"Merry Christmas...Not!"


Logline: A continuation to "Baby Talk" in which Christmas proves to be very hectic for the Austin family

  Jaime continued to stare blankly at her.

“Mrs. Austin? I asked if I could come in. I need to know where these children came from.” Gretchen asked again.

“They are my children.” Jaime stammered.

“I don’t believe you.” Gretchen sneered. “May I come in?”

“Not unless you have a warrant.” Steve came to the door cradling Steven Carl in his arms.

“I don’t need a warrant.” Gretchen snapped.

“I thought you were in prison for kidnapping Oscar Goldman’s children.” Steve snarled.

“I was released four months ago.” Gretchen sneered remembering herself who these people were.

“And just why are you here?” Jaime shrieked

“I have been sent to find out where you acquired three children.”

“Acquired?” Jaime repeated. “You don’t acquire children.”

“Well maybe I phrased it wrong. It’s very cold out here may I come in?”

“As I said before not without a search warrant” Steve glared at her. “In the mean time I suggest you get off my property.” He continued to cradle the baby in his arms

“This isn’t over.” Gretchen smiled. “May I see the baby?”

“Absolutely not!!” Steve screamed.

“I’ll have that baby come hell or high water.” Gretchen countered.

“We’ll see about that.” Steve seethed. “I don’t want to see you again. You have anymore to say to us you contact our attorney.”

Jaime was still stumbling with the fact as to why she was here to begin with. “I’m sorry and please don’t think I’m rude for asking. You were in jail correct.”

Gretchen nodded. “Yes I was.”

“And the charges were kidnapping…correct?”

“Again you’re right.” Gretchen glared at Steven Carl still sleeping in Steve’s arms.

“So let me get this straight. The Department of Children and Families hired a felon to work for them?”

Gretchen stared at her. “I don’t understand.”

“I just find it hard to believe that the DCF would hire an Ex con.” Jaime pointed out. “I don’t want to see you around here or around my children. Do I make myself clear?”

“I’m only trying to do my job.” Gretchen continued to sneer. “We had a report that you contacted our agency a few years back stating you wanted to adopt a child claming that you couldn’t have any of your own. Then you say you changed you mind and here you are almost four years later and you have not one but three children. We are just concerned as to where they came from.”

“None of your business” Steve held the baby closer to him “I’m not going to tell you again. Get off my property!!!”

With a brisk stride Gretchen turned around and huffed down the steps. “I’ll be back.” She called over her shoulders. And I’ll bring the sheriff with me. You need to explain where those children came from.”

“They came from Mars.” Steve shouted back.

“We’ll see how smug you are when the sheriff gets here.” Gretchen stomped down the sidewalk and got into her car.

After she left Jaime turned to Steve. “What are we going to do?”

“I’m going to call Oscar and Dan to start with.” Steve handed the baby to Jaime. “Here you put him in his crib. I’m going to call Oscar right now.”

After placing Steven Carl in his crib Jaime joined Steve at the phone.

“Ok Oscar we’ll wait for you to call.” Steve hung up

“Well?” Jaime wondered.

“He said he would make some calls, then get back to us.” Steve put his arm around her. “Don’t worry she won’t touch any of our children.”

“I hope not. Steve these kids are ours. I mean I know none of them belong to us biologically”

“Aw but there you are wrong.” Steve noted. “You forget…James is me and Jennifer is you. Blood tests will prove that.”

“Will Dan’s ‘proceedure’ be revealed?” Jaime was almost frantic. “We can’t tell the world that James is your clone and Jennifer is mine…”

“I realize that. Let’s just see what Oscar has to say.” They turned as the back door opened and Marc and James bounded in.

“Dad what was that woman doing here?” Marc demanded.

“You saw her?” Steve asked.

Marc nodded. “I thought she was in jail.”

“So did we…”

“Steve.” Jaime interrupted “how are we going to explain Marc living with us?”

“I don’t think we have to explain anything.” Steve snapped.

“I suppose you’re right.” They all looked at one another when the door bell rang.

“If that’s that woman again” Jaime began. “She’s going to get a bionic boot to the moon.”

They all headed for the front door. Steve threw it open “Now look Ms. Winters…Oh Oscar I’m sorry.” Steve opened the door and let him and Dan in

“Don’t mention it. I thought it would be better doing this in person.” He held up the file in his hands.”

They sat at the kitchen table. “What did you find out?” Jaime asked.

“Well.” Oscar began as he opened the file “Gretchen Winters was released from prison four months ago but no one informed me about this.”

“So she’s working for the DCF again.” Jaime asked.

“Well.” Oscar started. He turned to Dan. “Do you want to tell them?”

Dan turned to them. “There is no way she could possibly be working for the DCF.” Dan stated.

“Why not?” Steve asked.

“The DCF doesn’t hire known felons. I mean Gretchen Winters committed a federal offence.”

“How is that Dan?” Steve pressed. “She never took you kids across state lines.”

“No she didn’t but because of dad’s position it became a federal offence.”

“Ok so she doesn’t work for them then why is she bothering us?”

“I guess that’s something we’re going to have to find out.” Dan stated…


In a small town just out side of Wilmington Delaware Gretchen made her way up the steps of grand house. Surely the people who lived here had money. She stood on the porch and rang the bell.

After several moments another woman answered. “Gretchen!” She greeted. “Please come in.”

“Thanks Elizabeth. We have children for you to adopt. They are living with a foster family right now.” She lied. “But we should have them here for you by Christmas.”

“You said Children? Do you mean more than one?” Elizabeth beamed.

“Yes there are three to be exact. You said you wanted a baby?”

“Oh yes a baby.” Elizabeth ran to the kitchen to get her husband who was fixing dinner.

“Oh Tom” she called. “Ms Winters is here. We will have our family by Christmas.”

“That is fantastic!” Tom replied. “Are we getting a baby?”

“That’s what she said. Come and talk to Gretchen.”

The two sat on the couch while Gretchen took the chair directly across from them. “Well like I told your wife. I have a baby for you. A little boy I believe his name is Steven. He’s only a few weeks old…”

“You said there were other children as well?” Elizabeth interrupted.

“What’s this?” Tom blurted. “More than one.”

“Yes we have had a hard time with this one. You see Steven has older siblings.”

“Siblings, how many?” Tom asked.

“He has a brother who is almost four and a sister. I believe she’s almost two.” Gretchen smiled.

“Well I suppose we can accommodate them.” Tom smiled back. “We were only expecting one child. You’ll have to give us time to get ready.”

Mr. Park do you want these children or not?” Gretchen snapped. “I have a waiting list full of prospective parents…”

“Of course we want them.” Elizabeth spoke up. “We’ll be ready. Just give us the weekend.

“Very well then. I’ll be here Monday with your family. And you’ll have the money? Correct?”

“Of course.” Tom bowed his head knowing what he was doing was wrong. But his wife had had three miscarriages in the past two years. They were told after the last to not even try to have children of their own. They had also tried to adopt through normal channels but were told it could take as long as two years before they could have a baby.

Older children, yes but a baby…that was another story. So yes he was willing to pay any amount he had to.

“There will be no extra charge for the additional children.” Gretchen went on.


“Ok Dan so how do we find out what she’s up to?” Steve wondered.

“I say follow every move she makes till we find it out.” Dan suggested.

“I’ll get right on that Dan.” Oscar picked up the phone and gave Russ the make, model and license number of Gretchen’s car.

“I’ll follow her every move.” Russ assured.

“Thanks Russ.” He hung up and turned to Steve. “When did she say she’d be back?”

“She didn’t.” Steve shook his head “She said she was going to get the Sheriff.”

“Ok then pack up a few things. You and your family are going to hide out at the OSI for a few days. I’ll deal with Ms. Winters. Don’t worry about Marc. He can stay with me till this blows over. That’s all I need for her to find out is that I let you and Jaime adopt him.”

“Great!” Steve turned to Jaime. “You pack a few of the kid’s things. I’ll get the car.”

Jaime ran upstairs and threw some of the kid’s clothes into a couple of suitcases and the five of them headed for the OSI.

Within a few minutes they were safe in the OSI building. “You know.” Oscar began once everyone was settled in. “If this doesn’t just go away…you may have to go to Rudy’s complex in Colorado.”

“It will all be over with soon. We’re fine here. In fact the house is the only place we’re not safe.” Steve noted. “Jaime and I thought we’d leave the kids here and head out to do some shopping.”

“Just be careful. I don’t trust that woman at all.” Oscar warned.

“We will. And besides Russ has her under surveillance, right?”

“I just heard from him. He’s watching her as we speak.” Oscar informed.

“Good. Lynda and Callahan said they would watch the children while we do some shopping. Marc is at your place?”

“Yea Russ’ wife Minnie is there with him. Matt and Joey are in school.”

“And I gave Marc his homework. Just bring him in tomorrow when you come to work.” Jaime smiled.

“I’ll do that.” Oscar turned and headed for his office while Steve and Jaime headed for the mall.


Russ continued to follow at a safe distance. He had begun following her shortly after she left the Park’s home. He followed her as she drove into Georgetown and headed up the steps of a run down apartment building.

After she went in he slipped out of the car and walked in the door. He observed as she knocked on one of the doors.

“Gretchen!” The man greeted. “Come on in.”

Russ noted the apartment number and went back out to the car to inform Oscar and wait for Ms. Winters to reappear.

“Thanks Russ. I’ll put the information through right away. You say the apartment is in Georgetown?”

“Yea 2003 Willow Way. Apartment 1F.”

“You’re going to stay there right.” Oscar asked.

“I’m with her till she goes to bed tonight.” Russ assured.

“Good.” Oscar hung up and called the people he knew to get the information he needed. Mainly who lived at 2003 Willow Way.

After leaving the apartment Gretchen headed downtown where she stopped in front of building. The sign on the window read ‘Gretchen Winters Adoption Counselor.’ A long line of people stood waiting at the door.

Russ watched as she walked to the front of the line and opened the door. She turned to the crowd. “I’ll see each and every one of you today even if I have to be here all night.” She assured them.

Russ waited for her to enter her ‘office building’ then he went to the back of the line. “Is this where I go to adopt a child?” Russ asked. “My wife and I really want to adopt a baby.”

“Then you’ve come to the right spot. Ms. Winters has a 100 percent success rate at placing homeless babies with loving families.”

Russ shuffled his feet. “Does she charge for it?”

“Well she has a small placement fee but…”

“How much?” Russ asked.

"$5,000” the woman replied.

“Is that all? I’m going to go get my wife. Thanks.” Russ got back into his car and sped for the OSI.

“Oscar!” He called when he entered the boss’ office. “You’ll never guess what I found out.”

“Good. Steve and Jaime are back. I have some news too. Let’s give it to them together.”

They sat in Rudy’s office while the children played. “Oscar” Steve began “You said you had some news.”

“That I do. And so does Russ.” Oscar turned to Russ. “Russ followed Gretchen to an apartment building in Georgetown. The Apartment is rented by Lyle …get this Winters”

“He’s related then?” Russ asked.

“He’s her brother. And he’s a former Sheriff. He fired about two years ago.” Oscar informed.

“So that’s how she’ll get the ‘law’ to cooperate with her.” Steve sighed.

“Exactly! Russ found out something too.” Oscar and the rest turned to Russ.

“After she left uh…her brother’s she went to a rented office building down town. She has an office set up where people were lined up almost around the block to adopt a child. She calls herself an adoption counselor. I spoke to one of her potential clients. I was informed that she gets babies for families willing to pay her $5,000…”

“Are you serious?” Jaime exclaimed.

Russ nodded. “Of course we haven’t heard of her stealing children…” Russ hung his head.

“You think her so called office is a front. She was trying to find the right family to take Steve and Jaime’s kids?” Oscar figured.

“I believe so. I think we would have heard about a large scale operation such as this.”

“Let me call my friends at the FBI.” Oscar offered. “Maybe they know of such a ring.”

“I agree with Russ. I think it’s her way of getting even with us for sending her to jail.” Steve stated.

“You’re probably right. Well once we get her she’ll be going away for an even longer time.” Oscar reminded. “I have a feeling we just may have to let the whole thing play out…”

“No way Oscar you are not involving my kids in this.” Steve shouted.

“Steve we’ll be behind her the whole time…”

“And how many times have we been given the slip. Oscar the answer is no! Let me handle it. She wants the law involved. We’ll involve the law. Have your friends at the FBI at my house tomorrow morning. In the mean time the kids stay here.” He turned to Jaime. “You too the kids will need you to be here for them. I want an agent from the FBI, Dan and my own attorney.” Steve finished.

“I’ll arrange it.” Oscar assured. Oscar thought for a moment. “See this is Wed…I’ll have everyone in place by this afternoon.”

“I’ll go on home then and get ready.” Steve headed for the door. “I’m going to see my kids one more time then I’ll head home.


A couple days passed. Steve and Jaime were beginning to think that Gretchen Winters was all blow and no show.

“I’m tired of staying here.” Jaime complained on Friday night. “I want to get home and so do the kids.”

After much thought it was agreed. “But.” Oscar added. “The agent is staying with you.”

“I’ll agree to that. But I agreed with Jaime. We need to get our house ready for Christmas.”

“Ok pal. But I want you to all be careful. I know what this woman is capable of remember?”

“All to well” Steve muttered.

At the house the kids were most helpful in helping Jaime get the Christmas decorations out of the basement.

By the time all the decorations were in the living room Steve had the lights on the tree.

While James and Jennifer helped Steven Carl sat in his infant seat.

“Do you think she’ll show up here?” Jaime asked as James and Jennifer hung their stockings by the fireplace

“She better not. Gretchen Winters is not going to take my kids anywhere.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere.” Steven looked straight at his parents.

“Won’t she be shocked when he tells her to where to get off?” Steve smiled.

“Steve!” Jaime gasped. “We can’t let her anywhere near James and Steven Carl. What would she think?”

“Yea Steve smiled. James can bop her in the chops and ole Steven here can warn her that it’s coming.”

“That would show her wouldn’t it dad.” Steven smiled.

“That’s my boy.” Steve continued to smile.

“I’m serious Steve.” Jaime frowned. What if people find out?”

“They won’t find out. Because they won’t take our kids and if they do I think Steve is smart enough to not say anything. Right son.”

“Right dad.”


“When do I get my money?” Lyle complained to his sister on Friday night.

“On Monday” Gretchen sneered. “Listen little brother I’ve worked very hard on this operation. The Parks said they needed time to get ready for three children. I’ll take the Austin children on Monday.”


Steve, Jaime and the kids finished decorating the house. “I don’t know.” Steve began. “If nothing happens I don’t see the point in keeping Agent Banks away from his family.”

“That’s true. But I think he should stay through the weekend and into Monday.” Jaime reasoned.

“Why Monday?” Steve asked.

“I don’t know. Just a feeling I guess.”

“Ok but if nothing happens he goes home go his family agreed?”



“What about those other families? The ones you promised kids to.” Lyle wondered. “I mean you’re not going to just drop them are you?”

“I just might be able to keep this operation going. At 5,000 dollars a placement we could be very rich and living in Rio by March.” She smiled. “This started out because I wanted to get even with Goldman for sending me to jail. Heck they all were in on it. And now Austin’s got kids. What a set up I had. ‘come to me and I’ll get you a baby’ It worked to. The Parks live in Delaware, they’ll never find them.”

“Let’s hope it works. I like the idea of keeping it going to.” Lyle sneered.


In the mean time it was decided that Marc would stay with Oscar and that Jaime would come to his house to tutor him. Jaime planed to take James with her but she would leave Jennifer with Lynda on Monday morning.

The rest of the weekend passed without incident Steve and Jaime were beginning to believe that their instinct was correct and that Gretchen would not re enter their lives. They had just finished breakfast. Jaime and James were planning on heading out to Oscar’s when the doorbell rang. Steve and Jaime looked at one another

“I wasn’t expecting anyone.” Steve shrugged.

“Neither was I. I’ll get Agent Banks.” Jaime headed for the guest room where Banks had slept the night.

The doorbell continued to ring. As soon as everyone was in place Steve answered it. “Good morning Mr. Austin. I told you I would get the Sheriff involved. Now if you will just hand over James, Jennifer and the baby I’ll be on my way.”

“Over my dead body” Steve snarled.

“I don’t think that will be necessary” Lyle replied. “Ms. Winters works for the Department of Children and Families she has every right to remove the children from your care.”

“I don’t think so.” Agent Banks flipped out his ID from the FBI. Your brother is no longer a sheriff. He was fired some time ago.”

“That’s beside the point.” Gretchen snapped. “These children are not safe in this house. I don’t even believe they are your children. I know for a fact you can not have children of your own.”

“They are my children Ms. Winters.” Jaime snapped. “I have the birth certificate to prove it.”

“They mean nothing. I’ve seen what Goldman is capable of. “

Again Steve and Jaime turned to one another “Capable of?” They repeated.

“Yes capable of.” Gretchen sneered.

“Look.” Agent Banks took her gently by the arm. “I think you should go.”

“You take you hands off of me!” Gretchen shrieked.

Ms. Winters.” Agent Banks tried escorting her to the door. “You are trespassing on private property. Now you and I both know that you are no longer employed by the DCF Don’t we? I think you better go before I forget my manners and throw you out the door.”

“I’m only doing my job.” Gretchen continued.

“No you’re not. Now I suggest you leave before I call the real police.’ The agent threatened.

“Not without that poor baby.” Gretchen bulled her way into the house knocking Agent Banks over in the process.

She stormed past Steve and Jaime and bounded into Steven Carl’s room. She grabbed the baby up out of his crib and headed toward the door.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Steve shouted.

“Don’t try and stop me I’ve been doing this for years.”

“What” (Jaime tried desperately to reach her son.) “kidnapping?”

“Removing children from unfit parents!” Gretchen shot back.

Agent Banks held on to Steve and Jaime. “No let her leave the house. That way we can get her for kidnapping.”

Steve and Jaime stood helplessly as Gretchen bolted out the door with Steven Carl in her arms. “Let’s go Lyle. I’ll just tell the Parks they will be getting the baby not the other children.”

They got into the car “Say lady.” Steven Carl spoke “Where are we going?”

“Did you hear that?” Gretchen turned to her brother who was just starting the car.

“Hear what?” He asked. He put the car into gear and started off.

“Oh no you don’t!” Steve shouted. “He shot down the steps just as Lyle screeched away from the curb. Steve quickly caught up to the car just as it turned the corner. He grabbed onto the bumper and held tight till Jaime and Agent Banks could catch up.

Banks opened the door and removed the key from the ignition while Jaime reached in and pried Steven away from Gretchen. Steve let go of the bumper and joined Jaime.

Banks pulled Gretchen and her brother out of the car and headed them back to the house to call the OSI and FBI to come and get them.

The task force team had just left Banks, Oscar, Steve and Jaime sat in the living room. “That was close.” Steve managed.

“To close” Jaime agreed.

“By the way Col. Austin is there anything you’d like to tell me.” Agent Banks began.”

“About what?” Steve asked.

“Oh like how you were able to stop Gretchen’s car with one hand?” Banks continued.

“He did what?” Oscar gave Steve a stern look.

‘You heard me Goldman. Your man here stopped that woman’s car with on hand.”

“I suppose he deserves to know the truth.” Steve agreed. “What do you say Oscar?”

Oscar nodded. “I guess so.” He sighed.

The agent stared wide eyed while Steve told the story.

“Are you serious?” He asked.

Steve and Jaime nodded. “But that information is to not leave this room?” Oscar ordered.

“I understand. But for something like this I mean I feel like I have to share it with my superiors.” Agent Banks added.

“I suppose. But no one under a grade seven” Oscar agreed after careful consideration.

“Of course not Goldman. Don’t worry” Banks assured.


At the NSB Gretchen was being processed. “I’m telling you that baby talked. He said and I quote ‘hey lady where are we going’ Now what do you have to say about that?”

“You must have a very active imagination Ms. Winters.” The agent who was booking her stated “now come on let’s get this over with shall we?”

“No!” Gretchen screeched. “I want to no how a baby not even two months old can talk.”

“I don’t believe one did. Now you need to get into this cell. Mr. Hanson will be with you in a few moments. He’s speaking with your lawyer right now.”


The guard at the white house recognized Banks right away. “Hey Banks.” He called out how’s every thing over at the Bureau?”

“Going great could I speak to Thompson?”

“He’s busy. What is it about?” The guard asked.

“It’s very important that I speak with him. I have some news he might be interested in.”

“I’ll see if he’s available.” The guard phoned the director of the Secret Service. “OK then I’ll send him up.” He turned back to agent Banks. “He says he can give you five minutes.”

“That’s all I need. Thanks…”

“Do you think we were right to tell him?” Jaime asked after banks had left.

“Probably not” Oscar replied. “But we are on the same side.”

“That’s true enough I guess.” Jaime sighed. “It’s just that I don’t like too many people knowing about it. I do have my children to protect you know.”

“I agree. Look I’m headed for the OSI. Now that Gretchen is no longer in the picture we won’t have to worry about that.” They were interrupted by the doorbell.

“I’ll get it.” Steve offered.

“Oh hi Lynda” he greeted when he opened the door. “We’ve had quite a morning.”

“So I’ve heard. I was just wondering if you still wanted me to watch the kids while Jaime went to tutor Marc.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Jaime spoke up. “Marc is so far ahead I thought I’d give him a little extra break.”

“Well then I’ll head back to the lab. Actually there isn’t much to do. Dan has pretty much taken over.”

“So we’ve heard.” Steve smiled. “I’m riding in with Oscar I’ll see you there.”


At the NSB Hanson was having his own trouble with Gretchen. “I’m telling you Mr. Hanson that Baby of Austin talks.”

“Now, now” Hanson tried to soothe. “You and I both know that’s not possible.”

“Of course I know it’s not possible. But I’m telling you I heard it myself.”

“Look Ms. Winters you really need to let Agent Johnson finish booking you…”

“I will not!!! She screamed. Not until someone tells me how a baby not even two months old is able to speak.”

Exasperated Hanson threw up his hands. He pressed the button on his intercom and buzzed his secretary “Kim would you please get me Col. Austin’s home phone?”

“Very well Mr. Hanson.” They waited a few moments then Kim came back on the intercom. Mr. Hanson? Col. Austin is on line two.”

“Hanson? What is it?” Steve growled.

“Col. I’m having trouble with Ms Winters. She insists that your baby spoke to her this morning.”

Steve glanced at Oscar, Jaime and Lynda. “Come on Hanson. We both know a baby can’t talk. No matter if Ms. Winters says he spoke to her.” He stated it this way so the rest of the people in the room would know what was being said on the other end of the phone. The group moved closer.

“I’m afraid there is no calming her. She insists on having it explained.” Hanson went on.

“Very well bring her on over to my place. I’ll convince her that my son can not talk. Well not yet anyway.”

“Thanks Steve. We’ll be there in a few minutes.” Hanson hung up “You are still in custody Ms. Winters. If you so much as think of trying to escape it will be very, very long time before you ever see the light of day. Do I make myself clear?”

Gretchen nodded. “You’ll see.” She sneered.

Hanson shook his head and the two of them headed down the hall.


Steve picked up Steven Carl “Ok big guy daddy needs to know something. I know you can talk, but do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

Steven Carl looked at him. “Yes daddy.”

“What did you say to that lady this morning?”

“Hey lady, where are we going?”

“Ok look son. I don’t want you talking in front of anyone at least till you’re past a year. I can’t explain it…just do as I ask ok?”

“Yea sure ok” Steven Carl responded.

“Now I have to think of what to tell Gretchen when she gets back.” Steve muttered.

“I have an idea Steve.” She turned to her son who was sitting in his infant seat. “You go ahead and say something…anything. Mommy has a way out of this.”

When Gretchen arrived they all entered the living room all but Jaime. “Now I’m telling you the truth. My son can’t talk.” Steve commanded.

“Yes I can daddy.” Steven Carl spoke up.

“See, see!” Gretchen shrieked. “Now tell me you didn’t hear that.”

“Oh I know.” Jaime said coming from the kitchen. “Steve you have to stop doing that.” She chided her husband.

Steve looked at her blankly then he caught her expression. “Oh yea but it’s so much fun.” Steve played along.

“I don’t understand. Do what?” Hanson wondered.

“Steve has learned to throw his voice. He does that all the time I’ve asked him and asked him to stop but….”

“Well when Ms. Winters came in here and grabbed my son and went out the door with him. I thought she needed to be taught a lesson.” ‘Great save by the way.’ He spoke so only Jaime could here.


“Very interesting Banks, very interesting indeed” agent Thompson smiled. “You know I heard rumors of this some years back but the rumors were no sooner started when they were squelched.

“The only reason I mention it is…well you know we at the Bureau keep pretty close tabs on what goes on here at the White House…”

“So you’ve heard?” Thompson sighed.

“About the threat to the President? Yes I’ve heard. That’s why I broke protocol and told you even though I assured Goldman that I wouldn’t I thought if you called Goldman and told him how vital it was …”

“That Austin could join our detail till the threat is over…”

“Or at least that dignitary ball is over.” Banks smiled.

“That would help. If what you say is true I’d love to have an agent like Austin working on my team. He could serve so much better as a guard for the President.”

“That’s what I was thinking and if Austin likes it with you…” Banks continued to smile.

“Well I doubt that Goldman would let him go. I know I wouldn’t…but in a case like this I don’t think I’d mind letting Col. Austin work in this area for the time being anyway. I’ll call him this afternoon. Thanks for the information.”

An hour later Steve and Oscar sat in Oscar’s office. “That was a gem Jaime came up with.” Steve began. “What about Gretchen?”

“She’s safely tucked away in jail. After all that’s happened her attorney told her it would be in her best interest to plead guilty.”

“I was hoping Steven Carl could testify.” Steve teased. They both turned to the intercom when it buzzed. “Mr. Goldman?” Callahan spoke.

“Yes Callahan?” Oscar asked.

“Sir there is an agent Thompson here to see you. He’s with the Secret Service.”

“I know Thompson. Send him in.” Oscar stood to greet him. “Thompson, what brings you over to the OSI?”

“Actually” Thompson pointed to Steve “him.”

“What do you mean?” Oscar raised his eyebrows.

“Mr. Goldman. Agent Banks let me in on your secret. Now the only reason he did it was to benefit the President. You’ve no doubt heard about the dignitary ball to be held in the City the day before Christmas Eve?”

Oscar and Steve both nodded.

“What you haven’t heard and what we are trying to keep out of the press is that there is a direct threat to the President.”

“I see.” Oscar began. “And you want Steve on your detail.”

“Exactly.” Thompson responded.

“Well.” Oscar began “I can’t order Col. Austin. It would be entirely up to him. He has a family you know?”

“Yes. Banks told us all about his wife and children.” He turned to Steve. “I’m asking you Col. Austin. Would you please join the Secret Service on this one mission? We have no idea where the threat is coming from. I would love you on my detail till the case is solved…but I know Goldman needs you too.”

Steve thought for several minutes. “I’m going to have to discuss it with my wife. Can I get back to you say by tomorrow morning?”

“That would be great.” He handed Steve a slip of paper. “This is my private line. You won’t have to go through the switchboard at the White House.”

Steve took it. “Thanks. I’ll let you know first thing in the morning. Maybe even tonight”

“I guess I can’t ask for more than that.” Thompson stood to leave. As he opened the door Rudy and Danny were just getting ready to enter.

“Come on in Rudy.” Oscar called. “Agent Thompson was just leaving.”

“Wasn’t that Thompson with the Secret Service?” Rudy asked

Oscar nodded. “He wants Steve on his detail for that dignitary ball that’s coming up.”

“What’s Steve decided?” Dan asked.

“He wants to discuss it with Jaime first.” Oscar explained.

“In fact I better go do that now. Maybe I can get back to Banks by tonight.”

“Do you want to do it Steve?” Oscar asked.

“I don’t know. I want to see what Jaime thinks. I mean the OSI is dangerous enough but I think the Secret Service is more so.”

“I know what your saying. You just let me know.”

“I will it sounds pretty good though.”

After he left the three looked at one another. “I think he’s seriously considering it. Now what did you two want.”

“Aw nothing we just wanted a break and thought this was a good place to take one.” Rudy smiled. “We’ve been working hard and well.”

“I understand.” Oscar’s mind was elsewhere. He was wondering if Steve would take on this mission…and if so, would they convince him to leave the OSI…

“No!” Jaime shouted. “Steve absolutely not! You are not going to work for the Secret Service. Working for Oscar is dangerous enough.”

“That’s what I thought. I just wanted to see what you thought. I’ll call Thompson and tell him.”

“You better call Oscar first.” Jaime suggested. “He may be afraid that you’ll start working for them.”

Steve smiled “Maybe I should let him think that.”

“Now that would be mean.” Jaime scolded. “I’ll go fix Steven Carl’s bottle You call Oscar.”

Steve dialed Oscar. “Oscar Jaime and I discussed it. We decided it is to dangerous to take on such.”

“I agree. I’m glad Steve. Do you want me to call Thompson? He’s not an easy man to say not to.”

After some consideration Steve agreed that would be a good idea.

“Oscar is going to deal with it. Let say we take the kids and go get something to eat. It’s been a long day.”

“I agree.” They had just gotten everyone ready to go when the phone rang. Steve picked it up.

“Col Austin?” the voice asked.

“Yes.” Steve replied.

“This is Thompson with the Secret Service.”

“Yes?” Steve asked.

“I was wondering if we could have lunch say around noon tomorrow?” Thompson asked.

“Gee, I don’t know.” Steve began. “I made my decision…”

“I already spoke to Goldman. He refused to even give me you number…”

Then how?”…

“We over here at the Secret Service can pretty much get any information we want. All I want is to buy you lunch. You’re not going to turn down a free meal are you.”

“My father always taught me nothing in this life is free.” Steve scowled.

“I just want to buy you lunch and have a little chat…that’s all.”

“Let me discuss it with my wife I’ll get back to you.” Steve hung up and turned to Jaime. “That was Thompson. He wants to buy my lunch.”

Jaime thought for a few moments. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.”

“Ok then I’ll call him back and agree to the meeting…”

“Just watch out for him.” She warned.

“I will I know exactly what he’s up to.” Steve kissed her and headed out the door.

He met Thompson at a café in Georgetown. “Ok Thompson let’s hear your speech so I can decline it in person.” Steve grumbled.

“Now it’s not like that at all Austin. Come on have a seat.”

Steve sat across from him in the booth.

“I would like it very much if you would come to work for the Secret Service.” Thompson offered.

“I knew it this meeting is over!” Steve shouted.

“Hang on Steve…” Thompson began.

“Only my wife and closest friends are allowed to call me by my first name.” Steve scolded.

“I’m sorry Col. Austin. And I understand your loyalty to the OSI. But you would in fact be working for the same government, just in a different field….”

“Look Thompson.” Steve seethed. “I gave you my answer…”

“Just relax Col. we’re not going to take you away from the OSI. If that’s where you want to stay then so be it. I would however like it if you would do this for us. The dignitary ball is tonight. We could really use your help…”

“I have enough trouble just working for the OSI.” Steve started. “Oscar keeps me away from my family enough…”

“I understand that. You don’t seem to understand how serious this is. The President has been threatened…”

“Ok I’m listening.” Steve’s voice was calmer now.

“It would only be for one night…”

“Look Thompson. I’m a married man with three young kids and legal guardian to Marc. I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Nothing I can say will persuade you?” Thompson pleaded.

“I’m sorry Thompson.” Steve offered his hand.

Thompson took it. “Well then maybe you’re not the man for us.” He sighed.

“I could have told you that an hour ago and saved you money on dinner in the long run.” Steve chuckled.

The two men parted company and Steve headed home to find Oscar’s car in the drive.

“Now what?” Steve wondered as he walked through the garage.

Oscar and Jaime were sitting at the kitchen table when he stepped in.

“What’s going on?” Steve asked.

“It’s Thompson.” Oscar began. “He went over my head and went straight to Hanson…”

“And?” Steve questioned a look of disdain forming on his lips.

“Hanson says you have to do this.” Oscar muttered. “He says as long as you’re on the payroll you need to go wherever the government needs you most.”

“I still say it’s not fair.” Steve complained. “I work for the OSI. If I wanted to work fort he Secret Service I would have chosen that field from the beginning.”

“I’m sorry Steve” Oscar continued to mutter. “My hands are tied on this one. You report to duty in exactly one hour. Thompson will meet you at the main gate and tell you what your assignment is.”

“Dam!!” Steve cursed.

“I’m sorry Steve I’ve tried everything. We have no choice in the matter.” Oscar sighed.

“I’m not blaming you.” Steve stood and got ready to leave.


An hour later Steve arrived at the White House Thompson was there to greet him. “I’m sorry it had to come to this Col Austin.” He tried to apologize

“Yea sure you are.” Steve seethed. “Just tell me what I’m supposed to do so I can get this over with.”

Thompson led him into the White House. “Just follow me.” They stepped into his office. “Now this is the way it goes.”

Back at the house Jennifer parked her doll stroller next to Steven Carl’s crib. Then she climbed into the crib with Steven Carl. She tried very hard to pick up her baby brother but had a very hard time doing so. She managed to lift him up to the rail her intentions were of course to put her baby brother into the stroller and take him for a walk.

Jaime heard the commotion clear down in the kitchen. She sprinted up the stairs but was to late. She opened the door just in time to see Jennifer drop the baby from the top of the rail.

She ran quickly and picked the screaming infant up. “Oh Jennifer” she cried. “What were you going to do?”

“Jennifer pointed to her stroller “Give baby a ride.” She replied.

“Well I can see that.” She sighed. Steven continued to wail in her arms. “I better get him to Rudy…”

“Mom what’s wrong?” Marc asked from the door way.

“Oh Marc!” Jaime was relieved he was there. “Gather James up I need to get Steven Carl to the doctor.”

“What happened?” Marc questioned.

“Jennifer thought he would like a ride. She dropped him.”

Marc ran from the room and down to James’ “Come on James get your shoes on. We have to take the baby to the doctor.” Before James could ask why Marc replied “Steven fell and hurt himself.”

James quickly put on his shoes and Marc tied them. “Ok come on mom is waiting.”

When the got down stairs Jaime was still in the living room I have to call your father. The car won’t start.” Jaime dialed Agent Thompson’s private number.

“This is Thompson.” He spoke still looking at Steve.

“This is Jaime. Steve’s wife I need Steve to come home right now!!” She cried.

“Col. Austin is in the middle of…”

“I’m sorry our son has been hurt. My car won’t start. I need him NOW!!”

Thompson handed the phone to Steve. “It’s your wife.” He sighed knowing that his time with this super agent was over.

Steve listened to Jaime for a couple of minutes. “I’ll be right there.” He hung up and looked back at Thompson. “My son’s had a little accident. From the story my daughter tried to take him for a ride in her doll stroller and dropped him out of his crib.”

“I understand. Go to your family.” Thompson worded it as an order.

Steve pulled up in front of the house. Jaime and the kids were waiting on the front steps. They piled into the car and Steve squealed the tires in an effort to get his son the treatment he needed.

Jaime had already called Rudy so he was waiting when they arrived.

“Here I’ll take him.” Rudy gently took the baby from Jaime. “Come on little guy. Let’s see what the trouble is.

Steve and the rest of the family waited for Rudy to complete his examination. They all jumped to their feet when he stepped out of his office.

"His arm is broken.” He reported with a half smile.

“Why do you seem so happy?” Steve questioned.

“I’m not happy he has a broken arm.” Rudy stated. “It’s just remarkable. When Dan was the exact age that Steven Carl is he broke his arm in much the same way. It’s in his medical history. I guess a neighbor’s daughter tried to do what Jennifer did. He’ll be fine.”

“Well.” Steve observed. “It got me out of my so called mission at the White House.” He patted Jennifer on the head. “Way to go.” He praised.

“You’re sure he’ll be ok?” Steve asked.

“Oh he’ll be fine. The arm will heal in no time.” Rudy assured.

“Well in that case. Let’s go home.” Steve gathered up his family and they headed down the hall.

"Don't forget." Steve called back "Dinner at our house tomorrow for Christmas."

"I'll remember." Rudy called back.

The End

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