down in his arms. He was torn between his relief for Laura and worry for Heath, «Mrs. Barkley, why would Heath do that? He knows he’s not well. »

« He must have heard that your Uncle Nick had been captured by the men who killed your parents and went to help your Uncle Jarrod. »

« Oh no! Not Uncle Nick! » Joey exclaimed in shock.

Victoria wrapped a soothing arm around Joey’s shoulders. The boy was striving to avoid bursting into tears in front of the two women. « Everything will be fine, Joey. Don’t you worry, » Victoria said unconvincingly.


Nick was lying prone on the bed with his feet bound and his hands tied behind his back. He moaned and groaned out of unconsciousness and rolled onto his back. As he tried to sit, the room started spinning. He plonked his head back against the mattress, took a few deep breaths to dull the throbbing pain in his skull, then made a second attempt at sitting. He closed his eyes to jog his memory of the last occurrence before he was whacked over the head with a rifle butt. He heaved himself out of bed and hopped over to a dresser, hoping to find a knife, a pair of scissors, any sharp object that would sever his bonds. He inadvertently caught glimpse of a slithering shadow weaving its way to the house. He squinted at the hunched man he recognized as Jarrod. Nick began making head gestures at the window to draw his brother’s attention. Jarrod caught sight of Nick and crept over to the window. Nick started mouthing the word ‘basement’, his eyes and head motioning to the right. Jarrod looked to the right where he saw the entrance to the basement. He lifted the boards covering the opening and climbed down the stairs. With his gun drawn, he surveyed the basement before slowly making his way up the staircase to the first level. He gingerly opened the door and poked an eye out to make certain the coast was clear. He squeezed himself out the door, closed it and tiptoed to the bedroom.

« Nick are you alright? » Jarrod asked in a whipering voice.

« Yeah, yeah. Get me out of these. » He showed his back to Jarrod who began untying the rope. Nick took a moment to rub his sore wrists before he undid the bonds at his feet. « Who told you I was here? »

« Dale Haskey. He rode straight to the ranch to tell us what happened. »

Meanwhile, Heath arrived at the Sandersons. With his side on fire, he took a deep breath and let himself slide down his horse. He tethered him to a tree behind thick foliage, then pulled out his gun and proceeded cautiously toward the house. He flattened his back against the wall, finger on the trigger, and risked an eye inside though the window. When he saw one of the men cock his gun at Andrea’s head, he broke the door down. « Hold it, both of you, » Heath threatened, swivelling his gun from one man to the other. Joe and Clay both froze in surprise.

In the bedroom, Nick and Jarrod pricked up their ears at the booming noise. « What was that? » Nick exclaimed. He snatched the gun out of Jarrod’s grasp and flung open the door in a rage. « Heath! » he shouted in surprise.

Nick’s shout created a diversion that Joe was quick to turn to his advantage. With greased lightning, he lunged at Heath and knocked the gun out of his hand. He grabbed him by the neck and pressed the barrel of his gun against Heath’s temple.

« Don’t! » Nick yelled at Joe who held Heath in a vice-like grip.

« Barkley, you dirty bastard. You were stalling for time until the cavalry arrived. There wasn’t anyone out there. We should’ve killed you both when we had the chance, » he spewed out through clenched teeth.

Heath’s breathing grew labored as the pain in his side became unbearable. He tried to conceal his agony behind a stone face but Nick knew better.

« Let him go, » Nick warned at gun point, his eyes darkening in fury.

Clay levelled his gun at Andrea on the floor, cringing in a corner and shivering with fright. « You drop it, cowboy, or the little lady gets it. »

Without any warning, Joe cracked Heath’s neck and let him slumped to the floor.

« No! » Nick yelled, his wild eyes goggling in horror. His body broke into shudders as the vials of his wrath poured out. Blinded by rage, he gritted his teeth and shot daggers at Joe before he aimed and pumped a bullet into his chest. He swung around to gun Clay downbefore he had a chance to react. Once the men were down, he hurried to Andrea and clenched her into his arms while Jarrod rushed to Heath’s side. He slowly rolled him onto his back to see his eyes bulging out as he was striving to draw in air.

« Nick! » Jarrod called out as he knelt beside Heath.

Nick helped Andrea up and assisted her over to Jarrod.

« He’s alive, Nick. But he can hardly breathe. » Jarrod began to unbutton Heath’s shirt and attempted to stabilize his neck so more air could get through. Luckily he found a position that allowed Heath to breathe easier.

Nick knelt down on the other side and placed his hand on top of his gasping brother’s head. « You damn fool. What possessed ya? What the heck were ya thinking charging in here in your condition? » Nick chastised.

Heath conveyed his thought through a deep stare that was self-explanatory. « Don’t say it, Heath. I know. Thank you. » Nick said with a grateful smile.

A faint smile flickered on Heath’s lips before he blacked out.

Jarrod pressed his ear against Heath’s chest and heaved a sigh of relief. « He’s still with us. »

Nick teetered back to his feet and enlaced Andrea in his arms. He held her in a tight embrace, both quivering with fear. « It’s over, Andrea, » he quavered, running his hand up and down her back. « It’s over. » He pulled back and brushed back the hair from her puffy-red eyes before he kissed her on the forehead and rested his chin on her head. « You’re coming home with us. »

She nodded and dissolved into tears. He held her close once more and then hurried outside to hitch a wagon to bring Heath and the corpses back to the ranch.


Following her parents’ funeral, Andrea moved in with the Barkleys. Heath’s condition was still touch and go. His breathing was less ragged and thankfully, the stitches had remained intact. Dr. Merar ordered bed confinement for two weeks and gave Victoria instructions to put a few drops of laudanum in his water or glass of milk if she so much sensed him to being tempted to disobey. Joey was only too eager to keep a vigil on Heath when she had to tend to her other chores. He did leave his side once Laura’s aunt came to take her back with her. He wished to bid a proper farewell and assure his friend that he would write every month. While the family was down to the livingroom, Nick was upstairs with Heath. He sat, hunched over in a chair next to the bed with his elbows on knees and his hands folded underneath his chin. He concentrated on Heath’s breathing, silently giving thanks to the Devine Being for sparing his brother’s life once more. ‘He is a handful, isn’t he?’ Nick smiled to himself.

His stream of consciousness was interrupted by a moan. Nick leaned closer to greet the glazed blue eyes with a wide smile. « Hey there, sleeping beauty. »

Heath heaved a sustained sigh and licked his parched lips. « I feel like hell, » he mumbled raspingly.

Nick chuckled at Heath’s comment. « That mean you’re still alive. »

« I don’t know which is worse. »

« Want some water? »

Heath shook his head and winced. He raised his hand to his neck where he felt a bandage. « What’s that? » he asked, puzzled.

« Doc Merar said it’s some kind of neck brace to keep your head straight so ya’ll breathe easier.

« It’s annoying. »

« Just think of the alternative. »

« Yeah, guess I’m lucky. »

« Got sumpthin’ to tell ya. Me and Andrea, we’re getting married. »

Heath fashioned a jubilant smile. « Boy Howdy, Nick! That’s great! What made ya finally ask her? »

Back at her place, when I came close to losing her. I realized how much I loved her, ya know? » Nick confessed with melancholia and a tear glinting in the corner of his eye. « I had that sinking feeling in my gut that if… » Nick voice broke.

Heath reached out for Nick’s arm and squeezed it lightly. « I know. »

« Aside from the wedding, me and Andrea we discussed a delicate subject matter and…well, » he sighed, « we made a decision about sumpthin’ and I wanted to run it by ya to see what ya think. »

« What is it? »

« We’d like to adopt Joey. »

« Nick that’s wonderful. I take it ya haven’t asked the boy yet? »

« No, just waiting for your opinion first. D’ya think he’ll accept me as a father? I’ve never been one before. »

« Then ya’ll just have to let Joey teach ya, » Heath smiled reassuringly at his anxious brother.

Nick returned Heath’s smile and gently rub his shoulder. « I guess I will. »


Once Laura and her aunt were gone, Joey clasped Andrea’s hand and streered her up the stairs to Heath’s bedroom, with Victoria and Audra in tow. They slowed down their pace as they neared the door and peeked in to avoid rousing the sleepy patient. Nick beckoned them to come in. « He’s awake. »

Joey released Andrea’s hand to go sit on the bed. « Uncle Heath, how are you feeling? »

« A bit stiff. » Heath answered raspingly. He looked up at Nick and Andrea huddled together and winked.

Nick glanced at Andrea who smiled her consent. « Ah Joey, me and Andrea have sumpthin’ to ask ya. »

« Yes. »

« Well, next month when we’re married, we…euh…well, » Nick hemmed and hawed before turning to Andrea for help to continue his thought.

« We’d like to adopt you, Joey, » Andrea finished for her flustered fiancé.

« That is…if ya don’t mind having me as a father? »

Joey’s enthusiastic grin reached his ears. He hopped down the bed and flung his arms around Nick’s legs. Nick reacted in surprise and by the same occasion was relieved by Joey’s euphoric response. He playfully ruffled the boy’s hair. « I take it that’s a yes? »

Joey looked up at Nick with eyes filled with adoration. « Yes…daddy. »

The word sent tears gushing to Nick’s eyes. He happily lifted Joey in his arms and glanced at Heath who gave him a congratulatory wink.


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