"Steve Austin Meets Jesse James"


Logline: Danny’s time machine causes more trouble for Steve. What happens when 20th century bionic man meets 19th century bank robber Jessie James?

  “Are you sure you can handle all three boys?” Jaime asked as she and Steve sat in the kitchen.

“I take the twins all the time.” Steve reminded.

“Well Oscar says that Teddy causes all sorts of trouble. He doesn’t mean to, it’s just the way it turns out.”

“Teddy isn’t that bad of a kid. I really think the kids will enjoy the zoo.” Steve explained.

“I could go with you if you want?” Jaime reminded

“I know, but this is just for the guys.”

“Well ok but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Jaime turned and headed for the living room while Steve got in his car and headed for Oscar’s house.

The three boys were waiting outside Oscar’s security fence when Steve pulled into the drive.

“Ready guys?” Steve asked.

“We sure are.” Marc answered as he, Matt and Teddy climbed into the backseat of Steve’s car.

“Well then shall we go gentlemen the zoo awaits?” Steve stated as he pulled into traffic.

“He turned toward the boys in the back. “I have one stop to make first, then we are on our way.”

“Where do we have to stop Steve?” Marc wondered.

“I have to tell your father something. You boys can just come up with me. It’s to hot to sit in the car.”

Marc leaned forward into the front seat. “Steve” He whispered “Is it a good idea to take Teddy with us?”

“It won’t hurt we’re just going to your dad’s office. Now sit back ok.”

“Yea sure Steve “ Marc sat back in the seat next to Matt and Teddy.


“So you two you finally have it perfected.” Oscar was saying to Danny and Rudy as they stood in the room that housed Dan’s time machine.

“You got it Oscar. Not only can we pick a specific date to go back to…”

“I thought you could go back to anytime.” Oscar interrupted.

“No we could go back to any year.” Danny replied. “But it would have to be the day you were on. “

“I’m not understanding.” Oscar sounded confused.

“It’s like this Oscar The old way we could only go back to today’s date. July 5th 1872 let’s say. We could go back to any year but it would have to be July 5th.”

“Ok I follow you now. What else can you do?” Oscar turned to Rudy but Dan answered.

“Now we can pick exactly where we want to go…”

“You mean we could tell this machine to go back to Dallas in November 22, 1963 and boom, we would be there?”

“That’s right Oscar. Dan is the one who programmed it that way. It is fantastic!” Rudy exclaimed.

“That is terrific!” Oscar shouted. “You could change history.”

“Not exactly Oscar. I firmly believe, that once something has happened you can’t undo it.” Rudy explained.

“What else can it do? Why did you take the glass booth out?”

Rudy smiled “This was my idea. We don’t need it anymore everything is controlled by a laser beam. Here let me show you.” Rudy placed a small object in the path of the laser he geared everything up, then hit the ‘enter’ key on the computer. The object disappeared.

“Rudy!” Oscar exclaimed that’s fantastic!”

“Yea it…”

They were interrupted when Rudy’s phone rang. Rudy picked it up. “Yes Callahan he’s here.” He handed the phone to Oscar.

“Yes Callahan.” Oscar spoke. “Tell him I’ll be right down.” Oscar hung up “Steve is here He needs to ask me something before he takes the kids to the zoo. I want to here more about this. Under no circumstances is Dan to test it.”

“Don’t worry Oscar, he won’t.” Rudy assured.

Oscar left Rudy’s off ice and headed for his own.

“I really would like to test it Rudy.” Dan smiled at him

“You do that and your father will never allow you near it again.’

“Yea I guess you’re right.” Dan sighed.


“Steve what can I do for you?” Oscar asked after saying hi to the kids.

“I just needed to talk to you for just a minute.” Steve said closing the door to Oscar’s inner office and leaving the kids under Callahan’s watchful eye.

Steve hadn’t been in Oscar’s office thirty seconds when the phone on Callahan’s desk went wild.

“This is a busy place.” Teddy observed.

“Yea.” Marc sighed still not sure if it was a good idea to have Teddy there.

“Let’s look around a little.” Teddy suggested.

“No, we better not.” Marc told him.

“Aw come on. You’re not chicken are ya?”

“Of course not.” Marc cried. “Ok then come on.”

The three boys left the harassed Callahan to her phone calls and slipped down the hall.

They were just passing Rudy’s office when Rudy spied the three boys. “Marc!” Rudy called.

“Yea Rudy?” Marc turned toward him

“You know you can’t just wander around. Get in here right now.” The three stepped into Rudy’s outer office.

“I’m sorry Rudy. I never thought.” Marc sighed.

“Well you just wait here till Steve is done talking to your dad.” Rudy left the boys sitting at the table with games and puzzles.

“What’s in that room?” Teddy asked pointing to the closed door.

“We aren’t allowed in there.” Marc explained.

‘Why not?” Teddy demanded.

Marc shrugged “I don’t know. We just aren’t.”

“Let’s go inside” Teddy prodded.

“No Teddy we really can’t.” Marc tried to tell him.

Teddy, who was not about to take no for an answer headed for the door

“Teddy!” Marc called out “We really can’t!!”

Teddy reached for the doorknob. “Come on what can it hurt?”

Marc and Matt both shrugged. “I don’t know. I just know we aren’t allowed in there.” Marc walked over to where Teddy stood.

“Yea Marc.” Matt joined Teddy. “What can it hurt?”

“Nothing I guess.” Teddy turned the doorknob and the three boys stepped into the room where Dan’s time machine was kept.

“What’s that?” Teddy pointed.

The twins looked at one another. “I have no idea.” Marc replied.

Teddy stepped over to it. “This is cool.” Teddy started tapping on the keys.


“Rudy?” Steve asked. “Are the boys down here?”

“Yea Steve. I caught them wandering around a few minutes ago. Aren’t they sitting at their table?”

“No. Now where do you suppose they are?” Steve looked around.

“I have now idea.” Rudy replied. He and Steve stared searching for them.

“Well this is boring.” Teddy proclaimed as he continued tapping on the keyboard of the computer that operated the time machine.

Teddy started wandering around.

“I think we better go Teddy.” Marc reached out to try and stop him.

Just as Steve and Rudy entered the room Teddy stepped in the path of the laser beam.

“Marc! Matt!” Steve shouted. “You know this room is off limits!”

“I… I’m sorry Steve.” Marc stammered. “I tried to stop them.”

“Hey! Don’t blame me!” Matt slammed his hand on the keyboard striking the ‘enter’ key.

The time machine began to hum “Steve!” Rudy shouted. “Get that kid away from there!!”

Steve ran for the spot where Teddy was standing. He shoved Teddy out of the path of the oncoming laser beam. But Steve didn’t move quick enough The beam caught Steve just as he was turning around..

Within a matter of seconds to Rudy shock and horror Steve disappeared.

“Where did he go?” Marc cried.

Rudy looked at the read out on the monitor “Northfield Minnesota, September 6, 1876.” He muttered more to himself rather than the three boys standing beside him. Rudy turned to the boys. “Now do you see why you aren’t allowed in this room?” he scolded the twins.

“We’re sorry Rudy.” Marc cried. “What happened to Steve?”

“Let’s go down to your dad’s office. We’ll discuss it then.”

Rudy led the boys down the hall.


Steve stood up and dusted himself off. ‘Wonder where I am’ He thought to himself.

He walked along the dusty streets searching for the answer. ‘Well.’ Steve continued to think “At least Dan’s time machine works.’

Tired of walking Steve stopped by a hotel and checked in. Steve looked around his room for a few minutes, and then stepped back outside.

He started to cross the street when a group of men passed him nearly knocking him down.

“Hey!” Steve called out. Who do you think you are anyway?

“Who do I think I am?” The man sneered

“You almost knocked me down.” Steve complained

“I don’t care.” The man shouted. “But you will if you don’t mind your own business. I’m Jessie James…”


“What happened?” Oscar asked after getting the boys settled with Callahan and giving her strict orders to not take her eyes off them for a second. Oscar even went as far as to tell her to ignore the phone if she had to.

‘You heard me.” Rudy replied as they headed back down to his office.

“Steve has gone back to 1876. He’s in Northfield Minnesota on Sept. sixth 1876 to be exact. I’ve got Dan working on it.” He said as they opened the door.

Rudy paused for a moment. “Sept. 6, 1876. Now why does that date stick out in my head?”

“It sticks out in my mind as well Rudy.” Oscar stated as they stood by Danny. “Any luck Dan?” Oscar asked.

“Not yet dad.” Dan replied.

“Any way like I was saying.” Oscar went on. “The date is familiar to me as well. I just can’t pin point it.”

“On Sept. 7 1876.” Dan started “Jessie James attempted to rob The First National Bank in Northfield Minnesota.”

“Go on Dan.” Oscar urged.

“Well James kills the cashier. I believe his name was Lee Heywood.” Dan paused for a moment as he tried to remember his history assignment of only a week ago.

“Keep going Dan.” Rudy prodded.

“Well the town decided not to take it sitting down, they fought back. They open fire on the gang killing at lest three of it’s members and wounding several others…”

“You mean Steve has gone back to a shooting gallery?” Oscar shouted.

“That pretty much sums it up.” Dan nodded. “With one exception.”

“What’s that?” Rudy wondered

“The robbery won’t take place till tomorrow Steve’s time. Hopefully we can get him back before it happens.”

“How will he get back, he doesn’t have the remote link, it is in the vault downstairs.” Oscar sighed.


“What did you say your name was?” Steve asked staring at the man in front of him.

“I told you! James, Jessie James.” Jessie continued to sneer. “Ring any bells?”

“A few.” Steve turned and saw the rest of the members of Jessie’s gang. “Well if you’ll excuse me.” Steve tried to step away from them. “I have pressing matters else where.”

“Not so fast.” Jessie grabbed onto him. “Hey boys, don’t you think we could use another member?” He continued to look at Steve “Or at least some shooting practice.”

“Yea” Bob Younger agreed. “He would also make a good hostage if it came to that.” He also turned to Steve. “Get your horse, you’re coming with us.”

“I don’t have a horse.” Steve informed them. “As a matter of fact, I just got into town.”

The gang started laughing. “If you don’t have a horse, how did you get into town?” Jessie wondered.

Steve thought quickly. ‘Ok I’m obviously in a time before cars. Now if I can just figure out where I am that might help.’ “I brought the stage coach.” Steve explained. Remembering all the westerns he had watched on TV

“Well we’ll get one for you. I think you better just stay with us.” Jessie informed him.

Steve tried to get away from them but the gang surrounded him with their guns drawn.

“I need your gun.” Jessie snorted as he poked his at Steve.

“I don’t have one.” Steve told them.

Again the gang burst out laughing. “You have got to be kidding?” Jessie laughed.

Steve thought he saw an opening and tried to make his way for it.

“I said you’re coming with us.” Jessie grabbed Steve. ‘You see, you’re the only one who knows we’re in town, and we can’t have you blabbing to the sheriff that Jessie James and his gang are in Northfield Minnesota.”

“Northfield Minnesota.” Steve thought to himself ‘Well at least I know where I am. If I remember my history right, they rob a bank in Northfield.’ Steve continued to think. ‘I wonder if I’ll be able to stop them.’

“Look.” Steve tried to stall. ‘Surely someone will come back and get me.’ Steve looked up the street where he had ‘come in’ “I won’t say anything. “I’m waiting for friends.”

“Waiting for friends? More or less your gang.” Jessie continued to hold the gun on Steve. Then he turned to two of his gang members. “Cole, Bob. You ride together. We’ll give him your horse. I don’t want to let him get away from us.”

“Sure Jessie.” Cole Younger said as he mounted the horse with his brother Bob.

Steve mounted Cole Younger’s horse. ‘Ok so my next question.’ Steve thought to himself. ‘Is how do I get back to my own time if the don’t come back for me? Dan’s remote link is in the vault at OSI one hundred years in the future’.

They started to ride down the street. ‘Now’ Steve continued to think. ‘Maybe I could ride off and get away from them.’

Steve soon found that would not be possible as the gang once again surrounded his horse, ‘Oh great. Now what do I do. I’d try something but I can’t take all of them at one time. If I go for one, I’m sure the others would open fire’.


I guess one of us is going to have to go back and get him.” Danny suggested. “Rudy and I are still working on using the main computer to bring you back if you get stuck back in time without the remote link.” Dan sighed. “We just haven’t perfected it yet.”

“What are you saying Dan?” Oscar asked.

“What I’m saying is this.” Dan began again. “Rudy and I are working on the idea of using the main computer rather than the remote link to get someone back.” Dan tried to explain.

“Ok I think I follow.” He looked down at the read out on the computer, then back up to Rudy. ”Ok Rudy so which one of us goes back?” Oscar wondered.

“Well.” Rudy started “We may not have to do that. Dan and I think we’re pretty close. I suppose if worse came to worse, I could go back.”

“Rudy I’m not real thrilled at sending you back to a possible shooting gallery either.” Oscar paused for a moment as he wondered just how to handle this situation.

“What are you planning to do Oscar? You know, we have no idea what’s on the other side right now.”

“Yea for all we know.” Oscar sighed. “The James / Younger gang could have already killed Steve.”

“Or Steve may not even have run into them. They may not even show up till tomorrow.” Rudy speculated.

“That’s more than likely not the case.” Dan interrupted. “They probably have had this planned and went in a day early to ‘case’ the bank. I’m not saying it did happen. It’s just a very strong possibility.” Dan added

“Oscar, I’m afraid Dan is right.” Rudy walked over where Oscar stood staring at the computer screen. “Some one may have to go get him.”

“Yea I know that Rudy. I’m just trying to think of who. How close do you think you and Danny are?”

“Not far enough, you better think fast. I don’t know how quickly time passes for them. One of our hours could mean an entire week for them.”

“I think my best bet is to send another agent one who’s armed. Someone who’s trained with guns.”

“Do you have someone in mind.” Rudy asked.

“No not really.” Oscar sighed.


Steve rode along between Jessie and Frank James while the rest of the gang continued to surround him. ‘You really know how to fix it for yourself? Don’t you Steve’? Steve thought as they rode along. ‘My only hope is that someone comes to get me before they, we? Rob that bank tomorrow’.

“By the way.” Jessie asked as they rode along the dusty roads. “What is your name?”

“Steve.” Steve answered. “Why did you ask?”

“Well sometimes I like to know the name of the people I’m planning on killing.”

‘Oh great! Come on Rudy, Dan. Get me out of here!’ Steve screamed in his head.

“Ok Here’s where we get off.” Jessie stated.

Every one got off their horses and started to make camp just outside of Northfield.

After getting everything set up and starting a fire for the night the gang gathered around it. “Well we cased out the bank.” Jessie began. “It looks like it should be a pretty easy job.”

“Yea. Bob younger said, maybe to easy.”

“Quiet Bob. You always worry for nothing.” Frank shot at him.

“Look guys don’t argue. It should be a fairly easy job but you never know.” Jessie Stated. Then he turned to Steve. “At least we have ourselves a hostage.” Jessie laughed.

“I thought you said we could use him as target practice.” Bob and Cole Younger complained.

“After the bank robbery.” Jessie continued to laugh.

“Look.” Steve spoke up. “Do you really want to rob a bank?”

“That’s what we came here to do. Now why don’t you just sit back and shut that mouth of yours. Before I shut it for you.” Jessie aimed his gun at Steve’s head “Got it?”

“Oh yea. I got it.” Steve sighed. He sat down on the ground with a thud.

“Good.” Jessie proclaimed. “You just sit there like a good boy, and maybe after the robbery tomorrow. We’ll let you go.” Jessie began to laugh. “Yea right.”

‘Ok just how am I going to get out of this one’? Steve asked as he continued to watch the gang.

“Now.” Jessie started again “As I was saying. It looks like a pretty easy job. If we time it just right we can be in and out in a matter of seconds. I don’t think the townspeople are going to give us much trouble.”

‘Want to bet’? Steve thought as his history came back to him ‘The good people of Northfield won’t let you get away with it’.

“What makes you so sure Jessie?” Frank asked.

“Well first of all there aren’t that many of them.” Jessie explained “Second we do it during the middle of the day when most everybody is at work.”

‘Maybe I can talk them out of this’. Steve thought “Sounds like a good plan but…”

“I thought I told you to shut that big mouth of yours!” Jessie shouted. “I guess you don’t listen very well. Well listen to this.”

He fired his gun at Steve the bullet just missing him. “Next time I won’t miss!” Jessie sneered “Consider that a warning.”

“Yea sure alright.” Steve sat looking toward the small town they had no idea their lives were going to be changed sometime after noon the next day…


Rudy gave Oscar a sharp look. “You can’t think of anybody Oscar?”

“Oh I can think of a lot of people I just don’t know exactly how I want to proceed with this.

“We have to get Steve back.” Rudy told him “Hopefully before the James/Younger gang robs the First National Bank on the 7th.

“I know that Rudy!!” Oscar shouted. “Let’s go to my office. Maybe I can think of something. I need to go down to the vault and get the remote link, that way who ever I get… We’ll be all set.”

Oscar and Rudy headed down to the vault and retrieved the remote link. “Ok let’s get it back up to the time machine. I’m beginning to wish Danny had never invented that dam thing. It’s caused nothing but trouble from day one.” Oscar stated as they rode the elevator back up to Rudy’s office.

“Where were you dad?” Dan asked. “I think I’ve almost got it.”

Rudy laid the remote link on the desk next to the computer “You really think you’re on to something?”

“I sure do. I have a couple of more things to try, then we test it.”

“You aren’t going anywhere.” Oscar reminded.

“No Oscar, we use objects. Things that it won’t matter if we can’t retrieve it.”

“Oh ok then keep working Dan.” Oscar ordered

Dan reached over and picked up the remote link. “Here.” He said as he punched a few buttons on it. “There now it’s all ready for who ever goes back to find Steve. If that’s what we’re going to have to do.”

“What do you mean Dan?” Rudy wondered.

“All the person has to do when they find him and are ready to come back is press the red button. That will bring them right here to their own time.”

“Ok that’s great. Why don’t you come with us? They set the remote link next to the computer.

“I think it will be safe enough there.” Oscar Said as they left Dan’s office. and headed for Oscar’s.


Night was rapidly approaching Northfield. Steve was beginning to wonder if maybe it was coming to rapidly. It seemed like only any hour ago it had been broad daylight.

The James Younger gang busied themselves as they finished setting up camp, and tending to their horses

‘I’m getting a little hungry.’ Steve thought. I wonder what desperados eat the night before they plan to rob a bank.’

Jessie walked over to Steve. “I suppose I better introduce you to everyone. Just in case you got any notions of trying to get away. This is my brother Frank. Then w have Bill Chadwell, Clell Miller and Charlie Pitts And of course the Younger brothers Bob Cole and James

“I see I’m in good company.” Steve sneered. “You won’t get away with it you know that?” Steve continued.

“You know Jessie.” Frank spoke up ‘I’ve just about had it with this one. Hostage or not I say we get in a little target practice right now.”

‘Now Frank, You can shoot a man for speaking his mind.” Jessie corrected. ‘No for not particular reason at all, that’s a good reason. I told you we would all get in a little target practice. After the bank job is complete.”

“Ok Jessie, but I’m really getting an itchy trigger finger, and he’s the one I want to shoot.”

“In time Frank. Listen why don’t you go up over that ridge there and catch us some nice fish for dinner.”

“Yea, sure Jessie. But I still say it wouldn’t hurt if we killed him now.”

‘Well I guess it’s fish for dinner. I hope they feed their number one hostage.’ Steve thought as he looked at the rest of the gang sitting around the fire. ‘I suppose singing campfire songs is out of the question.’ Steve smiled to himself at his little joke

“You find something amusing?” Jessie broke Steve’s thoughts.

“There is nothing funny about it “ Steve told him

“That’s right. Jessie turned to Clell, Bill and Charlie. “We have a slightly different plan for tomorrow.” He started.

“Yea Jessie what’s that?” The three men asked.

“I need you three to stay here and guard our friend.” Jessie explained.

“Aw come on Jessie. We want to come along too” They complained. “I know what your plan is Charlie Pitts argued. “You’re going to try to cheat us out of our share of the money. You’ll say it’s because we didn’t take part in the getting it.” Pitts continued.

‘Trouble already, and they don’t even have the money. Oh these guys a great.’ Steve thought. ‘You know. This might be fun after all.’

“You will be participating in the event. I just need you here to guard him.” Jessie ordered. He pulled out his gun and shot at Pitts. “Now are you going to take orders, or do I have to kill you right now?”

“All right Jessie. We’ll stay and watch him.” Pitts agreed

‘Wow, and I thought Oscar was a thought boss.’ Steve thought.

Then he remembered more of his history. ‘Hey wait Charlie Pitts; Bill Chadwell and Clell Miller were all killed in that robbery attempt. If they stay here and guard me….it would change history.’ He looked around at the group of me. ‘And not for the better either’ Steve thought.

Pitts walked over to Steve. “You know it may actually be kind of fun. We just might get in that target practice early.”

“There will be none of that!!’ Jessie snorted. “I don’t wan him killed till the job is finished.”

“Why, you obviously don’t want to use him as a hostage if you’re leaving him here.” Pitts argued.

“The only reason I’m leaving him here is because he doesn’t have a horse.” Jessie again shot in the direction of Pitts.

“We can get him a horse.” Frank said. The town has to be full of them.”

“I really don’t want to go back into town before tomorrow.” Jessie sighed.

“Hey Jessie, there’s a rode not to far from here. I reckon we could go up there catch some poor unsuspecting person off guard and take his horse.”

“Great idea frank.” Jessie agreed “Take Cole with you.”

He turned to Steve. “Looks like you’re going to get that horse after all.” Jessie told him.


The three boys were sitting in chairs surrounding Callahan’s desk.

“Have they given you any trouble?” Oscar asked.

“No. Not at all.” Callahan replied They have sat here drawing pictures or coloring.”

“Well that’s good just keep them there. We still have a lot to do.” Oscar ordered as he, Dan and Rudy entered his office.

The three of them sat down. “Ok Rudy. Let’s get this figured out.” Oscar said once he sat down behind his desk. “Who should I send to go after Steve?”

“Russ. I don’t know. Do you think he would be able to handle it?” Rudy suggested.

“Of course he could handle it, and he knows about the time machine.”

“I still say our best chance is to have Dan complete what he’s started. We could bring Steve back with out the remote link.”

“That could take to long Rudy. We need to get Steve back here as soon as possible.” Oscar sighed.

“Maybe it’s not a good idea to involve someone else. Look Oscar if we weren’t so close to being able to do it this way, I would tell Russ to go for it.”

“You’re that close eh?”

“That close. Dan almost has it.” Rudy explained.

“Ok then I guess we do it your way. Dan. You have less than twenty four hours. Think you can get it licked?”

“I’m positive dad. I’m going to the cafeteria first, then I’ll head up to Rudy’s office. I really shouldn’t stop. In fact I’ll just take it with me.”

“Ok then son. I’ll see you in Rudy’s office in just a few moments.” Oscar called after him.

He turned to Rudy. “This better work.”

“It will. Dan told me on our way down here he thinks he knows what he’s doing wrong.”

“Ok , then I’ll leave it up to Dan.” Oscar stood to leave his office.

Mean while in Oscar’s outer office. Marc had listened to the entire conversation. He stood just as Dan left for the cafeteria.

“Callahan” he spoke. “I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

“Ok Marc, but see to it you come right back.”


“I would rather not have one at the expense of another man’s life.” Steve said

“Well we need you to have one!” Jessie thundered. “So you’ll take it and like it!”

“You mean I’m going to go with you?” Steve asked.

“No. I’m going to leave you out here all by yourself so you can warn the sheriff.” James was very sarcastic.


Marc disappeared down the corridor just as the trio came back out. “So it’s settled, Russ will go back and rescue Steve.” Oscar was saying. He looked at the two boys. “Where is Marc?”

“He said he had to use the bathroom.” Callahan replied.

Oscar and Rudy looked at one another then raced down to Rudy’s office. Marc was standing in the path of the laser the time machine geared up ready to go…”

Marc! Get away from there.” Oscar cried.

Rudy lunged at him knocking him out to the way just in time the laser hit the back of a chair that was in the way.

Oscar walked over to him “Ok son. Care to explain.

“I heard everything dad. I want to help.”

“You can help just fine by staying right here.” Oscar scolded. “We have some talking to do anyway.

“Marc bent his head down. ‘Yea I know.” He whispered.

“You and Matt both know this room is off limits”

“Yes sir.” Marc’s voice remained at a whisper

“What were you doing in here anyway?”

“Well it was Teddy…”

Oscar shot him a stern look.

“I guess I should have know better. What are we going to do?”

We? We are not going to do anything. I’m going to call Minnie and tell her to come and take you home. Then I guess I better send someone to pick up Jaime.


“Well I suppose we better call it a night.” Jessie piped up.

“Who’s going to watch him Jessie?” Frank wondered.

“We’ll all take turns.” Jessie explained. “In fact I’ll take the first watch.

The rest of the gang fell asleep While Jessie kept his eyes glued on Steve.

Steve also sat staring at Jessie. “So Mr. James. What made you resort to bank robbery?”

“I have had just about enough of you!” Jessie yelled.

“Hey I was just trying to make polite conversation.” Steve defended.

“I’m not in the mood for conversation.” Jessie snorted.

Steve tuned and looked around. ‘Come on somebody. Anybody get me out of this mess!’ Steve thought.

“What are you looking at?” Jessie demanded.

“Nothing.” Steve replied.

“I don’t believe that.” Jessie sneered.

“Really I’m just thinking.” Steve said.

Jessie peered around. “I guess you’re right. I don’t see no one.” He waked up Frank.

“Hey it’s your turn I’m going to get a little shut-eye.”

“Sure Jessie.” Frank got up and walked over to where Jessie had been sitting.

“Don’t take your eyes off of him.” Jessie warned. “He’s up to something. I think maybe his gang is out there some place.”

“Hey Jessie, what if they are planning the same thing we are?”

“I wondered the same thing. Don’t worry we’ll take him with us.” Jessie explained. “We’ll be up at first light.”


Minnie gave Jaime a ride. She dropped Jaime off as she picked the boys up.

“Listen Minnie. Don’t let Marc out of you sight. He wants to try and help. I want him to stay home.

“I will Oscar don’t worry.” Minnie left with the three boys.

“What is going on Oscar?” Jaime shouted.

“We don’t know Jaime. All we do know is….” Oscar told her the situation.

“So what are you doing about it?” Jaime wanted to know. “I want my husband back.

“We’re doing everything we can. Dan thinks he can fix it so no one has to go back and get him. We can bring him back by the main computer.


The next morning Jessie woke his gang up. “Come on boys, rise and shine. We got a job to do.”

The rest of the gang woke up and mounted their horses. Jessie walked over to where Steve had dozed off.

“Hey you!” Jessie roared “Get up!!”

Steve opened his eyes. He blinked his eyes as they stared into the direct sunlight. “Oscar? You won’t believe the dream…”

“Oscar? Who or maybe I should say what is an Oscar?” Jessie laughed.

‘Guess it wasn’t a dream.’ Steve thought. ‘Well here we go. I guess I’m about to become a bank robber. I was hoping they would have come for me by now.’

Steve mounted his horse along with the rest of the gang and joined them as they all rode into town.

“What’s the matter with you?” Frank asked as he rode beside Steve. aint you never robbed a bank before?”

“No I haven’t.” Steve told them

“I don’t believe it.” Cole Younger joined the conversation. “Jessie said you been looking for your gang.”

“No just some friends I was supposed to meet, or they were meeting me. I’m not real sure which.”

“Well don’t worry about it. You won’t actually rob the bank We just need you in case the sheriff shows up. You’ll either make a good shield, hostage or like we all want target practice after the robbery You know for when we’re feeling a little bored.”

“There’s a comforting thought” Steve stated.

“I thought you would see it that way.” Cole laughed.


Danny had been up most of the night working on the time machine. He had tested it several times. “Well here goes try number 20” Dan said. He set a small box in the path of the laser. “Keep your fingers crossed.” Dan hit the ‘enter’ button. The box disappeared.

“Ok Now to bring it back.” Dan pressed a few keys on the keyboard and once again hit the enter button. The object reappeared.

“I can’t believe it!” Oscar cried. “Dan you did it. Now get Steve back.”

“Ok. Once again Dan struck the keys on the keyboard. Then hit the enter key…. nothing. Steve still remained lost in time.

“Rudy, what if we never get him back.” Oscar sighed.

“We will Oscar. Don’t worry. What do you think the problem is Dan?”

“I don’t know, it should have worked.” Dan yawned

“Dan maybe you should get some rest.” Rudy pointed out

“No. This is my invention. I want to see it through. Wait a minute I think I know what the problem is. Dan cried out. Where Steve is may no longer be the 6th why didn’t I think of that.” Dan cleared the computer and punched the keys a few more times. “That should do it.”


It didn’t take as long as he thought and Steve was sitting out side the First National Bank in North Field Minnesota. Frank had stayed outside the bank to guard him.

‘Well at least I’m back in town’ Steve thought as he looked up and down the street for a familiar face. ‘I just can’t understand why this is taking so long. They should have been here by now.’

“Still looking for you gang huh?” Frank spat. “Well they are to late. We beat them to the job.”

“Yea well I guess that’s a tough break.” Steve muttered.

“You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to pull one over on ole Jessie.” Frank told him.

Danny why isn’t this working?” Oscar banged his hand on the desk. “Look I’m waiting any longer. Some one has to go back and get him.”

“Oscar you can’t it’s to risky.” Rudy stated. “Dan has almost got it.” “I agree with Rudy.” Jaime added. “Oscar let Danny try it his way.” She pleaded.

“No I can’t wait any longer. And I’m not waiting for Russ either. Oscar grabbed the remote link off the table. “Ok Dan. Send me back.”

Dan looked from Rudy to Jaime.

“Dan. I am your father. You do as I tell you!” Oscar shouted. Now send me back September 7th 1876. I just hope Steve is alright.”

Dan hit the keys a few more times and the laser hit Oscar. With in a matter of seconds Oscar was gone.

“Well looks like it works.” Jaime sighed. “I just hope Oscar knows what he’s doing.”

“Me too.” Rudy added. “I also have a feeling the only way to get back is with the remote link.”

“Yea me too.” Dan sighed.

“You tried Dan” Jaime ruffled his hair.


Oscar found himself on the dusty streets of Northfield Minnesota He looked up and down searching for Steve.

Steve continued waiting on his horse while Frank sat next to him.

Once again Steve looked up the street. He saw Oscar standing on the same corner he had come in on.

‘Well it’s about time.’ Steve thought.

Just then Jessie and his gang came charging out of the bank guns blazing.

They mounted their horses they were getting ready to head out of town when the town’s people They opened fire on the Jaime / Younger gang. Steve sat right in the middle.

“I’ve had enough of this.” Steve said. He jumped off his horse and ran full speed to where Oscar stood waiting for him.

“You ok pal?” Oscar asked.

“Yea I think so.” Steve said looking down the street. “Let’s say we get the h out of here huh?”

“I agree with that.” Oscar was just getting ready to push the button on the remote link when the sheriff and the town’s people headed in their direction.

“There’s another one boys!” The sheriff cried. “Get him.” They ran at Steve and Oscar.

“Oscar quick hit the button!” Steve yelled.

“Oscar quickly pressed the button on the remote link and they were back in Dan’s office.

“Well Steve.” Oscar began “that was close.”

“I’ll say. A little to close.” Steve agreed.

Steve turned to Danny “Well Dan take it from me your time machine? It works.”

“Yea maybe a little to well.” Rudy agreed. “You ok Steve?”

“Yea I think so. I don’t think anyone should be allowed near that thing unless they have the remote link with them.”

“I agree with that.” Oscar and Rudy echoed.

“Why don’t you tell us all about it Steve.” Rudy suggested. “What was Jessie James like? Or did you even meet him?

“Oh yea I met him. Have a seat Doc I’ll tell you all about it.


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