
Nick met Jarrod and Mark at the train station.

“Nick, where’s Heath?” Jarrod questioned when they met.

“Not here Jarrod. Let’s go to my hotel room.”

Upon shutting the door to Nick’s room, Jarrod asked, “Ok, Nick, what’s going on?”

“Sit down Jarrod.” Then Nick told Jarrod everything he knew.

“Then you’ve not actually seen Heath?” Jarrod look accusing at Nick.

“No, I’ve not actually seen him,” Nick snapped, sometimes Jarrod could really aggravate him. “I can’t get close enough - not with that range war going on. Now that they know me and what I want, it’s not likely I’ll be able to. That’s why I need you. I want you to get a job under an assumed name at McClennon’s - find Heath, and lure him out. We’ll grab him and take him home.”

“Grab him and take him home. Just like that.” Jarrod looked at Nick like he was crazy.

“Yeah, JUST LIKE THAT. You got a better idea?”

“Well, Brother Nick, did it ever occur to you that Heath might have something to say about that? If this Bartley Nichols is Heath, then he doesn’t know who he is, and he’s more than likely going to fight back. And if my memory serves me correct, he is one strong young man. Someone could get hurt.”

Nick had thought of that, but he didn’t see any other way. Heath wouldn’t come without a fight, that he was sure of. Yet, a large part of him hoped Heath’s memory would come back when he saw them.

“Jarrod, he could get hurt if we don’t get him out and quick. A range war is not a safe place, and that one is heating up fast,” Nick said firmly.

“There may be another way. You said the doctor liked Heath?” Nick nodded at Jarrod question. “Good, maybe he will help us.”

“What are you thinking Jarrod?”

“Only that after I lure Heath out, it sure would be easier if we could use a little chloroform to knock him out until we could safely get him out of town. If he were to put up a fight, and draw attention to us, we could have a whole pack of McClennon’s men on our tail.”

Nick didn’t like the idea of using chloroform on Heath, but it would be safer than fighting him.

“Excuse me,” Mark interrupted Nick’s thoughts, “but why did you want me here?”

Nick turned cold eyes toward Mark. He had tried to ignore Mark since seeing him at the train station. He’d like nothing better than to tear into that lying scum, and it was all he could do to not do so now.

“Because while Jarrod goes to Los Alamos to get hired by McClennon, you and I are going to trace the route you and Heath took to and from Travis Grant’s place. We going to look for any clue as to what may have happened to him,” Nick lied. He really wanted Mark there to keep an eye on him. His gut instinct told him Mark was involved with what happened to Heath. He just didn’t know how...yet.

Mark thought ‘It’s now or never,’ and spoke up, “Maybe I shouldn’t mention this, but you two are too close to see what else might be going on.” Mark paused when he saw the look on Nick’s face - it wasn’t friendly.

“Go on,” Jarrod prompted.

“Like maybe Heath does know who he is, and he’s trying to hide from you.”

“For what reason?” Jarrod questioned as he put his hand on Nick’s arm. He could feel Nick ready to spring.

“I saw Mr. Grant give Heath twelve hundred dollars for those horses, and ...”

That did it.

“Why you no good...” Nick exploded as he landed a right punch to Mark’s face.

“NICK!” Jarrod yelled as he pulled Nick off of Mark, but not before Nick landed another punch, and Mark hit the floor out cold.

“Nick! Let him alone, he’s out,” Jarrod got in front of Nick and held him back.

When Nick calmed a bit, Jarrod took a quick look at Mark then said, “Come with me, I want to talk to you, and I don’t want to take a chance of Mark hearing what I have to say.”

Nick and Jarrod sat at a table in the hotel’s restaurant. They faced the lobby so they could keep an eye out for Mark in case he tried to leave.

“Jarrod, he was accusing Heath of stealing that money,” Nick was getting worked up again just talking about it.

“I know what he was doing Nick. There’s more.” Nick’s face turned a deep, angry red as Jarrod told him about Charger cuts. “And when the sheriff questioned him, he denied knowing anything about them.”

Nick then shared what he’d found out about the hotels and clerks.

“Nick, I believe you were right about him. Mark is involved in Heath’s disappearance.”

“Let’s turn him over to the sheriff,” Nick said as he started to rise.

“It’s not that easy, Nick. We don’t have proof, and until we do, we’ll have to be nice to him so he doesn't suspect we’re on the him and run.”

Jarrod could tell by Nick’s face, he didn’t agree and tried again. “Nick, if Bartley Nichols doesn’t turn out to be Heath, we’re going to need Mark around to find out what happened to him. So in the meantime, we treat Mark like a good friend.”

“Jarrod, I know Bartley is Heath. Charger’s cuts only confirms it more. He probably got those cuts in the rock slide. He,” Nick said pointing up to the room where Mark was, “left Heath out there to die.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” Jarrod tried to reason with Nick again, “and until we do and can prove it, we’ve got to keep a close eye on Mark.”

“I know it for sure Pappy, and we’ll get the proof.”

Jarrod nodded, “Come on, let’s go check on Mark.”

Mark was starting to rise when Jarrod and Nick returned to the room.

Jarrod reached to help Mark up.

When Mark was on his feet and steady, Jarrod handed him a wet washcloth and said, “Mark, we appreciate you trying to help us see things we might be missing, but you’re wrong about Heath taking the money. There’s no reason for Heath to do that. Heath is a full partner in everything we own. He could have that much and more anytime he wanted it. So you see, that’s not what has happened.”

Mark was speechless. He had no idea Heath was accepted that much by the Barkleys. He looked at Nick, who nodded, and back to Jarrod and said, “Sorry, I was just trying to help,” but what he was really thinking was ‘this isn’t going well, and I better get out before it’s too late’.

“I’ll go order us some lunch, so we can get started,” Nick said as he left.

“Mark,” Jarrod said after Nick shut the door, “if I were you, I wouldn’t say anything else against Heath.”

Mark nodded, and they both followed Nick to the dining room.

After a quick lunch, Jarrod headed to Los Alamos, and Nick and Mark headed to Travis Grant’s place with plans to meet in Los Alamos later.


Getting hired on for McClennon was easier than Jarrod thought. Two hands had been injured in the range war, and they needed extra help. Jarrod’s heart was in his throat until he found out Bartley Nichols wasn’t one of the injured.

Mr. McClennon’s foreman, Joe Block, showed Jarrod to the bunkhouse.

“You can take either one of those bunks, Jarrod,” Joe said pointing to the back of the room. “By the time you get settled in, the rest of the men should be here. Supper’s at six.” Joe called back as he walked out leaving Jarrod to get settled in.

Jarrod set his things on the nearest available bunk, then he looked around for anything familiar that might be Heath’s. He didn’t find anything. There was nothing to do but wait, so he sat down and thought back on their plan. He was to meet Nick in town at the first possible chance. In the meantime, Nick would talk to the doctor and see if he would help. If it was a go, they would then plan how to lure Heath out. Jarrod smiled as he thought of his assumed name. Nick had come up with it. Jarrod Thomson - two names familiar to Heath. Nick hoped it would jar Heath’s memory some. Nick was convinced Heath came up with the name Bartley Nichols because it was familiar to him - just a slightly mixed up and backward version of Nick Barkley. Jarrod chuckled, that Nick would grasp at anything to tie Bartley Nichols into being Heath Barkley, and Jarrod hoped with all his heart that Nick was right.

Jarrod heard the men coming and went to the window. He quickly scanned the group of men. Tears came to his eyes and a lump to his throat when he spotted the familiar figure of his brother. “Heath,” he whispered. He was thankful he was alone. He hadn’t expected this kind of reaction upon seeing Heath again, and he needed time to compose himself.

Joe Block came into the bunkhouse with the men. “Men, we have a new hand. Ya’ll introduce yourselves, and I’ll see ya’ll at supper. Need anything Jarrod?” He asked before walking out.

Jarrod could only shake his head no. He didn’t trust his voice yet. He’d only looked at Heath once since he came in. He walked fine. He didn’t appear to have any injuries other than his head which still had a bandage on the back of it. Jarrod would have liked to have been able to count his fingers and toes.

The men started coming up, introducing themselves and shaking hands. Jarrod didn’t see Heath until he was standing in front of him.

“Bartley Nichols,” Heath said extending his hand. Blue eyes looked into matching blue eyes. Jarrod froze. He wanted to wrap Heath in a hug, but it was the look in Heath’s eyes that stopped him. It wasn’t what he saw. It was what he didn’t see. He didn’t see any trace of Heath in his brother’s eyes.

“Jarrod Thomson,” Jarrod said as he shook Heath’s hand. He studied Heath hard, but could see no sign of recognition upon seeing him or hearing his name. Heath said something about nice to meet you, Jarrod didn’t know what, he was too busy concentrating on Heath’s reaction to pay much attention, and Heath was walking away before Jarrod realized he was gone.


It was a week before Jarrod could get into town. He and some of the boys were headed to town for a Saturday night out. Heath was not among them. For the most part, Heath kept to himself. Jarrod hadn’t had a chance to talk to him alone, but once he had caught Heath staring at him. It hadn’t led to anything, but Jarrod was hopeful that Heath’s memory was trying to come back.

Nick and Mark were sitting at a table in the saloon when Jarrod walked in. Jarrod avoided looking at them and walked to the bar. After waiting long enough not to draw attention, Nick walked over and stood by Jarrod. Jarrod nodded and slipped Nick a note at the first opportunity. Nick waited until he was sitting down with Mark before he read the note, ‘Meet me in back of the hotel in thirty minutes.’


“Well?” Nick questioned as he and Mark walked up to Jarrod. “Is it Heath?”

Jarrod nodded, “It’s Heath.”

Nick shut his eyes and slowly let out the breath he’d been holding.

“We have a problem though, Nick. It’s going to be difficult to lure Heath away. He’s hardly ever alone. The men are protective of him; I guess it’s because he’s the youngest one among them. Plus no one is allowed to go off in groups of less than three. This range war has everyone jumpy and suspicious.

“There’s got to be a way,” Nick said.

“What did the doctor say, Nick. Will he help?”


“Huh, what Jarrod?” Nick was deep in thought trying to come up an idea.

“I asked you about the doctor.”

“He’ll help. He didn’t like the idea of using chloroform, but he liked the idea of us fighting with Heath even less. He was afraid Heath would hurt his head again.”

“That’s it! Nick, my boy, you’re a genius. We’ll get the doctor to send word to the ranch that he wants Heath to come in so he can check his head? Then you’ll be waiting for him there.”

Nick paced awhile as he scratched his chin. “Think you could manage to come in with him?”

Jarrod nodded, “If not, I’ll be close behind.”


Heath liked spending time in the barn with the horses. It gave him time alone away from the rest of the men. He did some of his best thinking while brushing their coats until they shone, and he was doing plenty of heavy thinking tonight. He thought of everything that had happened since he woke up at Doc Bailey’s office. He hated lying to the doctor - telling him he got his memory back, but he wasn’t about to walk around with people knowing he didn’t know who he was or anything about himself. That could lead a man into all sorts of trouble. He had hoped by now someone would of recognized him and called him by his real name, but so far no luck. He didn’t know where the name Bartley Nichols came from; it just sort of rolled off his tongue. Maybe that was his name, or close to it. He needed money and a place to stay, so he took the first job available. Now he found himself in the middle of a range war which he didn’t like at all. As soon as he had a little more money saved up, he was moving on. Heath looked up at the sound of the barn door opening to see the new guy enter. What was his name? Jarrod Thomas, Thompson or something like that. Whatever his name was, he was looking at him again. Like he wanted to say something, but didn’t. He had a strange feeling about this man; a feeling he couldn’t identify.

Jarrod walked up to Heath, “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Yeah?” Heath answered, but didn’t stop brushing the horse.

Jarrod waited, but it was obvious Heath wasn’t going to say anything else.

Reaching into his pocket, Jarrod pulled out an envelope. “The doctor in town asked me to give this to you.”

Heath stopped, took the envelope from Jarrod and put it in his shirt pocket.

“Thanks,” he said and went back to work on the horse.


“Have you worked here long?” Jarrod asked.


Silence again.

Jarrod smiled, even as Bartley Nichols, Heath still didn’t have much to say. Not knowing what else to say, Jarrod left the barn.


Everything was working out the way it was planned. Jarrod, Heath and another hand by the name of James Mitchell were headed to town. Jarrod got up with stomach pains, and told the foreman he had an ulcer and needed to see the doctor for some medicine. Since they weren’t allowed to go out in groups of less then three, James went along too. He’d get supplies while Jarrod and Heath saw the doctor.

Nick was watching for them from the doctor’s office. What was keeping them? He turned from the window and poured himself a drink of water.

“Son, why don’t you just relax, they’ll be along in a little while. It’s early yet.”

“Yeah, I know,” Nick sat down only to get up again and go to the window. He searched the street again and was just about to turn from the window when he saw them. He felt that ’kick in the stomach’ feeling again as he drank in the sight of his little brother.

“You all right?” the doctor asked.

“They’re here. Now you remember what to do?” Nick asked.

When the doctor nodded, Nick left to stay out of sight until it was time to confront Heath. The doc had refused to help them unless he had a chance to check Heath out for real, and if everything was ok, they could proceed with their plan.

Jarrod and Heath walked into the doctor’s office. Elizabeth Bailey met them with a smile. “Hello gentlemen, it’s good to see you again Mr. Nichols. The doctor’s expecting you, so you can go on back,” she said to Heath. She then turned to Jarrod and asked for Heath’s benefit, “What can I do for you sir?” as Heath walked away. Elizabeth Bailey was playing her part well.

“Come in young man,” Doc Bailey said as he motioned Heath in. “Go ahead and remove your shirt and have a seat up there on the bed.”

“Morning doc, I’ve really been feeling great, so I think this is just a waste of time.”

“Well I hope it is, but humor an old man ok? I just want to make sure.”

Heath smiled and nodded as he took off his gun belt and shirt, and laid them in a chair.

When Heath was seated on the bed, the doctor listened to his heartbeat, then checked his pupils. “Any headaches?” he questioned.

“A few, nothing real bad though,” Heath answered.

“Hmm,” could be his memory trying to come back the doc thought.

“Any confusion?” the doc asked as he took the bandage off Heath’s head.

“No, none,” Heath answered.

“This has healed real nice. Any lapses in your memory?” the doctor closely watched Heath’s face when he asked this question. Yep, just what he thought. This boy’s memory hadn’t returned. He hides it well though.

“No, doc, memory’s fine,” boy, he hated lying. Shouldn’t have even come in today. He felt fine.

“Sit tight a minute, I’ll be right back,” the doctor said as he walked out of the room.

Heath looked up as the door opened a few minutes later. Doc Bailey walked in, then Jarrod with another man behind him.

“What’s going on?” Heath’s senses were immediately heightened. The doctor looked at Jarrod. Nick went to stand by the chair where Heath’s gun belt and shirt were.

“Son, these men want to talk to you. They’ve been looking for you for a long time. I think you should listen to them,” the doc said.

Heath got up, and walked to the chair where Nick stood. Nick held out his shirt, and Heath took it. After he put it on, he reached for his gun belt, but Nick stepped in the way and said, “Nuh Uh, not yet.”

Blue eyes stared down hazel eyes. Heath’s jaw muscles were clenched tight. Not taking his eyes off Nick, he asked, “What do you want?”

“You’re our brother,” Jarrod spoke up behind him.

Heath’s head whipped around, “Your brother?” he asked looking at Jarrod.

“Like the doc said, we’ve been looking for you a long time. You went to Sante Fe a month ago to deliver some horses, and disappeared. It’s taken us this long to find you.”

“You’ve been working for McClennon.”

“Only to get a look at you; to make sure you weren’t really Bartley Nichols, and to keep an eye on you until we could figure out a way to get you away from the ranch.”

“You couldn’t just come talk to me?”

“Nick tried, but he couldn’t get past McClennon’s guards with the ranch war going on.”

Heath looked at Nick and asked, “Your Nick Thomson?”

Nick smiled at that thought, “No, I’m Nick Barkley, he’s Jarrod Barkley, your oldest brother, and you have a younger sister, Audra, and a mother at home.”

“Who am I suppose to be?” Heath asked.

Nick grinned, “There’s no suppose to be to it. You’re Heath Barkley, my little brother,” he said as he handed Heath his gun belt.

Heath’s head was spinning and starting to hurt. Isn’t this what he’d been waiting for. Someone to give him a name. He always thought when that happened, his memory would come flooding back, but that’s not what’s happening. He heard a name that meant nothing to him, and had two men claiming to be his brothers who weren’t familiar to him. He felt the walls closing in on him, and felt he had to get out, get away and digest what he’d been told. He started for the door, but Jarrod blocked his way.

“Where are you going?” Jarrod asked. He noticed Heath looked a little pale.

“I’m leaving. I need some time to think things through.”

“We’ll give you time to think, but you aren’t leaving,” Nick said coming up behind him.

Jarrod spoke up trying to diffuse the anger he saw rising in Heath’s eyes, “Heath, we don’t want you to go back to McClennon’s. The range war is heating up, and we don’t want you getting hurt.”

Looking at Jarrod, Heath asked, “How do I know if what you’re saying is the truth?” then turning to the doctor he said, “Sorry doc, I lied to you. My memory hasn’t returned, but I wasn’t about to walk around and let people know I didn’t know anything about myself.” Looking at Nick he continued, “Do you know what it feels like, not knowing anything about anybody or anything. Who you can trust and who you can’t. Wishing somebody would know you, and then when they finally do, you don’t know if you can trust them. Joe just warned me last night to be careful. He’d heard the Wilson’s had targeted me. Seems they think I’m a fast gun and want me out of the way. How do I know you’re not working for Wilson. I don’t.” Heath’s voice was rising as he spoke. “But what I do know is I’m leaving until I can figure out what I believe.”

“We don’t want to force you to stay, Heath,” Jarrod said softly.

“Then don’t,” Heath cut him off and started for the door.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Nick said as he grabbed Heath’s arm.

Heath jerked away and with amazing strength, pushed Jarrod aside, but before he could open the door, Nick tackled him and brought him to the floor. As Nick pinned Heath’s arms down, Jarrod held his legs.

“Come on doc,” Nick yelled.

The doctor struggled to hold Heath’s head still so he could hold the chloroform to his nose and mouth.

When the doctor got his head still enough and was covering his nose and mouth up, Heath saw pain and regret in Nick’s eyes, and thought they are my brothers.

Nick couldn’t stand the frightened and confused look he saw in his brother’s eyes, and he couldn’t stand what they were doing to him. “Wait doc,” he said and pushed the doctor’s arm away.

Staring into Heath’s eyes he said, “You ARE my brother, and I AM taking you home. You can either go on your own, or the doc here will give you chloroform to knock you out because we don’t want to fight you. What’ll it be?”

“All we ask is you give us a chance. Surround yourself with people and things that are familiar to you. Give your memory a chance to come back. The doc said there’s no reason for your memory not to return, it just may take awhile.” Jarrod tried to talk Heath into coming on his own.

“He’s right son,” the doc said, “Can’t hurt to give ‘em a chance can it?”

Heath looked at Jarrod then at Nick, “I’ll go with you.”

Nick reached down to give Heath a hand up and smiled. Heath took the offered hand, but didn’t return the smile.

Jarrod left to trade the wagon and team for four horses. They’d been sure they’d have to take an unconscious Heath out of town, so they had the wagon ready. He sent word to McClennon ranch about what had happened and that he and Heath were leaving. It was noon when Mark, Jarrod, Nick and Heath rode out of town. They were unaware they were being watched by James Mitchell.

They rode all afternoon and stopped to make camp about two hours out of Sante Fe. They were going to take a train to Stockton out of Sante Fe. Nick told Jarrod he thought they would be safer spending the night out under the stars instead of in Sante Fe. He wasn’t sure he could trust Heath to stay and figured it would be easier to watch him while camping out. Heath hadn’t said anything since they left the doctor’s office. When they stopped to camp, Heath took care of the horses while Jarrod filled everyone’s canteen, Nick gathered firewood and Mark got the beans, jerky and coffee ready.

Mark kept an eye on Heath. So far so good. He’d wanted to run and almost did while they were in the doctor’s office, but he thought he’d wait. If Heath still didn’t know anything, he had some time. He heard Jarrod say the doctor said it may take a long time for his memory to return since it had been this long already. He’d wait awhile and maybe he could return to his original plan, to quit when things cooled down.

After they’d eaten, Nick went and sat down by Heath. “You’ve always liked to sleep out under the stars.”

“Tell me about home,” Heath said not looking at him but staring into the fire.

Nick took a deep breath, “Well, we have a large ranch outside of Stockton, California. You and I run the ranch. We raise cattle, horses, grow oranges, peaches and apples.”

“What’s Jarrod do?” Heath asked.

“Jarrod’s a lawyer.” Nick stated.

“That explains it,” Heath said as he pushed his hat up higher on his head.

“Explains what?” Nick wondered.

“His lily white, no calloused skin and the fact he looked way out of place on McClennon’s ranch,” Heath said.

Nick burst out laughing as he imagined for the first time what Jarrod must have looked like. “It’s a wonder we pulled that off. McClennon must have needed hands to hire Jarrod,” Nick said through his laughter as Heath joined him.

Jarrod didn’t know what his brothers were laughing about, but it sure was good to see them laugh together.


The next morning, they broke camp early. They wanted to get tickets on the first train out of Sante Fe. Nick had just gotten all the horses saddled when he noticed Heath staring at Mark.

“I’ve seen you before,” Heath said as he continued to look at Mark.

“Sure, I work for ya’ll on the ranch,” Mark answered calmly, but his heart was pounding in his chest.

“No, since I’ve lost my memory,” Heath stated as Jarrod and Nick moved in closer to stand by Heath.

“Well I don’t see how,” Mark tried to laugh it off.

“Yes you do,” Nick stated. “He went with you to deliver the horses,” Nick added looking at Heath.

“I remember, you were there, at the rock slide, when I came to.”

“I was hoping you’d not remember that,” Mark said as he pointed his gun at the three brothers. “Now drop your guns and kick them over here.”

“No, you drop your gun,” a voice said behind Mark as a hammer clicked.

The three Barkleys looked to see Joe Block and three hands with two guns on Mark and the other two on Nick and Jarrod.

“You all right, Bartley?” Joe asked.

“Yeah, good timing Joe,” Heath said.

“Mr. McClennon got Jarrod’s note, but he was afraid it wasn’t on the up and up, so he sent us to find out. With the Wilson’s threat against you, he was afraid it was a trap.”

“No, I don’t think it’s a trap,” Heath said looking at Jarrod and Nick.

Joe eyed Nick suspiciously. He didn’t like the look Nick was giving them.

Nick was staring down the man he’d met on the road that day. “You could have saved us a lot of trouble if you’d let me in that day.”

“I thought you looked familiar,” the man said. “Looks like everything worked out for you anyway.”

“Yeah, no thanks to you,” Nick glared.

“Heath you want to go back with us?” Joe Block interrupted the two men before it got out of hand.

Heath hesitated. He could leave now if he wanted to. He looked at Nick and Jarrod again, then back to Nick. He walked toward Joe, when Nick called out, “You’ve got a scar on the back of your right leg where a horse nicked you.” Nick started toward Heath, but Jarrod stopped him.

Heath turned around and gave Nick a lop sided smile then he turned around and continued walking toward Joe. He stopped when he got to the foreman and extended his hand, “No Joe, I guess I’m going home, but I want to thank you for everything.”

They shook hands and Joe said, “Be careful, I don’t think the Wilson bunch will bother you now that you’re leaving, but watch your back just in case,” and looking at Jarrod and Nick added, “and if you ever need a place to go, you can come back.”

Heath nodded.

Joe looked at Nick and asked, “Want us to take him into town for you,” motioning towards Mark.

“No,” Nick answered, “we’re not through with him yet. We’ll turn him in to the sheriff in Sante Fe. Thanks though.”

“You sure about this Heath,” Joe asked him again.

Heath nodded, “I’ll be fine.”

“So long then,” and with that the McClennon men pulled out of camp.

Nick took his first good breath since the whole thing started. For a minute, he was afraid Heath was going to leave.

Jarrod had his gun on Mark. “Nick why don’t you get some rope and tie him up?”

“It will be my pleasure,” Nick gave Mark a wicked smile. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do this. You left my little brother to die out on that mountain you no count dog.” Nick said as he pulled the rope tight on Mark’s wrists.

“Nick, he could have killed me,” Heath said.

“What happened on that mountain?” Heath asked Mark.

Mark knew he was caught, but he didn’t know how much he wanted to reveal.

“Answer him,” Nick snarled slapping Mark on the back of the head.

“NICK!” Jarrod and Heath said at the same time.

“WELL!” Nick answered.

“You left me at the rock slide didn’t you?” Heath asked.

“Yeah,” Mark answered.

“Why?” Heath wanted to know.

“I don’t know.”

“Yes you do, you low life,” Nick interrupted. “You took the money, and threw all of Heath’s identification away didn’t you?”

“I remember coming to, and telling you I didn’t know who I was,” Heath said quietly.

“I not saying anything else,” Mark stated.

“Nick, it’ll be easy to seize his bank account; see if the money’s there,” Jarrod said, “Let’s let the sheriff handle this.”

“You’re not getting away with this,” Nick said pointing his finger in Mark’s chest.


Victoria and Audra were waiting at the train station when the boys arrived. “Heath,” Victoria exclaimed upon seeing Heath, and wrapped him in a long embrace. She pulled away when she didn’t feel the embrace returned and looked into his eyes. “Heath?” she questioned.

“Mother,” Jarrod spoke up, “Heath doesn’t remember anything before the accident. The doctor assured us this is only temporary and Heath’s memory should return, it just may take awhile.”

“Well,” Victoria hugged Heath again, “I’m so glad you’re home safe.”

She stepped aside to let Audra up. Audra recovered from the shock quickly and stepped up, “Heath, I’m Audra, your sister. Welcome home.” She hugged Heath, gave him a light kiss on the cheek, then took him by the arm and said, “Come on, I’ll show you where our carriage is.”

Victoria looked at her two oldest sons and said, “Thank you for bringing your brother home.”

Nick and Jarrod each hugged their mother, and Nick added, “He’ll be fine Mother, he just needs to be home.”

Victoria nodded, and bit back her tears.

The boys took her by the arms and escorted her to the carriage, following behind their brother and sister.


Two weeks went by, and the Barkley family had settled into their routine again. Dr. Merar had examined Heath, and verified Doc Bailey prognosis. Heath’s memory should return...sometime. Fred, Stockton’s sheriff, found the twelve hundred dollars in Mark’s account. Mark finally confessed to taking the money and leaving Heath on that mountain outside of Sante Fe, and he received ten years in the New Mexico state penitentiary.

Everything was almost normal. The family spent evenings together as before playing games and sharing memories with Heath hoping to jog his memory. This evening, instead of following the family to the parlor, Heath excused himself and went outside. Sensing something wrong, Nick followed him.

Heath was standing at the corral, looking up at the stars when Nick found him. Nick came and stood beside him. “Must be a million stars up there,” Nick said.


“Something wrong Heath?”

After a few minutes of quiet Heath asked, “Why didn’t you tell me a was only your half brother?”

Nick searched his memory. No one had talked to Heath about that part of his past. Unless the hands had said something, there’s no way for Heath to know that unless....

“When did you get your memory back?” Nick took a chance.

“It’s been coming in bits and pieces since I took that fall off that stallion last week. At first I thought I was just remembering things ya’ll had told to me.”

There was a long silence.

“I didn’t think it was important, Heath. To me, you are my brother. There is no half brother to it.”

Heath kept looking at the stars.

“Mother wanted to tell you everything. She said you had a right to know, but Dr. Merar advised against it. He said not to tell you too much right off. Start with recent memories and then go farther back.”

Heath nodded.

“Come on boy, let’s go tell the rest of the family.” Nick pulled Heath toward the house.

“You know Heath, now that your memory’s back, you remember how to do everything around here. Your going to have a long day tomorrow,” Nick said as he slapped Heath on the back and left his hand on his little brother’s shoulder.

“Why does that not surprise me,” Heath chuckled.

Coming into the front door, the rest of the family heard them say.

“You know Heath, even without your memory, you still had me with you before we found you.”

“How do you figure that?” Heath asked.

“Your name, Bartley Nichols, how do you think you thought up that name. You won’t get away from me even when you can’t remember me.”


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