
After breakfast, Victoria and Audra climbed into the buggy and drove to town for church services. Jarrod was in the study completing his case and summation for an upcoming trial. Heath was in the barn attending to the mares. Nick was nowhere to be found as he had saddled Coco earlier and gone for a ride.

In a grove of trees, Nick sat on his horse beside his father’s grave. Gathering his strength, he climbed down and walked to stand in front of the tombstone as he had done many times since his father’s death. He had come here in the past to keep his father abreast of all of the businesses of the Barkley holdings and the lives of all of the family members. He had come here when he needed to think out problems or to have a sounding board for new ideas. He had come here just to say “Hello” to his Father when he felt the need. With tears pooling in his eyes, Nick thought back on his childhood memories.

He remembered how his father had appeared to be larger than life to him as a young boy. The man who worked so hard to build the Barkley empire into what it was today. The man who had the vision to diversify his holdings to ensure all their eggs were not in one basket. The man who taught all of his children the skills necessary to survive in this harsh land. He taught them to respect others and the property of others. He taught them how to run all aspects of the empire. The man who stood up and lead the community in times of trial and tribulation. The man who would play a child’s game just to please his children. The man whose life was cut short by a murderer’s bullet. This was the man that had a child by another woman.

As Nick, looked at his father’s grave he spoke, “How can you have done so many great and wonderful things in your life but you couldn’t stay true to Mother? I understand that perhaps you were lonely, but that’s no excuse! Mother didn’t deserve to be treated that way. She has stood by you all of these years!. Even now, she has never treated you in the manner you have treated her.”

“Did you even think of the consequences of your actions? Obviously not, otherwise, I would have known Heath as a brother growing up with us!”

“Do you know what his life was like, Father? Do you even care to know? IT WAS HELL! He worked like a slave, he couldn’t go to school, people treated him like dirt. Hell, even I treated him like dirt. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!! He doesn’t deserve that. He deserves so much more. You should have been the one to give it to him. You should be here to teach him the things you taught me, Jarrod and Eugene. HE SHOULD HAVE HAD A FATHER!”

“I need to find some way to come to terms with what you have done, Father. I realize Heath is not to blame, but I am so angry I can’t help it. If you were here, I think I could beat you senseless. I have never had those thoughts before in my life, Father. Even when I was angry with you, I would never have raised my fists to you. Do you see what you have done? I need to find a way to control this anger. You have caused me to be angry at mother and Audra just because they care for me – THEY DON’T DESERVE IT EITHER!!”

As he paused and ran his gloved hand through his hair, he continued softly. “I still love you and always will, but forgiveness may never come from me, Father. But, I need your guidance. I can’t talk to Jarrod, sometimes he is too much of a lawyer. I definitely can’t talk to Mother, I don’t think she would fully understand the rage I am experiencing. I definitely could not talk to Audra either and Eugene, even if he were here, wouldn’t understand. I can’t think of anyone else who would understand what I am going through!”

As Nick paced back and forth, a gentle breeze blew through the trees. He stopped abruptly as he heard the words on the gentle breeze that blew through the grove, ‘Heath will understand’.

Nick smiled and shook his head as he realized the words were true. Heath would understand having such rage at one’s father. The answer was there for him all along in the form of his new brother.

Nick walked to Coco, mounted and tipped his hat to his father’s grave.

“Thank you, Father for your guidance.” he said before turning Coco for home.


Dan Baldwin was a very conscientious man and attorney. Promptly at 10:00 he arrived at the front of the Cattleman’s hotel in his surrey. He understood the importance of keeping a schedule to appease one’s clients. He had brought with him a leather satchel that contained the purchase agreement and deed to the Henderson ranch. If Miss Weston, agreed to purchase the ranch, she could sign the documents today.

He was happy to have this last piece of business from Abe Henderson’s will taken care of and completed. He had been worried that we would never sell the ranch according due to the conditions Abe had stated in his will.

As he tied the team to the hitching rail, he saw Jack Franklin and Charity Jones walking up the street leading a horse.

“Good morning Jack and Miss Jones” called Dan. “Beautiful day for a ride, isn’t it?

“Yes, it sure is!.” said Jack as he shook Dan’s hand.

“Hi Mr. Baldwin, how are the twins?” asked Charity as she smiled at Dan.

“Just fine, Miss Jones. They sure keep Marie and me busy now that they are running. They don’t like to walk anywhere.” laughed Dan.

The three of them enjoyed a hearty laugh as they walked into the restaurant to meet Sue.

“Good morning, Sue. Are you ready to have a look at the ranch?” asked Dan.

Sue smiled as she stood and held out her hand, “Dan, I am more than ready.”

“I have my surrey out front if you would like to ride with me, Sue.”

“That sounds fine.” said Sue.

As they walked through the lobby, Jose called out to Sue, ”I have brought your horses, senorita. They are tied up out front.”

“Thank you, Jose. It is always good to have a man around I can count on. If it is not too much trouble, would you mind taking these telegrams to the telegraph office when they open. Here is enough money to pay for them.” said Sue as she handed Jose a five dollar bill.

“I will be there when they open the door senorita.” stated Jose proudly.

“I believe you will Jose and here is a little something for your help. Mr. Franklin and I will see you later today.” said Sue as she walked to the door with Jack.

As Sue and Jack stepped onto the sidewalk, Jack stopped Sue with a hand on her arm.

“There’s the cowpuncher who was drinking with Travis last night, boss.” said Jack as they watched Barrett tying his horse in front of the Red Dog saloon.

“He must not have a job to occupy him if he’s drinking this early in the morning.” replied Sue with a grin. “I’m sending a telegram to Davey to let him know we got here and to tell him I would let him know later today if we purchased the ranch or not. “

“Well, lets go look at that ranch and maybe you can let him know the good news later.” said Jack as he tied Rio, Sue’s horse to the back of the surrey. He walked to his horse and mounted as Sue climbed in the surrey with Dan Baldwin and Charity mounted her horse.

The group of travelers were treated to the warmth of the sunshine on their faces as they rode to the Henderson ranch. Dan and Sue kept up a steady stream of conversation in the surrey as Charity and Jack followed on their horses.

“I know that you will be impressed when you see the Henderson ranch. It is not the largest ranch here in Stockton, but it does have some of the best grazing pasture and plenty of water to help through any dry times.” explained Dan.

“Charity was kind enough to let me know a lot about the layout of the ranch and its features in her letter. I’m not looking for anything the size of the ranch we had in Texas, just someplace where we can put down roots and build it up. I understand that there are mountains on the backside of the property.” replied Sue.

“I‘m not sure if Abe Henderson even went into those mountains. He didn’t always take time to build something that would last, sometimes I think he was more of a rawhider than a rancher. He could have really made something of the ranch, but took to gambling and drinking instead.” stated Dan. “He really was a nice old man, just a little rough around the edges.”

“It’s been my experience that even the best of people have a downside to their nature.” said Sue wistfully. “Sometimes people are blind to what’s closest to them.”

“Yes, I know what you mean. If you don’t mind my asking Sue, what happened to your ranch in Texas? From your description yesterday, It sure sounds like it was a beautiful place.” inquired Dan.

Sue laughed dryly, “I don’t mind you asking, Dan. My father was one of those people who was blind to what was closest to him. God rest his soul.”

“If you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t be offended.” offered Dan with a concerned look at his passenger.

“What’s done is done and there is nothing anyone can do about it now.” said Sue as her face took on a far away look. “I should start at the beginning so that you will have a complete picture and since you are considering my request to handle my affairs, you should know more about me."

“My mother died in childbirth with me. My father and the men on the ranch raised me. At the time I was growing up, the part of Texas we lived in was very isolated. I had learned to ride and rope before I was seven years old. By the age of ten, I had learned to shoot with a pistol and rifle. Everyone needed to know how to take care of themselves and help out wherever possible. The indians would make raids on the ranch as well as the banditos from across the Rio Grande.”

“Now I see why you are comfortable wearing a gun. Were there no other women around when you were growing up?” asked Dan curiously.

“Oh sure, there were the wives of some of the hands. Mostly they were spanish or indian ladies. There weren’t too many white women in that area at that time. One of my caretakers growing up was a Yaqui warrior who had lost an arm in a fight with a bear.”

“When my father came across him in the hills, he didn’t think he would make it through the night. My father took him in and nursed him back to health. I guess he felt he owed my father, so he stayed and worked on the ranch. His name was Juan, but I addressed him as Haavi, which means ‘Father’s older brother’ in the Yaqui language. He taught me to hunt, track and to survive off the land. He died three years later during a raid on the ranch one night. I remember that at first, a lot of the hands were nervous about him when he arrived, but eventually everyone got along. I guess they were waiting for him to scalp them during the night or something.” chuckled Sue.

“That’s quite a way to grow up and here I thought growing up in San Francisco had been exciting. I would never have pictured an upbringing for you like that.” exclaimed Dan. “Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but you speak as those you had attended school on a regular basis. From what you say, there were no towns near you.”

“My extended family would have been proud to hear you say that I speak as if I had attended school.” smiled Sue.

“I was taught at home to read, write and all of the other subjects by my father and the others on the ranch. Some people think that a cowboy just knows how to punch cows and ride horses. That’s such an incorrect perception. We had cowhands who had all different types of upbringing and schooling. I even had a teacher who had been a professor back east, but came west after he had some sort of trouble back there. He didn’t say what it was and my father didn’t ask. As long as you pulled your weight and didn’t cause trouble, he gave everyone a fair chance.”

“We also gave refuge to people and missionaries as they passed through and that’s how I know Charity Jones. She was the first white child I played with and we are close friends to this day. She is also the only one who calls me by my given name. ‘She said, “Sue sounds like Lou and that’s a boy’s name and I will never call you that.”’

“My father had built the ranch into an empire by the time more white settlers arrived into the area. It was nice to have others around and I actually liked to attend school. My first day was a little rough though when the teacher had to explain to me I couldn’t bring my rifle into the school. I had a little bit of culture shock there.” laughed Sue as Dan joined her.

“How did your father happen to loose such an empire that he had worked so hard to build? Was it because of landgrabbers?” inquired Dan.

“He lost it when he lost his heart to a woman named Ramona. She blew into town, took my father by storm and he never saw the lightning that hit him. My father was a man wise to the hard ways of men in the world but not women. He married Ramona over my protests. I had a feeling she was no good but he wouldn’t be swayed. He thought I was just being jealous and petty since I had him to myself all those years. She was a beautiful woman and I think he thought she would be a role model for me.” explained Sue.

“What happened?” asked Dan completely enthralled with the story that was she was weaving.

“Well, as I said they were married. Ramona and I never got along. I saw her for what she was and she saw me for someone that stood in the way of her getting the ranch. My father was completely oblivious and thought everything was fine. They had been married for a little more than a year and one night as he was coming back to the ranch from town, he was shot and killed by someone. To this day, I don’t know who did it, but I’m sure she was involved.”

“Ironically, it was because of his will that I am here to purchase the ranch left by Abe Henderson in his will.”

“What do you mean?” asked Dan curiously.

“My father had left the ranch to Ramona because she was my stepmother and his wife. I had never considered her as a mother figure and never would. Well, as soon as she heard she owned the ranch, she gave me 48 hours to pack my belongings and leave. I think she thought I was going to be destitute and living on the streets, but she didn’t know my father had set up an account for me long ago, made money by investing in various things like the railroad and I was actually a well off woman. The account was in my name only and she couldn’t touch it.” explained Sue.

“My god, how could she throw you out like that! How ruthless!” exclaimed Dan angrily.

“I wasn’t too happy about it either.” said Sue with a grin. “I packed my things, took my two horses, the ranch crew and left her on the ranch alone. All of the boys elected to quit, take their families with them and move on to work on other ranches or to homestead a place of their own.”

“All of them!!” said Dan after he let out a whistle.

“Yep, all of them! I don’t think that was quite what she had in mind. She thought she would take over, get rid of me and continue to have a thriving enterprise. Eventually she did hire a new crew but they were nothing like the original crew. If it wasn’t for Jack and the others, I don’t know if I would have survived the heartache of losing the only home I knew. They got me thinking of a new start and looking ways to make that happen six months ago. I couldn’t find any ranches in Texas that I wanted to purchase. Then one day, a letter arrived from Charity and here we are.”

“Unbelievable! I must say I am impressed. You have led quite a life already and will have so much more opportunity to do things in the future. I hope you will consider me a friend and not only an attorney.” said Dan softly as they pulled through the gates of the Henderson ranch.

“I would be the one benefiting from such a relationship, Dan. It would be my pleasure to call you my friend.” smiled Sue as her eyes took in the beginnings of the Henderson ranch when Dan had stopped the surrey.

Jack and Charity stopped their horses alongside of the surrey while Sue took in the view of the ranch. In the distance, she could see the buildings in the foreground of the mountains. The sun was shining causing the colors on the mountains to stand out and be taken notice of.

“Beautiful” she whispered. “Let’s check out the rest of it.”

Charity smiled at the look on her friend’s face and nodded to Jack. “This is what she needs to get back on her feet completely.”


The tour around the ranch site and buildings took a few hours as Jack and Sue took their time in assessing everything. The buildings were in need of repair and painting as they had been abandoned for months. The well water was cool and refreshing. The grounds of the ranch had the potential to be so much more than it had been in the past.

Sue’s heart soared as the tour continued. Jack and Sue rode on horseback alongside the surrey as Dan explained the boundaries of the ranch. They made comments to each other and mental notes on the advantages and disadvantages they witnessed as they rode. Charity rode with a smile the entire time as she knew she had made the correct decision in writing Suzanne about the ranch.

“This is where she belongs.” thought Charity as she rode and watched the trio in front of her.

At noon, the group of travelers stopped by a stream for a picnic lunch that Maria from the hotel had packed for them. As they sat eating and talking, Charity was describing the upcoming festival with all of the booths and the dance that was to take place to benefit the orphanage.

“It will be so much fun and it will be a good time for you to meet other people from Stockton and the surrounding areas. You are going to come, aren’t you Suzanne?” asked Charity

“I could never disappoint you Charity. Of course, we’ll be there.” replied Sue.

“You’ll have a wonderful time.” said Charity happily.

“Do you have a date yet? Perhaps one of the Barkleys will ask you Charity?” smiled Sue innocently while watching Jack’s expression of annoyance.

“I already have a date. It is with a certain gentleman with a Texas drawl and an irritating boss. I think you know who he is, Suzanne.” chided Charity.

“Gee, that description doesn’t remind me of anyone in particular.” replied Sue trying not to smile.

“Very funny. I do believe Jack and I need a little stroll to stretch our legs before we get back into the saddle.” said Charity as she and Jack walked downstream from Dan and Sue.

“They sure make a cute couple, don’t they? How long have they been in love?” said Dan.

“About four years now.” replied Sue as she watched her friends’ disappear down the river bank. “Well, Dan I do believe I will gladly take this ranch off your hands. When can I sign the paperwork tomorrow?”

“Actually, I brought it with me. I had a feeling you would love the place. If we sign the papers today, you can move out of the hotel right away.” stated Dan as he retrieved his leather satchel.

“Great!” said Sue as she shook Dan’s hand. “I would like to get out of the hotel. I am not much on living in town as you probably guessed. When we get everything settled in the house, I will expect you and your family to have dinner with us.”

“We would be honored and thank you, Sue.” acknowledged Dan as he handed her the pen and inkwell.

“Well, looks like it’s gonna be a done deal Charity.” said Jack from behind the tree as the pair of them watched Sue and Dan conclude the purchase of the ranch.

“Let’s go congratulate our new ranch owner!’ exclaimed Charity as she pulled Jack along by his hand.

“Congratulations!” shouted Charity and Jack.

“Thank you both. It wouldn’t have been possible without you two.” said Sue as she gave them both a hug. “This is the easy part though, now comes the hard part. Let’s pack up and go back to town. I want to sleep under the stars tonight!”

“Suzanne, I was wondering if we could stop at the Barkley ranch. The fundraising committee wanted me to drop off some special invitations for the festival. The Barkleys are our biggest contributors and it’s not too far from here” asked Charity.

“Charity, I am really anxious to get our stuff and”

“I don’t see how it could hurt! We have plenty of time to get to town and back to the ranch before nighttime.” suggested Jack before Sue could finish speaking. “Wouldn’t you like to meet all of the new neighbors?”

“I can assure you they are fine people, Sue. I do have to head back to town though as Marie and I having Sheriff Madden over for dinner. Feel free to stop by anytime.” said Dan as he climbed in the surrey, turned his team and started back towards town.

Sue felt as though somehow she had been railroaded, but for the life of her she couldn’t see how. “After all it does make sense for Charity to deliver the invitations since we are close to the Barkley ranch.” thought Sue.

“Sue, is it okay or do you want us to head back to town? Charity knows her way to the Barkleys and back to Stockton.” suggested Jack.

“Jack Franklin, have you lost your mind? I would never allow Charity to travel to the Barkleys and back to Stockton by herself. What kind of person do you think I am?” said Sue with an offended look at her foreman wondering if he had lost all of his good sense.

“Of course, we will be happy to accompany you Charity.” offered Sue. “But so help me if that Nick Barkley runs me over again, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

Charity smiled at her friend. “I will protect you from Nick Barkley, Suzanne.”

“Oh great!” said Sue sarcastically as she climbed aboard Rio. “Let’s get this over with.”

Charity and Jack grinned at each other as they mounted their horses and the trio of friends headed to the Barkley Ranch to meet their new neighbors.


After lunch at the Red Dog saloon, Barrett walked his horse to the south side of town where he tied him up in a grove of trees. Barrett had wondered all night about his new partner, John Travis and what he had in mind for the Barkleys. Barrett may not be the smartest man in the valley but he was intrigued and cautious of his new partnership.

Carefully watching the street and alleys, he slowly made his way to the small white house on the corner. Walking to the back door of the house, he knocked and waited.

John Travis opened the door and greeted Barrett with a grin, “Right on time, Barrett. Thanks for coming.”

Barrett walked in and looked at his new partner who was dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. “Can’t say I have ever seen you in anything other than a suit, Mr. Travis.”

John chuckled, “Even I relax once in a while and now that we are partners, call me John when we are alone.”

“Oh, sure. I’m curious as to what you have in mind, John.” said Barrett sounding as though the name rolling off his tongue was foreign.

“How about some coffee or perhaps something a little stronger?” suggested Travis as he indicated to Barrett to have a seat at the table.

“Coffee sounds good.” said Barrett taking a seat at the table as he was thinking he wanted to have a clear mind while Travis was relaying his plans for the partnership.

As John set the coffee in front of Barrett and took a seat opposite him, he said “Did you know the Henderson ranch will probably be purchased today?”

“What! No, I hadn’t heard anything.” exclaimed Barrett.

“A woman from Texas is buying it.”

“That’s not gonna sit too well with the Barkleys.” chuckled Barrett.

“No, but it will sit well with our plans. This woman will be the unwitting catalyst that will be the undoing of the Barkley empire.” grinned Travis evilly.

Travis outlined his plans for Suzanne Weston and the Barkley family as Barrett listened thoughtfully and felt a growing admiration for the man across from him.


When Victoria and Audra arrived home from church services, Audra rushed to her room to change into her riding clothes.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” questioned her mother.

“I thought that maybe I could entice Heath into a ride, Mother. That would give me a chance to spend some time with him alone.”

Victoria gave her vivacious daughter a hug, “I hope you have a wonderful ride with your brother, dear.”

“Thank you Mother.” Said Audra as she headed to the front door.

“Oh and Audra, please don’t torture the poor boy by talking too much.” teased Victoria knowing too well her daughter’s pension for babbling.

“I won’t Mother.” said Audra as she walked out the front door.

Victoria smiled as she walked to the kitchen to help Silas with lunch. She knew that if anyone in this family knew Heath’s true spirit, it was Audra. Heath truly loved his sister and would do most anything for her. He already felt a fierce protectiveness towards her, as if he had grown up with her. But would he stay just because Audra asked him to. Somehow, Victoria knew that he would not. He wouldn’t want to hurt Audra, but he was a strong man with a strong sense of right and wrong. He wouldn’t stand by while someone was being treated unfairly or unjustly. He would stand for what was right, but he wouldn’t stand here and fight for his rightly place in the family, if he thought he was a constant reminder to Nick of his father’s indiscretion and the source of Nick’s pain.

“What is a mother to do.” mumbled Victoria as she helped Silas prepare lunch unaware that she was speaking outloud “That is what I need to figure out.”

“What did you say, Mrs. Barkley?” asked Silas.

“What! Oh nothing Silas, just thinking outloud.” said Victoria “Sorry Silas, I was a million miles away just now.”

“Perhaps you wasn’t as far as the barn away, Mrs. Barkley.” suggested Silas with a small smile.

Victoria grinned, “Perhaps not, Silas. Let’s finish this lunch for our hungry family.”

“Yes’m Mrs. Barkley.”

Audra walked to the barn and found Heath and Duke McCall in the stall talking softly to one of the mares that was ready to foal and rubbing her neck.

“How are you doing Lady? Ready to bring a new life into this world? I will be right here with you. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I think the foal’s ready, Mr. Barkley” said Duke quietly.

“Well, Lady, Mr. McCall and I are here with you. Since he wants to keep calling me Mr. Barkley instead of Heath, how’s about we call him Mr. McCall.” said Heath with a small smile at Duke who was smiling back.

Lady rolled her eyes at the man beside her as if to say ‘I have better things to do right now than to worry about whose calling who mister.’

Duke grinned at his boss, “Somehow I don’t think she likes that suggestion, Heath.”

“I think you’re right, Duke.” said Heath as he continued to stroke Lady’s neck to calm her nerves.

“Heath, can I stay and watch?” whispered Audra and smiling at the two men.

“Sure, sis. Just stay outside the stall.” said Heath quietly.

As the contractions continued, Heath and Duke monitored Lady’s progress closely. Lady was going to start a new bloodline with this foal for the Barkley family and she was getting the royal treatment.

“Heath, there’s something wrong” whispered Duke anxiously. “It’s coming out backwards!”

“Audra, come in here and help Duke keep Lady calm. It’s breech. We have to push the foal back in so we can get it turned around.” explained Heath as he gave up his position to Audra.

As Audra and Duke talked to Lady soothingly and stroked her neck, Heath used his hands to push the foal back and turn it around. Lady whinnied in pain and tried to rise as Heath used all of his strength to turn the foal.

“Hold on, Lady. I’m almost there” grunted Heath.

“Here it comes feet first. Good girl, Lady.” panted Heath as he tried to catch his breath. “Okay Audra, thanks, we can let her up now.”

Audra exited the corral as Heath and Duke stood back watching Lady nuzzling the black foal and licking her new baby dry.

“What a beauty, Heath” said Duke as he watched the newborn try to get to its feet. “You did a great job with the delivery. I’ve never corrected a breech before, it’s a good thing you were here.”

“Thanks Duke. I think the three of us did a wonderful job too.”

Audra and Duke laughed as Lady whinnied while shaking her head and seemed to say ‘what about me’.

“Sorry, you too Lady” grinned Heath as he exited the stall. “Duke, would you get one of the other men to keep an eye on them so you and I can get cleaned up.”

“Sure, I’ll take care of it.” said Duke as he headed out the door and towards the bunkhouse.

“You were wonderful, Heath. I never tire of seeing a new baby born. It’s so amazing.” sighed Audra as she watched the mother and baby.

“Well, Audra mostly it was Lady. I just helped a little at the end.” replied Heath.

Scotty came into the barn and walked to the stall, “Duke sent me in to take over, Mr. Barkley. What a beauty!”

“Thanks, Scotty. I’ll be back later to check on them.” said Heath as he and Audra walked out of the barn.

“Heath, I was wondering if we could take a ride together later.”

“Sure, sis. The other mare probably won’t foal until later tonight. Boy Howdy, I’m starved! How about we go for a ride after lunch?” asked Heath as he opened the door to let his sister into the house.

“That sounds great! I’m going to tell Mother about the new foal and let her know you have to clean up before lunch.” said Audra as she walked towards the kitchen and Heath climbed the stairs.


Nick arrived home in time for lunch after his visit to his father’s gravesite. He felt as though a light was shining at the end of the black tunnel he had been trying to escape from since his mother had revealed his father’s affair with Leah Thomson. After grooming Coco, Nick saw Scotty emerge from Lady’s stall.

“Hi, Mr. Barkley. Did you see Lady’s new colt?” asked Scotty as he shut the door to the stall.

“Hi Scotty. No, I just got home and didn’t know she had foaled.” stated Nick as he looked over the stall at the new colt. “Will you look at that beautiful new addition to the Barkley horse operations. It has some great lines, I can tell already.”

“Duke said Lady had some trouble. It was a breech delivery, but your brother was able to get the foal turned around and out the correct way. Mother and baby are both doing fine.” Scotty informed Nick.

“Wow, it was a good thing that Heath was here. I don’t know if I could have handled it so efficiently.” said Nick proudly. “Thanks for keeping an eye on them Scotty.”

“Sure, no problem Mr. Barkley.”

As Nick walked out of the barn and washed up at the pump, he realized that when Scotty had referred to Heath as his brother and described what Heath had done for Lady, he had felt nothing other than admiration and respect. “Those are better feelings than the other ones I have been having lately.” thought Nick. “Maybe I can talk my little brother into a ride after lunch.”

“MOTHER” shouted Nick as he entered the house.

“Nicholas, must you shout! I can hear you just fine when you use a normal tone of voice.” admonished Victoria.

“Sorry Mother.”

“Jarrod and Audra are in the living room. Heath is cleaning up and we will have lunch shortly. Audra was going to tell us about Lady’s foal.”

“Oh sure.”

As Nick escorted his mother into the living room, Audra was just starting the beginning her tale of the birth to Jarrod.

“So I was watching Heath and Duke in the stall. They were both wonderful with Lady, talking to her and keeping her calm. All of a sudden, Duke says something’s wrong and then says the foals coming out backwards. Then Heath tells me to get in the stall and take his place and help Duke keep her calm so he..”

“What did you say, Audra?” asked Nick as he felt his blood beginning to boil.

“I said, I helped keep Lady calm while Heath pushed the foal back in and got it turned around. Poor Lady was in such pain. I was so worried! I think we should call him Sir Lucky.” explained Audra.


“Nicholas, please”


“Nick, nothing happened and Audra’s fine.” said Jarrod.

“Yes, she’s fine Nick. Heath would never put Audra in danger.” reasoned Victoria as they heard whistling coming from the foyer.

“Boy Howdy, Nick! Did you see the new colt? I think it has some great lines, don’t you?” asked Heath as he was buttoning the cuff of his shirt.

When Heath looked at Nick he could see the fury flashing in his eyes causing him to become defensive. “What’s wrong now, Nick?” sighed Heath.

“What’s wrong now, he asks” said Nick sarcastically as he looks at the rest of his family. “I CAN’T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST HEARD!”

“Nick, since I can’t read your mind maybe you could just spell it out for me.”


“Nick, Audra was in no danger” said Heath angrily. “I would never do anything to put my sister in danger and I resent you implying I would!”

“Oh, so you can forsee everything in the future! What if Lady kicked Audra with one of her hooves, what would you have done then, MR. FORTUNE TELLER.”

“She wasn’t in danger because she was on the other side of Lady. She wasn’t anywhere near her hooves. I’m not an idiot Nick and if I could have foreseen the future, I WOULDN’T BE HERE!” shouted Heath right back at his brother as he turned and started to walk towards the foyer.

“WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I’M TALKING TO YOU BOY!” yelled Nick as he grabbed Heath’s arm to stop him.

“Nick and Heath, stop this right now.” demanded Victoria as she watched her two stubborn sons face each other as Silas answered a knock at the door.

“Nick! Heath! Calm down before you say something you’ll regret!” pleaded Jarrod as he tried to reason with his hotheaded brothers.

“It means, that if I had known the kind of crap I would have to put up with from you since I arrived here, I WOULD NEVER HAVE COME TO STOCKTON! It means that I’ve had enough of you and your anger. I’m not the one that caused this Nick! But I can solve this problem right now, because I am LEAVING!”

“You’re not going anywhere until we settle this.” said Nick as he grabbed Heath’s arm.

“It’s settled. Let go of my arm! You can put your sainted father back up on his pedestal , Nick.” snarled Heath as he shook his arm from Nick’s grasp.

“SAINTED FATHER! MY FATHER’S NO SAINT” shouted Nick as he swung and hit Heath in the cheek causing Heath to fly backwards in the foyer and land at Suzanne Weston’s feet.

“Heath Thomson! I see you still haven’t learned to duck!”

Heath couldn’t believe his eyes as he gazed up at the woman standing above him and he hurried to his feet. “Sue! What are you doing here!” exclaimed Heath excitedly as he swung Sue around in a circle before putting her down and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“I like my feet on the ground cowboy.” said Sue as she cupped his cheek in her hand. “You look great except for that mark on your face. Jack’s here, too.”

Heath grabbed Jack and hugged him. “Jack! It is good to see you!”

“You too, Heath! If we had known you were working here, we would have come sooner.” grinned Jack.

“Is your father with you?” asked Heath.

“No, it’s a long miserable story that I will tell you about over a drink later.” said Sue quietly as she realized the room was deathly quiet and they had an audience of stunned faces staring at them.

“Heath, would you do the honor of introducing me to your friends?” asked Victoria after overcoming her shock at the appearance of the sudden guests and Heath’s emotional reaction to them.

“Oh, I’m sorry! This is Suzanne Weston and Jack Franklin, her foreman.”

“Sue, this is Victoria, Audra, Jarrod and Nick Barkley. Everyone, this is Suzanne Weston and Jack Franklin.”

Audra and Victoria shook Sue’s and Jack’s hands and greeted Charity with a hug.

“Mrs. Barkley, I have these invitations for you and your family for the festival. I also wanted you to meet Suzanne and Jack since you will be neighbors. Suzanne just purchased the Henderson property.” said Charity.

“What!” exclaimed Nick from his shocked state at seeing the way Heath had greeted the green-eyed beauty from their brief meeting.

“Nice to see you again, Mr. Barkleys” said Sue sweetly. “Jack and I met them in town the other day, Heath.”

“Nice to meet you formally, Miss Weston.” stated Jarrod with a slight bow and a broad smile before shaking Jack’s hand.

“Heath, I heard you say you were leaving the Barkleys. Perhaps you would consider working with Jack and I at the ranch.” suggested Sue with a hopeful look on her face.

“He’s not leaving!” stated Nick firmly. “We’ve got some things to work out and he’s staying.”

“Well, Mr. Barkley, I do believe that decision is up to Heath.” replied Sue sweetly as she smiled at Nick.

“Miss Weston, we were just about to have lunch, would you care to join us?” asked Victoria.

“Please join us for lunch, Miss Weston.” said Jarrod. “I would love to spend some time with our new neighbors and hear your plans for the Henderson ranch.”

Nick rolled his eyes at Jarrod and his mother’s offer of lunch to the interlopers. “Heath and I need to clear some things up before lunch, Mother.”

“Well, from what I saw and heard when I walked through the front door, I doubt you have talking on your mind. Do you treat all of your hands that way, Mr. Barkley?” questioned Sue.

“He’s not a hand! He’s my brother!” said Nick as he saw the shock on Sue and Jack’s face and similar looks of shock on his family’s’ faces.

“We were just having a family disagreement when you arrived.” explained Nick .

Heath looked at his friends and tried to alleviate their shock, “I found out when mama was on her deathbed that Tom Barkley was my father.”

“Oh Heath! I’m so sorry to hear about your mama. I know how much she meant to you.” sympathized Sue as she hugged Heath.

“If we had known, you wouldn’t have had to go through that alone.” said Jack quietly to his friend.

As Victoria watched Heath’s friends responding to the pain of his loss, she felt a pain of her own. The pain of knowing that Heath may never call her mother. ‘At least it appears Nick has finally come around’, thought Victoria relieved that perhaps that battle was finally won. But had it been won in time?

“Will you stay for lunch, Miss Weston” asked Audra.

“Thank you kindly for the invitation, however, we do need to get back to Stockton. Perhaps another time.” said Sue as she smiled at the Barkley family. “Heath, perhaps you could come over to the ranch later, we would love to catch up with what you’ve been doing these last couple years. How about around 6?”

“Sounds fine!”

“Mrs. Barkley, it was nice to meet you and may I saw you have a beautiful home and ranch.” stated Sue as she shook Victoria’s hand.

“Thank you, Miss Weston and I do hope you will be able to stop for a visit sometime in the near future.” offered Victoria as she walked Sue to the door.

“If I have time, I would be honored.”

As Heath walked the guests outside to see them off, Victoria looked at Nick. “ I will have no more fighting, Nicholas. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mother. I will have a talk with Heath and straighten this whole thing out.” said Nick as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“I would suggest you do it sooner than later.” stated Victoria in a firm voice as she walked into the dining room with Jarrod and Audra.

As Heath walked his friends to their horses, Sue stopped and looked at him. “I know you said Tom Barkley was your father, but are you sure you want to stay here? From what I see, that Nick is none too friendly.”

Heath laughed as he hugged Sue, “Ever the protector, I see. Jack, hasn’t she learned that there are people in this world that can take of themselves?”

“Not yet Heath, not yet.” chuckled Jack as he helped Charity on her horse.

“I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tonight. Nice to see you again, Miss Jones.” said Heath as Sue stepped into the saddle.

“Nice to see you too, Mr. Barkley.”

“Hey, where’s Satan?” asked Heath of Sue’s favorite horses’ whereabouts.

“In Texas. He hurt his leg on a stone and I didn’t want to take the chance by riding him this far.” explained Sue. “If you change your mind, you can stay with us anytime.”

“Yeah, Heath! It would be like old times.” said Jack. “She hasn’t gotten any better at poker, so if you are short of cash, bring some cards.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad of a poker player!”

Heath and Jack chuckled. “I could use some extra cash, so I’ll bring the cards when I come over later. Bye now!”

Heath waited and watched until Sue, Jack and Charity rode through the gate and were on the road to Stockton before he turned and walked back into the house slowly as he realized the arrival of the unexpected visitors had created only an interlude in a daily battle that he appeared to be waging since he had come to Stockton.

As he walked into the foyer, Nick was standing at the door of the study waiting, “Heath, can I talk to you for a moment?”
