"Song of the Carousel Horse"


Logline: The song of a special carousel brings back memories for the Barkley family

Set-up: The story follows Heatherleah and Paul Roberts's marriage. Told in the form of Flashbacks .

  “Paul no.” Heatherleah Barkley-Roberts cried out as another contraction tore through her body. “Don’t leave me please don’t leave me.”

She slumped back weakly on to the pillows as it passed. Beside her on the table was the telegram from Army Intelligence H.Q notifying her of the death on duty of her husband Captain Paul Roberts, semi-retired.

The pain built for a repeat performance. Her mother had warned her that childbirth was a painful experience but never in her wildest dreams had she imagined pain this bad. The darkness she now found herself in was calling to her, telling her to let go and surrender to its care. At that moment it sounded good.

“Push.” Victoria Barkley urged her daughter; worry lines deep in her forehead. This wasn’t good. Heather had gone into labour far too early.

The arrival of the telegram had sent the eight months pregnant Heather into labour. The shock of the message combined with the early arrival of the newest Barkley had pushed Heather into a cold dark abyss from which Victoria was afraid she wouldn’t return.

“Audra,” Victoria called to her daughter. “The music box, open it, start it going.”

“Mother!” Audra Barkley-Cartwright exclaimed, “ This isn’t …”

“Audra, just do it please we’re losing her.” Victoria turned back to the girl, who in the years since she’d first arrived had become her second daughter. “ We’ve got to try something or we will lose both her and the baby.”

Sitting beside the telegram on the bedside table was the music box Victoria was referring to. Red mahogany wood, large and beautifully hand carved the box had been a gift to Heather from her husband on the occasion of their first wedding anniversary.

As Audra opened the box music filtered out of it and on the turntable the miniature carousel began to spin. Round and round the black and white carousel horses turned.

The two horses were exact duplicates of the carousel horses both Heather and Paul had ridden the night Paul had proposed.

Strong and proud the Black horse reared up slightly it’s painted gold and silver saddle, bridal and reins stood out. Complemented by the three tone gold pole that held it in place.

In total contrast the white horse was serene, quiet and dainty. With roses painted on the blue bridal, the sleek white chest and the dainty white rump. The pink and gold saddle stood out against the blue saddlecloth and pink and purple ribbons entwined her mane and tail.

“Paul” Heather called in a gentler tone, as the sound of the music box took her back to when the dark and handsome military captain had asked her to be his wife.

“Mother?” Audra was caught by surprise at Heather’s reaction

“She’s back in a happier time.” Victoria patted her daughter’s arm. “Watching and remembering."


“Shall we?” Paul asked as he took her hand.

They were standing in front of the giant carousel. Horses and other wooden rideable animals rose and fell in time to the lovely little piece of music echoing around the circular structure.

“Why not?” She said as she looked up at him.

Not far away Victoria Barkley, Audra Barkley, Margaret Barkley Jarrod's wife and Sara Carlton, Nicks companion for the evening, stood and watched the pair. The Barkley men were nowhere to be seen.

Looking back over her shoulder once again she watched as her three brothers joined the women and whispered something in Victoria’s ear. Victoria smiled and a mischievous glint appeared in her eye.

“You know they’re up to something?” She said to Paul as hand in hand they walked to the carousal and handed over their tickets.

“Yes.” Paul had the same glint in his eyes.

“You’re in on it aren’t you?” She playfully slapped his arm.

“Maybe.” He handed her up onto the platform. “Now my lady, as we seem to be the first one’s here we get our choice of any of these fine sturdy beasts, pick a horse any horse.”

Laughing slightly she made her way around the ride until she spotted the perfect one.

The white horse. Clean, polished and almost sparkling. The whiteness of it enhanced the colours of the hand painted roses on its chest and rump. The pink saddle, trimmed with gold sitting on the blue saddle blanket was the perfect companion to the roses as was the blue bridle and painted roses under the right ear and the pink and purple ribbons painted through the mane and tail completed the scene.

“Good choice my love.” Paul said as he lifted her and deposited her on the pink saddle. “Hold on tight, don’t want you falling off and ruining a special moment do we?”

“No.” Now she really was suspicious. Paul was setting her up for something and the rest of her family were obversely in on it.

Beside the rose painted white horse was a strong, sturdy one. Rearing slightly he glistened black. A gold saddle on his back, a silver bridle and gold hooves. He was every bit the part of a horse the hero from one of those historical romances would ride. Her military officer looked so proud and strong on his back.

With out waiting for any other riders the carousal started up and began it’s gently circular motion.

Paul smiled as the surprise registered on her face,

“That’s the surprise my love, Nick, Heath and Jarrod bought every ticket on this trip so that you and I could have this moment alone.”

“They’re mad and so are you.” She settled back and enjoyed the gentle rocking motion as the white horse went up and down in time to the music.

“I know.” Paul reached into the pocket of his vest and pulled out a small box. “Heatherleah Barkley will you marry me?”

Looking at him she knew that never again would she feel so happy. She had found the man with whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life and he wanted her.

“Yes Paul.”

The pain grew in its intensity.

“PAUL” Heather cried out again as the pain reached it’s crescendo.

“Where do you suppose she was?” Audra asked as she fingered the carved wooden box.

“I don’t know.” Victoria answered as she looked down at the two tiny carousel horses.

“Mother.” Heather had called to her.

“Sweetheart congratulations.” She’d pulled Heather into a big hug. “May you both know nothing but happiness.” She’d then turned to congratulate Paul. “Paul welcome to the family.”

“Victoria,” Paul had corrected himself “Mother, thank-you.”

Laughter coming from behind her had drawn her attention back to her children.

“Jarrod. Thank- you for going to all the trouble of buying those tickets..” Heather kissed Jarrod.

“For you anything.” Jarrod hugged his sister.

“Sis.” Nick had thrown his arms around his little sister as only he could, almost engulfing her. “Congratulations. These are for you.” From behind his back he’d produced a bunch of roses.

“Nick thank-you.” Heather looked at them and then had thrown her arms around her older brother. “And thank-you for the carousel ride.”

Nick then shock hands with and congratulated Paul, while at the same time giving him a list of things he had to do to meet the strict Barkley behaviour code. All in fun of course.

“This was mother’s.” Heath had said after hugging his twin. “It was given to her by her mother. She told me to keep it and make sure I gave to you the day you became engaged.” He held up a small rose keepsake locket. “Wear it with pride, you deserve it.” The locket was then placed around Heather neck

Audra, overcome with the emotion of the moment, had tears rolling down her cheeks as she congratulated her sister.

“Hey now none of that.” Heather had said after the sister’s had parted. “Can’t have my maid of honour in tears before the wedding can I? Not when I’ll need her help so much.”

“ You want me?”

“Never any other choice little sister.”

“Just like there was never any doubt as to who was to be my best man and my groomsman Jarrod, Nick I couldn’t think of two better friends or brothers.”

“And don’t look so left out Heath.” Heather teased her twin. “We didn’t forget about you. Brother I’d be honoured if you’d give me away.”

“Mother?” Audra’s urgent sounding voice brought Victoria out of her memory and back to the task at hand.

“Margaret?” Jarrod Barkley asked as he entered the front door of the Barkley family home and heard the scream of pain. “Honey what’s going on? What’s happening? Is that Heather? Is she all right?”

“”Oh Jarrod.” Margaret Barkley rested her head on her husbands shoulder as he held her. “Paul’s dead.”

“What?” When?” Jarrod asked his wife in disbelief. The ranch hand who’d caught him on the way home hadn’t mentioned anything about Paul or Heather. Just that he was needed urgently at the house.

“Heather received a telegram earlier on from Jamie Spence. Paul was killed in some sort of shoot –out. I don’t know. Well any way she’s reacted badly and…. Jarrod where are you going?”

“I’ve got to see her. To be …” Jarrod looked startled as Margaret gasped his arm.

“Jarrod she’s gone into premature labour. It’s way too earlier and things aren’t looking good up there.” Margaret loosened her grip. “I’m sorry but it’s best you wait here. Nick and Heath will be along soon. I’ve got to get back up there.”

Left alone Jarrod thought back on the events that had led him here. The moment Captain Paul Roberts walked back into his life and that of his family.


“General Spence to see you.” Karen his secretary announced.

“Jamie” He rose and greeted is old friend. “Long time no.”

“Jarrod.” Spence cut the lawyer off. “Sorry this isn’t a social call and I don’t exactly have much time.” The Generals tone was brusque to say the least. “I’ll come straight to the point. Jarrod there’s a situation brewing and I really need your help.”

“If it’s a legal think then surely your own army lawyers can handle it.” He’d looked at the General surprise. “And if it’s military. I gave up my commission along time ago.”

“It’s neither. We need you to well hide somebody on that large ranch of yours.”

“Jamie!” The protest was loud. “The Barkley ranch is not a haven where you just hide somebody it’s a fully working ranch. “

“Not even an old friend?” Spence inquired. “And besides what’s one more cowboy amongst so many?”

“Well let’s see. The that fact that this person would stand out like a sore thumb because of their lack of ranching skills for a start.”

He could just see the image in his head. Some soldier boy falling off his horse the first time he’d have to cut a steer, the lasso falling well short as he tried to rope a cow. And don’t even think what might happen if he got anywhere near the branding iron.

“Jarrod, have some faith in me please.” Spence snorted. “Our man is an excellent horseman and very quick on the uptake. I’m sure he’ll catch on in no time.”

“Why Jamie? Why can’t your people protect him?”

“Dangerous times Jarrod. Don’t know who you can trust.”

“In plain English?”

“Military weapons convey being hijacked. Inside job. They found out about the man we planted within them. Now they’re hunting him and we need to hide him somewhere not known to have a military connection.”

“Like my families ranch?”


“May I be permitted to know whom?” He had inquired “So I can warn them at home.”

“Not a good idea Jarrod, the fewer people who now the better.”


“Like I said it’s an old friend.” James Spence went to the door. “Come on in son.”

“Hello Jarrod.” A familiar voice said

Jarrod looked straight into the face of a man he hadn’t seen for four years. Captain Paul Roberts of Military Intelligence.

“Welcome to our home. Paul.”

“Jarrod it’s magnificent, and so big.” Paul Roberts’s eyes were wide with surprise. “Nick told me when we were on that stage that it was a big spread but I never dreamed it would be like this.”

“I’m still amazed each time I come back.”

“Jarrod, there is one subject I must discuss with you before we actually go inside.” Paul looked embarrassed. “Miss Heather.”

He had been waiting for Paul to raise the subject of Heather and his own wife Dora.

“She doesn’t know yet Paul. This is going to be quite a surprise for her and hard as you’re married.”

“Not any more Jarrod.” Paul looked at him. Sadness in his eyes. “Dora, my wife died a year ago. She was killed when a stagecoach overturned. Miss Heather is she? I mean is there anyone?”

“ Paul I’m so sorry. And to answer your question o Paul, she isn’t married. As far as I can see there is no one with whom.” At that point he turned slightly red.

“Jarrod I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or anything. Well it’s none of my business I suppose.”

“I think you’ll find that she’ll be happy to see you.”

Jarrod came back to the present as the door to his sister’s room opened and closed.


Within the den she’d lived in all her life, Little Wolf, the Barkley guardian wolf stirred. Three summers had pasted since her mother had died leaving her with responsibility of being the Moon Wolf. A mantle she now wore with pride. It had been a hard transference and now looking back Little Wolf regretted that she’d almost given up her birthright. It had taken a long struggle and the near loss of Growlshard of the human pack before she’d come to her canine senses.

Her own birth was the catalyst for the death of her mother. She understood that now. The Moonwolf , like other she-wolves, had cubs on a regular basis. But the birth of a solitary cub with the silver/white markings was nature’s way of saying that a changing of the guard would be occurring soon.

On the breeze came the scent of death, of death and change.


Females, no matter of what species, know when another female is having young. Firefur was having a cub and now it seemed that both Firefur and her cub were in danger. Lifting her nose to the breeze Little wolf tried to locate the scent of Firefur's mate Wolfguard. All she could sense was death. Wolfguard was dead.


Mending fences was long and hot work. Heath reflected as he lifted the canteen beside him to his lips and took a swig of cool water. Putting his down he picked up Nick’s.

“Hey Nick.” He called to the back of his older brother some three feet away from him. “Hey Nick drink.” He waved the canteen as his brother looked up.

“Yeah great thanks Heath.” Nick Barkley straightened up and pushed a kink out of his back. “Hey Heath.” He waved his hands to Heath indicating he was ready to catch it whenever Heath decided to toss it. “ A man could die of the thirst before you thought about tossing it over here.” He complained. “HEATH”

Following Heaths line of sight Nick saw what had caused his little brother to stop. Sitting in middle of the paddock in plain sight was the Moonwolf.

“Trouble.” Was all Heath had said. It was all he had to say. Both of them knew what the appearance of the Barkley guardian wolf meant.

“We’ll never know if we don’t ask.” Nick took a few steps toward the wolf.

“ARRRR” Littlewolf growled, a friendly growl with no malice behind it. Growlshard and Softpaw both knew the routine by now.

“Okay now you’ve had your little play. What’s the problem?” Growlshard stood before her and asked. “The ranch?”

Her head remained on her paws.

“One of the family?” Softpaw asked from where he stood next to Growlshard.

Her head went up. Another part of the ritual began so long ago between her mother and Firefur.

“Okay. Mother?” Growlshard started to list the members of the human pack.

Littlewolf kept her head down. Silverwolf. Littlewolf remembered the human name and linked it to the wolf name.

“Jarrod and Margaret? Audra and Joe?” Softpaw asked.

“When were they going to get to the right one?” Littlewolf thought. Her head stayed down. Howlswisely and his bonded mate were not involved nor were Sunfur and Littleyap, her bonded mate.

“Heather and Paul?”

Littlewolf just about jumped to her paws with relief. Firefur and Wolfguard. Finally they’d come to the correct human bonded pair.

Turning her nose toward the human pack’s den Littlewolf took a few steps forward and then turned to make sure Growlshard and Softpaw were following like they should.

They weren’t.


“Okay we get the message.” Growlshard said as both he and Softpaw made for the equines.

“Nick.” Heath said cautiously “She’s really in a hurry.”

“Yeah I noticed. She’s never paced us like this before.” Nick replied. Stealth, his horse, could move and had in the past managed to keep up with the Moonwolf. But this time he was blowing hard.

Looking across at Heath and Charger, Nick noted that Charger was blowing hard as well. Charger was by no means an old horse and he too was finding the going hard.

The house was almost in sight when it hit him, a pain like no other he’d felt before. Looking quickly toward his younger brother he saw that Heath was feeling it even more.

“Heather.” They said in unison.

“Nick, the baby.” Heath said in alarm.

Nick envied the link the twins shared. He still didn’t understand it. He was grateful for it. This ‘gift’ they all shared had, over the years, saved not only his life but those of his younger brother and sister as well.

“Isn’t to early?” Nick also began to feel panic. He didn’t know much about childbirth but from what he’d heard early wasn’t good.

“Yeah.” Heath was now exceedingly worried. He knew Nick had also felt the pain, but what Nick didn’t sense was the despair and heartbreak. “Nick, it’s more then birthing there’s something else.”


The song came to an end. The pain once again subsided. The carnival scene she’d just watched was replaced with a much earlier one. When she’d first laid eyes on Paul again after four years.

She’d been with Victoria, Audra and Margaret in the library working on the next fund-rasing event for the orphanage and mission. The Stockton Carnival. When Jarrod had come in the front door announcing that he was home and had brought company with him.

“ Audra, Mother, Heather you remember Captain Roberts don’t you?” He had asked “And this is my wife Margaret.”

Standing before her indeed was the handsome Army Intelligence Officer who she’d last seen all those years ago in the foyer of the San Fransisco Art Gallery.

At once all the memories and feelings she’d thought long buried resurfaced. It was like no time had elapsed at all. The love, the longing to hold him as he held her, to feel those strong-arms around her.

“Stop it.” She’d chastised herself. “He’s married.”

“And that’s it.” Jarrod had just explained the reason for Paul’s presence. “Captain Roberts is in danger and Jamie Spence thinks he’d be safer hiding here rather then anywhere else. Here is the last place the hijackers would think to look.”

“I’ll sorry to do this,” Paul had apologised. “This wasn’t my idea I do have some ranching experience. My father ran a small one when I was a boy. It may take a little time but I think I’ll be able to remember some of what I learnt there.”

“Nick?” Jarrod had enquired.

“Okay Jarrod, we’ll hide him in plain sight as a ranch hand. With round up coming we’ll need every spare hand we can find. It’ll mean sleepin out with the hands. Nothing special if we’re to hide him.”

“Can’t be any worse then sleeping in the barracks.” Paul had laughed. Causing both Nick and Heath to laugh with him.

“You’re in Paul, start bright and early tomorrow. Better get a good night in.” Heath had joked.

“Well tonight he can stay in one of the guest rooms,” Victoria had announced. “You can introduce and settle him in the bunkhouse tomorrow.”

“Change and come out to the stables.” Nick offered, “ We’ll fix you up with a horse.”


Paul had watched as first Nick and Heath had left to return to the yearlings, and then as Victoria, Audra, Margaret and herself had headed back to the library and the plans.

“Miss Barkley.” Paul had called to her. “May I see you for a moment please?”

A quick nod from her mother had told her that the request was fine

“Please sit Captain.”

“I just wanted to say that I know my presence here is well… difficult for you..” He’d began “And well I’ll understand if you feel like you don’t want to have anything to do with me.”

“You are married.”

“Was. Dora died a year ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thank- you, well anyway I’ve come to terms with her death now, and I want to start getting my life back together again. A fresh start if you like.”

She had just nodded. It sounded like a good idea.

“And I was wondering if I could call on you some time? Maybe go for a walk or a ride?”

“My brothers are very hard task masters, especially at round up. But if you do manage to get some time off, then yes Captain Roberts I’d be delighted to go walking or riding with you.”

“Thank-you Miss, and please call me Paul.”

“If you call me Heather.” The redness returned to her cheeks.


“Paul. There’s something you need to know.”

Time had passed and she had jumped ahead to that first ride they’d taken together

“And what would that be?” He’d asked as they sat together on the rug admiring the view from Mystic Gully.

“You know that Heath and I are twins?”

“Yeah.” By now he’d become bold enough to stroke her hair “And?”

“Well it’s like this. We are the children of Thomas Barkley, but Victoria Barkley is not our birth mother. She’s our stepmother. Our birth mother was Leah Thomson. Mama and Tom Barkley…”

“Had an affair?”


“And you two were the products of that affair?”

“Yes. I know it’s a shock but it’s better I tell you now rather than have you hear it from some old biddy in town. They will start to gossip soon.”

“Let them gossip. I’m in love with the most beautiful girl in this whole valley and I don’t care what her background is or who her parents were.”

It was at that moment that he had taken her in his arms and had kissed her for the first time.

“Just whose permission do I have to get in order to marry you?”

The sound of the music starting up again caused the scene to fade away.

Jarrod was still alone in the parlour and pacing when the front door burst open and his two younger brothers rushed in and headed for the stairs. Quick thinking and even quicker reflexes were all that stopped them both from bounding up the stairs and bursting into Heathers room.

“Nick ,Heath.” He said as he dragged them down the stairs and into the parlour. “Now stop that.” Both of his brothers were struggling to escape his grip. “You can’t go up there now, none of us can.”

“But Jarrod,” Heath squirmed “She needs us.”

“Don’t you think I know that.”

“THEN WHY AREN”T YOU UP THERE?” Nick was fighting just as hard to escape Jarrod’s grip.

“Nick, she’s having the baby, Mother, Audra and Margaret are up there now with her, there’s nothing we can do.” Jarrod released his brothers. “And there’s more. Paul’s dead.”

The fight went out of Nick. That was the last thing he’d expected to hear.

“How? When?” Nick now thumped the ledge above the fireplace. “Dammit Jarrod. This is all his fault. Your friend James Spence and he’s ‘just one last mission Paul’.”


The family had been together in the library the day the message had arrived from General James Spence, with the request that as part of the arrangement for allowing Paul to leave the army, marry Heather and join the Barkley ranch, Paul now fulfil his end and return to Military Intelligence for one last mission.

“It was what I agreed to honey.” Paul had said after he’d read the telegram to the family group. “I can’t go back on my word now can I?”

“But why now ?” The heavily pregnant Heather had asked. “Just when our first baby is due? You know how long we’ve both wanted this? Now finally we’re actually going to be parents, after how many failed attempts?”

The group had remained silent. Each thinking their own thoughts at the last remark. This wasn’t Heather’s first pregnancy. It was in fact her third. The first one ended in a miscarriage in her first month, before anybody really knew she was with child. The second suffered the same fate, but this time in the third month. When Heather and Paul had announced that once again Heather was with child the family held it’s collective breath until she was past, what for Heather was the danger time, the fourth month.

“I’ll be back in plenty of time, you’ll see. We’ll both be there to hold our baby after the birth.” Paul had reassured her.

“Go on then.” Heather had gripped her husband’s arm “Make me proud.”

“This is the last time.” Paul had promised. “When I return it will be as Paul Roberts rancher, not Captain Paul Roberts of Military Intelligence.”

“I know.” Heather had kissed his cheek. “I’ll go and pack your stuff.”

He had watched Paul watch Heather slowly and with Audra and Victoria by her side leave the library.

“Watch her for me will you please?” Paul had turned and was now addressing both himself and Heath, “Keep her and the baby safe.”

“Count on it.” He had told his brother in law. “Be safe Paul and make sure you come back.”

“I will” Paul’s voice had been reassuring. “I’ve got to much to not come back for now.”

“Just make sure you do.” Heath had clapped Paul’s right shoulder.

“Hey don’t worry I’ll be back to show you both how to really break those new stallions.” Paul had joked.

“Nick it was what Paul agreed to when Spence arranged for him to join us here and become part of the family.” Jarrod’s words brought Nick back to the present moment.

“I know and I’m sorry Jarrod I didn’t mean to take it out on you.” Nick threw his empty drink glass into the unlit fireplace. “It’s just. Dammit Jarrod it’s just so unfair.”

The pair just looked at each other. No words needed to be spoken. They both knew the other was feeling the pain of the loss.

“The despair and heartbreak I felt.” Heath said quietly. “Jarrod, Nick she’s given in to it. She’s not fighting back.”

“So that’s what Margaret meant by ‘things are going badly’.”

“I think so.”

“Just how did you two get here so fast?” Jarrod asked. The ranch hand who’d been sent to collect his younger brother’s couldn’t have been gone more than ten minutes when Nick and Heath had burst through the door.

“We got a very special kind of message.” Nick nodded to the private rose garden.

Sitting in the middle of the lovingly tended lawn was the Moonwolf. Head on paws waiting.

With out another word he left the parlour and headed for the kitchen. Only to return a few minutes later with a bowl of water.

“Nick!” Jarrod exclaimed “What on earth?”

“It could be a long wait.” He opened the French Doors. “After all she’s almost one of the family.”

“Speaking of being one of the family did you know that as well as asking my permission Paul also got her blessing?”

“No but I do know he asked for mine and Mothers.” Nick answered as he closed the French Doors.

“Mine too.” Heath put in. “Straight after we’d taken care of those hijackers that were after him.”

“Hey that’s when he asked me.” Nick told his brothers.


“Hey Paul.” Nick called as he and Nick had reined their mounts close to the tree under which Roberts had stopped to have a quick swig of water. “Tired already?”

“Nope, just waiting for you boys to catch up.” Was the lazy reply.

“For a soldier boy you caught on quick.” Nick said

“Hey I did grow up on one of these.” Paul returned Nick’s dig. “Not this big but.”

“Hey just joshing.”

“Yeah I know.” Paul had then turned serious. “There’s something I need to…”

The rest of what he was about to say was lost in hail to gunfire.

“Take cover.” Nick had indicated to the line shack. “We’re too exposed here. Go.”

While Nick had laid down cover fire he and Paul had made a dash for the structure. Once under cover Paul had started to return the fire from the left side window while he had taken the right.”

“Clear Nick.” He’d called and began to fire.

It had worked Nick made it in through the door and slammed it shut as another deadly shower of bullets peppered the door and windows.

“Who are they?” He’d asked as he reloaded his gun.

“Didn’t get a real good look.” Paul had replied “ But from the face’s I did see they looked like those hijackers .”

“Great.” Nick thundered, “How the hell did they find you?”

“Don’t know. Haven’t been in town or off the ranch. Maybe a leak in Spence’s office?”

“Nick.” He’d tried to re focus his angry older brothers attention. “Doesn’t matter how, what does is they have and now they’ve got us pinned down here.”

“We need a plan.”

“Okay” He’d said bravely at the time. Now, in hindsight, it didn’t seem such a good idea. “I’ll go out the back and circle behind them. Catch em in cross fire.”

“You be careful little brother.” Nick had said gently “I want you in one piece, we’ve still got a lot of work to do and I don’t want you hurt.”

He was, as it ended up, only a few feet short of his intended location when the bullet had hit him. Clear through the upper arm.

After that thing’s had been a little hazy. He remembered getting into position and firing off at least five shots, and then because of the pain and blood lose he’s lost consciousness.

“Heath.” Paul was squatting beside him when he’d finally woken up. “Hey wake up.”


“Its over. We won thanks to you and your idea.” Paul had held him down as he tried to rise.” Nick said you’d try this. Stay still. He’s not far away just getting some stuff from the shack.”

“He’s okay?”

“Fine, loud and angry when we found you.”

“That’s Nick,” He’d confirmed. “And you?”

“Not so much as a scratch.”

“Heather will be pleased. I hate to think what her reaction was gonna be if we’d gone back home with you all shot up.”

“Heath I know this isn’t the best time what with you being shot up and all. But I was wondering if you could see your way clear to allowing my to marry your twin?”

He’d been stunned, just for a moment, but still stunned.

“If you’re asking for my blessing, then yes you’ve got it. I know it’s what she wants and I know you’ll make her very happy. Welcome brother.” He’d held out his good hand.

“He asked mine just after Heather had taken him to see our friend out there.” Jarrod nodded to the Moonwolf.

The in rose garden Littlewolf’s ears went up. From where she was she could see Howlswisely, Growlshard and Softpaw all standing together in the human den. She didn’t hear every noise that the alpha male and the two beta males were making but she did hear them speak her name and that of Firefur and Wolfguard.

In her canine mind she went back to the time when Firefur had brought Wolfguard to the gully for a very special reason.

The sound of horse’s hooves pounding on the earth near the den entrance caused her to lift her nose to the air and sniff. The scent of two humans flooded in on the breeze. Firefur! Little Wolf recognized the scent at once. The second, the second scent took a little longer to recognize. Yes. Wolfguard the one who wanted to be Firefurs mate

“Now just sit here and wait.” She heard Firefur say.

“This is silly honey.” Wolfguard had replied.

“You were the one who wanted to make sure you got permission from all who are important to me.” Firefur told Wolfguard. “We are after all talking about the Barkley family guardian. And it things work out you’ll be a part of the family too. Do it for me please?”

Littlewolf never heard the response Wolfguard had made, but from the vantage point she and her mother had always taken to view who had come into the gully she saw that Wolfguard had taken a seat next to Firefur and was waiting.

“She’s close.” Firefur said. “There in that bush.”

Firefur had pointed to the hiding spot. It was an old established thing by now. Firefurs paw dropped and went back to holding Wolfguards. Some form of human pack mating ritual Littlewolf thought.

Observing the courting pair further Littlewolf saw Wolfguards paw leave Firefurs and gentle stroke the fur the covered her head and shoulders. Firefur lifted her paw and stroked Wolfguards cheek. More human pack mating rituals.

“Honey, I love you so much.” She’d heard Wolfguard say as he bent his head and made to bite her..

That was when she’d made her presence known. Growling as she’d charged out of the bushes.

“Paul, it’s okay.” Firefur had moved to calm her prospective mate down “She won’t hurt you. Just take it easy and ask her your question.”

“Heather.” Wolfguard had looked to his mate. “Are you really sure?”

“She won’t bite you.” Firefur had reassured him, clutching his paw in hers for comfort.

Little wolf had known the question and the answer she was going to give long before Wolfguard had asked it.

“I’d very much like to marry Heather here.” Wolfguard had addressed her. “And I’m here to…. Honey this is silly.”

Firefur’s eyes had turned from the friendly playful blue to the more dangerous green as she’d watched Wolfguard make a complete wolf’s breakfast of the moment.

“To ask for your blessing.” He’d finished.

Deciding to play with him a little she’d deliberately held back her response by cocking her head to one side and stared at him.

“See this whole thing as been a total waste of time.” Wolfguard had made a move to leave. “It’s just a wolf that’s all, a pretty one I admit but…”

“Hufff.” The answer had come out interrupting his thoughts

“What??” That had sent him into shock.

“Thank- you so much.” Firefur had looked at her.

“What just happened?”

“She huffed.” Firefur had told her mate. “That means yes. She’s accepted you, given you her blessing.”

“Come on just one more push.” Victoria encouraged the exhausted Heather. “I can see the head. You’re almost there.”

“NOOOOO” Heather screamed as the pain took a hold again.

Through the partial opened wardrobe door Audra spied Heathers wedding dress. It was as white and crisp as the day Heather had worn it.



“Thanks Audra.”

Heather moved to the mirror and looked at the crown of flowers.

“For this and for everything. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend or sister.” Heather had hugged her

“Hey now you were the one who told me not to cry.” She’d offered Heather a clean hanky. “You’d better hurry, as much as he loves you I’m betting Paul won’t wait in the garden for ever.”

“You’d better ask Heath in and then we’ll get this show on the road.”

She’s opened the door expecting to find Heather’s twin waiting but instead found


“I know I’m supposed to be with Paul in the garden, but I had to come up and give this to you.” He had said looking at Heather. “It just came in .”

He had handed over a telegram.

“You’ve done it?” Heather had read the telegram and then looked at Jarrod, her blue eyes sparkling with delight “Does Paul know?”

“I gave him a copy just before coming up here.” Jarrod kissed Heather.

“What is it?” She’d asked confused.

“The best wedding present anybody could’ve given us.” Heather had smiled.”Paul’s discharge from the army.”

“With one condition.” Jarrod had put in.

“I can live with that.”

“It’s coming” Victoria reported. “Audra be ready with that towel.”

“Right here.” Audra confirmed from behind her mothers shoulder.

“ARRRRRRGH” Heather screamed and then fell silent.

Downstairs the length of the wait and then that long agonizing scream was too much. All three of them charged up the stairs and ran head long into..

“Margaret… What’s happening?” Heath asked “Heather, the baby?”

“They’re both alive.” Margaret Barkley reported and moved to her husband’s side. “ If only Paul were alive. He’d be so proud.” She laid her head on Jarrod’s shoulder and began to cry.

“And?” Nick growled with frustration.

“Drop that tone at once.” The voice of Victoria Barkley ordered from where she stood by Heathers door. “You’ll scare your niece.”


“Yes Nick, your niece, a little small and a bit weak, but alive and the image of her mother.”

“Can we see her?” Jarrod asked cautiously. When Thomas, his own son had been born he’d been able to see him almost at once.

“Just for a few moments.”

“Heather’s extremely weak from blood loose.” Margaret told them “Someone’s going to have to stay with her for quiet some time and then there’s the death of Paul to cope with as well.”

The family crowed through the door and got their first glance of the smallest Barkley.

“Meet your niece.” Audra said as she moved forward holding the little bundle of joy.

“She’s beautiful.” Jarrod breathed as he looked on the baby with the tufts of red hair and blue/green eyes like her mother.

“So like her mother.” Heath waved his fingers at the little one.

“Well don’t scare her.” Nick said in the gentlest tone any of the family had ever heard from him. “What’s her name?”

A very weak and pale Heather turned to face her family and quietly announced “Victorialeah Audra Barkley-Roberts.”

“Can I hold her?” He asked.

Too tired and weak all Heather could do was nod.

“NICK?” Victoria cried almost in shock “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?”

“There’s one other who needs to know the baby as arrived.” Nick said over his shoulder as he carried Victorialeah downstairs and to the French doors.

Still on the lawn, still with her head on her paws was the Moonwolf.

“She’s the reason we got here so fast.” Heath explained, he knew what Nick was going to do and approved.

“I just want her to see the little one to know that she’s alive and safe.” Nick said as he held Victorialeah to the glass.

A she-cub. Littlewolf didn’t need to see close to know that the little human cub Growlshard was holding for her to see was a she-cub and with the same markings as her mother

Littlewolf lifted her black nose to the breeze and welcomed Brighteyes, the newest member of the human pack in her own way. Announcing the news to the breeze.


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