
Kristina woke up the next morning, her hair escaping from the braid down her back, her clothes wrinkled She looked at the clock in her room.

Nine O'clock. She gasped in fright. She grabbed a simple red dress out of her closet and dressed quickly. She rushed out of her room and ran down the master staircase two steps at a time. She rushed into the dining room.

Victoria and Audra were still at the table. Victoria smiled at her granddaughter. "Good morning, Dear. I trust you slept well," Victoria said.

"I guess. Where's Jaddy and Mr. Barkley? Kristina asked.

"Your brother is working with your uncles and grandfather on the chores and your father is in Stockton at his office. Sit down and your Aunt Audra will fix you a plate," Victoria said.

"I can do it," Kristina said.

Kristina filled the plate with fried eggs, bacon, and biscuits. She poured a glass of milk and sat down. She ate the food carefully, relishing each bite.

"So, dear, what do you plan to do today?" Victoria asked.

"I have to run an errand as soon as I eat," Kristina said in between bites of her bacon.

She swallowed her milk and took her plate and glass to the kitchen. She walked out to the barn and saddled a horse. She mounted and rode away to the creek.

"David! David!" Kristina yelled when she got to the river.


Between the time that David and Kristina had said goodbye, David had gotten into trouble. The trouble had landed David into jail.

At exactly the same time that Kristina had gone to the creek, Jarrod had come to the cell.

"I'm Jarrod Barkley, Attorney-at-law," Jarrod said.

"Another Barkley? It must be my lucky week for meeting Barkleys," David said.

"What do you mean, Boy?" Jarrod asked.

“I met a Barkley yesterday. Some pretty looking girl with long black hair," David said.

"That must have been my daughter Kristina you met," Jarrod said.

"Oh. She did say her father was Jarrod Barkley. I'm sorry we made you worry, Counselor" David said.

"How did you and Kristina meet?" Jarrod asked.

"I kind of saved her from a rattlesnake yesterday," David said.

"My daughter didn't tell me anything about you last night," Jarrod said.

"I'm not surprised. Yesterday I got the impression she didn't care much for you. Did she get in trouble for being late?" David asked.

"Yes. I lost my temper and yelled at her. I hugged her and kissed her ear to make it up to her. She didn't like it," Jarrod said.

"She promised to get me a job yesterday. She said she'd talk to you and ask," David said.

"Ill talk to her tonight. If I can prove you innocent I'll make sure you'll get a job at the ranch," Jarrod said.

"Well, like I told Kristina, here's hoping," David said. Jarrod and David shook hands to seal the bargain.


Kristina was reading one of her father's law books in the study, when Jarrod walked in. She didn't see her father sit on the couch next to her.

Jarrod touched her ear with his fingertip to get her attention. She slapped at his finger as she closed the book. She looked at her father.

"I met your friend David Leonard today, Kristina. Why didn't you tell me about the snake last night?" Jarrod asked.

"Would you have believed me, Mr. Barkley?" Kristina asked.

"Of course I would have. Kristina, I would have been a whole lot easier on you last night," Jarrod said.

He took her into his arms and hugged her. He laid one hand on her cheek; the other hand was entwined in her long black hair. He rubbed her face with his hand.

Kristina felt the tears come back as her father's gentle fingers brushed her ear.

"Mr. Barkley, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry," Kristina said.

"Shhh, it's all right. I shouldn't have lost my temper. Do you forgive me for being angry, Kristina?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes Sir," Kristina said.

"Kristina, before we get on the subject of David Leonard I like to ask you something. Do you think that you can call me "Father," like your brother does?" Jarrod asked.

"I don't know, Sir. I feel a little uncomfortable here, so I don't know what to call anyone except Jaddy," Kristina said, doubtfully.

"Would you like to try calling me that?" Jarrod asked.

"I guess, Mr. -uh, I mean, Father," Kristina said, stumbling over the words slightly.

"I love you, Kristina," Jarrod said. He leaned over to kiss her forehead.

Kristina stood up, her vibrant blue eyes filled with pain. "You don't even know me. You want to know why I had trouble with the snake? I was getting away from YOU!" Kristina yelled the last word.

She took the heavy law book in her arms and walked away.

"Kristina!" Jarrod sharply orders. She turned to face him. "I won't have you talking like this. I've done everything to make you happy living here with me. What is it you want?" Jarrod asked.

"What do you think? I want to go home to my mother," Kristina said.

So underneath the child's anger is a longing for her mother, Jarrod thought.

"I'm sorry Kristina, but you can't go back to Pinewood," Jarrod said.

"Why not?" Kristina asked.

“Your mother asked me to bring you here. She was dying when I when I came and got you, Honey," Jarrod said.

"So that means I can't go back to Pinewood, ever," Kristina said miserably.

"That's right, Honey," Jarrod said.

She turned to hide her tears. Jarrod turned her face back to him. She buried her face in Jarrod's chest and cried her heart out. Jarrod half-dragged half-carried her to the living room. It was time to talk about David to her and the family.

Jaddy looked up as his father and sister came into the room. Kristina's face was in Jarrod's chest and Jaddy could hear the choked cries in Kristina's throat.

"Kris, what's wrong?" Jaddy asked, alarmed.

"Jaddy, Father said that Mama is dead. Is she?" Kristina asked.

"I'm afraid so, Sis. Father told you the truth," Jaddy said.

Kristina’s blue eyes filled with tears and they ran down her cheeks in torrents.

"Jarrod, what's wrong?" Victoria asked.

"Mother, I have a new client to defend and he's a 16-year-old boy," Jarrod said.

"Son, you don't need our permission to defend him. What did he do?" Tom asked.

"Father, David Leonard was said to steal food," Jarrod said.

"David didn't steal! He wouldn't do that!" Kristina said, wiping her eyes furiously.

"I know that, Honey. I believe that he didn't steal that food either. But I need to now if you'll side with me in defending him," Jarrod said, putting his hands on Kristina's shoulders.

"Father, he saved my life. I say yes" Kristina said. The whole family voiced their agreement to back Jarrod's defense of David.


Later that night as Kristina was brushing her hair to get ready for bed. Kristina felt this new respect for Jarrod. She may have never known her father like Jaddy did. But this new respect for this man that she had to call "Father" was something that she was ready to acknowledge.


The next day Kristina went with her father to town for the first time since she had arrived in Stockton. Kristina was wearing her boy's clothes again.

"Father, can you defend David?" Kristina asked.

"I can try, Honey," Jarrod said.

"But what do you need me for?" Kristina asked.

"You saw him two days ago. I may need you as a witness in the courtroom," Jarrod said.

He patted her knee affectionately. She laid her head against Jarrod's arm. Since her bout with the croup she had slight dizzy spells and headaches. Jarrod kissed her forehead tenderly.

He pulled up in front of his office. Mrs. Genness, the nosiest woman in town, noticed them as Jarrod helped Kristina down.

"Counselor, how nice to see you! This must be your Kristina! The whole town has been talking of how your wife Beth hid her from you," the woman said.

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Genness. And yes, this is my daughter, Kristina," Jarrod said, hiding his anger at the woman's remarks about his wife and daughter.

"Welcome to Stockton. I trust your father is going into a dither raising you, considering you never had one," Mrs. Genness said.

"I suppose so, Ma'am," Kristina said politely, trying to forget the slurs against her mother.

Mrs. Genness took one good look at the boy's clothes that Kristina wore. "Counselor, this girl of yours is hardly feminine dressing like a boy," Mrs. Genness said, snootily.

Kristina looked down, hiding the anger in her eyes.

"My daughter will dress in whatever way she deems comfortable. If she's comfortable in these clothes it's her lookout not yours. So good day to you, Mrs. Genness. Come along, Kristina," Jarrod said.

"Yes Father," Kristina said.

Jarrod and Kristina walked along in silence for a few minutes.

"Father, thank you," Kristina said.

"You’re welcome. You're my daughter. It's no one's place to insult how my best girl dresses," Jarrod said.

Kristina looked down the road, then reached up and kissed his cheek. It was the first open act of affection that she had shown since she arrived in Stockton.

"What was that for?" Jarrod asked.

"Gratitude. That you stood up for me," Kristina said.

"You're a Barkley In this town people don't normally insult us," Jarrod said.

"She insulted my mother though. You didn't stand up for her," Kristina said accusingly.

"I couldn't let those comments go because I heard them all a long time ago when your mother first ran away," Jarrod said.

"So those comments about Mama were really old?" Kristina said.

"Very old. Don't let them get you down. I've forgotten all the snide comments years ago," Jarrod said.

Kristina and Jarrod stopped at the jail cell and opened the door to the sheriff's office.

Jarrod and Kristina entered the jail cell to visit David. Since Jarrod had last talked to David, David paced the cell constantly. David stopped pacing when he saw Kristina.

"Miss Barkley!" David exclaimed.

"Mr. Leonard, are you all right? Are they feeding you well?" Kristina asked.

"Of course, Miss Barkley. The food is quite adequate," David said.

"Do you even know what adequate means?" Kristina asked.

"No. I heard Counselor Barkley use it yesterday. I liked how it sounded," David said.

Kristina laughed gently. "I'm sorry if I didn't meet you yesterday, Kristina. I may call you Kristina, may I?" David asked.

"Of course. If I may call you David," Kristina said.

"You may, Kristy," David said.

"David, Father promises to help you," Kristina said, walking to David's jail cell. David took her hand and kissed her knuckle lightly.

Fred Madden unlocked the jail cell and Jarrod and Kristina walked in. Kristina sat on the cot next to David. Jarrod sat across from them in a chair.

"Okay David, where were you at nine o'clock in the evening two days ago?" Jarrod asked.

David looked at Kristina. "I was with her. She walked longer than intended and if you remember it was pitch-black when I brought her back to the ranch," David said.

"He's right. I thought it was 10 or11 when I came back," Kristina said.

"I'll ask your grandmother what time you came in. That night I was so upset I didn't see the time," Jarrod said.

"David, did you go anywhere after you dropped me off?" Kristina asked.

"No. Except back to my camp to eat dinner and sleep," David said.

"What did you eat?" Jarrod asked.

"Beef jerky and beans, Counselor," David said.

Kristina wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I know it's disgusting, Kris, but it's all I had," David said.

"Well, that'll be all for now. Come along, Kristina," Jarrod said, extending his hand.

"Will you be all right here?" Kristina asked.

"I will be all right, Kristina," David said.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the trial, David. Kristina, it's time to leave," Jarrod said.

"Yes Father," Kristina said.

Jarrod wrapped his arm around Kristina's shoulder and called for Fred.


The ride home was quiet. Halfway back to the ranch Kristina finally broke the silence.

"Father, do you think David's guilty?" Kristina asked.

"Do you want my honest answer, Kristina?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes Father. I want your honest answer," Kristina said.

"I think he's innocent. But this town's hard on people who are strangers. You saw what happened firsthand with Mrs. Genness and what she said about your mother and your clothes. It's the same with your Uncle Heath. This boy will be hard to keep out of jail," Jarrod said.

"But you can do it, can't you?" Kristina asked.

Jarrod stopped the rig and looked into her clear blue eyes.

"I won't make any promises Honey, but I'll try to keep David out of jail," Jarrod massaged her high cheekbone with his soft hand.

"Father, can I ask you a question? I mean you don't have to tell me anything. I just want to know," Kristina said.

"What?" Jarrod asked.

"Did you love Mama? She told me you didn't when I asked her one time," Kristina said.

"That's a good question. I've thought a lot about it in the past thirteen years. I think I did love her and Jarrod, but what happened was I put being a lawyer over them. So your mother thought I didn't love her," Jarrod said.

"Are you happy that Jaddy and me are here?" Kristina asked.

"Yes. You are my daughter and I am happy to know that you exist. I lost you and your mother once and I won't make that same mistake twice," Jarrod said.

"Father, I'm sorry for the way I was when I first came here. I love you, Father," Kristina said, burying her face in Jarrod's shoulder.

"I love you too, Honey," Jarrod said, kissing her ear. Kristina laughed to herself over the kiss Jarrod gave her. The two days ago when Jarrod had kissed her ear she had wiped her ear off in disgust. It now seemed kind of funny that now she wanted him to kiss her ears and hug her.


Early the next morning the whole town gathered in the courtroom, with Judge Adam Cross presiding over the proceedings and Timothy Spiegel as the prosecuting attorney.

Spiegel was a sharp-nosed man with thinning brown hair and steel-gray eyes. He looked back at the Barkley clan in contempt. The whole family was there in silent support for Jarrod and Kristina.

Kristina sat between Audra and Heath, trying to control her nervous breathing while she wrung her hands.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Adam Cross," the bailiff said.

Everyone stood as a 75 year old man entered the room and sat on the judge's bench.

"Who's the defense?" Judge Cross asked.

"Jarrod Barkley for the defense your honor," Jarrod said, rising.

The judge acknowledged Jarrod's presence.

"The prosecution may call its first witness," Judge Cross said.

"The prosecution calls Louisa Burke," Spiegel said.

A thin, gaunt woman went up to the witness stand. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?" The bailiff asked, with a Bible in his hands.

Mrs. Burke put her hand on the Bible and swore to tell the truth.

"Where were you Wednesday night at nine o'clock?" Spiegel asked.

"The dressmaker's shop. I was just leaving and I saw a young man at the store," Mrs. Burke said.

"Is that young man here in this courtroom?" Mr. Spiegel asked.

"Yes. He's over there," Mrs. Burke, pointing to David, who was sitting next to Jarrod.

"She's lying!!!!!!!" Kristina bolted to her feet and screamed.

Everyone in the courtroom turned and looked at Kristina. Her blue eyes were blazing and her face was red with anger.

"Young lady, sit down or I'll hold you in contempt of court," Judge Cross said.

Kristina looked at her father. He was not particularly upset that she spoke-or screamed- out of turn. He looked almost amused at her display of temper.

Kristina smiled briefly and sat down, but not before she heard an insult. "Apparently Beth Barkley never taught her children that they should be seen and not heard," A snooty voice said.

"Your honor, may I approach the bench?" Kristina asked.

"Yes, Miss Barkley," Judge Cross said.

Kristina ran up to the bench and whispered violently. "This is a court of law not a town sewing bee! Keep your court quiet! And tell them that I said that next person who makes a comment about my mother is going to get a decent whuppin'!" Kristina hissed.

"Very well. Miss Barkley and myself have heard the comments regarding Beth Barkley and her children. Anymore comments about them and YOU'LL be held in contempt of court," Cross said.

Kristina grinned and went back to her seat. "No further questions, your Honor," Spiegel said.

Jarrod stood up to his full height of 6ft. "Mrs. Burke, how can you be certain that this is the boy? I have it on good authority that this boy was somewhere else at the time the robbery happened," Jarrod said.

"It was him," Mrs. Burke said.


The next two hours were endless as witness after witness was called up. Finally Jarrod called a recess.

"Your Honor, I request a recess for two hours," Jarrod said.

"Motion granted, Counselor Barkley," Judge Cross said.

"Thank you, your Honor," Jarrod said.

Sheriff Madden took David out of the courtroom handcuffed.

Jarrod draped his arms around his son and daughter's shoulders. Kristina placed her hand on Jarrod's stomach as they walked to the Cattleman's for lunch.


Halfway through the meal Kristina walked over to her father, who was drinking his second cup of coffee. Jarrod was talking to Nick and Heath about the trial. Kristina wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"What do you want?" Jarrod asked.

"How do you know I want anything?" Kristina asked.

"I'm your father. I know everything," Jarrod said, patting her hand.

"Okay then all-knowing Father. I wanted to ask if I could go see David," Kristina said, going along with Jarrod's teasing.

"Did you finish everything on your plate?" Jarrod asked.

"Yes Father. Please may I go? I have to make sure he's all right," Kristina pleaded, her bright blue eyes sparkling.

Jarrod took one look into her eyes and felt himself giving in. "All right. I suppose you can go. Just make sure you ask Fred for the time and be in the courtroom by 1:45 P.M.," Jarrod said, strictly.

"Yes Father," She leaned over and kissed his cheek and hugged him. She breathed in the rich smell of his cologne and cognac on his linen gray jacket.

"You better get going, Kristina if you want to see David," Heath suggested.

"I'm going, Uncle Heath. I'm just enjoying being with my father. I feel bad sometimes that I didn't have a father growing up," Kristina said.

"I know what you mean. When I was little I didn't have a father to care for me, either," Heath said.

"Uncle Heath, can you tell me everything? You know how you became part of this family?" Kristina asked.

"Of course I'll tell you," Heath said.

Kristina felt a slight understanding between her uncle and herself. Heath was born of Tom Barkley and another woman named Leah Thomson. Heath didn't come to the Barkley family until he was 14 years old. Kristina felt she and her uncle were both alike. Heath and Tom got along fairly well and Kristina wanted that relationship with the stranger she had to call "Father." Maybe Uncle Heath could give her advice on how to get along with Jarrod and love him at the same time.

"Father, can Uncle Heath escort me to the jail?" Kristina asked.

"Of course he can. If he wants to," Jarrod said.

Heath held his arm out to her in a gentlemanly fashion. She threaded her arm through his arm and both walked to the jail.

The five minutes it took to get there, Heath laid his whole life story to his young niece. He dropped her off at the jail.


The next hour and 15 minutes David and Kristina talked undisturbed. When Kristina left it was the last time anyone saw of her in the next few days.

15 minutes later in the courtroom Jarrod looked back to where his family was seated. He leaned over to where his son sat.

"Jarrod, is Kristina ever late for anything?" Jarrod asked.

"No. She's never late for anything. She'd die before she's late. Uncle Heath, you did drop her off at the jail? You didn't see her leave and go somewhere else did you?" Jaddy asked.

"No Jaddy. I took her straight to the jail. She assured me she could find her way here," Heath said.

Jarrod shuffled the papers on his desk as he tried not to think of his little girl in trouble. Fred and David walked into the courtroom. David's hands were handcuffed. He pushed a strand of dirty blond hair out of his eyes.

He looked behind him to catch a glimpse of Kristina. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at her empty seat. Jarrod sat down next to his client.

"Counselor, where's Kristina?" David whispered, worried.

"We don't know, David. Did she leave the jail at 1:30?" Jarrod asked

"Yeah. The sheriff told her when it was time to go," David said.

Jarrod looked back at his daughter's empty seat. When the court proceedings started up again, Jarrod stood up on his feet.

"Your Honor, my key witness is missing. I request a recess until we find her," Jarrod said, keeping the worry out of his voice with great difficulty.

"Recess granted until the witness is found. And Jarrod, I hope you find your daughter," Judge Cross said.

The Barkley men, Sheriff Madden, and David start the search for Kristina.


Meanwhile Kristina was tied, gagged, drugged, and put into an abandoned mineshaft. When she woke up she moved her head from left to right to clear the groggy feeling.

She tried to move her numb feet. They were sore from the tight ropes digging into her ankles. She tried to move her hands, but they were tied behind her back.

She tried to move, but instantly felt the wooden post her back was braced against. She tried to bend the post, but it stood sturdy against her added weight.

She remembered the pocketknife in her tan pants. She bunched up her legs to try to reach her left pocket. It took all her willpower not to scream as the ropes bit further into her ankles.

She groped the knife with her cold fingers and managed to get it open with one hand. She took the knife and held it taut with the rope. She started to cut at the ropes binding her wrists.

The rope gave away as the sharp knife cut through it. Kristina unfastened the gag in her mouth and the ropes that tied her ankles.

She rubbed her bruised wrists gently. She looked down at her clothes. Besides being wrinkled, her oatmeal-colored chambray shirt was ripped at the right sleeve. Kristina examined the rip. Apparently the sleeve was beyond repair. When the sleeve ripped, the seams in it got frayed.

Must have happened when I tried to get away, Kristina thought.

She rubbed the circulation back into her cold feet, like Jaddy told her to when she was little.

She stood dizzily to her feet and fought the nausea that threatened to overtake her momentarily. She made her way to the entrance into a cold torrential downpour. Night fell as Kristina got drenched to the bone going back to her father's house.


The next morning, after a fruitless night of worry and waiting, the Barkleys continued the search. Jarrod was on his horse, Beowulf next to Nick and his father.

"Pappy, did you sleep last night? You look terrible," Nick said.

"No Brother Nick. I stayed up half the night worrying," Jarrod said, buttoning his jacket.

"Jarrod, we'll find her. Stop worrying," Tom said.

"I know we'll find her, Father. I just hope she found shelter against that rainstorm last night," Jarrod said, trying not to think of the bitter rain from last night.

Tom started to bark orders to the ranch hands. "My granddaughter is out there by herself. If any of you see her, fire three rounds from your pistols and we'll come at the signal," Tom shouted.

The Barkleys and the ranch hands split up in different directions.


5 miles from Stockton, Kristina moved sluggishly about. Her clothes were muddy and little tears were in the sleeves of her shirt.

Her face was cut and bleeding from the countless tree branches that struck her during the night. She collapsed in front of a ravine and passed out completely.


When she woke up, she was in a cabin, a fire blazing in before her. A red-haired woman was stirring a pot of food.

Kristina's bones cracked as she moved her hand to her face. She gasped in pain. The woman turned at the sound.

"Well, well, welcome back to the land of the living," the woman said.

"Who are you?" Kristina asked.

"Maybelle Williams. What's your name?" Maybelle asked.

"Kristina Barkley," Kristina said.

The name Kristina gave stopped Maybelle in mid-stir. "Barkley? You're a Barkley?" Maybelle asked.

"Yes. Please take me home. My father should be scared for me by now," Kristina said.

"Who's your father?" Maybelle asked.

"Jarrod Barkley," Kristina said.

Maybelle poured some soup into a wooden bowl. Kristina ate the soup, greedily. Then she fell asleep into a warm, dreamless sleep. Maybelle sat and watched her sleep.

Jarrod Barkley. Maybelle remembered the fancy lawyer who dumped her into the horse's trough at the Barkley ranch when she was a guest at the ranch.

So Jarrod had gotten married. Maybelle found herself wondering what Kristina thought of her father.


The next day Maybelle and Kristina went toward the ranch. Kristina was still sore and running a slight fever from her exposure to the cold rain.

Fortunately the rain didn't dull her senses and make her delirious. Maybelle proceeded to tell Kristina about Jarrod and the water trough. Before long Kristina was laughing at the story. She was laughing so hard that Maybelle had to grab her shoulder to keep her from falling out of the saddle.

"Maybelle did Father really do that?" Kristina asked.

"Honesty. Your Aunt Audra got hurt and it was my fault. I was 15 at the time and your pa was fit to be tied. He just picked me up and threw me in," Maybelle said.

Kristina started to laugh again. "Why were you at the ranch to begin with?" Kristina asked.

"I was framed by Billy Joe Gaines, my boyfriend, and your pa took my case," Maybelle said.

"What happened to Billy Joe?" Kristina asked.

"He was arrested and hung," Maybelle said.

"I'm sorry," Kristina said.

"It's all right. What about your ma? What is she like?" Maybelle asked.

"She had red hair and green eyes. She was very beautiful and kind," Kristina said.

"Was?" Maybelle asked.

"She died two weeks ago," Kristina said, in an overly subdued voice.

"I'm sorry," Maybelle said.

15 minutes later the sign for the Barkley Ranch came up. "I can walk from here. Thank you Maybelle," Kristina said.

"Don't mention it... Ever," Maybelle said.

Kristina grinned briefly as she dismounted and proceeded to walk the last two miles to her father's house.

Kristina waved at Maybelle with a friendly wave and disappeared in a stand of trees.


Jarrod and Jaddy had grouped up after 5 miles to the west of the ranch house.

"Any sign of her?" Both father and son asked simultaneously.

"No," Jaddy said, as Jarrod shook his head no.

"Where the devil could she be?" Jarrod asked, to no one in particular.

"Father, we'll find her. If I know Kristina, she'll be heading back to the ranch right about now," Jaddy said.

Jarrod smiled at his son and continued to search.


Kristina collapsed halfway to the ranch. Her legs and back ached and the aftereffects of the chloroform made her still sleepy. Her last thought before she blacked out was that Jarrod would find her.

Kristina slowly came back to consciousness at the sound of horses. Right now her legs hurt too much to get her moving. Kristina wracked her brains to formulate a plan to get them to hear her.

Singing. She could sing them over. Her voice wasn't the greatest voice in the world, but whoever it was could get her moving.

Kristina started to hum the tune to "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." She slowly started to sing, her voice getting higher on each note that required it.


Jaddy stopped his horse as he heard the tired voice singing. He'd know that voices anywhere. Kristina had a slight off-key voice, just like Beth did.

"Father, Kristina's real close," Jaddy said.

"How can you tell, Son?" Jarrod said.

"Do you hear that singing?" Jaddy asked.

"That's singing? It sounds like a dying cat!" Jarrod said.

"That's Kristina. Mama and Kristina never really learned how to sing really well," Jaddy said, grinning at his father's wisecrack.

Jarrod blushed, embarrassed. "Kristina!" Jaddy yelled.


Kristina stopped in mid-note. "Jaddy! I'm over here!" Kristina yelled, ignoring the pain as she slowly crawled to a tree.

Jaddy and Jarrod were on horses, but they couldn't exactly see her.

"Kristina, where are you?" Jarrod yelled.

"Father, I'm over here! Help me!" Kristina yelled, tears in her voice.

"Kris, start to sing! We'll follow your terrible voice to where you are!" Jaddy yelled.

"Jaddy Barkley, I don't have a terrible voice!" Kristina said.

"Just do it!" Jaddy snapped, his patience wearing thin with his baby sister's stubbornness.

Kristina started to sing again. This time she sang "Nearer My God To Thee." Jaddy and Jarrod followed the notes to the tree. Jarrod jumped off his horse and ran to his daughter.

Jarrod took her into his arms and hugged her tight. "Father," Kristina moaned lightly.

"Shhh! Shhh!" Jarrod whispered lightly.

"I thought I would never see you again," Kristina said, raggedly.

"The feeling was mutual, Honey," Jarrod said.

"Jarrod, here's my gun. Signal your grandfather and uncles," Jarrod said, handing his six-gun to Jaddy.

Jaddy took the gun and fired three rounds into the air. Jarrod hugged his daughter again. Kristina's head fell into Jarrod's chest as she again lost consciousness.


A few hours later Kristina woke up in total pain. Her feet and head throbbed with an excruciating pain that brought tears to her eyes.

Through her tears she noticed that she was in her own room. On her bed and wearing a clean nightgown. Kristina remembered that Maybelle Williams had saved her life and that she walked all night in the pouring rain.

Jarrod and Jaddy had to have saved her again out there after she and Maybelle had parted ways. Kristina nearly jumped in shock when the door opened suddenly.

Jarrod entered the room with a tray of food. Her father's bright blue eyes glowed with happiness and relief when he saw her awake.

Jarrod laid the tray on her desk and sat in the chair across from her bed. "How do you feel, Honey?" Jarrod asked, close to tears.

"Tired and my feet and head hurts," Kristina admitted to her father.

"The doctor said that was to be expected since whoever kidnapped you drugged you and then you walked all night in the rain," Jarrod said.

"I remember waking up in an abandoned mine. I had to use my pocketknife to cut open the ropes around my wrists," Kristina said.

"Kristina, did you see you it was that kidnapped you?" Jarrod asked.

"No. I don't remember. All I know is that it was someone who didn't want me to testify the other day,"Kristina said.

"I wonder whom," Jarrod said, reflectively.

Kristina raised her head off the pillow to look at her handsome father.

"Father, I don't want to be rude or anything, but could you please leave? I want to get up and get dressed," Kristina said.

Jarrod shook his head in amazement. After her ordeal Kristina was going to try to get up. Just like Heath, Jarrod thought amused.

Like Heath, Jarrod's daughter made one bad patient when she was sick. Jarrod kissed her ear gently and left the room.

"Tell me when your ready to leave the room and I'll help you downstairs," Jarrod said over his shoulder.

Yes Sir," Kristina said. As soon as her father closed the door, Kristina slowly and painfully stood on her feet and dressed.


Later that night two shady men met in a quiet alcove of Stockton's only saloon.

"I heard the doc say to the sheriff that Barkley's brat found her way home," one said.

"It ain't nothin', Joel. That girl won't ever tell no one that we stole that food instead of that boy," his brother said.

"How do we know that, Amos?" Joel asked.

"Nah. I have it on authority that if you smell chloroform that you will have short-term memory loss," Amos said.

"I don't know. Maybe we should turn ourselves in for stealing that food and kidnapping Barkley's brat," Joel said.

"Hey now we was hungry. Anyhow it was your idea that the girl would blow the whistle on us," Amos said.

"I just wanted to tell her that if she testified against us, we'd kill Leonard," Joel protested.

Suddenly Amos got a terrible idea. "Wait a minute, Brother. What if we did threaten her? We can bring that boy to her rich daddy's ranch and threaten to kill her boyfriend in front of her," Amos said.

"Wait a minute we aren't murderers!" Joel protested.

"Oh, we won't really do it. We'll just scare the Barkley girl into thinking we will," Amos said.

"And if she won't," Joel asked.

"Well then, we could just kill her in front of her father. Barkley won't even miss her. He just found out about her," Amos said.

Joel's knees turned to water. "No Amos. We nearly killed her last time. I ain't gonna kill a girl that hasn't done nothin' to us," Joel said.

"Very well, Brother. Have it your way. We'll just beat up her boyfriend in front of her until she agrees not to testify," Joel and Amos talked through the night about their plans.


Kristina felt slight aches and pains in her feet as she stood dizzily to her feet the next morning. Jarrod HAD said that she shouldn't attempt walking in her condition, but Kristina threw that advice to the birds.

Kristina dressed quickly and made her way out of her bedroom.

"Miss Kristina, you know what Mr. Jarrod said to you last night. Why don't you let ol' Silas help you now?" Silas asked her.

"Okay. I just want to get to my father's study, Silas," Kristina said. She winced slightly as she stepped on the carpet of the hallway.

Silas wrapped Kristina's thin arm around his neck and half-dragged, half-carried her downstairs. Silas knocked on the door of Jarrod's study.

"Come in," Jarrod's deep, cultured voice called.

Silas entered the room. Kristina put her hand on Jarrod's desk to keep herself from falling.

Jarrod looked up at his daughter. She was hardly able to stand without support. "Kristina, are you all right?" Jarrod asked, concern for her in his blue eyes.

"Yes Sir. I just wanted to come in here. I hope I'm not bothering you," Kristina said.

"Of course not. Silas, take her over to the couch. I don't want her standing when she's in pain," Jarrod said.

Kristina was in pain. The pain was intense in her feet. All Kristina wanted to do was cry and scream in pain.

"Silas, I'll do it," Kristina said thinly, as she made her way to the couch.

Each step was like slow and instant murder. She sank onto the couch with a breathless sob and lay down, propping her feet up.

Jarrod went to his daughter and pushed her long black tresses behind her ear and out of her eyes. She was breathing hard and the pain in her eyes almost made Jarrod want to cry with her.

Kristina sat back up. Jarrod laid his hand on the side of her head, gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Kristina leaned over and removed her shoes with an abrupt jerk.

The bottoms of her feet were blistered and painful, but Kristina rubbed them with her fingers anyway.

"Silas, do we have any whiskey?" Kristina asked.

“Of course we do, Miss Kristina,” Silas said, puzzled.

“Can you bring it to me please?” Kristina asked.

"Yes'm," Silas said.

"Kristina, what do you want the whiskey for?" Jarrod asked.

"I'm going to rub my feet with it. Jaddy once said that if you rub your feet with whiskey, that it heals them," Kristina said.

Jarrod couldn't argue with his son's logic, but Kristina using alcohol?

Silas came in with a bottle of whiskey. Jarrod took the bottle and unstoppered it. He removed his handkerchief out of his back pocket and doused the cloth square with the amber liquid.

Jarrod laid the cloth on Kristina's feet and started to rub them down. Kristina flinched slightly as the cloth touched the blisters.

When Jarrod was done, he sat next to Kristina and started to hum a little song to her that he used to sing to Jaddy when Jaddy was a baby. Kristina smiled at her father faintly.

"Father, may I have one of your law books to read until breakfast?" Kristina asked.

"Of course. Just keep your feet elevated and I'll get it," Jarrod said.

Jarrod got out a law book that he knew his daughter hadn't read yet and turned back to her. Jarrod smiled in spite of himself. Kristina was sound asleep on the couch. Jarrod laid the book on the low table across from her and kissed her forehead gently.

Jarrod went back to his paperwork, not stopping until Silas came to call them for breakfast.


Jarrod woke his daughter up an hour later. She was tired and her head ached with a vicious pain. Jarrod lifted his daughter in his arms and carried her into the dining room.

Jaddy started as his father came in with his baby sister. "Father, what's wrong with her?" Jaddy asked.

"She'll be fine, Son. Kristina time to wake up, Honey," Jarrod said, putting her down and running his hand over her face lightly.

Kristina opened her blood-shot eyes and groaned slightly. She laid her head in Jarrod's chest, fighting the urge to throw up.

"Sis, you look terrible," Jaddy said lightly.

"Thanks Big brother. I feel awful," Kristina smiled weakly at her brother.

"Kristina, do you think you can make it to the table?" Jarrod asked.

Kristina nodded sluggishly. She grabbed the backs of the chairs and made it slowly to her place. She sat in her chair with a weary flop.

Jarrod went to the sidebar and poured a glass of milk for his daughter and put ham, eggs, grits, bacon, biscuits, and honey on her plate.

Jarrod set her food in front of her and watched her eat.

"Hey Sis, why don't ya come out with me, Uncle Heath, Grandfather, and Uncle Nick?" Jaddy asked.

"Why?" Kristina asked.

"We have a sure-fire cure for healing weariness," Jaddy said.

"What?" Kristina asked.

"Putting you to work on fixing a downed fence," Jaddy said.

Jaddy snorted at the look of anger on his sister's face. "Jaddy, that's not funny! I hate working outside!" Kristina spluttered.

"You did it in Pinewood," Jaddy pointed out.

"That was only because we had no choice, Mr. I'm going-to-break-every-horse-on-the-Coolridge-Ranch-even-if-it-kills-me!" Kristina said.

"Kristina, I was just teasing," Jaady said, surprised. His sister had never gotten angry with him before. She looked like Uncle Nick when she was mad.

"I'll just leave you men to the ranch chores. When I become a rich lawyer then I'll consider buying you tools to fix those fences," Kristina said.

"That's enough, Children. Now please eat," Jarrod said.

"Yes Father," Both said in unison.

Kristina tiredly picked at her food and ate random bites of it. Even though they joked, no one really knew how much trouble any of them were in.


Kristina spent all day in Jarrod's office. Jarrod said that she didn't bother him, but she caught him a few times looking at her.

Kristina knew that her father was trying to protect her and she couldn't blame him, but after today she might as well go out with Jaddy and fix fences!

Kristina tried to read poems by John Donne to pass time. She was on "Death, be not proud," by the same poet when she felt weary again.

Kristina closed her eyes and soon was fast asleep in a matter of minutes.

Jarrod looked up from his paperwork. Kristina was sound asleep on the couch, dead to the world. Jarrod felt a twinge inside his heart, as he looked at his baby girl asleep. Her raven black hair fell over her face in a pool and her right hand was on the open book she was reading.

All day Jarrod had kept an eye on her to keep her safe if the same people who kidnapped her would come back. It was one of those few times that he was grateful for his gun in his desk.

Jarrod knew his daughter was frustrated with his "Mother Hen" attitude, but his daughter had to be safe and protected. After this is all over Kristina will go to school and be safe and I'll never worry about her again, Jarrod thought.


An hour later Silas came into the room.

"Mr. Jarrod, it be time to eat," Silas said.

"Thank you, Silas. I just need to wake up Kristina," Jarrod said.

"Yes Mr. Jarrod," Silas said.

Jarrod walked over to his daughter and touched her face lightly. Kristina blinked her eyelids sleepily. A sleepy grin spread over her face.

"Morning Father," Kristina said.

"Afternoon is more like it," Jarrod said.

"Is it that late?" Kristina said.

“It’s time for lunch,” Jarrod said.

Kristina yawned and threw her legs over the side of the couch. She stood shakily.

Jarrod wrapped his arm around her neck. "Father, you don't have to help me. I'm perfectly capable of going to the dining room by myself," Kristina said.

"Kristina Elizabeth Barkley, you were close to falling down this morning and your legs are shaking. Until you can walk on your own you are going to be helped into the dining room," Jarrod reprimanded.

"I can't say no to you, can't I?" Kristina asked.

"No. You really can't. Fathers don't accept no for an answer," Jarrod said, his bright blue eyes sparkling with humor.

Jarrod and Kristina walked to the dining room aware of the trouble they were about to face.

Jarrod and Kristina stopped in shock as the rough young men with guns stood in the dining room. David was standing there too, a bluish purple bruise on his face and lips spilt.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Jarrod asked, angrily.

"Don't get mad, Mr. Barkley. We just want to talk to Miss Kristina," Joel said.

"What do you want?" Kristina asked.

"Just promise your boyfriend and us you won’t testify can save his face," Amos said.

Kristina stood there looking at David. Her mind went back to a conversation that she had had with her mother two weeks before they got sick.

"Kristina, if you believe in God, he'll get you out of any battle you're in,"Beth had said.

"Yes Mama. But how'll I know when I'm in a battle?" Kristina asked.

"Oh you'll know, Baby. Just trust him and he'll guide you,"Beth said.

"No. I won't," Kristina said, coming back to the present. Jarrod put his hand on her neck in support.

"The girl's lost her mind!" Joel thundered.

"No. I just remembered something my mama told me that didn't make sense until now," Kristina said.

"Well, you just sentenced your boyfriend to a beating," Joel said.

Joel cocked his fist level to David's face. Before Jarrod could stop her, Kristina ran and Joel slapped her hard across the mouth and face.

Nick Barkley felt a rage come on him as his new niece fell to the ground, her hands covering her lips.

Heath and Jaddy quickly subdued both men. David helped Kristina up.

"Why did you do that, Kristina?" David asked.

"I just couldn't bear to see you hurt," Kristina said.

Jarrod felt a sense of pride enter him as his daughter said. Kristina was a true Barkley and would stay that way. In the weeks and months to come Jarrod proved a loving father to both children and gave them a palce called home.


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