
Nick stared into the fire. His soul was empty, the fire and laughter gone with the disappearance of Heath and Sue. His nights filled with visions of her face, eyes staring at him in disbelief and hurt. In his nightmares, the betrayal that shown in their faces overwhelmed him. God, he missed them both. The two people in the world he felt closer to than anyone. The little brother he had resisted for so long and the woman he had finally found that stirred his soul as no other could.

Victoria watched as Nick sat in front of the fireplace, his chin resting on his hands as he watched the flames. Her heart constricted at the sight of his face. The dark shadows under his eyes, a sign of the great weight that was burdening him. The vanishing of his little brother and the woman he loved. The past two weeks had been strenuous on the residents of the neighboring ranches. Heath and Sue were constantly in their thoughts.

In the two-week period, they had received one telegram from Heath, sent from a town up north two days after they left. The wire had simply said, ‘Riding with Sue. Give my love to Sonya. Be back when I can. Heath.’

Jarrod, Nick and Jack had taken the train to the town but they could not locate the two missing people. The operator had stated a man had sent the telegram. No woman had been seen with him.

Mr. Foster furious over the heartless behavior of his daughter had sent her to the east coast to live with his sister. He had shocked Jamie when he had coldly told her not to return to Stockton as he had put her on the train. He still loved her, but he couldn’t condone her actions that destroyed Sue Weston and caused her to leave Stockton.

Sitting by Nick, Victoria rubbed his back as he took a deep shuddering breath and asked. “Where could they be, Mother?”

“We’ll find them, Nick.” replied Victoria softly watching a tear trickle from the corner of his eye and down his cheek.


The past two weeks had been hell on the two travelers and friends. After the anger had lessened, Heath tried to think rationally of what he had witnessed in Stockton. His heart told him Nick loved Sue, but his head couldn’t make sense of what he had seen.

If Heath hadn’t stopped her the first night, he was sure she’d have ridden until the stallion she cherished could no longer move and was sapped of all his strength. Sue’s almost catatonic state frightened him. She was going through the motions without realizing what was going on around her.

Helping her from the saddle, he felt her shaking from the blow that had been dealt to her very being and her legs were unable to support her own weight. Picking her up like a child, he had carefully put her down on the bedroll and gently covered her up. The shock of what had happened could still be seen in the glazed eyes staring out from the pale face.

The first few nights she had waken screaming for Nick in her dreams. He would rush over and hold her as the shaking wracked her body. Heath pleaded for her to talk to him about the nightmares. She would look away keeping all her thoughts and feelings bottled inside.

Each day, Heath waited for the explosion of anger and outrage, but it never came. No longer trying to sleep, because of the dreams that kept invading her nights, her appetite decreased dramatically as the time lengthened. She would sit for hours staring out over the landscape around them. He grew more concerned from the lack of fire in her emerald eyes and the weight he could tell she had lost.

Concerned and frustrated at Sue’s condition, he reminded her of what she had told him, when he thought he couldn’t handle the nightmares of Carterson anymore and was ready to give up.

She had looked him in the eye and firmly stated, “Heath, you’ve a choice to either live as a free man or as a slave to your nightmares. This is up to you and you only. If you make the wrong choice, you will slowly become a shell of the wonderful man I know you are. Whatever you decide, know that I will be here for you.”

Sue stared at him during his outburst and turned her eyes back to the fire. Heath sighed and laid on his bedroll waiting for sleep, trying to find a way through the walls surrounding her heart and soul.

When he woke in the morning, she had already saddled the horses and simply stated, “We’re going back.” Heath finished packing their things and rode beside her as they turned back towards Stockton.

Crossing the mountains two days from home, they were caught in a violent storm that soaked their clothes with the wind driven rain and forced them to seek shelter. The temperature had dropped considerably and the travelers scurried to find a place to wait out the storm. Seeing a cave, Heath pointed and shouted, “Let’s check it out to see if it’s inhabited.”

Sue nodded and took out her rifle. Tying the horses to some branches, they started forward. What they thought was a cave was actually an overhang, large enough for them and their horses. Getting the horses they brought them under the overhang, out of the rain and put them in the back. Sue picked up some of the wood stacked there.

“Someone else has used this place recently.” she shouted so Heath could hear her over the howling wind and pointed to the woodpile.

“I’ll build a fire, you’d best get out of those wet clothes.” yelled Heath as he turned to give her privacy. When she had finished, Heath changed out of his wet clothes and made them a dinner of beans.

Frowning, he watched as she pushed the beans around on the plate only eating a few spoonfuls. She had been surviving on coffee and a few mouthfuls of food a day.

Reaching over he felt the warmth of her forehead, “You’ve got a fever.”

Slapping at his hand, she growled, “It’s nothing, Heath. Just a cold.”

“Maybe we should ride to Modesto and see a doctor.” suggested Heath.

Looking across the fire, Sue sighed, “I just want to get this over with.”

“Get what over with?” asked Heath afraid of the answer he was going to hear.

“I’m giving the ranch to Jack and Charity as a wedding present. I’m moving back to Texas.” said Sue quietly.

Stifling the urge to shout, Heath gathered his thoughts and spoke softly, “I’ve been thinking, Sue. I’m sure Nick loves you and there has to be some explanation for all this.”

Putting her plate on the ground, she laid down on the bedroll knowing that sleep was not going to come and said quietly, “Heath, thanks for coming with me. You’re welcome in my house anytime, but I don’t want to see him ever again.”


Listening to the even breathing of her trail partner, Sue smiled slightly and thought, ‘How smart of you Heath to use my own words against me’.

The outburst from the quiet man and the concern in his eyes, stirred a small flicker deep within her numbed soul. She had helped him through the nightmare of Carterson and she knew he would help her through her own nightmare.

At that time in his life, Heath’s eyes had been vacant pools of blue without a sign of life after each nightmare. The shame of how he survived in that place and the terrors he had to fend off were overwhelming him. The nightmares reliving his time at Carterson, had been slowly eating away at his existence, stealing his soul a little at a time.

Sipping coffee, she realized he was right. She couldn’t go on like this. She’d make a clean break when she got back to the ranch and move away from the place that could stir her memories up and keep the nightmares anew.

Nick’s face flashed in her mind and she squeezed her eyes shut to will it away. The pain of the betrayal was an open festering wound. Disloyalty and betrayal were one of the worst acts, in her thinking, that one person could commit against another. She had trusted him with her emotions, her deepest desires and he had thrown it back at her. His act of betrayal had rocked her world like an earthquake.

Her heart ached from the loss of a man, she had thought, was the soulmate that she would journey through life with. The pain suffocated her soul, bringing darkness to her once sun-filled being.

Listening and not hearing the howling of the wind, she walked away from the fire and looked out across the landscape. Her eyes widened and dread filled her at the sight of the first falling snow.

Survival instincts kicked in as she realized the grave mistake she had made. Having made the decision to return to Stockton, she had talked a reluctant Heath into taking the trail through the mountains, that was the most direct route to their destination.

At this time of the year, one never knew if snow would fall early or hold off til later. They were not properly supplied to survive, if they got trapped in the mountains when the passes filled with snow. Cursing, she knew that her lack of thought and ignoring Heath’s concerns, may have just led them to their deaths in a soon to be frozen land.

Kneeling down, she shook the sleeping man and said, “Heath, if we want to get off this mountain, we better move. It’s starting to snow.”

Heath jumped up as the realization of their precarious position hit him. Rushing, the two travelers packed their items and lead the horses out of the overhang, mounted and started down the trail at a trot.

The snow fell steadily and covered them in a soft white blanket. Keeping their chins tucked in, they strived to lessen the exposure of the cold wind to their faces. Their blankets wrapped around them for extra warmth, they traveled on through the night and into the morning. The only thing in their favor was that the wind had greatly decreased in it’s ferocity and was not blowing the snow up to diminish their line of sight.

The trails turned treacherous with snow covering the ice that lay underneath. Their boots stiff with cold, their feet numb. The horses struggled through the snow that was piling up. Stopping, they dismounted and pulled the horses along. They continued putting one foot in front of another. Fighting to keep their mounts moving and make their way out of the deathtrap.

Slipping on the ice, Heath fell on his hip. Grimacing from the jolt, he felt Sue’s hand on her arm and pushed himself up. Looking at her when he heard the raspy breathing, he grew alarmed at the flush of scarlet on her cheeks and the shivering.

“We gotta find shelter.” gasped Heath as the cold entered his lungs.

“We can’t stop.” stated Sue as she pushed him forward with a weak shove. “Keep moving.”

Time stood still as the two weary ranchers struggled on. Resting briefly only when they had to stop to help each other when they stumbled and fell. Their muscles screamed in protest, their feet were like bricks they lifted up and put down. Their fingers numb and stiff, lips chapped and dry from the cold.

Pushing their way through the last section of deep snow in the pass, they felt a sliver of hope when they reached the last leg of their living nightmare. Resting for a few minutes, they mounted Charger and Satan with great difficulty.

Both breathed a sigh of relief at escaping the snow-filled mountain when they reached the bottom. The sun set behind them as they continued on, striving to put their mountain struggle behind them and the temperatures increased slightly.

Stopping in a stand of trees by a stream, Heath clung to Charger after he slid off. His body still numb from the cold temperatures on the mountain. His limbs refusing to work as they should. He knew they needed a fire to warm them and stave off the cold in their bodies, but he was past the point of exhaustion, feeling sick and unable to move. His chest hurt as he let out a weak cough. The horses stood with heads hanging, sides heaving from the grueling trip they had made. Heath’s stomach lurched at the sound of the wet, hacking cough from Sue. He watched as she slid down off Satan and fell to the ground.

Stumbling over, Heath felt the fever emanating from her and helped her to lean against a tree. Shaking and unable to stop it, Sue watched with half closed eyes at Heath trying to build a fire with his numb fingers. The frustration glaringly clear in his blue eyes.

“Not.. beans.. again?”

Looking at her in confusion as the words worked his way through his muddled brain, Heath tossed a weak lop-sided grin her way and replied weakly, “No steak tonight.”

“My fault. I should have listened.” whispered Sue as she fell onto her side and Heath crawled over to his unconscious friend.

Holding her in his arms, he let the tears fall as he whispered, “Hold on, we’re almost home.”

Wrapping the blankets around them both, he leaned his head back exhausted, fighting the sleep he dearly needed and groaned aloud, “Big brother, I’d give anything to see your face.”

Unable to fight his exhaustion and the fever that was starting in him from their ordeal, Heath’s eyes slowly closed and darkness reigned down.


In the chill of the early morning, Sheriff Madden and the men waited patiently for Davey to pick up the trail of the rustlers. Nick and Jack rode beside Fred. They were looking forward to putting the rustlers out of business. Their ranches had lost the most stock to these low lifes and they wanted this business concluded. It had been a small respite from the constant wondering of where Sue and Heath had vanished to and when they would be back.

“Satan!” shouted Davey startling Jack and Nick.

Looking to the wooded area by the stream, Nick and Jack could make out the stallion that Davey pointed to. Hearts in their throats, Jack and Nick galloped ahead of the group, jumped from their horses and knelt by the bodies laying on the ground.

Nick gently tapped his unconscious brother’s face, felt the warmth of Heath’s skin and saw the uncontrolled shivers. A sharp contrast to the heat searing off Sue, who lay still in his arms. Feeling hands moving his arms to free Sue, Heath tightened his hold, fighting Jack and Nick in his fever-filled delirium.

“Heath!” shouted Nick as he held his brother’s face in his hands. “Heath!”

The shouted words echoed through the murkiness that surrounded Heath. He’d heard that voice before, but where, his mind was refusing to focus. Hearing the words again, he knew who it was. ‘Nick. It was Nick’s voice.’ He struggled to respond but couldn’t open his eyes. His throat parched and dry refused to give any strength to get the words out.

Seeing Heath’s eyes move under the lids and his mouth move slightly, Nick leaned closer and heard a weak, “Nick.” Knowing his brother was there to take over, Heath let the darkness reclaim him and his arms loosened, releasing the woman he was cradling.

Carrying the two to the fire that had been built, Jack listened to the rattled, shallow breaths of his boss and panic filled his being. “Nick, they’re both burning up and Sue’s breathing don’t sound good. We gotta get a doctor.”

Fred not liking the pallor of either of the two, barked out orders to the rest of the group, “Get some blankets and wrap them up. Nick, you and Jack take them back to Stockton. It’s closer.”

Hands spread the blankets on the ground and wrapped the two unconscious people in them. Nick and Jack mounted. Jack shook his head when they lifted Sue to him, “I’ll take Heath.”

Nick smiled gratefully as she was placed in his arms. Tucking her close to him, he whispered into her ear, hoping she would hear him. “I love you, Suzanne Weston. Fight for me. Fight for us. Don’t leave me.”


Holding tight to the two in their arms, they headed towards Stockton knowing time was of the essence. Nick’s voice hoarse, when they reached the office of Dr. Merar from whispering in her ear, trying to elicit a response.

Howard taking a look at the two knew Sue Weston was in imminent danger from her high fever. “Jack, get all the ice you can. We gotta bring the fevers down.” Jack ran out the door and down the street to the general store.

“Nick, prop some pillows up behind her. That’ll help her breathing.” said Howard as he cut off her pants and shirt leaving just her undergarments on. Placing a blanket over her, he listened carefully to her congested lungs. “Damn.”

“What is it?” asked Nick. His hazel eyes fraught with worry and he was afraid he knew what the doc was going to say.

“Pneumonia.” said Howard briskly as he cut the clothes off Heath and tossed them in the corner. Listening to Heath, he stated, “He’s better, but not by much.”

Jack and Mr. Foster burst through the door each cradling a large block of ice.

“Bring some more, we’ll need a lot of it.” said Howard as he and Nick chipped the ice into chunks, piled it on and around the unconscious woman until only her head was uncovered.

Several men continued to bring ice until Heath had been covered in the same manner. Victoria arrived and helped Howard periodically check the fever on each patient as Jack and Nick waited beside the beds.

Dr. Merar had been blunt in his honesty of the diagnosis of the two. Heath was a little better than Sue, who was knocking on death’s door. No longer shivering from the fever raging in her was a sign all doctors were afraid of. Her body, already weak, was having a hard time fighting the infection that had taken hold.

Nick’s face paled when Howard had told them that he felt Sue had lost about 15 pounds since he had seen her last. The dark circles under her eyes, a testament to the sleep she had been missing. Both had bruises over their bodies from something, most likely from falls he had surmised.

The waiting room was filled with the crew of Sue’s ranch and the other members of the Barkley family waiting for news on the two people they all held firmly in their hearts. Silent questions in their minds went unanswered as to how the two friends had come to be in this condition. Knowing the answers they sought would not be heard until one of them woke up and provided them, if they were able to wake up.

“Howard.” said Victoria quietly as she checked Heath’s fever again.

Rushing over, Howard smiled widely and stated, “Fever’s broken.” Nick and Jack sent a prayer upwards for the good news. Victoria went to the waiting room to update the others.

Heath panicked as the cold caused his body to tremble and shake. ‘Where was Nick?’ I thought he was here. Moving his head and thinking he was covered in snow, called out weakly, “Tthhee ssnnooww. ttoooo ddeeeepp.”

Sonja gasped and Nick grabbed Heath’s hand under the ice and squeezed it, “Heath! You’re safe, Heath!”

Heath heard the words called to him and slowly opened his eyes. Confusion reflected as he saw the ceiling above him and his teeth chattered, “NNiiccckkk?”

“I’m right here, little brother.” said Nick as he moved into his line of sight.

“Ssnnooww. Mmoouunttaaiinnss. Sssuuee?”

“She’s here. Don’t try to talk now.” said Howard softly as he and Jack began removing the ice from the shivering man. “Rest, Heath.”

Heath squeezed Nick’s hand weakly and stared at him through pain filled eyes, “Ssoorryy, Nniicck.”

“For what, Heath?” smiled Nick tenderly as Heath fought to keep his eyes open.

“Ssuuee lleeaavviinngg. TTeexxaass.” whispered Heath before falling into a deep sleep.

Jack and Nick flinched at Heath’s words. Gently brushing back Heath’s hair from his forehead, Nick whispered, “We’ll see about that, little brother.”

Jack left the room and came back in with Horace. The two men carried Heath to another room and helped Howard and Victoria settle him into a dry bed. Sonja held his hand while Victoria sat on the other side of her son’s bed gently running her fingers through this hair, thankful the fever had broken and praying for it to relinquish it’s hold on the woman in the other room.

Nick sat by the bed, talking softly to the woman still battling the fever that was raging. “You have to believe me when I tell you, I didn’t kiss that witch. She kissed me! Why didn’t you give me a chance to explain?”

Running his hand through her sweat soaked hair, Nick whispered, “Remember our first date? What a special night. Everytime I ride to the lake, I think of us that night. God, how I missed you these past weeks.”

His throat choked with emotion as she lay unresponsive under the mound of ice. Laying his head on his folded arms, he fought back the tears that wanted to burst forth. Closing his eyes, he could hear her laughter, the sweet music of her voice, the taste of her lips and the feel of her body against his. Allowing the memories to overwhelm him, he couldn’t stop the tears flowing and the despair from gripping his soul at the thought of losing her to the cold hand of death.


Victoria sighed at the sight of Nick, asleep with his head on his arms, beside the bed. Throughout the afternoon, ice had been continually put on the unconscious woman. Night had fallen hours ago and the morning was fast approaching. Still no response from Sue was heard. Victoria motioned Howard over and whispered, “She doesn’t feel as hot to me.”

Reaching over, he nodded. “Yes! It’s lower. I’m gonna check on Heath and let the others know.”

Victoria gently shook Nick’s arm to wake him. He raised his head and looked at his mother sleepily. Jumping up, he looked at the woman in the bed, “Mother, she’s not..”

“No, Nick. Her fever’s gone down. I thought you’d want to know.” smiled Victoria at the relief in his eyes. “I’ll be back.”

Nodding, he kissed her on the cheek, “Thanks, Mother.”

Sitting back in the chair, Nick took her left hand out from under the ice and held it between his. Holding it to his cheek, he closed his eyes and spoke to her.

The fires that were burning her retreated slowly and the haze surrounding her ebbed away a little at a time. A gentle murmur filled her ears and she gravitated towards the sound.

As she neared the gentle voice, the mist dissipated around her and the cold bit into her skin. Feeling weights holding her limbs and body in place, she moved her head slightly, coughing and moaning from the pain it created.

“Open your eyes for me, darling.” spoke the gentle voice.

The voice kept up its urgent plea and mustering what strength she could from the weakened state of her body, she slowly opened her eyes. Sluggish green eyes met hazel eyes. Tears fell from Nick’s eyes while watching the lids lift, revealing the emerald eyes he was afraid he would never see again.

Her awareness increased and so did the shaking of her body as it fought the coldness of the ice that was surrounding it. Holding tightly onto her hand, Nick leaned over and gently kissed her lips, “I love you, Suzanne Weston.”

Teeth chattering from the shock of the ice and her thoughts muddled and foggy, Sue stammered weakly, “Ii kkiilleedd Hheeaatthh”

“No, Heath’s fine. He’s sleeping in the next room.” said Nick quickly as the tears fell from the corners of the guilt wracked emerald eyes.

“Mmyy ffaauulltt.” Sue weakly whispered as her eyes closed and she fell back into the darkness.

Bending over, Nick spoke firmly in her ear. “Heath’s alive. Sue, he’s fine.”


Four days had passed since the ice had broken the fever’s hold . Sue and Heath had drifted in and out of consciousness unaware of their surroundings. The two slept deeply from the exhaustion of their trip, the toll their bodies had taken during the ordeal through the snow filled mountain, and the weakness created by their bouts with pneumonia.

Their caretakers worked diligently to get the two to expel the build up of phlegm and drink much needed fluids. The effort to do what their caretakers demanded, further exhausted the two lethargic patients.

Howard, Victoria and Jack smiled at each other as they checked the rooms of the two patients. Sonja was asleep with her head on Heath’s arm and Nick was asleep holding Sue’s hand.

Neither of the two had left the side of their loved one for longer than a few minutes and that was to take care of their basic needs only. They had remained constant and committed in their care. Helping to win the battle Sue and Heath were waging on their way back from the sickness that had threatened to claim them for eternity.

Sonja felt the movement beneath her head and opened her eyes. Looking up, she was relieved by the clear blue eyes looking around the room. Smiling, she sat up and held a glass up to Heath’s mouth. After taking a small sip, she put his head back down.

“Hi, cowboy.”

“Where are we?” whispered Heath surprised at the weakness in his voice.

“Dr. Merar’s office. You’ve been very sick, Heath.” explained Sonja as she caressed his cheek.

Heath closed his eyes and tried to sit up as he remembered, “Sue, is she alright?”

Holding him by his shoulders, Sonja pushed him back onto the bed. “She’s fine Heath. She’s in the next room with Nick.”

Sighing with relief, Heath closed his eyes briefly, “I feel weak as a kitten.”

“You’ll feel better after you get your strength back.” replied Sonja. “Heath?”

As he slowly opened his eyes, she leaned down and whispered. “Cowboy, when you’re stronger, we’re gonna talk about that little trip you took on the spur of the moment.”

Heath’s eyelids drooped and he whispered back, “Missed me, huh?”

Chuckling, Sonja kissed him softly. “Just a little, cowboy.”


The next day, Nick raised his head when he felt the hand squeeze his shoulder. “Go get some breakfast, Nick. I’ll sit with her.” stated Jack.

Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Nick stood and stretched his back. “I’ll be right back, Jack.”

Jack threw his hat on the stand by the bed and sat in the chair. Sending his thanks upwards again for the two lives that had been spared. Leaning forward, he watched as her eyes moved beneath their lids.

Seeing the lids lift slowly, he smiled and drawled, “Hell of a way to get out of work, boss.”

Sue looked around the room in confusion. Her eyes rested on the face of her foreman and friend. “Jack.”

“Nick’ll be right back.” Grinning, he squeezed her hand. The grin turning to a frown as her eyes took on a haunted look.

“I can’t see him.” she whispered turning her head away.

Sitting on the bed beside her, Jack pulled her face towards him. “Nick loves ya. He didn’t kiss Jamie Foster. She kissed him and his hands were full. There wasn’t anything he could do. You ran away before he could tell you. Mr. Foster was so mad, he sent Jamie away.”

“I don’t care.” was the weak reply.

Nick’s heart was in anguish as he overheard the conversation between the two friends. Walking to the bed, he saw the emerald eyes watching him. Jack got up and whispered, “Maybe you can talk some sense into her.” Closing the door, he left the two alone.

Sue looked away from the man standing by the bed and tears started to fall unchecked. She felt the extra weight cause the mattress to dip and weakly ordered, “Go away.”

Leaning against the headboard, Nick gently picked her up, held her tight against him and stroked the auburn hair.

“You can scream, cuss me out and shoot at me. No matter what you do, I’m staying, because I love you.” stated Nick gently.

“I killed him. Just leave, Nick.”

Nick closed his eyes and angrily scolded himself. ‘Dammit, you should have realized she didn’t know Heath was alive’.

Tilting her face up, he looked at the tear filled eyes and smiled, “Heath’s alive and sleeping in the next room. You didn’t kill him, Sue.”

His words worked their way through her confused state of mind and tears of relief fell until sleep beckoned again. Nick kissed Sue’s forehead gently, thankful to be able to listen to her breathe and fell asleep with her in his arms.


“Damn.” Sue whispered weakly as the coughing started and the pain in her chest made itself known again. Strong arms held her and urged her to expel the phlegm again. Exhausted from the exercise, he laid her back against the pillows.

“Torturer. Don’t you have a ranch to run?” she muttered as Nick chuckled and wiped her face gently.

“I already told ya’ Duke’s running the ranch and you can scream, cuss me out and shoot at me. No matter what you do, I’m staying.” smiled Nick at the tired emerald eyes looking at him.

“So you told me. I think I’ll put that on your tombstone after I scream, cuss and shoot you’,” teased Sue as she stifled a yawn.

He leaned forward and kissed her gently, “Plenty of time for all three while we’re getting reacquainted.”

Guilt flashed in the green eyes as she shook her head, “God, I was so stupid!”

“Honey, stop beating yourself up.” chided Nick gently. “You get your strength back and then I’ll show you how much I care.”

Smiling tiredly, she sighed, “Promises. Promises.”

Each time she had awoken from the fog, Nick was there speaking of his love for her and how Jamie Foster had kissed him. He had not kissed her and it had been very diabolical on Jamie’s part. He loved her and he wasn’t going anywhere, were words that rang through the fog in her mind. The words while warming her soul, caused deep feelings of guilt. Her own love for him had caused her to lose control of herself and she had almost killed his brother, her friend, because of that loss of control. The depths of human emotion was a frightening thing.

Nick caressed her cheek as he watched the her eyelids droop and fall over the green gems. Holding her hand, he thought back to their conversation two days ago when she had awoken and her eyes were finally clear of the fog she had been in.

“Hi, honey.” smiled Nick from the chair by the bed.

Turning her head, “Not now, Nick.”

Sitting on the bed, he turned her face towards him and growled. “I already told you that I DID NOT KISS THAT WOMAN. SHE KISSED ME!”

Wincing from the pain in her head, she groaned, “I already have a headache.”

“Sorry.” said Nick quietly,

“It’s all my fault.”

“What..” asked Nick, stopping as she put her fingers on his lips.

“I believe you. You’ve never given me a reason to doubt you.”

Nick watched the tears well up and asked gently, “What is it then?”

Wiping her cheeks, Sue stated, “I should have trusted you enough to know you’d never do something like that. I should have trusted in us. I could have killed both me and Heath because of it.”

Smiling, Nick sighed, “At least you didn’t shoot me.”

“Nick, I’m serious.”

Holding her hand, he smiled tenderly, “If you’d have shot me, I’d have found you when I healed. If you landed in jail because of shooting me, I’d have gotten Jarrod to defend you.”

“But, Nick..” her tired words silenced by a gentle kiss.

Looking deeply in her exhausted eyes, he whispered, “I love you and that’s all that matters.”

Her eyelids drooping, he heard the weakly whispered, “I love you too and it scares the hell out of me.”


“What?” snapped Sue at the grinning blue-eyed Heath sitting by her bed.

“Doc’s letting me go home today.” replied Heath happy to see the fire back in the emerald eyes.

“Good morning. How are my two favorite patients?” asked Howard as he smiled at the two.

“Fine, Dr. Merar.” said Heath.

“You’re letting him go, but I have to stay?” asked Sue as she glared at the man at the foot of the bed.

“Well, Heath was not as sick as you. You’ve also lost more weight. You can go home when your lungs sounds better and you gain a few more pounds.” explained Howard calmly.

Sue’s mouth gaped open, “Doc, for pete’s sake, I don’t even get real food to eat! How am I supposed to gain weight on that chicken, vegetable broth or whatever that stuff is.”

Howard laughed as he held the stethoscope to her back, “Deep breath.”

Taking a deep breath, Sue coughed from the congestion still in her lungs. Heath handed her a glass of water and she took a small sip.

“Maybe today we could try some real food.” teased Howard. “How about some oatmeal or porridge.”

Heath chuckled as Sue rolled her eyes and said, “Gee, thanks doc.”

“Anything for you, Miss Weston.” smiled Howard as he shook his hand. “Heath, if you have any problems at all, you get back in here. You don’t want to have a set back.”

“I will, Dr. Merar. Thanks.” replied Heath as the doctor left the two friends alone.

Sue lay back against the pillows and sighed deeply, “I hate looking at these walls.”

Squeezing her hand, Heath smiled, “It won’t be for much longer.”

“Did the doc say how long before you can get back to work on the ranch?” asked Sue curiously.

“At least three weeks. I can’t believe how tired I still get.” frowned Heath. “I should have enough sleep stored up in me for at least a year.”

“I’m gonna miss ya’ Heath.” smiled Sue. “Make sure Sonja takes good care of you now or she’ll have to answer to me.”

“I’ll give her the message.” chuckled Heath as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

“Hey, you’re kissing the wrong woman.” stated Nick as he and Jarrod walked in the room and chuckled at the blushed on Heath’s face.

“Morning, Sue. Brother Heath, you ready to leave?” asked Jarrod.

“Boy howdy, am I ever. Did you bring Charger?”

Nick laughed, “Jarrod’s giving you a ride home, little brother. No horses for you for at least three weeks. Doctor’s and Mother’s orders.”

Sue snickered as Heath’s face fell, “Have a nice ride home, Heath.”

“Thanks, my friend. I’ll be thinking of you as I’m eating dinner tonight.” smirked Heath as he ducked the pillow that was thrown at him and dashed out the door with Jarrod following.

Retrieving the pillow from the floor, Nick frowned at the sadness on Sue’s face. Sitting by her, he smiled, “What’s the matter?”

“Just feeling a little shut in.” sighed Sue. “I can’t wait to leave here.”

“Is Charity coming by today?” asked Nick.

“Yeah, she’s bringing over some patterns to look at for the wedding. What are you doing today?”

“Repairing some fencing, checking waterholes, some other little things.” said Nick watching the wistfulness appear in the green eyes. “Won’t be the same without you, though.”

“Thanks, Nick.” smiled Sue sadly. “You better get going.”

“Do what Dr. Merar says and you’ll be out of here in no time.” whispered Nick as he pulled her close to him, his mouth savoring the sweetness of hers, Breaking the kiss, Sue started coughing and gratefully accepted a glass of water.

Shaking his head, Nick teased, “Must be the power I have over women!”

Rolling her eyes, she pushed on his arm, “Go on! Go have a good time while I’m stuck here doing women stuff.”

Laughing, Nick leaned over and kissed her again, “I love you. I’ll come back to see you tonight.”

Cupping his cheek, she whispered “I love you, too.”
