
Ted Folcom breathed a sigh of relief when Sheila and the other men left him alone in the house. The fury on Sheila’s face when she learned of the two still alive caused a chill to fill his body. Now, he wondered why he’d never seen the true her before. Sheila was a master at keeping herself hidden behind her beautiful mask.

Ted knew he was the weak link of the four. He couldn’t go through with it, he couldn’t condone the pending murders. He had to find the will and take away the reason for the violence.

Entering the small bedroom Sheila occupied, Ted closed the door behind him and started with the dresser on the left side of the room. Unsure of how much time he’d have to conduct his search, he rapidly went through the most obvious places. The dresser, nightstand, in between the mattresses, behind pictures on the wall. He came up empty-handed.

Frowning, he slowed his breathing and examined each piece of furniture carefully. Taking out the drawers, he examined bottoms of the pieces of wood. He examined the backs of the furniture and still nothing. Sitting on the bed, he looked around the room slowly and his eyes stopped on the carpet bags in the closet.

Gathering up the three bags, he felt around in the insides. They were all empty. Walking to the window, he held the bags towards the sunlight streaming in and smiled when he saw in the last bag a resewn seam. Tearing at the seam, he pulled out a paper. Opening it, his heart pounded wildly at the sight of the forged will. Taking a match from his pocket, he struck it on the window will and the flame hungrily climbed the piece of paper.

Dropping the paper onto the wooden floor when it threatened to burn his fingers, a crazed shriek greeted him from the opened door.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” screamed Sheila running over and pushing him out of the way, staring at the pile of ashes. “YOU DESTROYED IT!”

“I’m righting a wrong.” replied Ted calmly. “I never should’ve gotten involved with this. I’m going home, back to Virginia where I belong.”

Sheila stared at Ted in disbelief. “You’re giving up our chance for wealth. Just like that.”

Snorting, Ted snapped, “You used me! This is what you wanted, not me! After I tell Hiriam everything, he won’t have to worry about you!”

Heading to the door, Ted cried out in pain and fell to the floor. His back was on fire and his arms sought to dislodge the offending item stuck between his shoulder blades.

“You bitch!” Ted gasped looking up at the face which only a while ago completely enthralled him, the evilness under the façade plain for his startled eyes to see. His life was seeping out of his body and she was smiling when she knelt down in front of him.

“The only thing I regret is you weren’t as good a lover as Blake.” smirked Sheila watching the eyes widen with disgust and anger. “You haven’t stopped anything, just delayed it.”

Her own eyes bulged out at his sudden burst of adrenaline when his hand wrapped around her neck, pulled her closer and squeezed. Sheila clawed at his wrist trying to dislodge his hold. Frantic, she reached around, grabbed the knife and replunged it again. The hold on her neck loosened and she fell backwards to the floor. Ted struggled to his knees, falling forward onto the floor and his eyes lay open, unseeing as death dragged his soul away.

Gasping for air, Sheila stared into the dead eyes. The blood had pooled under his body, spreading across the floor. Her hands shook when she climbed to her feet and grabbed some towels from the water closet. Using the towels, she wiped the blood. Opening a blanket, she placed it over the body cutting off the staring eyes’ view of her. Her dress was covered in blood and she changed quickly.

Two hours later when Blake arrived at the house, Sheila was sitting calmly at the table. Under the cover of darkness that night, Ted Folcom was taken from the house and buried in a shallow grave in the grove of trees on the edge of the property.

Returning to the house, Blake grabbed Sheila and pushed her up against the wall. Holding her head still by grabbing her hair, he punished the pleasurable sweet red lips beckoning him, igniting an animalistic response in both of them with his roughness. Lifting her skirt with his hands, she growled with desire and unhooked his belt, her mouth teasing and urging him on. Wrapping her legs around him, she gasped and relished in the wildness of their actions which ended in the living room.

Afterwards, Blake kissed her sensually and whispered, “Don’t ever think you can take care of me as easily as you took care of Folcom, my dear. I’ll cut your black heart out myself.”

Looking into the dark eyes, Sheila ran her tongue over his lips and whispered, “Don’t give me a reason and you won’t have to worry.”

Laughing, he pushed her onto her back and pinned her beneath him. His hand sought her pleasure points, rising the savagery in both of them again.

Later, the two people with matched hearts and souls of evil, planned, discarded and finally agreed on the only plan which would be the one to bring them the riches they drooled after.


The medicinal haze lifted slowly and Heath turned his head. He fought to open his eyes and a small moan escaped when he moved in the bed.

“Damn.” he growled softly from the pain, his eyes startled open by the giggle he heard form the side of the bed. Melinda’s smiling face, framed by her strawberry blonde hair, greeted him.

“Sorry, Melinda.” apologized Heath.

“It’s okay, Heath.” assured Melinda. “I wanted to stop by and see how you’re doing.”

Gingerly pushing himself up, Heath sighed, “I’m fine.”

Raising an eyebrow at him, Melinda snickered, “Sure you are. You look about as fine as an old slipper.”

Chuckling, Heath ran a hand over his face, “That bad, huh?”

A speculative green eye ran over the strained, pale whiskered face and winked. “Maybe not that bad. At least not as bad as when they carried you in three days ago.”

Looking at her in surprise, Heath asked, “You were here when they brought me in? Were you sick?”

“No, Timmy had to see the doctor. He cut his hand on some metal.” explained Melinda.

“Is he okay?” queried Heath.

“He’s fine, especially since your brother Nick said maybe you’d get him a real marshal’s badge. He was trying to cut a badge out of metal when he hurt his hand.” smiled Melinda watching the sapphire eyes turn from concerned to pained in a matter of seconds. “Heath?”

“I, uh, I don’t think it’s a good idea for Timmy to, well, to.” paused Heath searching for the words, his fingers playing with the blanket. Shaking his head in frustration, he sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Melinda, being a marshal isn’t, well, it’s not a glamorous profession. I don’t want Timmy to fill his head with a bunch of nonsense and think it is.”

Frowning, she thought over his words, sat on the side of the bed and smiled, “Heath, Timmy looks up to you as a man. He’s only eight and before he’s grown he’ll have lots of things that he’ll want to be when he’s older. I understand what you’re trying to say. I appreciate your concerns but if I was you I wouldn’t dwell on them too much.”

“You think he’ll change his mind and find another person to look up to?” asked Heath.

“Kids are always changing their minds about what they want to be when they grow up. Before he met you, he wanted to be a grocery clerk.”

Heath winced, unable to keep his pain causing laughter in check and held his side as his words came out in gasps, “Grocery..clerk! Who’d..wanna..be..that?”

“Heath, stop laughing. You’re turning more pale.” ordered Melinda biting her lip to stop her own amusement from escaping. “Stop it now. Dr. Merar’s going to be mad at me.”

Heath’s head lay back against the pillows, taking slow breaths and his blue eyes sparkled with merriment, “Natural progression in jobs. Grocery clerk to marshal.”

Howard and Victoria stood in the open doorway, smiling at the two adults striving to keep their outbursts of laughter in check. Melinda’s shoulders were shaking and Heath held his side, wincing and gasping in pain each time a chuckle escaped.

Howard started to move forward and Victoria pulled him out of the room into the hallway with a shake of her head. Victoria smiled and whispered, “Let’s wait a while, Howard. Let’s give them ten more minutes.”

Agreeing the two old friends went into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Victoria drank her coffee, deep in thought. This was the first time she’d seen Heath enjoy time with a woman since he quit the marshal service and came to take his place at the ranch. She knew he unconsciously kept any woman he’d met at arm’s length, a habit formed in him through his years of service with the marshal service.

Wiping her tears, Melinda squeezed Heath’s hand. “I’m sorry, Heath.”

“For what?” asked Heath, his other hand wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Causing you more pain.” explained Melinda sadly.

Reaching up, Heath caressed her cheek and smiled gently, “I didn’t feel a thing except happiness when I opened my eyes and saw you, Melinda.”

The red blush swept across her pretty face and Heath gazed into her sparkling green eyes.

“What a lovely thing to say, Heath.” smiled Melinda shyly finding her voice again. “For those kinds words, maybe I’ll invite you to a picnic again.”

“I’d be honored.” replied Heath sincerely, his hand squeezing hers softly.

His eyes were drawn away from her and to the doorway when Dr. Merar entered, his face turning solemn at the paleness gracing Heath’s face.

Smirking, Heath winked and whispered, “Oh, oh. Dr. Merar doesn’t look happy. You’re in trouble.”

Shaking a finger at him, Melinda whispered back, “You started it, Heath Thomson!”

Howard shook his head, “Excuse me, Mrs. Rankin while I deal with my disobedient patient.”

Smiling, Melinda nodded and gave the large hand a small squeeze. “Certainly Dr. Merar. I have to leave to pick up the children anyway. I’ll try to stop by before you go home, Heath.”

“Okay. Thanks Melinda.” grinned Heath watching her leave the room. A startled gasp left his throat. “Ouch! DOC!”

“Now, young man didn’t I tell you no excitement for at least two weeks.” admonished Howard as he examined the wound and incision.

“Sorry, doc.” mumbled Heath ignoring the other words of the physician, his thoughts on Melinda and the Sunday picnic they had enjoyed.

“Heath, did you hear anything I’ve told you?” inquired Howard annoyed at the patient’s wandering mind.

“Ahhh, no riding for two weeks, right?” stammered Heath, his face crimson under the scrutiny of Dr. Merar. “No excitement either, right?”

Shaking his head, Howard suppressed the smile threatening to escape. “When Nick or Jarrod arrive, we’ll see about getting you on your feet.”

“Great! I can go home today?” asked Heath hopeful.

“Not today, but soon.” admitted Howard. “How about if I move your grandfather in this room to keep you company?”

Nodding, Heath asked “Does that mean I don’t have to take any more laudanum? No reason to have a roommate if I’m gonna be knocked out.”

Covering the damaged right side with a new bandage, Howard smiled, “I’ll agree to no laudanum if you agree to resting, Heath. You have to rebuild your strength, the blood you lost will cause you to tire quickly. Deal?”

“Deal, Dr. Merar.” replied Heath flashing a lop-sided grin to the physician and winking, “Thanks again for saving my bacon.”

“My pleasure, but let’s not make a habit of it, okay?” teased Howard.


Hiriam watched from a chair while Dr. Merar and Jack Larkin helped Heath onto his feet. The men caught his weight and held him upright when vertigo set in. Closing his eyes to fight the sudden wave of lightheadedness, Heath took several breaths and flashed a weak grin after he opened his eyes.

“Talk about a head rush.” muttered Heath winking. “Thought I had drank a whole bottle of scotch there for a minute.”

Jack laughed and the men walked Heath over to the other chair. Heath carefully sat down, the five foot walk exhausting him, leaving his body shaking.

Howard patted his patient’s shoulder, “I’ll be back in later to check on you two.”

Jack grabbed another chair and sat in front of the two men. Heath shook the extended hand and smiled widely, “Nice to see ya’ Jack. Have you met my grandfather, Hiriam Thomson?”

“Not formally.” smiled Jack taking Hiriam’s hand. “Pleasure.”

“You too, Marshal Larkin.” nodded Hiriam.

“Heath, I wired the sheriff over in Pine Crest, uh, about what happened in Strawberry. He wired back and asked me to take your statements for him.” stated Jack. “I’ll drop them off on the way back to Ely.”

Jack grabbed some paper and wrote as the two men explained the events which occurred during their brief time in the hotel. Finishing the documents, Jack waited as they read the words to verify nothing had been omitted.

“Heath, were there any witnesses other than your aunt?” asked Jack.

Opening his mouth to say no, Heath’s eyes flashed the scene before him and he paused. His subconscience was telling him something, pointing something out to him but it wouldn’t come to the forefront of his memory.

Hiriam glanced at Jack who was also witnessing the far off look in the blonde’s eyes.

“Heath?” whispered Jack quietly. “What is it?”

“Something, I, I’m not sure.” replied Heath in a low voice, which sounded foreign to his own ears. “I’m missing something. I can feel it inside, but what, I don’t know.”

Shaking his head, Heath smiled warily, “Sorry, Jack. I just got a feeling, is all.”

Sitting back in his chair, Jack nodded, “You think on it. Working with you all these years, I know those ‘feelings’ you get are usually as solid as oak.”

“Hey, you’re out of bed!” exclaimed Nick walking into the room, startling the other three men and smiling widely. “Great, we got a lot of fences that need mending, boy!”

Heath rolled his eyes and smirked, “Sorry, Nick. Doc said no work for awhile, maybe a month.”

“A MONTH?” shouted Nick. “You’re gonna lay around for a whole month?”

Winking at Hiriam and Jack, Heath grinned, “No, I’ll be sleeping in, reading, fishing. You know, difficult chores like that.”

“If you’re not careful, you’ll turn into Jarrod, little brother.” teased Nick loudly.

“And what would be wrong with that?” asked Jarrod firmly strolling in the room as the others enjoyed a chuckle at his expense. “Brother Heath, how are we this fine day?”

“Ready to go home, Jarrod.” stated Heath with a sly grin. “Certainly a fine lawyer such as yourself could spring me from this place.”

“Sorry, brother. I think I was sick the day they discussed springing recovering patients from hospitals.” replied Jarrod seriously.

Nick laughed and clapped him on the back, “Good thing we got a lawyer with a fine education in our family, huh, Heath?”

Chuckling, Heath held his side and winced, “Yeah, lucky for us.”

Jarrod glared at his two brothers and tried to hide his amusement. “I’ll be over there conversing with Hiriam. At least he’s not jaded like you two.”

Heath and Nick burst out laughing as Jarrod strode by them with his chin raised in the air. Jack and Hiriam smiled, shaking their heads at the word duels between the brothers. Heath was definitely one of them.

Handing Heath a pen, he waited til the blonde stopped laughing and could sign his name to the document. Hiriam signed his and handed the paper back.

“Heath, I have to be going.” stated Jack kneeling by the chair at Heath’s wave of his hand. Leaning forward, he nodded and looked puzzled by the words whispered in his ear.

Nick strained to hear what Heath was whispering without being obvious. Jack smiled and rose with a ‘I’ll be right back’ comment before heading out the door. Nick stared at Heath, waiting impatiently for the explanation. Heath cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked, not about to give Nick what he was looking for.

Jack re-entered the room and shook hands with Heath. “I’ll let you know what the sheriff in Pine Crest says. Take care of yourself, boy.”

“I will and thanks Jack.” grinned Heath closing his hand.

Saying his goodbye to the others in the room, Jack smiled and nodded to Sheila Pierson as she entered the room. Nick glanced up and grinned, “Good afternoon, Miss Pierson.”

“Mr. Barkley.” smiled Sheila walking over to Hiriam’s chair. “You are looking better this afternoon, Mr. Thomson.”

Patting her hand, Hiriam smiled, “Thank you, Sheila. Where is Ted?”

Nick brought the chair over Jack had vacated and positioned it by Hiriam, receiving a warm smile as thanks.

“Mr. Thomson, Ted received a wire this morning. His mother is quite ill and he had to leave very suddenly. Ted wanted to see you himself, but he’d have missed the train and I persuaded him to leave. I knew you would understand about his family crisis, sir.” explained Sheila aware all the others in the room were listening to every spoken word.

Hiriam sighed, “You did the right thing, Sheila. I hope his mother is going to be all right. That’s terrible.”

“Yes it is, sir.” agreed Sheila, her eyes shifting and catching the sapphire blue ones of the man sitting in the other chair for a moment.

Heath looked into the chocolate colored eyes and his gut instincts kicked in before the eyes moved away to the hazel eyes of his brother. A frown creased across his face unseen by all except Jarrod’s keen blue eyes.

Jarrod walked over and knelt by Heath’s chair, his voice low and full of concern, “You okay, Heath?”

“Jarrod, will you help me back into bed?” asked Heath quietly, his side drumming ferociously.

“Sure.” smiled Jarrod assisting Heath after he climbed to his feet, staying by his side until they reached the bed unnoticed by the other three people in the room.

“Thanks. Jarrod, you ever been in a house of mirrors?” asked Heath quietly.

“No, why?”

Shrugging, Heath sighed, “Just wondering is all.”

Jarrod put his hand on his little brother’s arm and squeezed, “Heath, you never just wonder about something. You’re a fact person.”

Smiling slightly, Heath nodded, “Except for those times when a little voice tells me something’s not right in Demarck, I am. I get the feeling this is one of those times.”

Jarrod’s puzzlement couldn’t be kept out of his blue eyes, any further conversation was stymied by Dr. Merar’s return into the room and his prompt removal of the visitors to ensure his patients’ received their required rest.


Two days later, Nick and Victoria arrived at the office of Dr. Merar to bring home Heath and his grandfather. At Heath’s request, Victoria extended an invitation to Hiriam to complete his recovery at their ranch allowing him the opportunity of time with his grandson. Hiriam readily agreed, anxious to further cement their relationship.

“Marshal!” exclaimed Timmy, his small voice loaded with excitement as he ran into the room and up to the large man with his mother and sister following behind. Heath knelt down gingerly to be at eye level with the young boy, his face held a look of surprise and wonderment when the small boy wrapped his arms around his neck.

“I’m so happy you’re okay.” stated Timmy holding on tightly, sobs wracking his small frame.

“Whoa, there.” stated Heath patting the young boy’s back, his tone soothing and consoling. “I’m fine, Timmy. Just fine. Don’t be upset.”

By Victoria, Melinda stood with Megan who was squirming in her mother’s arms, ”SHAL! SHAL!”

Nick and Hiriam grinned widely when the two year old’s feet hit the floor running and ran over to claim her hug. Timmy stepped back and wiped his eyes, letting his little sister take over his spot.

Megan jumped into the strong arms and planted a wet kiss on the clean shaven face. Heath’s laughter mirrored the look in his eyes at the children’s unhidden feelings.

Looking at Melinda and his mother, Heath winked. “Boy howdy, three beautiful women in the same room.”

Nick rolled his eyes and snorted, “Come on, Romeo. Let’s get you home.”

Heath laughed, reached into his shirt pocket and placed a green hair ribbon in the chubby little hands. “This is from Mr. Barkley, Megan. He’s that big teddy bear standing over there.”

Megan’s face lit up with a wide smile, she ran to the man Shal pointed to and held up her arms. Nick’s face turned crimson and he glared at his grinning little brother. Megan’s lower lip started to tremble from the lack of response to her upraised arms. Reaching down, Nick picked up the small child, his face relaying his fear, afraid he’d hurt her.

“Hey, don’t cry now, little Megan.” stammered Nick seeing the green eyes fill with tears. Patting her awkwardly on the back, Nick blushed when she laid her head on his shoulder, “tank yu.”

The hazel eyes glanced over into the sapphire eyes, the look in them clearly letting his little brother know he was in for it later. Clearing his throat, Nick motioned with his head, “We’ll meet you outside at the surrey.”

Sheila Pierson stood in the doorway interested in the interactions before her. Hiriam saw her and made his way over, taking her arm he followed Nick and Megan’s footsteps outside.

“Timmy, I have something for you too.” said Heath quietly, enjoying the brown eyed look of excitement. Pulling his hand out of his pocket, Heath pinned the badge on the small chest.

“This badge carries a lot of responsibility with it, Timmy. Whoever wears it has to be strong, caring, help other people and work hard. If you think you can do all those things, then you wear this badge proudly.”

Listening carefully, Timmy nodded and stated firmly, “I can do that Marshal. I can!”

Chuckling, Heath squeezed the young boy’s shoulder, “I know you can, Timmy.”

Victoria walked over and took the youngster’s hand, “Timmy, would you escort me outside, please?”

“Sure, Mrs. Barkley.” replied Timmy, straightening his shoulders and leading the grand lady from the room.

Heath stood up slowly and smiled nervously, “I’m sorry, Melinda. I probably should’ve asked you first before I gave the kids presents.”

Walking over, Melinda shook her head, “It was very kind of you to think of them, Heath. Timmy’s been so worried about you. I think he didn’t believe me when I said you were going to be okay. He needed to see you for himself.”

Relieved, Heath squeezed her hand, “I’m glad you brought them. They do lighten up a room, don’t they? Did you see Nick’s face when he picked up Megan?”

Laughing together, Melinda’s eyes sparkled, “I think he thought she was made of porcelain, like a child’s doll.”

Heath chuckled and stared into the green eyes which haunted his dreams. His hand reached up and caressed her cheek tenderly with his thumb. His heart was beating out of control in his chest, exploding with the new emotion which at first frightened him, but now, he’d come to welcome with each thought of her.

Melinda held his hand to her face and smiled, her limbs trembling from the soft touch on her face. Overwhelmed with emotion, Heath stepped closer and brushed his lips across hers.

His hand cupped her chin and he claimed her lips in a gentle, lingering kiss. Regretfully breaking off his hold on her responsive lips, both took shallow breaths to strive for control.

“Boy howdy.” whispered Melinda softly, her green eyes twinkling. Heath smiled and wrapped her into a hug, relishing in the smell of lavender in her hair.

Sighing deeply, Heath whispered in her ear, “Yeah, boy howdy is right.”

“HEATH!” shouted Nick from the waiting room, his impatience clearly reflecting in his boisterous voice.

Heath stepped back and shook his head, “Some days, I’m almost hoping he gets laryngitis.”

Nick cocked his head as the two giggling people came out of the room, the look in both their eyes caused him to catch his breath. ‘That boy is a goner, for sure.’ thought Nick with a smirk.

“You ready, Nick?” teased Heath as Melinda giggled and squeezed his arm.

“We’ve all been ready for an hour. Just waiting on you, old man.” retorted Nick holding the door open. “I promised Megan we’d go riding when we got to the ranch.”

Stopping, Melinda replied, “Nick, we’re not coming to the ranch with you.”

Nick’s confusion clearly showed on his face, “I thought you were. I can’t tell her now we’re not going riding. It’d break her little heart!”

“Melinda, do you have to work today?” asked Heath.

“No, Mrs. Collins didn’t have any orders this week.” stated Melinda.

Heath’s eyes broadcast his hopefulness, “Well, can’t you come out to the ranch for a little while? A couple days? We have plenty of room.”

Victoria clasped the other woman’s hand and urged, “I’d love to have you and the children spend time at the ranch, Mrs. Rankin. I think they’d really enjoy it.”

“This is so unexpected. I’d need to stop at the house to get some things.” hesitated Melinda.

“Great. It’s all settled then!” announced Nick happily taking away any further hesitation, walking over to Coco. “Climb aboard, we’ll stop on the way.”

Sheila Pierson stood on the boardwalk watching as the group made their way down the street and out of her sight. Turning sharply, she stalked to the house on the edge of town, flinging the door open with a scream of anger.

Barrett and Blake jumped to their feet startled at her outburst, “Hiriam is sending me back east! He handed me a train ticket today!”


Nick shook his head in wonder at the continuous stream of questions Timmy Rankin was asking on the way to the ranch. The boy’s eyes were opened wide at the scenery around them outside the town of Stockton.

Driving the surrey, Heath patiently answered all the questions directed at him from the small boy sitting between himself and his Mother. Melinda held a napping Megan in her lap and conversed quietly with Hiriam in the back seat of the surrey.

Victoria smiled at the patience her blonde son exhibited, no question too difficult to answer or too ridiculous, the same way his Father was when his siblings were younger. Glancing at Nick riding beside the surrey, he rewarded her with a wink and a wide grin.

The questions from the small boy ceased when the surrey entered the gate and pulled up in front of the mansion. His eyes were wide and his mouth opened in surprise at the size of the house. Heath chuckled softly as he climbed down and started to lift Timmy out of the surrey while Hiriam assisted Victoria.

“Heath! Put that kid down!” growled Nick, pushing Heath’s hands to the side and lifting Timmy out of the surrey. “You know what Dr. Merar said.”

“For pete’s sake Nick! I’m not an invalid!” retorted Heath. “I’m fine.”

Rolling his eyes, Nick snorted, “Sure you are, Mr. Cantankerous!”

Nick gently took the sleeping Megan from Melinda’s arms and held her to his chest. Looking at Heath, he whispered, “You can help Mrs. Rankin down, no lifting! Come on, Timmy.”

Heath stared at the back of his big brother with a puzzled look on his face. Melinda took the hand he offered and climbed down from the surrey. Walking around the carriage, she stopped and looked up at the mansion which loomed before them.

Glancing at her, Heath smiled and took her hand. Giving her a gentle squeeze of encouragement, he whispered, “I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way myself the first time I saw it.”

Blushing, her smile was radiant and grateful. Nodding, she returned the squeeze of his hand and allowed Heath to lead her through the oak doors into the foyer. Nick was carrying Megan up the staircase and Timmy was following his every step. Victoria lead Melinda up the stairs to the guest rooms. Audra met them at the landing and enthusiastically greeted the young woman.

Hiriam stood beside Heath and patted his shoulder, “You have a wonderful way with Timmy and Megan, Heath.”

Heath grinned, “It’s easy, they’re both great kids. Full of wonder and happiness.”

Winking, Hiriam teased, “They must get that from their beautiful mother. She looked awfully full of happiness today.”

Heath’s face turned crimson as Nick and Silas came down the stairs. Nick chuckled at his little brother’s red face.

“Hiriam, Silas here will show you to your room.” informed Nick waiting until he was alone with Heath before he turned and threw an arm across the broad shoulders.

Directing Heath outside with him, Nick teased, “While I carry in the bags, you can tell me why you’re face is as red as a beet.”

Pushing Nick to the side, Heath gruffed, “Knock it off, Nick.”

“What?” asked Nick innocently, his hazel eyes betraying his voice. “It was just an innocent question.”

Snorting, Heath reached for a bag and promptly received a slap on his hand.

“Uh, uh little brother. Remember no work for a month.” stated Nick firmly, enjoying the frustration on Heath’s face as each movement towards any resemblance of work was cut off.

“Nick, maybe I was teasing just a bit when doc said a month.” snapped Heath in frustration. “Okay? Now, let’s get these bags into the house.”

“Heath, you mean you don’t wanna be like Jarrod? Sleeping in, reading, fishing, difficult chores like that?” exclaimed Nick in mock horror.

Shaking his head, Heath glared at Nick and grabbed a bag in his left hand, mumbling loudly, “Smart ass brother.”

Laughing loudly, Nick clapped the blonde on the back and grabbed the other bags, his deep voice admonishing Heath as he followed him into the house, “Now, now, Mr. Cantankerous. There’s little ears around. You can’t be using that kind of language.”

Shaking his head, Heath looked back and smirked, “Twit brain.”


After dinner, Audra promptly took over the care of little Megan and Hiriam enticed Timmy into learning checkers. Victoria, Jarrod and Nick shared a smile when Heath escorted Melinda out into the garden beyond the french doors of the study.

The night air was warm and sultry, the moon was full and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky above them as the two walked and enjoyed the fragrance of the garden tickling their noses. Reaching the far end of the garden, Heath sat Melinda down on a bench and leaned against the fence encasing the large garden of flowers.

“Beautiful night.” drawled Heath nervously.

“Yes it is.” smiled Melinda. “Your Mother showed me the gardens this afternoon, they’re beautiful.”

“Yeah. She has a way with plants and stuff.” replied Heath clearing his throat. “Melinda, I, uh, I hope I didn’t upset you this morning.”

“Did I seem upset, Heath?” puzzled Melinda.

Shifting his feet, Heath shook his head, “No, it’s just that, well, the kiss and uh, it, well, it wasn’t planned, I just couldn’t help myself.”

Melinda stood in front of the nervous, stammering cowboy and held his hand, “I know Heath. It’s scary how strong the feelings are for me also.”

Heath admitted, “I wouldn’t want you to feel rushed or anything like that.”

“I enjoyed this morning and the day we spent together. You’re an honorable, gentle man and I thank you for being considerate of my feelings.” assured Melinda, then added with a warm, teasing smile. “I wouldn’t want you to feel rushed into repeating such a kiss though, mind you.”

Smiling widely, Heath caressed the moonlight grazed face. Her green eyes looked bewitching under it’s beams. Running his hands softly up her bare arms, Heath pulled her to him and lowered his mouth to hers, anticipation flowed through both of them. A loud cracking sound and two startled shouts could be heard in the study through the open doors.

“WHAT WAS THAT?” exclaimed Nick rushing out into the garden, stopping at the sight of Heath and Melinda laying on the broken fence, laughing uncontrollably.

“Boy, you’re in so much trouble when Mother sees that fence.” chuckled Nick helping Melinda to her feet. “Did you hurt yourself, Heath?”

“I think I’m fine. Why didn’t you build the fence better, Nick?” groaned Heath from the ground taking hold of Nick’s outstretched hand.

“I’ll have you know Jarrod built that fence.” smirked Nick.

“Are you alright?” queried Victoria receiving nods from the two crimson faced people.

“Yes, we’re fine Mother. I’ll repair the fence tomorrow.” assured Heath brushing off his pants and shirt.

Relieved, Victoria smiled, “I’m just happy you’re both okay.”

Stunned, Nick pointed to the fence, protesting loudly, “Mother, when I broke the other section of this fence three years ago, you weren’t quite so understanding about it.”

Nodding, Victoria agreed, “You are correct Nicholas, however, I doubt Melinda and Heath were trying to catch a stray cat and broke it by jumping into it, after tearing up some of my prize roses, after running around on top of them.”

Heath and Jarrod chuckled at the look on Nick’s face. “Well, it was all Audra’s fault!”

“My fault?” exclaimed Audra, holding Megan in her arms. “What do you mean my fault?”

“You were the one who didn’t want that dumb old cat to be out in the rain.” replied Nick in an exasperated voice. “I was just trying to help out my little sister.”

“Mr. Nick, you can’t say that word.” whispered Timmy loudly, holding onto Hiriam’s hand.

Puzzled, Nick thought over what he said, afraid he’d let a swear word escape in front of the kids, “What word?”

“D-u-m-b.” spelled Timmy seriously. “That’s a bad word and now your mama’s gonna wash your mouth out with soap. And it tastes bad! I know!”

Nick’s crimson expression caused a burst of laughter from the other adults, confusing Timmy.

Looking up at his mother curiously, Timmy stated, “You wash my mouth out with soap, mama, when I say that word.”

“Yes, I do, Timmy.” admitted Melinda. “Mr. Nick is bigger and..”

“Melinda, Timmy is correct.” stated Victoria firmly and grabbed Nick’s hand. “Come along for your punishment, Nicholas.”

Timmy and the others watched, choking on their laughter, as the small petite woman hauled the large, complaining rancher into the house away from the little eyes. Waiting a few minutes, a respectable amount of time for the punishment to be handed out, the others went back into the study leaving Heath and Melinda alone again.

“Boy howdy, Nick’s gonna be mad at me tomorrow.” smiled Heath taking her hand and leading her out of the garden into the velvety darkness of the night.

Stopping beside a tree, Heath pulled her into his arms. His fingers pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, his eyes drank in the sight of her before he kissed her gently. Her arms reached around his neck, his hands moved down her back and held her closer as the kiss deepened.

Breaking the kiss and leaning her head against his chest, Melinda closed her eyes, listening to the palpitation of Heath’s heart. Sighing, she leaned back and glanced up, “It’s time for Timmy and Megan to get ready for bed.”

Smiling, Heath kissed her forehead and held her hand as they walked back towards the house.

“I wonder how Nick liked the taste of soap.” smirked Heath with a wide grin, enjoying the laughter coming from the woman by his side.


Rising early the next morning, Heath entered the barn to groom Charger and his modoc. Waiting for sleep to claim him the night before, he was amazed at the changes in himself over the past year. A year ago, courting a woman, let alone a widow with children, would not have crossed his mind. The fear of deserting them alone in the world would’ve consumed and overwhelmed him.

Shaking his head, Heath realized his heart had been walled in for a long time and only after becoming a rancher had those walls started crumbling. He also knew the unwavering love and support of the family had significantly reduced the walls.

Smiling to himself, he couldn’t forget the feel of Melinda in his arms or get the sound of her laughter out of his head, the warmth in his heart when the children hugged or openly showed their affection. Unconsciously, he whistled an off kilter happy tune as he ran the curry comb over the bay stallion.

Nick stood in the doorway watching Heath groom the horse while lost deep in thought. His movements were still cautious, but the wounds were healing.

The smile on his little brother’s face warmed Nick’s heart. He thought Heath and Melinda seemed so right together and his little brother deserved every bit of rightness he could get from this world. The past couldn’t be changed but his future could be sparkling like diamonds.

Smirking, Nick walked over and leaned on the stable door, “I don’t know why you’re spending so much time currying Charger, Heath. No riding for a week Dr. Merar said.”

Heath continued his whistling until he finished and patted the large stallion on the shoulder, threw the curry comb in the wooden box. Walking over to the stable door Nick opened, he patted both cheeks on the tan face of his older brother.

“No dice, big brother. Nothing you can say is gonna make me unhappy today!” stated Heath with a wide smile walking to the room at the back of the barn and returning with a pile of wood.

“What are you doing with that wood?” queried Nick with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m gonna fix the fence.” replied Heath grabbing a hammer and some nails.

Leaning against a post, Nick crossed his arms and smiled, “So, how did the fence break last night?”

Heath’s expression turned serious and Nick uncrossed his arms, standing up straight in anticipation of the news which could cause such a look of seriousness.

“That is for me to know and you to never know.” replied Heath with a wink before heading out the door.

Nick stared at his brother before rolling his eyes upwards and he rushed out after the blonde almost colliding with Scotty as he entered the barn.

“Sorry, Scotty!” apologized Nick to the bewildered cow puncher, who smiled at one boss chasing the other. “HEY HEATH!”

“Yeah, Nick?” asked Heath dropping the wood outside the fence on the ground.

“Come on, spill it. How’d it happen?” urged Nick.

Taking out the broken section of fence, Heath inquired, “How’d what happen, Nick?”

“Ah, for pete’s sake!” exclaimed Nick flinging his hands into the air. “The broken fence!”

Glancing up for a second, Heath looked back down at what he was doing, “Nick, I haven’t ridden the fenceline for over a week. Maybe you should ask one of the crew?”

Squeezing his temples with his right hand, Nick growled, “Now, who’s a smart ass brother!”

“Mr. Nick!” exclaimed a small shocked voice. “That’s another bad word!”

Covering his mouth to stifle his laughter, Heath’s shoulders shook when Nick’s face turned crimson and his shoulders hunched. Slowly turning around, the large man smiled slightly at Timmy holding onto his Mother’s hand.

“Morning, Mother. Morning, Timmy.” greeted Nick quietly, his face a mixture of horror and apprehension. “I got a lot of work to do, see you later, Heath!”

Nick called as he rushed back to the barn.

“Nicholas, when you are done working, we’ll discuss your punishment.” shouted Victoria to the quick disappearing back.

No longer able to contain his laughter, Heath burst out laughing, holding his side and wiping his tears.

Timmy looked up at Victoria and puzzled, “What’s so funny, Mrs. Barkley?”

Patting his small back, Victoria smiled, “I think Mr. Heath found something to tickle his funny bone.”

Walking over to his idol, Timmy asked, “What tickled your funny bone, Mr. Heath?”

Grinning, Heath winked, “Mr. Nick’s funny in the mornings. You know what else is funny?”

“No.” replied Timmy seriously.

“This!” shouted Heath as he grabbed the boy and tickled his sides. Timmy screamed for help in between his laughter. Victoria rushed over and tickled Heath’s left side while he was trying to hold onto Timmy. After a few minutes, Heath begged for mercy and the three sat on the ground gasping for air.

Victoria brushed a hand across Heath’s cheek and smiled. Heath knew his eyes reflected the same look of love which was looking back at him from the gray eyes.

“Don’t do too much sweetheart.” stated Victoria knowing how recuperation was on all her sons.

“I won’t, Mother.” promised Heath as she turned to leave. “Timmy, you want to help me with the fence?”

“Sure!” smiled Timmy hanging on every word of instruction spoken to him.

Entering the study, Victoria saw Melinda watching the fence building occurring in the flower garden. Walking over, Victoria put an arm around the younger woman’s waist.

“Timmy is learning how to build a fence.” informed Victoria her eyes taking in the two working together in the garden.

Melinda’s green eyes lit up with amusement, “I think if Heath was digging a mile long trench, it wouldn’t matter to Timmy.”

Chuckling, Victoria agreed. “Would you care to join me for some tea?”

Sipping their tea in the kitchen, Victoria smiled, “How is your new job at Mrs. Collins’ dress shop?”

“It’s fine. She’s a wonderful lady.” said Melinda. “This week she’s visiting her family in Sacramento.”

“Your parents live in Sacramento, don’t they?” inquired Victoria.

Melinda nodded, “Yes, Father is a banker and Mother takes care of the house and Father.”

“They must miss seeing Megan and Timmy growing so quickly. I know I would.” smiled Victoria surprised at the sadness which appeared in the green eyes.

Clearing her throat, Melinda stared into her teacup and said quietly, “When I married Mike, I was disowned and I haven’t see my parents since. My Father didn’t approve of Mike’s job as a freight train driver.

Reaching over, Victoria squeezed the small hand, “I had no idea, Melinda. I’m so sorry.”

Looking up, Melinda waved off her concerns. “When Timmy was born, I wrote my parents but received no reply. Mike kept urging me to try, he felt awful about the bad feelings he thought he caused. I told him it wasn’t his fault, my Father’s a very controlling person and a rather unforgiving one.”

Leaning her chin on her clasped hands, Melinda frowned, “When Mike drown after his wagon overturned in the river, I sent a wire but they didn’t come to the funeral. I really didn’t expect them to, although a small part of me held out hope.”

“How difficult things must’ve been.” gasped Victoria. “I can’t imagine not being there for any of my children through a time like that.”

Feeling the squeeze on her hand again, Melinda’s green eyes reflected her gratitude for Victoria’s kind words. “After the funeral I found out I was pregnant with Megan, I wrote again. Over two years and no word.”

Standing, Melinda carried their cups to the sink and set them in, sighing deeply. “I’ve come to the decision my children are the only family I need to concern myself with. They are wonderful and have so much love to give. My parents are losing the enjoyment of their grandchildren by their unwillingness to judge people by something other than social status. There is nothing more I can do.”

Victoria’s gray eyes misted with tears while she enclosed her arms around Melinda. Hanging on tightly, Melinda’s tears spilled out on her cheeks from the mother’s touch she’d been missing.

Holding onto her shoulders, Victoria took our her handkerchief and wiped away the tears from the green eyes. Smiling, she said softly, “You are a beautiful, smart and compassionate young lady. You and the children are always welcome in our home, Melinda.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Barkley.” replied Melinda hugging the Barkley matriarch.

“Now, how about if we take a walk in the garden and see how the fence is coming along?” queried Victoria leading Melinda out of the house through the back door.


The day passed quickly on the Barkley ranch. Silas and the ladies were spending the afternoon in the kitchen making cookies with the children. Jarrod had ridden into town to go over the documents on an upcoming trial. Nick was out with the crew leaving Heath and Hiriam to spend an uninterrupted afternoon together.

Heath knew Mother would skin him alive if he mounted a horse, so a walk around the Barkley ranch buildings over to a small stream, a mile away was decided upon. The sun was shining and the temperature cooler than the previous days.

Hiriam listened to the pride in Heath’s voice as he discussed the ranch and the Barkley holdings. Tom Barkley had built an empire from nothing, leaving his heirs a legacy to continue and a name entrusted to them which came at great price.

“When you’re able to ride could you show me the remainder of the ranch?” suggested Hiriam.

“I’d like that Grandfather.” smiled Heath sitting down in the shade of an old tree by the stream. Hiriam’s brown eyes took in the beauty around him.

“Are there any fish in that stream?” asked Hiriam.

Chuckling, Heath nodded, “Yeah. As long as your arm or so Nick claims.”

“I see they have those tales out on the west coast, too.” smirked Hiriam with a wink.

Laughing, Heath rolled a cigarette and lit it. Inhaling deeply, he looked over into the brown eyes, his face creased with a frown.

“There’s something I’ve been wondering about and if you don’t want to answer, I’ll understand.”

“What is it, Heath?”

The blue eyes turned somber and Heath inhaled again before crushing out the cigarette. “In Strawberry, I saw the scars on your back. I was, well, wondering what happened?”

Hiriam’s eyes beheld a far away look, his mind taken back over the years before. Heath waited and thought perhaps his question would go unanswered. His grandfather’s voice was low and soft when the words finally came.

“It happened a long time ago on a ship called the Saint Belle. The captain and his first mate were far from saints. When I signed on, I hadn’t heard how the captain ran his ship. It was shortly after your grandmother passed on. Even if I knew, it’d have made no difference, I think. I was barely functioning in those days of darkness.”

Pausing, Hiriam took off his hat and shook his head, the memories were strong as if it happened yesterday. Heath grasped his shoulder and squeezed. Hiriam sighed and patted the strong hand of his grandson.

“One year later, we’d enough of the captain and his treatment. Five of us jumped ship off the coast of Africa. Two were caught, myself and John Jacks. His last name was Jackson, but we called him Jacks. We were tied up to the main mast and the rest of the crew were made to watch the punishment being handed out. Forty lashes less one apiece with a cat o’ 9 tail. A total of 351 lashes each. Jacks didn’t make it and I’ve no idea how I survived.”

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Heath choked out, “How did you get off the ship?”

Hiriam looked into the sapphire pained eyes and smiled slightly, “There is justice in this world, Heath. The captain took on four men in Africa and that was his downfall. Two nights later, one of them snuck into his cabin and slit his throat from ear to ear. Payment for the death of his brother from a previous voyage with the captain. The first mate jumped overboard and we sailed home. When we got back I took off for Liberty, Missouri to get the children, but they were gone.”

Heath peeled the bark off a fallen tree branch, his voice hesitant when he spoke. “I have scars on my back also.”

“Yes, I know.” admitted Hiriam, seeing the questioning look in the blue eyes when Heath’s head shot up.

“I saw part of the scars in the back of the wagon after we left Strawberry. Nick knew something was terribly wrong and he picked you up to hold you to his chest.” explained Hiriam quietly. “Your shirt moved up and I saw them.”

“Don’t you want to know where they came from?”

Hiriam stated softly, “Only if you want to tell me, Heath.”

Several minutes passed before Heath replied. “Some are from Uncle Matt. The majority are from Carterson Prison.”

“I’m sorry, Heath for what Matthew put you and your mother through.” apologized Hiriam sadly. “It never should have happened.”

“Unfortunately, we can’t change the past. What’s done is done.” stated Heath.

Sitting in silence, both men watched the birds flying and listened to their chirping. The afternoon slipped quickly away and the two men started their walk back to the buildings when Heath glanced over.

“Do you miss Virginia?”

Smiling, Hiriam nodded, “Yes and no. I miss my friends, of course. What surprises me is how much I don’t miss going into work everyday. That shocks me. I’ve always been one who worked steadily, rarely ever taking time off.”

“Do you have a special lady there?” teased Heath.

Laughing, Hiriam shook his head, “I’m way too old for that! I have a few lady friends who are widowers that I enjoy spending time with just as friends, though. I’m still so much in love with my wife, I don’t believe I will ever take another. Leanne was my soul mate.”

Putting his arm over his grandfather’s shoulders, Heath smiled, “She must have been some lady.”

“That she was, Heath. That she was.” grinned Hiriam widely. “I’ll tell you about her sometime.”

The outlying buildings of the ranch appeared before them and Hiriam stopped his grandson with a hand.

“Heath, I’m considering selling my business and perhaps staying in Stockton. That is, if you wouldn’t mind having an old grandfather around?”

Stunned, Heath took a minute to digest the potential plans. “I wouldn’t mind, Grandfather, if that’s what you really want to do. Are you sure you want to though? You built that business from the ground up.”

Hiriam nodded, “I’d rather spend the rest of my days closer to you. Virginia is too far away in case you should ever get married. I’d like to be around to meet my future great grandchildren.”

Blushing, Heath put his arm back over the broad shoulders and they continued walking. “Don’t be marrying me off already, grandfather. I might not be done sowing my oats yet.”

Hiriam’s chuckle turned to concern at the gasp from Heath and the sudden stop in walking.

“What’s the matter?” exclaimed Hiriam, holding onto the shaking shoulders of his slightly bent over grandson. “HEATH!”

“Nick? Nick!” stammered Heath from his face pale and he started running to the buildings three hundred yards away.
