"Steve Austin, Fugitive"


Logline: Steve is unjustly accused of trying to kill Hanson. Can Dan get him off?

  Thanksgiving 1983

It was the Friday before Thanksgiving. “Marc, James, Jennifer!!” Jaime called from the living room. “Come on guys it’s time for your lessons.”

“We’re coming mom.” 15 year old Marc called. “We’ll be right down.”

She turned to Steve. “I want you to talk to Dan about getting Steven Carl enrolled at the Richmond school. He says they have a preschool program and I’m sure a child as intelligent as Steven Carl will qualify.” Jaime referred to their three year old son.

“I’ll talk to him as soon as I get to the OSI.” Steve promised. “In the mean time I guess he might as well sit in on the session you have with the other kids. Maybe he can help Marc get caught up.”

“I’m sure he could.” Jaime smiled.

“You know when we first started out on this cloning venture what’s it been now…James is six. So I guess it was six years ago.” Steve spoke softly not wanting James, Jennifer or Steven Carl to hear him. “I wasn’t so sure I wanted Oscar’s genius son Dan, as a donor, but now that we have Steven Carl I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.”

“Me either. I was heart sick when Rudy told us we couldn’t have children of our own. Then here came Dan with that cloning idea. First James is you. Then Jennifer was me…”

“And to see if a baby would be as intelligent as Dan…” Steve interrupted only to be interrupted by Jaime.

“We used Dan as the Donor.” Jaime finished.

“Well I love all of our kids.” Steve added. “Even Oscar’s nephew Marc I’m so glad he lives with us too.”

“We’re lucky Oscar gave him up. I mean what with Marc and Matt identical twins and all.” Jaime reminded.

“But after Marc’s accident and Rudy making him bionic too…”

“I don’t think Oscar had a choice,” Jaime finished once more. “Marc wanted to be with us.”

“Yeah I know. Any way I’ll be sure and talk to Dan when I get there.” Steve turned to leave.


“Ugggh,” Oscar groaned as he rolled over for the third time that morning still not able to make it out of bed. “Why do I feel so horrible?” He asked himself. “Come in.” He responded to someone knocking on his door.

“Dad?” Dan asked, “How are ok?”

“Dan?” Oscar questioned.

“Yeah it’s me. You look terrible.” Oscar’s 21 year old son noted.

“I feel awful.” Oscar started getting out of bed but Dan held him down.

“I think you better stay here.” Dan’s voice was stern.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Oscar scolded.

“You’re the one being ridiculous.” Dan managed to keep his father in bed. “I think you have a fever. You wait here and don’t get up.” Dan ordered.

When he left Oscar tried to sit up and get out of bed. His head pounded and the entire room spun around. “I think Dan’s right.” Oscar groaned again and laid back down.

“Now” Dan entered the room. “Let’s see how high that fever is.” He took a thermometer from his medical bag.

“You’re not putting that in my mouth.” Oscar argued.

“Fine there are other places I can put it…just roll over.”

“Ok, ok.” Oscar opened his mouth and allowed Dan to take his temperature.

As Dan took his pulse Oscar’s mind whizzed back in time to the day a lawyer had informed him his sister had been killed and he was to have custody of his four nephews. Dan 12 at the time a budding genius who Rudy had set up in the Richmond School A school for advanced kids. Dan had been so advanced he studied law and medicine and today practiced both. He worked with Rudy on projects in the lab. He also had a small office where he handled all of the OSI’s legal affairs.

Then there were identical twins Matt and Marc. They were seven when they came to live with him. Marc’s accident played out for Oscar daily and in his worst dreams. They had been out to dinner and the car stalled on the tracks. Everyone got out but Marc went back for something the train hit the car with Marc pinned between the two. But he knew he had made the right choice when he forced Rudy to use bionics to save the boy. Now Marc lived with Steve and Jaime who had a better understanding or how Marc felt.

Joey was the youngest of his nephews, only 4 when he came to live with his uncle. He was now twelve. And doing great in school despite the problems he had at first.

He had to legally adopt them as his sons because a woman from the Department of Children and Family’s kept breathing down his neck but now nine years later everyone seemed to be doing just fine…

“103.3.” Dan broke Oscar’s thought.

“What was that?” Oscar looked up at his doctor/lawyer son.

“I said you have a fever of 103.3,” Dan spoke firmly. “You are staying here. Don’t worry about Matt and Joe. I took them to school already. I’ll call the OSI and tell them you’re sick and you won’t be in today.”

“I have to go to work Dan.” Oscar grumbled.

“Sorry dad. You have the flu. I can’t let you go around infecting everybody now can I?” Dan reasoned.

“I guess not. Ok I’ll stay home…but just for today.” Oscar’s tone was stern but Dan knew he would do as he was told if it really came down to it.

“I’m going on into work. I’ll check in on you this afternoon.” Dan left his dad to sleep.


At the OSI Steve stood outside Dan’s office. Normally Rudy and Dan shared the lab but Rudy had done some remodeling a few years back and gave up part of his lab so Dan could use part of if as his law office. The sign on the door read Dr. Dan Goldman … attorney at law. Steve chuckled to himself as he opened the door and met Dan’s secretary. “Is he in?” Steve asked.

“Dr. Goldman isn’t in yet.” She smiled. “What can I do for you Col Austin?”

“Nothing I needed to speak to Dan. I’ll be back later today.”

He walked down to Oscar’s office to find Callahan busy on the phone. “I’ll just go on in.” Steve pointed to the door.

“Col. Austin…” Callahan tried to stop him

“What the…” Steve said when he saw Hanson behind Oscar’s desk. “Where’s Oscar?” He asked.

“It’s my understanding he’s home Ill today. Can I do something for you?” Hanson said. “No. Everything is out of whack today.” Steve closed the door and turned to Callahan.

“I’m sorry Col. I tried to warn you.” Callahan apologized.

“Next time try harder.” Steve laughed. He left the office and headed for Oscar’s house.

Dan was just coming out. “Hi Steve” Dan greeted.

“How’s Oscar?” Steve asked.

“Sleeping finally” Dan sighed. “I finally had to give him a sedative. He wanted to go into work.”

“That sounds like Oscar.” Steve chuckled. “It’s actually you I want to see. It’s about Steven Carl. Jaime and I feel he needs to be in school. The Richmond School offers a pre school program. Right?”

Dan nodded. “It sure does. I’ll get the information you’ll need. He’ll have to pass a test but that won’t be a problem.”

“Great. Then we’ll let you look into it for us. I’m going to run some errands and then go back home. I’m going to stay away from the OSI till Oscar comes back. They have Hanson filling in for him.”

“I wish I could stay away, but Rudy and I are involved in that project.”

“Say who’s having Thanksgiving this year you guys or us.”

Dan thought for a moment. “I’m pretty sure it’s our turn.”

“Let us know if there is anything we can bring.” Steve got into his car and drove off. Dan did the same thing they headed in opposite directions. Dan toward the OSI and Steve headed down town.


At the OSI Hanson was going through Oscar’s files to see if there were any secrets the OSI was keeping from the NSB. “This is odd.” Hanson said pulling out a file simply marked Austin.

He thumbed through the file. “Interesting” he spoke to himself “Col Austin’s son James has inherited his father’s bionic strength? This is very interesting indeed. I have that mission in south East Asia that could use a bionic touch. Goldman has told me Mr. and Mrs. Austin are off limits. He said nothing about the kid.”


“Ok guys.” Jaime said as she gathered up their test papers. “Why don’t you all go out and get some fresh air. I’ll grade these, then you can come in for lunch and we’ll finish up the rest of our work after we eat.”

Marc, James and Jennifer ran out the back door. Steven Carl stayed inside with Jaime. “I hope your father gets home soon and tells us you can go to preschool.” Jaime spoke to Steven Carl while she graded the papers.

Steven watched her. “Hey mom” he offered his help. James missed problem two.”

Jaime re figured the math problem. He sure did.” She said.

She was about to go fix lunch when Marc and Jennifer came running into the house.

“Mom…mom” they cried James was kidnapped.”

“What?” Jaime shouted.

“And I know who it was.” Marc offered.

“Who?” Jaime demanded.

“It was Hanson. That creep that works over at the NSB he said he knows all about James and needs him on a mission.”

Not knowing Hanson was filling in for Oscar Jaime dialed Oscar’s private line. “This is Hanson.” The voice came on the phone.

Jaime hung up and dialed Steve car phone. “Steve.” She didn’t even give him a chance to say ‘hi. “James was kidnapped by Hanson. He’s in…”

“I know, Oscar is home sick Hanson is filling in. I’ll take care of it.” Steve stepped on the accelerator and sped toward the OSI. He rode the elevator up to Oscar’s office and slammed the door open.

“Hanson!!! Where’s my Son?” Steve demanded.

“Calm down Austin. The boy is doing a job for me. He’ll be fine.” Hanson spoke calmly.”

“Like hell!” Steve shrieked.

“Austin Just calm down.” Hanson demanded

“Calm down? You have no right…do you hear me no right to .send my son anywhere He’s only six.” Steve’s shouts brought Hanson’s aides rushing into the office. Steve shoved them out the door. “This is between us!” he shrieked.

Steve took out a gun and aimed it at Hanson. He fired but at the last minute moved the gun slightly to the right but Hanson jumped in front of it. The bullet hit him in his left shoulder. As Hanson fell to the ground Steve jumped out the window and ran up the street.

The guards burst through the door. By now Hanson had moved toward the window Steve had just jumped from “I want you to get him and bring him back here.” Hanson seethed.

The guards were just racing out the door when Rudy and Dan hearing the gunshots came running down the hall.

“What happened?” Rudy asked.

“It’s that bionic monster you created.” Hanson looked from Dan to Rudy. ‘I better come up with something here.’ He thought knowing that the truth could get him into trouble. “I think he lost a lug nut or something.” Hanson continued with his lie. “He came charging in here I don’t know I guess he didn’t like the fact I was filling in for Goldman. He started shouting and screaming. The next thing I know he shoots me.”

“I’ll take a look at that.” Rudy offered not believing a word, as Jaime had just called and told him what had happened with James.

“No thanks I’ll have my own Doctor look at it. I’ll tell you this. I’ll prosecute Austin for attempted murder.” Hanson shouted as his aides helped him out of the office and down the hall,

“What a creep.” Dan spoke as he and Rudy headed back to the lab. “He sends a six year old to who knows where without informing the parents…” Dan stopped himself. “Of course he’s lying. He has to.” Dan finished.

“Why does he have to?” Rudy knew medicine Dan knew the law.

“He’s in big trouble. My guess is that he won’t be back here.” Dan went on. “He can not do what he did. It’s actually called kidnapping. And if he sent James out of the City it’s federal.”

“I never thought of that.” Rudy stated.

“I have to find Steve and let him know.” Dan added.

“But Steve’s in trouble too.” Rudy reminded. “I mean if he shot Hanson…”

Dan nodded ‘Yea I know. I just wish I could find him.” They got back to the lab and Dan headed for his own office.

“Aren’t you going to help me out?” Rudy asked.

Dan shook his head. “I’m a lawyer I’m the first one Steve will try to contact.”

“Right” Rudy agreed. “Let me know if you hear anything.”

“I’ll try.” Dan assured but added “I may not be able to.”

“I understand.” Rudy went into his office and Dan went into his.

“Hi Carol any calls?” Dan asked as he picked up his mail.

“No Dr. Goldman. Col. Austin was here before. He didn’t leave any message though.”

“When was this?” Dan asked.

“It was early I had just gotten to work.” Carol told him

‘I’m sure it was before…’ Dan thought. “I think I already saw him regarding that matter. Get me Ben Richmond at the Richmond School. The number’s in the file.”

“Right away Dr. Goldman” Carol went about her task and Dan headed for his desk. Like his father he had a private line that only a handful of people had the number too. He knew if Steve were going to call it would be on that line.


Oscar had to pull himself out of bed when the doorbell rang. To his shock Hanson his arm in a sling stood on his front step.

“We have a search warrant Oscar just step back.” Hanson demanded.

Oscar stood back from the door. “Do you want to tell me what you’re looking for?” Oscar asked.

“We’re looking for Col. Austin.” Hanson grumbled.

“Why?” Oscar asked.

Hanson pointed to his shoulder. “He shot me. I have a warrant out for his arrest.”

“He shot you. I can’t believe that.” Oscar defended. “Why would he do that?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t like the fact that I was filling in for you I guess. Like I told Wells, maybe he had a short circuit or something.”

“Well search away. He’s not here.”

Steve was heading for Oscar’s but when he saw Hanson and his group parked by the curb he passed right on by and headed for the house to find the same thing going on at his house.

He just kept driving till he found a diner he walked in and put his money into the pay phone and dialed Dan’s private number.

“Steve?” Dan asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

“Yea Dan it’s me. I need some legal advice.”

“You need more than advice. You need a lawyer period.” Dan stated.

“I think you’re right. Can you get away without someone following you?” Steve wondered.

“I think I can. I’ve been giving this some thought for the past hour or so. Where are you right now?”

“At The Blue Minnow Diner” Steve told him.

“Give me twenty minutes. I’ll be right there.”


The men stormed through Steve and Jaime’s house. “I see your big man isn’t here.” Jaime noted as they opened every door in the house. “I want my son.” Jaime shouted.

“That’s not our concern.” The NSB agent snapped. Then he turned to his men. “Austin isn’t here. I guess that would be too obvious.”

The agents stepped over all of the things they had spilled out and headed for the door.

“Where is my son?” Jaime screamed as they slammed the door.

“It’s ok mom.” Marc spoke quietly. “I’ll help you clean up. We’ll find James don’t worry.”

After the agents left his house Oscar showered and got dressed. “I need to get back to the office.” Oscar spoke to himself. He headed out to the garage and was about to start the car when he stopped.

He reached for the car phone and called the OSI “This is Oscar Goldman. I’m having car trouble would you please send a car for me.”

“Yes Mr. Goldman. Right away” the OSI’s car service director stated. “We’ll get that right out for you.”

Oscar waited for the car to come for him.


After finding nothing at Oscar or Steve’s house, Hanson decided it was best to go back to the NSB rather than the OSI.

“I’m sure Goldman is on his way back to the OSI as we speak.” Hanson speculated to his aides.

“Hanson!” Gregory shouted. “I thought you were filling in for Goldman.”

“I was but Austin shot me because I was. I thought I’d be better off here.”

“Austin shot you?” Gregory repeated.

Hanson nodded. “He sure did. I have a warrant out for him right now.”

“Good idea. I’ll back you all the way.” Gregory assured.


Oscar got off the elevator and headed for his office. ‘If Hanson is there’ Oscar thought ‘I’ll throw him out on his ear.’

“Mr. Goldman.” Callahan replied. “I thought you were home sick.”

“Good morning Callahan ‘was’ is the operative word.” Oscar smiled and headed into his inner office.


It took Dan a little longer than he expected but he finally made it to his meeting with Steve. “Ok Steve.” Dan began. “Start from the beginning.”

Steve told Dan all that had happened. “I didn’t mean to shoot him. Honestly he jumped in front of the gun.” Steve explained.

“I believe you. He’s already lying about what really took place. Jaime had already called and told us Hanson had kidnapped James.”

“Kidnapped?” Steve questioned. “Don’t you mean he took him?”

Dan shook his head. “No Steve, he kidnapped him. Actually Hanson is in just as hot of water as you are if not more.”

“I don’t understand.” Steve was amazed.

“He took your son without your permission. He sent him who knows where.” Dan glanced at his watch. “I have a feeling we’ll know soon enough. If I know my dad he’ll be back behind his desk soon if not already.”

“So what do we do now?” Steve wondered.

“I say we try to make a deal.” Dan said. “First and foremost you have to turn yourself in.”


Back behind his desk Oscar was pulling out of his files trying to discover where Hanson had sent James Daniel Austin.

“Callahan” Oscar croaked into the intercom.

“Yes Mr. Goldman.” Callahan replied.

“Are these all of the files Hanson used?” Oscar’s voice was barely a whisper.

Callahan walked into Oscar’s office. “He was in your safe too Mr. Goldman.”

Oscar walked over to his safe and pulled out all the files he could carry at one time. He was reading through them when Rudy walked in.

“I was hoping I heard wrong.” Rudy’s voice was stern. “You need to be home in bed.”

“I know, but I need to find out where Hanson sent James. Then I’ll go home.”

“Did you find out anything yet?” Rudy wondered.

Oscar shook his head. “Wait I think I found something. He quickly reached for his number and dialed Jaime. While the phone rang he turned to Rudy “any word on Steve?”

“Dan’s gone. I’m sure their meeting. I hope that’s the case anyway.”

Oscar nodded. “Jaime I know where Hanson sent James.” “Where?” Jaime asked.

“He sent him to South East Asia.” Oscar told her. Get in here and I’ll get you what ever it is you need to get over there and get him.”


“Turn myself in?” Steve looked at Dan as if he had two heads.

“Steve I mean it. That’s the best thing you could do right now. You need to turn yourself in that way we have something to bargain with.”

“Ok.” Steve agreed “How do we go about it…”

Jaime left Marc in charge of the other children and headed for Oscar’s Office. “What do I need?” Jaime asked as she sat across from her sick boss.

“Here is the file. There is a jet warming up for you at Andrews.” Oscar handed her the file containing James’ mission.

“I’m on my way….In view of all that’s going on I asked Callahan to stay at the house with the kids.”

“She can leave anytime. I’m taking off here in a bit myself. I want to see if Steve calls in a few minutes. I’m also going to try to get the Beijing airport on this. I’m sure James’ plane hasn’t landed yet. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Thanks I’ll be in touch too. Let me know if you find out anything about Steve.” Jaime headed for the door and was gone.

“I’ll call dad and tell him to set up a meeting with Hanson. We’ll meet in dad’s office…or if Hanson wants we can meet in his office.” Dan explained.

“I don’t like this very well.” Steve sighed.

“It’s the only way.” Dan continued.

“I suppose you’re right.” Steve sat at a table in the diner while Dan went to the phone and dialed Oscar’s number.

“Steve?” Oscar asked.

“No dad it’s me but I’m with Steve.” Dan responded.

“Where are you?” Oscar asked.

“At a diner we’re on our way in. Steve is going to turn himself in. I have a plan.” Dan added. “Set up a meeting in your office with Hanson and anyone else from the NSB.”

“I will. Be here in an hour in the mean time I’ll have Hanson cancel the APB. He has Steve as a fugitive from justice.”

“Let me know… Maybe you should send a car and get us to the OSI before a police officer comes in and arrests Steve before they are given the word the APB is canceled.”

“Good idea.” Oscar agreed.

When the car arrived Dan hustled Steve outside and practically shoved him into it. “Get us to the OSI.” Dan ordered the driver.

“Right away Dr. Goldman” the driver took them straight to the OSI where Hanson and Gregory were waiting for them in Oscar’s office.


While Oscar, Hanson and Gregory sat waiting for Steve and Dan to arrive Callahan buzzed him. “Mr. Goldman. I have the Beijing airport on line one.”

“The Beijing airport?” Oscar repeated. “Oh yes that’s where James’ plane is supposed to land. I have his flight number and everything. Who will I be speaking with?”

“I believe he said his name was Ho Chang. He’s in charge of airport security.” Callahan informed.

Oscar waited for Callahan to transfer the call. “Mr. Chang. This is Oscar Goldman speaking. A friend of mine had a little trouble. His son somehow got on the wrong plane. His flight number is 12978J. Has that flight landed yet?”

“No sir it hasn’t.” The security guard replied.

“He’s only six….” Oscar gave him a brief description.

“We’ll be on the look out for him.” The guard assured.

“His mother is on flight 098978J. I’m not sure what time she is to land. Just hold James till she gets there. Her name is Jaime Austin.”

“Tell her to come straight to the security office after customs.” The guard tried to be as helpful as possible.”

“I’ll do that.” Oscar hung up then called Andrews tower to radio the flight Jaime was on.


Jaime had just dozed when the stewardess tapped her. “Mrs. Austin. The Captain just received word from Mr. Goldman. He said you are to go straight to the security office. They’ll meet your son’s plane when it lands.”

Jaime breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” She tried to smile at the stewardess

“No problem. If there is anything else we can do just let me know. We can send a message back to Mr. Goldman if you would like.”


“Do you think Hanson will be there when we get to your dad’s office? Steve wondered.

Dan nodded I can just about guarantee it.” They just pulled into the OSI parking lot.


“What was that conversation all about?” Gregory wondered once Oscar turned his attention back to them.

“I’m just cleaning up Hanson’s mess.” Oscar replied.

“His what?” Gregory asked. They all turned when Steve and Dan entered the office.

“You’re under arrest!” Hanson barked as soon as Steve stepped into Oscar’s office.

“Just hold it.” Dan threw out his hand to stop Hanson…They were all interrupted when the phone rang.

“This is Oscar Goldman speaking.” Oscar spoke. ‘Yes….Thank you I’ll inform Col. Austin. By the way if you can contact Mrs. Austin again tell her Steve is here with me and it looks like everything will be ok. I’ll keep her posted.”

Oscar hung up and before anyone could speak he turned to Steve. “Jaime is on her way to Beijing to pick up James. His flight just landed. Jaime should be not too far behind maybe early tomorrow morning.” Oscar glanced at his watch it was 10:00 pm. The guard in Beijing says James if fine.”

“That’s good.” Steve muttered as he turned to Hanson who was ready to pounce.

“Now” Hanson said. “As I was saying Austin, you’re under arrest for attempted murder.”

“And so are you Hanson.” Dan broke in “for kidnapping!”

“Kidnapping?” Gregory questioned.

“That’s right.” Dan sneered. “Mr. Hanson took James Austin out of his backyard. We have witnesses to state just that. He put him on a plane to Beijing…You just heard Oscar… Jaime went to rescue her son. Hanson is responsible for that.”

“Is this true Hanson?” Gregory shouted.

Hanson turned to Dan. “Assault with intent to kill” he tried to bargain.

“You broke the Lindbergh Law.” Dan wasn’t about to back down.

“Simple assault” Hanson continued to bargain.

Dan shook his head. “All charges are dropped. The only reason that Steve shot at you…(you jumped in front of the bullet) was because you took his son.” Dan reminded.

“You didn’t answer my question Hanson.” Gregory ignored Dan. “Is what he’s saying true?”

Defeated Gregory nodded his head.

“You’re through!” Gregory snarled. “I want you out of your office by noon tomorrow!”

“Tomorrow is Saturday.” Hanson reminded.

“Fine then” Gregory was becoming angrier by the minute. “Then I want you out of your office by midnight tonight. I don’t care what happens to you.”

“Gregory.” Hanson tried to argue.

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” Gregory continued to shout. “You took a child and sent him on a government assignment?”

“He’s not an ordinary child…”

Steve, Oscar and Dan held their breaths

“I don’t want to hear it.” Gregory cut him off. “I’ll see to it that you never work in government again!”

Hanson hung his head. “I’m sorry.” He tried to apologize.

“Too little, too late” Steve muttered.

“Come on Hanson.” Gregory led him out of Oscar’s office. “You have a desk to clear out.”


Early Sunday morning Jaime and James’ plane landed at Dulles. “I can’t believe it took this long.” Jaime yawned as she and Steve made there way through the airport. “Where are the rest of the kids?”

“I left them home. Marc is watching them.” Steve told her.

“I’m just glad to see you picking me up.” Jaime held James tight. “I was afraid you’d be in jail or something.”

“Well it’s pretty much over. We kind of made a deal. Neither one of us goes to jail, the only good part”…Steve cut off her objection. “Hanson is finished at the NSB. Gregory fired him.”

“Well that is a bit of good news.” Jaime agreed.

“You didn’t have any trouble in Beijing?” Steve asked as he opened the car door to the back seat and Jaime laid a sleeping James down.

“No trouble at all.” Jaime got into the passenger seat and was asleep before Steve got the car started.


That Monday morning with his box of personal items in his car Hanson went from one agency to the next trying to find a job any job. He would take anything that would get him in the door so to speak.

“Well Mr. Hanson.” Ron Kyle the director of the FBI spoke. “This is a pretty impressive record.

“Thanks.” Hanson grinned. ‘I think I’ve got it’ he thought.

“Now if you could just tell me why you want to leave the NSB?” Kyle asked.

Hanson had anticipated this question and had rehearsed his reply a dozen times before he got it right. “I’m just looking for a change.” He smiled.

“I see. Well if you’ll just give me a minute, I’ll be right back.” Kyle stood and left Hanson alone in his office. He looked around and when no one seemed close he picked up the phone.

“Hi Jeff” he spoke when the person finally picked up. “It’s your brother Jack I‘m going to be working for the FBI.”

“That’s wonderful.” Jeff responded.

“I have to go.” He heard Kyle coming back and quickly hung the phone up.

“I’m sorry Mr. Hanson. There are just no positions available right now.” Kyle informed him. “Not for someone with your experience anyway” he finished.

“I’ll take anything you have.” Hanson responded. “I know I’ll have to work my way up.”

“Mr. Hanson…may I be frank?” Kyle gave him a stern look.

“Please do.” Hanson urged

“It’s like this Jack. You’re lucky you’re not in jail right now.” Kyle glared at him.

“Whatever do you mean?” Hanson challenged.


Dan stopped by Steve and Jaime’s house on his way to work. “You two asked me to see about enrolling Steven Carl in the preschool program.” He spoke when Jaime opened the door.

“Yes we did.” She replied. “What did you find out?”

“They have an opening in their three year old group. You need to have him there by ten this morning. Just like with me he’ll have to take a test, if he passes…which he will. He will start today.”

“Oh Dan this is wonderful. Come on in.” Jaime offered.

“Well.” Dan began. “The preschool program is just like elementary school to normal kids. Um uh Steven will be there all day.”

“All day?” Jaime questioned.

“If you have a problem with that…” Dan started.

“No I guess not. If he has to go all day…well then I guess he goes all day. Steve will have him there at ten on the dot.”

“Let me know how it goes.” Dan walked off the porch and headed for his car.


“We know about the kidnapping charges” Kyle reminded. “Maybe later after this dies down” Kyle suggested.

Furious Hanson stormed out of Kyle’s office. He got in his car and just drove. He ended up in a small café across town. It was called the Russian coffee house. Not realizing it was a front for American agents to go when they wanted to defect; he went in and sat down. A waiter with a Russian accent walked over to him to take his ‘order.’ “Good afternoon Mr. Hanson.” The Russian called him by name. “I’m sorry you are unhappy in your present situation.”

How do you know me?” Hanson demanded.

“We know all of you American agents.” The Russian spoke.

That’s when it hit Hanson where he was. “I have to go.” He rose from the table and tried to leave.

“Wait Mr. Hanson. We are aware of your situation.” The Russian started after him.

“You don’t half as much as you think you do.” Hanson shot back

“I know enough to know we have a common enemy.” Those words made Hanson stop in his tracks.

“Who would that be?” Hanson asked.

“I believe his name is Col. Steve Austin. We can help you. We need your help let’s see how do you say it. We’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch ours”

Hanson turned and smiled. “What can I do for you?”


Hand in hand Steve and Steven walked into the Richmond School. “May I help you?” The receptionist asked.

“My Son Steven Carl Austin has an appointment.” Steve replied.

The receptionist looked at her appointment book. “Yes he does.” She glanced at the clock. It was 9:55 “You’re right on time. She looked down at the three year old. “Would you like to come with me and play some games?”

Steven Carl nodded.

“This test takes a couple of hours. We’ll contact you. If he passes the test he’ll stay, then we’ll discuss the tuition.”

“Call my home my wife will be there.” Steve ruffled Steven Carl’s hair. “See you later tiger.”

“See you later dad.” Steven Carl responded.

The receptionist disappeared down the hall and Steve left the building.


“In what way do you need my help?” Hanson asked the Russian.

“We know that you lost you job at the NSB.” The Russian motioned for Hanson to follow him. “We can always use someone with your experience.

“What make you think I want to come to work for you?” Hanson snapped but he followed anyway.

“As I said we have a common enemy.” The Russian reminded as he opened a door to a back room.

“Col. Austin. You said that before.” Hanson gave a slight smile.

“We are ready to give you an offer you can’t refuse. By the way my name is Dimtree.” The Russian introduced himself.

“I’ve heard that before.” Hanson was on guard once again.

“Come Mr. Hanson. I’ll tell you our plan.”


“You just left him there?” Jaime interrupted her lessons with the other children.

“Jaime I didn’t have a choice. They said the test takes a couple of hours.” Steve defended himself. “That’s the way they do it. They said the test takes a couple of hours and that they would call us when James was done to either tell us he’ll be going to school there or not. By the way Oscar said the tuition is pretty high.”

“I think we can manage it.” Jaime was calmer now. “I do remember that’s how they did it with Dan. Well I better get back to my class.”

“I’m going on over to the OSI. I want to talk to Oscar about a couple of things. I think he’s finally over the flu.”

“Poor guy I’ve never seen him so sick.” Jaime commented.

“Come to think of it neither have I. Call me there if the school calls.”

“I will.” Jaime assured.

Steve left and headed for the OSI. When he got there Oscar was behind his desk. “Hey Oscar How are you feeling?” Steve asked as he plunked himself down

“I’m much better…a little tired but I’m…I’m telling you I can’t remember when I’ve felt so bad.”

“Well I’m glad you’re better now.” Steve smiled.

“Yea but Hanson made a mess out of my safe. I don’t know what all he was looking for.” Oscar added.

“Do you think Gregory meant it when he said he would see to it that Hanson would not work in Government again?”

Oscar nodded. “In fact we have it from a source that he tried to apply at the FBI and was turned down.”

“I bet that burnt him?” Steve snickered.

“Yeah I’m sure it did.” Oscar gave a chuckle of his own. They both turned toward the intercom as Callahan came on. “Mr. Goldman, Inspector Gregory on line one.”

“Yes Gregory what can I do for you?” Oscar asked.

“Oscar we have a problem concerning Hanson."


At the house Jaime gave the children their morning break. This time however she didn’t take her eyes off of them. As she sat watching them the phone rang. Feeling it might be a ploy she called the children while she answered the phone.

“Yes. Hello.” Jaime spoke into the phone.

“Mrs. Austin? This Rick Thomas at the Richmond School, I just wanted to tell you Steven Carl passed the test. You are welcome to come anytime and meet his preschool teacher and get the class format. There is also the tuition that needs to be discussed.”

“I understand. I’ll speak to his teacher when I pick him up and Steve will speak to you about the tuition when he brings Steven to school tomorrow.”

That sounds fine we look forward to meeting you both.” Rick continued. “We also have a parent’s night on Wednesday the kids do a little program and you get to meet the other parents and so on.”

We’d like that.” Jaime agreed. “I’m a teacher also and home school my other children.”

“Fine then we will see you later this afternoon and then again on Wednesday”

Jaime hung up and went back to her lessons with the other kids.


“What exactly is the problem?” Oscar asked.

“Well since he left on Friday we’ve had our people watching him…just to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself or anything else.”

“I take it it’s the ‘anything else’ we’re talking about.” Oscar reached over and put the phone on speaker.

“His car was found parked outside the Russian Coffee House.” Gregory told him.

“Are you serious?” Oscar stammered

“I’m afraid I am. We are planning on keeping a close eye on it. I’ll keep you informed.

“I’d appreciate that.” Oscar hung up the phone and turned to Steve. “You’ve heard about the Russian Coffee house?”

Steve nodded. “Its where us agents go when we want to defect.”

“I think Gregory is afraid Hanson may switch to the other side.” Oscar looked at Steve. “I’d like it if you’d keep an eye on it too.”


“We will kill Austin for you, but then you must work for us.” Dimetree continued.

“I like this idea.” Hanson smiled. “Where will I work for you? Here or in Russia?”

“Till we can trust you fully it will have to be in Russia.” Dimetree explained.

“That will be fine. Now tell me how do you intend to kill Austin?” Hanson thought for a moment. He remembered everything he had read in Oscar’s file about the cloning project and how James had inherited his father’s bionic power without actually being bionic and how Steven Carl was some kind of genius. ‘I wonder if you combined Austin and Daniel if you could get some kind of super baby.’ He thought. “I have something else to tell you.” Hanson smiled at Dimetree.


Before heading out to find Hanson, Steve stopped by the house to see Jaime and the kids. “Did you hear anything from the school?”

“Steven Carl passed the test.” Jaime told him. “I said when you dropped him off at school tomorrow you’d discuss the tuition.”

“I suppose I’ll need to take my check book with me. I have something to do tonight. I have to tail Hanson for a while.”

“I wish he would have gone to jail.” Jaime sneered.

“Me too, but if he’d gone to jail I would have too. I told you that was the deal Dan made. Neither one of us went to jail, but he was fired from the NSB and now they’re all afraid he might go to work for the other side. That’s why I have to tail him.”

“You be careful.” Jaime cautioned.

“I will. And with that Steve left Jaime to find Hanson.


“What information do you have for us?” Dimetree’s tone was demanding.

“I have read Oscar Goldman’s files. His son Dan has experimented with and been successful at cloning.”

“I believe I heard something about that some years back.” Dimetree sounded very interested.

“Well from the information I was able to obtain Austin’s son James inherited his father’s bionic power. He has another son named of all things ‘Steven.’ He is Dan’s clone. My thought was this. If we were to create a clone with Austin’s strength and Dan’s intelligence…”

“I see what you are saying.” Dimetree agreed “I see exactly what you are talking about” He snapped his fingers and two men stepped in. “take Mr. Hanson’s car and dispose of it. We don’t want the NSB or the OSI to see it here.”

“Yes sir.” The men went to carry out their order.


Steve drove past the ‘Russian coffee house’ several times and didn’t see Hanson’s car. He reached for his car phone and dialed Oscar’s number. “Oscar I don’t see him anywhere I’m calling it a night.”

Oscar sighed “I didn’t think you would…ok pal we can start fresh tomorrow.

The next couple of days passed without much happening. Even the NSB lost track of Hanson.

“I wonder if Gregory was just exaggerating?” Jaime asked as they all sat down together for Thanksgiving Dinner

“I doubt that.” Dan said as he watched the younger kids to make sure they wouldn’t pick up on the conversation…especially Steven Carl who at three was just as smart as Dan was at 21.

“Well if he has gone to work for the other side.” Steve continued keeping his voice hushed. “You can bet they aren’t going to let him out of their sight for sometime.

Everyone nodded their agreement. “With all the information he has he’s more valuable to them alive…”

“For the moment” Steve interrupted. “Once they get what they want from him…”

“They’ll kill him.” Jaime finished.


Dimetree had grilled Hanson for several days. Some things Hanson told willingly… others they had to use more evasive tactics. They finally brought him around on Thanksgiving Day.

“So dimetree began as if no time at all had elapsed. “Did you enjoy your nap?”

A groggy Hanson nodded. “Yea, I didn’t know I was that tired.

“With the information you have given us.” Dimetree began again. One thing is for certain. We do not want Austin dead…not at this time any way.”

Hanson nodded his agreement.

“We like what you proposed. We need Austin and Young Dr. Goldman. Him we have tried to persuade for some time now to join us.” Dimetree added.

“You get the two of them…and we can create the most super human person ever.” Hanson still didn’t realize that three days has passed since their first meeting.

“We’ll make arrangements to kidnap both of them.” Dimetree stated

“The easiest way to get Austin is to kidnap Goldman’s son first.” Hanson tried to be helpful.


As Oscar was getting ready to leave with his family Marc and Matt approached. Marc turned to Steve. “Do you mind if I go with Oscar. I want to stay with Matt through the holiday. Mom says I’m all caught up on my school work.”

“It’s fine with me.” Steve agreed “As long as Oscar doesn’t mind…He’s been sick remember?”

The twins looked at him.

As Oscar looked from one to the other his mind flashed back to the very first day they came to live with him after loosing their parents. Suddenly they were seven years old again. He smiled and shook his head. “Have I ever been able to say no to the two of you?”

“I’ll go pack my stuff.” Marc and Matt bolted up the steps like they were seven again.

Oscar watched for a moment then he turned to Steve. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Not at all as long as he’s caught up on his school work…” He turned to Jaime

“He’s fine.” She told them.


“I agree. Kidnapping Dan Goldman would bring Austin right to our front door.” Dimetree agreed. “We’ll have them both before Christmas”

“We’ll see. We have to move slow on this. We have plenty of time. But the sooner we get started…the better.” Hanson offered.

“A change of heart Mr. Hanson? Dimetree wondered.

“I don’t have one.” Hanson smiled.

“Very good then” We’ll kidnap the boy and lure Austin here…the rest is up to you. That is if Goldman’s son doesn’t cooperate we kill you first.”


Steve closed the door after Oscar and his family left. “This is kind of nice you know. I mean as much as I love Marc, it will be nice to have just our family for a while.”

Jaime nodded “I agree.”

“I’ll get the kids settled down and then we’ll have a t u r k e y s a n d w I c h.” Jaime smiled.

“Sounds good” Steve agreed.

“I want a turkey sandwich too!” Steven complained.

Jaime shook her head. “He spells better than James.”

“Tell me about it.” Steve laughed. “By the way how is James doing? I mean since his little trip he took. I see you still get up in the night.”

“He is still having nightmares. I was hoping they would have passed by now. But he says every time it’s the same. A man takes him from his house and puts him on a plane. He ends up in a place where he doesn’t understand what anyone is saying….”

“Sounds like that’s exactly what happened.” Steve muttered.

Jaime nodded “I know.” “You know.” Dan spoke “I never did ask how Steven’s first week of preschool went. Maybe I’ll drop by the school one day next week and talk to the preschool teacher. I think I know her.”

“I’m sure he’s doing fine. But if you want to and Steve and Jaime says it’s ok…then I suppose it will be alright.

“I might even get to watch the class for a while.” Dan muttered

“Would they let you?” Oscar asked.

“I used to go to school there, of course they would.” Dan smiled. “I’d like to go earlier but Rudy and I are busy on that project.”

“I’m sure he won’t mind any time you want to go.” Oscar was so happy to have his family intact once again he was so busy chatting with the kids and catching up on what Marc was doing that he didn’t see the car following him….

To be continued in:
"A Not So Merry Christmas!"

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