
Dr. Merar arrived at the Barkley house before noon to check on his patient with Jack Franklin and Davey Hinton accompanying him after they had met the doctor on the trail.

As they dismounted and walked to the door, Jack asked “Do you think we’ll be able to move her to the ranch, doc?”

Howard smiled as he knocked on the door, “I know she’ll probably want to leave, but I’ll let you know after I see how she’s doing.”

Silas greeted the visitors and directed them into the foyer where Victoria greeted them.

“Howard, thank you for coming all this way. Mr. Franklin, it’s nice to see you again. I trust the horses made it here safely.”

Jack took off his hat before answering, “Yes, they did. Thank you, Mrs. Barkley for watching over our boss for us. This is Davey Hinton, our wrangler. Davey, this is Heath’s stepmother, Mrs. Victoria Barkley.”

Jack had informed Davey off all that had happened since they arrived in Stockton while they were delivering the horses to their new home.

Davey with his hat off shook the hand of Mrs. Barkley. “Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” he drawled shyly.

“Victoria, is Miss Weston awake and alert?” inquired Howard.

“Yes, she has been awake for awhile. She was able to get a lot of rest because of the laudanum last night and she looks so much better. She was able to keep a little broth down this morning.” informed Victoria as she lead the men up stairs towards the guest room.

“Gentleman, please wait here while I examine her.” stated Howard to Jack and Davey who nodded and leaned against the wall while Howard and Victoria entered the room and closed the door.

Howard walked to the bed noting the clear green eyes that watched his approach.

“Morning Dr. Merar.” said Sue quietly. “I’m afraid I was a little off kilter yesterday and may have been a little abrupt.”

“I’m afraid I have no idea what you are speaking about, young lady.” said Howard with a smile at the relief that shown in the eyes.

“Now, let’s see how you’re doing. There are two anxious cowboys outside waiting to see you and get an updated report.” stated Howard as he started his examination.

Jack and Davey waited patiently in the hallway while the examination going on. Jack smiled as he saw Heath coming from the stairs.

“Heath, look who’s here!”

Heath shook the hand of the wrangler enthusiastically, “Davey! Boy howdy, you’re even prettier than the last time I saw you!” teased Heath with a lopsided grin.

“Geez Heath, can’t a man make one little mistake without his friends reminding him all the time.” groaned Davey as Jack and Heath chuckled remembering the time Davey had ridden back to the ranch drunk with makeup on his face, a feathered hat and a feather boa from one of the saloon girls around his neck.

“You look great Heath. Sorry to hear about your mama.”

“Thanks Davey. Why are you guys waiting in the hall?”

“Dr. Merar is in there examining the boss.” explained Jack.

Heath stood by his friends to wait for the report on Sue’s condition as Davey told him and Jack about his trip from Texas.

“I can’t wait til the boss can take care of Satan herself!” groaned Davey. “His name fits him and he sure don’t like me.”

Heath chuckled, “He doesn’t like anyone but Sue. She’ll be glad to have him back with her and Rio.”

Jack smiled, “Heath, he let you ride him that one time, remember?”

Davey snickered as Heath rolled his eyes, “That’s only because Sue was behind me in the saddle holding me so I wouldn’t fall off. If I had tried to ride him alone, he’d have finished what those rustlers tried to do.”

Davey and Jack laughed knowing full well what Heath said was true. That horse sure didn’t like anyone but Sue. The three of them entertained themselves by joshing each other until they heard an angry raised voice on the other side of the door. “What do you mean I have to stay here at least two more days? I have a ranch to run! I can’t do that laying here in bed for two more days!”

The trio looked at each other and cringed as they knew the owner of that voice was not a happy person right now.

“Miss Weston,” Howard shouted back trying to break through the wall of stubbornness around his patient. “You’re not in any condition to travel for at least two days. Do you want to have a setback and be in bed longer?”

Victoria covered her mouth to hide the smile that was threatening to break out on her face while watching the two adversaries fighting a battle of wills between them. One steadfast in his medical judgment and who would forge through fire for his patients’ welfare. The other driven by her hardworking nature and the need to be independent of all others.

“Miss Weston, do you trust your foreman, Jack Franklin?” inquired Howard innocently.

Sue, shocked and angry at the accusation, replied sarcastically, “Of course I trust him or he wouldn’t be my foreman.”

“Then trust him to take over for you a couple of days. It’s only a couple of days and then you can move back to your ranch.” stated Howard while closing up his medical bag.

“Miss Weston, your ranch is not that far away and I’m sure Mr. Franklin will keep you updated on everything. “ said Howard to a stunned Sue who was still trying to come up with a way to leave the Barkley ranch.

He walked to the door. “Victoria, keep her in bed the rest of this day and tonight. Tomorrow, you can try sitting her up in a chair and short walks. She may experience dizzy spells which would be expected from her condition. If anything else arises, please inform me at once.”

“I will and thank you, Howard.” smiled Victoria.

Howard walked out into the hallway and smiled at the three men standing there, “Gentlemen, you may see her now. Good day.”

Sue’s dark mood improved considerably when she saw her visitors walk into the room. Raising her right hand, she motioned Davey over and gave him a hug.

“Davey, it’s good to see you! How was your trip?”

“Trip was fine boss, but I’m faring better than you or so it seems.” replied Davey while his eyes took in her battered condition. “What happened, did you fall off Rio?”

Smiling, she replied “As a matter of fact, I did. Of course, I had some help from a snake and someone taking a shot at me.”

Jack and Davey were shocked as Heath had neglected to tell them of the discovery of the bullet crease on Rio found by Duke McCall the night before.

“What are you talking about? Who shot at you?” asked Jack as his hands clenched into fists.

“Yeah, who shot at you?” asked Davey as his eyes flashed angrily.

Victoria standing quietly by the side of the bed spoke up, “Gentlemen, please don’t get Miss Weston all worked up. She needs her rest. How about if I get some coffee while she explains everything to you.”

“Thank you Mrs. Barkley” said Sue as she rubbed her forehead gingerly and then gestured to the two chairs for Jack and Davey to sit in while she explained.

As Victoria walked by Heath to the door, Sue saw the expression of shame on his face and how Heath wouldn’t meet her eyes. “What is that all about?” thought Sue as she watched Nick enter the room as Victoria was leaving and gave a small shake of her head as she walked by.

“Heath. Jack. Thought I’d check in on the patient to make sure she didn’t escape this morning.” teased Nick with a smile at Sue who scowled at Nick as the men chuckled.

Jack shook Nick’s hand, “Nick Barkley, meet Davey Hinton, our wrangler.”


“Nice to meet you, Mr. Barkley.” said Davey softly as he shook Nick’s hand.

“Nick, Sue was just going to explain to us what happened on the mountain.” Heath said as he glanced at his brother.

“Looks like I’m just in time then.” said Nick as smiled at Heath and took a seat at the foot of the bed.

The men listened in on Sue’s tale of her rise and consequent fall down the mountain. All were angered that someone could have killed her.

“Do you want me to go up there and look around for tracks, boss?” asked Davey.

Heath sighed, “Unfortunately, it rained in the mountains last night and the tracks will have been washed away.”

Sue smiled at the concerned cowboys, “I’ll know the track of that horse when I see it. I did find something though. Heath, can you get my vest over there?”

Heath walked to the chair where Sue’s vest lay waiting to be cleaned. Retrieving the item, he handed it to her and watched with the others as she pulled out a stub of a cigar and a cartridge. Handing them to Jack, she explained. “These were by the place where he knelt to take the shot.”

“That’s not much to go on boss.” said Jack sadly. “These are pretty common items. A lot of men smoke these cigars and use 44s.”

“Yeah, probably won’t help much.” agreed Heath as Davey shook his head and looked at the items.

“I went to town to bring Sheriff Madden out here to see you, but he wasn’t in town. When he comes out, we can show him these items.” explained Nick as Victoria walked in with a tray.

“I’ll let you finish your visit, but I’m afraid I can’t allow it too much longer as Miss Weston does need her rest.” said Victoria smiling at her patient who had a look of misery on her face from the thought of bedrest for the day.

“Thank you, Mrs. Barkley.” murmured Sue as Victoria left.

After they had drank their coffee and Sue sipped water, she advised Jack of what she would like completed around the ranch the next couple of days.

“Okay, boss. Davey’s gonna leave tomorrow to meet the rest of the men on the trail. Oh, Heath, we have some of your cattle on our range. We noticed a fence was down this morning.” stated Jack as he and Davey stood up to leave.

Heath also stood up, “I’ll get a crew over there to move them back to our ranch and restring the fence again.”

“Bye, Boss. Do you want some help Heath?” asked Davey as he and Jack walked to the door.

“Sure, let's get going. Sue, I’ll see you later.” said Heath as he walked out the door.

Nick watched as the look on Sue’s face darkened as she watched Heath leave the room. Trying to come up in her mind for the reason for the look of shame on his face when Victoria was in the room.

“Sue, are you feeling better?” asked Nick softly.


“I asked if you were feeling better.”

“Yea, thanks Nick. I’d feel a whole lot better if I could leave this bed,” smiled Sue.

Nick laughed, “I know exactly what you mean. Sue, how long have you known Heath?”

“About six years now, give or take a few weeks. I offered him a job on our ranch when I first met him.”

“So, how long did he work for you?” asked Nick offhandedly.

Sue gazed at Nick and quietly spoke, “He worked for us for about four years. He’s a great asset on any ranch and he’s wonderful with horses. Why don’t you ask Heath these questions, Nick?”

Nick flushed, “I was just trying to make conversation.”

“If you were just trying to make conversation, you’d be asking questions about my ranch here, my ranch in Texas or me. Not my relationship with your brother.” said Sue firmly.

“You don’t have to get all huffy about it. I just thought.” Nick stopped as he stood up.

“You thought what, Nick?” inquired Sue curiously.

“I’m not sure he’d tell me if I did ask.” admitted Nick.

Sue nodded in agreement. “He probably won’t Nick. Heath needs to feel he’s completely safe and he can completely trust the other person before he opens up to anyone. He doesn’t like to discuss some things.”

“What kind of things?” asked Nick with a hopeful expression.

“You have to learn what you want from Heath. I won’t break any confidences that I have with him, Nick.” sighed Sue wearily.

“I just thought maybe you could help me get him settled in more here. You’re such a good friend, I’d think ya’d want him to be happy.” said Nick frustrated at the lack of knowledge she was sharing.

“Well, you’re his brother! Don’t you want him to be happy here?” snapped Sue angrily.

“Of course I do!” shouted Nick. “What kind of question is that?”

“Well, when you come in here asking all these questions, what did you think I’d think. If you love him, you’d ask him yourself instead of trying to weasel the information out of me!” shouted Sue as her face grimaced from the pounding in her head.

“What is going on in here!” asked Victoria firmly as she looked at Nick and Sue.

Sue winced, “Sorry, Mrs. Barkley. Just a little misunderstanding.”

“Sorry, Mother. I was just leaving.” said Nick as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and left the room.

“Are you okay, Miss Weston” asked Victoria concerned at the paleness of her face.

“I’m fine. My head is just throbbing a little and my shoulder hurts some.” admitted Sue.

“How about some laudanum? That will help with the pain.”

“No, thanks! That stuff knocks me out.” shivered Sue. “I can handle the pain for now. I think I’ll take a little nap.”

Victoria smiled as she gazed at the lovely young woman, “Anytime, Miss Weston. I’ll check on you in a few hours. Get some rest and I’ll keep all your admirers away for the afternoon.”

Sue chuckled as she pulled the covers up to her chin and closed her eyes, “Thank you, Mrs. Barkley.”


Barrett was among the crew assigned to fix the fence and round up the cattle along with Duke McCall and Scotty.

As the group of men rode to the fence, Barrett watched as Davey, Heath and Jack conversed back and forth. It became clear to Barrett that this was to be another item that Travis had not counted on, Heath’s friendship and past history with the boss and crew at the neighboring ranch.

Barrett grinned as he pictured Travis’ reaction to this news. “Of course, he’ll probably come up with someway to use this after he simmers down.” thought Barrett.

“What’s so funny?” whispered Scotty as they brought up the rear.

“Nuthin. I was just thinking of the upcoming festival and all those beauties I was gonna be dancing with.” whispered Barrett

“Taking anyone in particular?”

“Haven’t decided yet.” said Barrett as he saw they had reached the fence he had taken down.

“Barrett, you and Scotty stay here and get started on the fence. We’re gonna push the cattle back.” said Heath as he turned Charger and rode onto the Weston range.

The look of hatred on Barrett’s face was not missed by Davey Hinton as he frowned and turned his horse to follow Heath, Jack and Duke.

The four cowboys gathered the cattle as their experienced cutting horses made short work of the job. Bunching them together, they herded them towards Barkley range.

“Duke, we’ll have to check the rest of the fenceline to make sure no other sections are down.” stated Heath as they brought the cattle back on their side.

“Sure, Heath. You want Barrett and Scotty to do it?” asked Duke as he watched the two men in question restring the wire behind the cattle.

“No. I’m gonna ride it with Jack and Davey. You and the men can go back to the ranch after the fence is done.”

“Okay Heath. I’ll make sure they get this done proper this time.” grinned Duke before Heath rode off with his friends.

Barrett watched as the trio rode off down the fenceline. “Who are those guys with the boss?” asked Barrett innocently, even though he knew who they were and why they had been to the mansion.

“They’re part of the new neighbor’s crew.” explained Duke as he wondered why Barrett was asking. Duke had a suspicion that Barrett didn’t like Heath at all.

Scotty nodded as he nailed the wire in place. “I heard someone bought the Henderson ranch. That’s a real nice place there.”

“Yeah, it sure is. Too bad the Barkleys couldn’t have bought it. That place would have been a great addition to their ranch.” said Barrett as he and Scotty got back to their work. “We’ll have this completed in no time, Duke.”

Duke frowned as he watched Barrett work wondering if Barrett was up to something. “He’s just making conversation.” thought Duke.

When Barrett and Scotty completed their job, Duke dismissed them for the rest of the day.

“I’m going to town, I got an errand to run.” said Barrett as he turned his horse towards town.

“He sure is in a hurry.” stated Duke as they watched Barrett galloping away.

“Yeah, I think he figured out who he’s gonna ask to the dance.” advised Scotty as he and the boss headed back to the bunkhouse.

As they dismounted in front of the barn, they were met by Nick, “Duke, have you seen Heath?”

Duke nodded, “Good job Scotty. You’re off for the rest of the day.”

“Okay, thanks!” said Scotty as he left Duke with Nick.

“Heath’s riding the fenceline with Jack and Davey to see if any other sections are down.” explained Duke.

“Did he say what time he’d be back?”

“No, he didn’t.”

“Okay. Thanks for taking care of that fence.” said Nick as he clapped Duke on the back and walked to the house.


The sun was starting to set when Sue Weston opened her eyes that afternoon to see Charity Jones quietly reading as she sat in a chair by the bed.

“No missionary work today?” asked Sue as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“Just playing nurse for a while” teased Charity. “I see that Jack can’t leave you alone for one night.”

Sue smiled as she struggled to sit up against the headboard, closing her eyes when the room started to spin. Charity helped by propping up some pillows behind her and helping her move.

“You okay?” asked Charity with concern when Sue opened her eyes again.

“Doc says I may have dizzy spells for a little while. Nothing I haven’t had before.” reassued Sue. “How long have you been here?”

“A couple of hours. Mrs. Barkley said it was okay for me to sit here as long as I didn’t disturb you. I would have been out sooner but I stayed at the orphanage last night.” explained Charity looking guilty.

“It’s okay, Charity. Life doesn’t stop just cause some someone takes a tumble. I’m happy to see you, but don’t feel obligated.”

“Sorry, it’s just my nature.” grinned Charity.

Sue laughed as Audra came into the room, “Hi Miss Weston. How are you feeling?’

“I’d feel better if you call me Sue.”

“That’s fine with me, Sue and you can call me Audra. Can I get you anything?” asked Audra.

“No, thanks. Have you seen Heath around Audra?” inquired Sue watching as sadness flitted across Audra’s face.

“He went out to check the fenceline for other breaks with your foreman.” advised Audra. “He’ll be back later on this evening.”

“Well, so much for seeing Jack here today.” sighed Charity as Sue and Audra giggled.

“How is the festival coming?” asked Sue.

Sue listened as Audra and Charity told her of the progress the committee was making. They described the different activities that were to take place as well as the dance.

“I hope you’ll be able to make it Sue. It’ll be a good time for you to meet other people from the community.” smiled Audra.

“Sue, do you think you’ll be up to it?” inquired Charity.

“Well, I may not be able to dance but I can certainly come and meet people.” Sue pointed out to her friend.

“Has anyone asked to escort you? I’m hoping that Nick will ask you.” said Audra sweetly.

“Nick!” exclaimed Sue. “I don’t need an escort.”

Charity laughed, “Suzanne, you know that a young lady should be escorted to a dance. It is only proper.”

“I can have Davey escort me.” smiled Sue as Charity rolled her eyes.

“Who’s Davey?” asked Audra

“Davey’s her wrangler.” explained Charity. “Maybe he’s already got a date, did you think of that.”

“Charity! He just got here this morning, how can he have a date already?”

“Maybe he meets people quickly.” snickered Charity as Audra and Sue joined her.

Jarrod hearing the laughter from the guest room stopped on the way to his room. “Good afternoon Ladies. How are we today, Miss Weston?”

“Just fine and please call me Sue, Mr. Barkley.”

“Only if you call me Jarrod.” smiled Jarrod

“Jarrod, Charity and I were explaining to Sue that she needs an escort for the dance at the festival. Could you escort her?” asked Audra as Sue’s mouth dropped.

“Audra, I can get my own date if I need one, which I don’t!” exclaimed Sue as Jarrod chuckled.

“I think little sister, Sue is quite capable of that herself. Besides, I already am escorting a young lady.” apologized Jarrod. “However, perhaps another time.”

Jarrod bowed to the ladies and walked to his room with Audra and Charity’s giggling after Sue’s shocked exclaimation “What! I have to wear a dress too?”

“That poor girl will never be the same after Audra gets through with her.” thought Jarrod as he shut the door to his room.

Jarrod walked into the study and found Nick holding a glass in his hand and looking out the window towards the horizon. Jarrod poured a drink for himself and went to stand by his brother in his silent vigil.

“Want to talk about it Nick?” asked Jarrod quietly.

Nick sighed and sipped his drink, his eyes never leaving the window “No.”

“What are you looking for?”


“He’s riding the fenceline, Nick.”

“I know that. I’m watching to make sure he comes home.”

Jarrod frowned as he glanced at Nick, “What are you talking about?”

Nick ran his hand through his hair and turned to face Jarrod with a haunted look in his hazel eyes, “What if he decides he doesn’t want to stay here? Do you know Sue Weston has known him longer than his own family? She’s known him six years! What if he feels so comfortable with them, that he leaves.”

Jarrod’s stomach turned at the thought of Heath leaving and the look in Nick’s eyes. “You’re right. She has known him longer due circumstances out of our control. Heath’s very lucky to have her and the others as his friends. But Nick, that doesn’t mean he’s gonna leave.”

“I can’t lose him now, Jarrod. I don’t know what to do to make him stay!” whispered Nick as he returned to his vigil.

“I wish I could tell you something to make this pain go away, but I can’t. I’m as powerless as you in this situation. We need to make Heath see that we love him and want him to stay, no matter what.”

Jarrod put his arm around his brother’s shoulders as Nick nodded and swallowed the lump in this throat.

“I don’t know about you but I’m not giving up my brother without a fight, Nick!” Jarrod stated firmly.

Nick and Jarrod turned as they heard their Mother add, “And I’m not giving up my son, no matter how hard headed he may be!”

Victoria accepted the glass of sherry Nick handed her and sat on the chair. She waited until Jarrod and Nick had sat on the couch before she spoke.

“Boys, I think we may need the help of an ally in this battle we are about to embark on.” stated Victoria.

“What do you mean, Mother?” asked Nick.

Jarrod inquired, “Do you mean keeping Heath here as the battle?”

Victoria smiled, “Yes, that is what I mean. I love Heath and won’t let him leave.”

Nick nodded, “Yeah, but if he wants to leave, we can’t stop him. He’s a grown man, Mother! Besides, what ally are you talking about?”

“Suzanne Weston.”

“What!” exclaimed Nick as he stood up. “I tried to get her to talk about Heath, but she said she wouldn’t break any of his confidences.”

Jarrod looked at Nick, “Were you asking her questions about Heath?”

“Yea and she didn’t like it at all!”

Jarrod chuckled, “Nick, of course she’s not gonna like it! She’s very protective of her friends. Didn’t you notice that?”

Nick blushed, “I was just trying to come up with some way of helping Heath.”

Victoria smiled and gestured for Nick to sit. When he had sat again, she continued, “Nick, we’re not going to cross examine Miss Weston regarding Heath. I’m going to lay it on the line for her and ask for her assistance.”

“I don’t know, Mother.” said Nick hesitantly. “What if she tells Heath what we’re doing?”

Jarrod smiled and shook his head, “He wouldn’t like that one bit.”

“Miss Weston is the type of person who would do whatever she could for her friends. I think she’d want Heath to be happy. Besides, all she can do is say no.”

“I think you should get ready for the yelling after you ask her, Mother.” snorted Nick as Jarrod laughed.

“No, Nick. I think Miss Weston is going to see how it will be to face a determined lioness guarding her cubs.” said Jarrod smiling as he watched hope spread across the face of his brother.


John Travis sat in his sparsely furnished, drab colored living room with a glass of brandy in his hand, replaying his meeting with his silent partner, Barrett.

“Barrett, were you able to find out anything?” inquired John as he poured them a drink.

“Yep. Dr. Merar was out to the house and Scotty asked Miss Audra about it.” replied Barrett as he took a drink.

“And.” stated Travis as he fought down the annoyance at how Barrett seemed to be delaying his delivery of the news.

“Seems their new neighbor took a tumble from her horse. Miss Audra said she was staying with them a couple of days since her own housekeeper was out of town. Said she wasn’t hurt bad.”

“Ha! I knew something had happened. That foreman of hers is really protective of her, ain’t he.”

“Yeah and you’ll never guess in a million years what else I found out.” smirked Barrett as a frown appeared on Travis’ face.

“Seems the bastard is a friend of Miss Weston’s and her ranch crew from way back in Texas. Hell, they didn’t even raise a fuss at the Barkley cattle on their range. Just helped push them back and then rode fenceline with Heath to make sure there were no other breaks.”

Barrett watched as Travis’ blue eyes turned to ice and a chill was sent down his spine. The look on his face was of pure hatred and Barrett’s instincts told him in his gut what would happen if he ever crossed this man.

Travis sipped his drink as his mind churned with this new information. The bastard’s a friend of Miss Weston! What dumb luck! Hell, why didn’t she just die from the fall on the mountainside. Things were complicated before. Now this! Somebody must be watching out for this girl!

Barrett waited for the fireworks he had imagined would take place when he had initially thought of telling Travis of the news. None appeared, deadly silence and icy thoughts were the only things that permeated the air in the room.

Unable to wait any longer, Barrett said, “This is gonna change everything now.”

Travis sighed as his thoughts were interrupted by the droll of Barrett’s voice proclaiming the obvious. ‘Good thing I got enough brains for both of us’ thought Travis.

“Well, it does appear to put another playing piece on the board, doesn’t it?” smiled Travis watching confusion show on Barrett’s face.

“What board?”

“Barrett, you have to think of these things as games. That way you can detach yourself from your emotions and see the whole playing field as things really lay. When you move a pawn on the board, there are ramifications to the rest of the board. Strategies need to be thought out thoroughly, pieces need to be maneuvered into place and then, the attack can proceed.”

Barrett shook his head as he stood and grabbed his hat. “I don’t like games other than poker. I’ll keep my ears and eyes open and let you know what I find out.”

Travis watched the man leave, mumbling “You do that Barrett, you do that.”

Holding the glass to his forehead to stem the throbbing that was starting, Travis closed his eyes to envision his playing board, the town of Stockton, the two neighboring ranches and the mountains behind the one ranch that held the riches that would make him a wealthy man. He was the only one who knew of it, well there had been one other person, but he didn’t have to worry about him anymore.

If Abe Henderson had put his energy into building up his ranch and utilizing the grazing areas in the mountain, instead of the jealously he had directed at the Tom Barkley, he’d have found out what Travis knew.

Frowning, Travis realized he’d made a mistake when he took the opportunity the shot had provided. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but he should have thought it out more. Now Miss Weston will be more cautious. That foreman of hers probably won’t let her leave unescorted now and will be watching everything all the more.

A chuckle rose from within the depths of Travis’ dark soul until it errupted from his lips. “Waiting is so wearing on a person’s nerves! It causes jumpiness, itchy trigger fingers, loss of sleep and emotional trauma. Let the games begin!!”


Sue Weston sighed as she looked out the window over the Barkley ranch. “What a beautiful place” she thought smiling as she observed the colt frolicking in the corral under the watchful eye of his mother as the sun’s rays painted the horizon with colors of red and orange. She was startled by a knock at the door and its opening, sitting in the chair by the window, she blushed as she saw the frown on Mrs. Barkley’s face.

“Miss Weston, I see you were able to make your way out of bed.” said Victoria with a smile at the guilty look on her guest’s face.

“I was never one for laying around, Mrs. Barkley.” stammered Sue. “I needed a change of view.”

Victoria smiled, a while back Heath had told her almost the same thing when he received a concussion from flying into the side of the corral courtesy of a bronc he was busting. She placed a silver tray with the tea and cookies on the table, taking a seat opposite the young woman.

Pouring them some tea, Victoria smiled, “You’re looking much better. Did you have a nice visit with Charity this afternoon?”

“Yes, thank you Mrs. Barkley.”

“Please call me Victoria. Mrs. Barkley seems so formal. We’re neighbors and I hope we can be friends also.”

Sue smiled and nodded her head, “Only if you call me Sue. It would be an honor to consider you as my friend, Victoria.”

Victoria glanced out the window to the corral, “That’s our new colt , Sir Lucky. Heath, Duke and Audra delivered him. He was a breech. It was lucky for him and us that Heath knew how to handle it.”

“Heath’s knowledge and way with horses has always awed me.” admitted Sue as she watched the colt. “Sir Lucky is a beauty and has great lines. He shows a lot of promise for your horse operations.”

“I think that’s what Nick and Heath were counting on. I hear things are coming along well at your ranch, too.”

Sue grinned, “It looks promising. We still have a lot of work to do, but once the crew gets here we can move at a faster pace. They should be here mid week.”

“Is your whole crew coming from Texas?” inquired Victoria.

Sue shook her head and smiled, “No, not all of them. Some moved onto other jobs and some have decided to try to build their own place. I hope they succeed. There’s nothing like planting something and watching it grow or seeing all of your hard work go towards building something. We have five more men coming and Davey’s gonna meet them on the trail.”

Victoria smiled and placed her hand on Sue’s, “Watching your dreams come to fruition is a wonderous and marvelous experience. I had the same experience with my husband as we were building our future.”

“Well, I experience it with my crew who are also my family. I haven’t got any husband prospect in the near future.” snickered Sue as she sipped her tea.

“Never say never, Sue” laughed Victoria “You never know what will happen in the future, none of us do.”

“Have you been talking to Jack?” asked Sue.

“No, why?” puzzled Victoria as she watched the amusement light up her guest’s emerald eyes.

“I said almost the same thing to him on the way to Stockton. Now look at him and Charity.” groaned Sue.

Victoria laughed and was mesmerized by the confidence and poise this young lady carried with her. It had to take a strong woman to lead a team of men, earn their respect and their loyalty. From Heath’s description of her and his friends on her crew, Victoria knew she carried deeply about all those around her.

“Are you planning on raising horses, Sue? I don’t think you’ve told us what your plans for the ranch are.”

“I don’t know if I should divulge my secrets to the competition.” teased Sue as Victoria laughed.

“Mostly we run cattle and grow some grain. We’ve some horses but I’m not figuring on venturing too deep into that market. My wrangler, Davey, is a great judge of horseflesh. He’s as good as Heath and when he sees an animal that he feels would benefit us, he takes the initiative and buys it. I let him run it as he sees fit and it keeps him out of trouble.”

Sue listened as Victoria recounted some of her memories with her husband in the early days of the ranch. As Victoria spoke, Sue could see in her mind’s eye the struggles the two had faced together. They had shared a common goal and were bonded together by that goal, the love of each other and their family. His death had prematurely ended the bonding, but not the love they shared for each other.

“When Heath first came to us, I knew he was Tom’s son without a doubt. Heath is a loving and wonderful man. Our family feels complete with him here.” said Victoria.

Sue smiled, “Yes, he’s one of a kind.”

Victoria looked into her eyes and stated, “Nick’s afraid he’s going to leave because he feels more comfortable with you and your men. Sue, I need your help to understand something about Heath.”

Frowning, Sue glanced at Victoria, “I already told Nick that I wouldn’t break any confidences I have with Heath.”

“I would never ask you to break any confidence you have with him. But Heath keeps pushing us away for some reason. We love him but he told Nick he’s not good enough to be my son.” said Victoria softly watching darkness spread across Sue’s face.

Swallowing and looking out the window, Sue rubbed her eyes with her hand. Gaining control of her voice, she responded softly. “Heath is a very special person. I’ve never met a braver individual in my life. His life hasn’t been easy, Victoria. His mother should have told you about him.”

“Sue, I love him as if he were my own son and I don’t want to lose him either.” stated Victoria softly

Sue sighed, “I can see the love you have for Heath in your eyes when you speak his name. Heath’s a very proud and stubborn man but sometimes he don’t use the sense the good lord gave him.”

“I think a lot of us are that way.” smiled Victoria.

Grinning back, Sue said, “I’ll speak to him to see what’s going through that mind of his, Victoria. I’ve an inkling of why he may think something like that.”

“Thank you! We appreciate anything that you can do to help convince Heath this is where he should be.”

Sue nodded, “I can’t make any promises though. Heath’s his own man and will do what he feels is right for him.”

Victoria rose from her seat, walked over and gave a startled Sue a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “All Barkley men are too stubborn for their own good.”

Sue laughed as Victoria picked up the tray, winked and walked down to the kitchen.

Sue turned her gaze to the window, wondering at the feeling of happiness she had experienced when Victoria had given her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “That must be how it feels to be loved by a mother.”
