"One Too Many"


Logline: We join the boys for an evening out in Stockton. Nick is paying off a bet he owed his little brother.

  "Thanks, Doc." Nick growled in an embarrassed monotone.

"No problem, Nick. You never did explain how Heath fell off the roof of the saloon." Howard softly chuckled. "Good thing it's a short drop."

Nick shook his head, as he threw his drunken brother's arm over his shoulder then behind his neck and hauled him toward the door, "No I didn't, not sure it's a story that should be told."

Howard opened the door and assisted Nick in getting Heath up onto Cocoa's sturdy frame.

"Oh now Nick, believe it or not, I was young and foolhardy once upon a time."

"Maybe you could share that with Mother when you come out tomorrow." Nick smiled impishly.

Both the doctor and Nick paused as they listened to Heath start into the same verse of "She'll Be Comin' Around the Mountain" for about the four hundredth time. In between verses Heath had rambled on about how Hannah had taught him the song when he was a boy.

"I'll say one thing, Nick, your brother there is a happy drunk. He sure turns into quite the talker when he's taken in too much of the liquid spirits. Not a bad singer either," the old doctor chortled.

Nick couldn't help but smile at Howard's comment. Nick struggled to get up behind Heath and watched as the old doctor headed down the street to fetch Charger. The dark haired Barkley shook his head trying to clear some of his own cobwebs. He too had been drinking, but no where near the amount that his little brother had managed to consume. Nick paused and thought about the evening while he waited for Howard to return. He knew that he needed to have his story straight for all the questions that would come his way once they arrived home. Unfortunately Heath would be no help.

It partially was his fault, Nick thought. He enjoyed Heath drunk. Soaking up some alcohol seemed to open the boy up, giving him the willingness to express his feelings and talk about himself. But Nick knew that he should have insisted on some dinner before they headed to the saloon. Heath had skipped lunch and without dinner the younger Barkley became snookered early on. Nick had to pay off a bet that allowed Heath to take in all the liquor he could hold. The older Barkley had left the younger alone, sitting on the sidewalk in front of the saloon while he went to fetch their horses. Nick knew that if he didn't get Heath up on a horse soon, he'd never get him home. It was amazing how much beer and whiskey a man could take in when someone else was footin' the tab. Heath could barely stand, so Nick thought leaving him alone for a few minutes wouldn't be a problem. His little brother was singin' away as he left him. Singin' so loudly that anyone with in hollerin' distance could hear the drunken chorus. Nick's first clue that trouble was afoot should have been when the music stopped, however he just figured Heath had fallen asleep or had been told to shut his big yap.

As Nick approached the saloon, Heath was no longer where he had been told to wait. Nick looked up and down the dark main street of Stockton and saw no sign of his brother.

Suddenly...from up above Nick heard his name and then that giddy laugh Heath produced when he'd slung back a few beers too many. There he was atop the saloon, stripped down to his long johns waving his hat in the air.

"Nick, Nickie, Boy Howdy, what ya lookin' for?" Heath merrily slurred out.

"Heath, what the hell are you doin' up there, and where's your damn clothes?" Nick bellowed.

While still waving his hat high in the air, the tipsy blonde answered, sounding a bit insulted.

"I was just trying to catch my Big Brother some of these fine stars. Look at 'em Nick! There must be a million of 'em. Mama always said, reach for the stars Heath, stand as tall and shine as bright. I just wanted to catch a few for ya', 'cause you sure know how to stand tall and shine."

Again, Nick had to smile. It figured that Heath had reason, though it was an impossible drunken thought! The younger Barkley was now teetering on the edge of the roof as he tried to communicate to Nick on the street down below.

"That's mighty nice of you, Heath. But maybe you should come down. Where are your clothes?" Nick asked again, trying to soften his tone.

Heath did a quick spin that almost threw him off the roof, but somehow he managed to work himself further up the side of the structure.

"Over there Nick. Got too hot, had to take 'em off."

Nick shook his head, as Heath started singing again while walking to the left side of the building. Heath retrieved his clothes and again walked dangerously close to the edge of the roof facing his brother.

"Nick, see... here's my clothes. A man should always know where he left his pants. Right Big Brother? I take good care of these first-class duds, never had such topnotch things," the blonde Barkley shared as he leaned a little to far over the edge.

"Heath, back up!" Nick shouted.

The warning was too late as Heath, with clothes in tow came flying down like a bird with a broken wing. Wham! Nick could do nothing but watch as Heath landed hard against the hitching post outside the saloon.

Nick's thoughts were interrupted by Heath's swaying in the saddle.

"Heath, sit still, will ya. We'll be headin' home in a few minutes."

"Home?" Heath questioned.

"That's right, Little Brother...home." Nick answered.

Howard joined the two Barkley's, handing Charger's reins up to Nick.

"Hey there, Doc. Are you goin' home with us?"

"No Heath, I'm coming out to see you tomorrow morning. Nick, hold on one minute, I've decided to send some medicine home with you." Howard gestured, holding one finger in the air, then hurried back into his office.

"I don't recall him being so small." Heath sputtered into Nick's ear.

"Is that a fact? You're on a damn horse, Heath. Howard was on the sidewalk." Nick's tone told that he was again loosing his patience.

"Horse...well I'll be. Hey there Cocoa." Heath leaned forward, patting their mount on the neck. The forward motion suddenly making the injured Barkley aware of the pain in his head.

"Whew, Nic..., my head." Heath gasped out as he wavered side to side.

"I know, it hurts, Heath. Why don't ya just lean back against me and be quiet." Nick instructed as he eased Heath to rest against him.

Doctor Merar had come out of his office in time to catch Nick trying to quiet his brother.

"Here ya go, Nick," the physician said as he handed the dark haired Barkley a paper sack.

"Some salicin powder for his aches and pains. Believe me, he'll be hurting come morning. The salve is to be used on the gash, right over top of the stitches. I'm still amazed that the boy didn't break a few bones. I guess the alcohol kept him relaxed as he fell. You saw that he is already starting to color up, he'll have some nice bruising. Now you remember what I told you about waking him every hour and asking him some questions that he should know the answers to. He seems like he's gonna be fine, but we need to be sure. Oh, just a friendly warning, between his stomach churning from all the drinking and the good wallop to his head expect some possible vomiting. Tell your Mother that I'll be by to check him in the morning, closer to noon."

"I remember, Doc. I'm not that drunk." Nick assured.

"Seems like he's quieted down some" the good doctor noticed, coming close enough to get a better look at his patient.

"Yeah," Nick agreed. " I think he's startin' to feel some of that ache you were talkin' about. I'll get him home. Thanks for everything, Howard. Let's go, Heath." Nick clucked at Cocoa to move him forward, nodded at Howard, and rode off with Charger following close behind.


About twenty-five minutes into their journey home, Nick noticed Heath's breathing change. Seems nap time was going to end. Nick just hoped that another round of "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain" wouldn't begin.

Nick heard Heath sniff once, then twice.

"You smell right pretty, just like Audra." Heath stumbled on his words, but his chuckle couldn't be missed.

"Pretty! What ya sayin', Boy?" Nick sassed back.

"Just sayin', that new perfume you bought is nice", the blonde explained convincingly.

"Ain't perfume! Vera said it was a manly scent, kinda outdoorsy and for the record...she bought it for me." Nick staunchly defended himself.

"A mixture of leather, flowers...and cow, I'd call that outhousey!" Heath laughed as he stuck his nose close to Nick's neck and took in another big whiff.

"You better get that snoot of yours away from my neck or I'll let you slide right off this horse and you can walk home", Nick baited putting on his best threatening voice.

Before Heath could torment his brother any further, he felt a giant ache in his gut as his stomach started to roll.

Nick felt his brother's back arch and heard the cough that was accompanied by some gagging. Quickly, Cocoa was brought to a stop and Nick tightened his grip around Heath's waist while pushing him to the left so that whatever was coming up would hit the ground and not both of them and their horse. The blonde vomited for what seemed like forever. When he had finished, Nick noticed that his brother was warm, clammy and even more weary than before. Heath's head now ached with a vengeance as all the blood rushed to his head when he dangled forward and the cool night air caused him to shudder as his body reacted to the events taking place.

Nick settled Heath back against him, then removed his bandana from around his neck. Working around his brother's limp frame, he grabbed his canteen and soaked the cloth and started dabbing around Heath's mouth.

"Heath, take a small swig so you can rinse your mouth."

The blonde did as instructed and once again Nick shifted his brother so that he could spit out the foul water.

"Well, talkin' about smells that sure ain't pretty," Nick teased, as he eased his brother back.

Heath's only response was a soft painful moan. Nick shifted so he could look at his brother's face. The sick man looked like he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Nick, where are we?"

"Heading home, Little Brother, heading home." An older brother's concern was evident on his face. Just minutes before Heath had been playful, his voice still thick as the alcohol controlled his tongue. Now...He sounded confused, unsure of where they were and what they were doing. Nick decided that the rest of the trip home would be made in better time. He had been taking the ride slow and steady for Heath's benefit, but now it seemed best to get him home and in bed as soon as possible.

"Rest easy, Heath. We'll be home soon."


"Nick, Sweetheart, why don't you go to bed? I'll sit with him." Victoria urged as she sat down on the bed beside her sleeping blonde son.

"In about a half hour it will be time to wake him again. Maybe then I'll catch some shut eye," Nick answered in a melancholy voice.

"How's he been doing?" Victoria questioned as she raked Heath's hair from the front of the bandage, her hand falling to his cheek in a gentle caress.

"Better... hasn't been sick for the last couple hours. I'm hopin' that's over with. Last time I woke him he was a bit miffed, told me to stop wakin' him up to ask dumb questions." Nick couldn't help but smile when he thought of that scowl his brother wore as he told him to leave him alone.

"It's good to see you smile, it tells me you're not as worried as when you first arrived home. I told you he'd be fine," Victoria assured.

"Guess I was feelin' both worry and guilt. Never thought I would feel so responsible for him, for his well-being. I let him down tonight," Nick confessed, his voice sounding dog-tired. "What kind of older brother am I."

"Sweetheart, I guess I see tonight quite differently. Now, I am by no means condoning the fact that you two went out drinking until one was drunk enough to stumbled off a roof, however it seems to be what men do at times for some unexplained reason. I am sorry that your brother was hurt, but I think he showed you just how much he trusts you tonight. How many times have you seen him allowing himself to get into this kind of condition? Not many. When Heath allows himself to let go it is always with his brothers. He has confidence you'll take care of him, just as you trust he'll take care of you." Victoria took her dark haired son's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"You always know what to say, Mother. How did you become so wise?" Nick asked, returning the grip on her hand.

"A mother knows her children, it's God's gift of maternal wisdom. Now go get some sleep I'll stay with Heath."

Nick slowly got up from his chair and kissed his Mother on the cheek.

"Thanks, Mother. 'Night, Little Brother. See you in a few hours."

As Nick left the room he turned to take one more look at the man who had become his best friend, his brother.

"You deserve a hat full of stars yourself, Heath. Your Mama would be proud."


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