
The posse assembled, their first stop was Molly’s cabin. Nick and Jarrod led the way to the abandoned shack. They combed every inch of the place in search of the tinniest clue that might provide a lead on Heath’s whereabouts but they came up empty. With dusk hovering in the horizon, Sheriff Madden suggested to call it a day and resume the search first thing in the morning, but Nick adamantly refused.

« Tomorrow might be too late, Fred. You know what happened the last time Heath fell into ‘em outlaws’clutches? They shot him! » Nick barked as he tried to contain his emotions.

Fred laid his hand on Nick’s shoulder. « Nick, I understand your concern, believe me, but we can’t search in the pitch dark. The only thing that we can find is trouble. No, we need to wait till the morning. »

« Maybe you do, but I don’t, » Nick lashed out as he stormed out of the cabin.

Jarrod followed and grabbed Nick’s arm before he could swing onto Cocoa’s back. « Nick, wait up! »

« Don’t try to change my mind with your so-called rational lectures, Jarrod ‘cause it won’t work. »

« I’m with you on this, Nick, but I also think Fred is right. It won’t do Heath any good if we all wind up dead. »

« That woman’s crazy. She’s liable to… » the sentence hung in mid air as Nick dreaded to utter the word.

« Kill him? » Jarrod finished. « I don’t think she’d go that far. »

« Allow me to disagree with you, Big Brother, » Nick said sarcastically. « If you won’t go then don’t try to stop me. »

« Nick, there’s something else you could do that will enable us to locate Heath faster. »

« What’s that? »

« That bond you both seem to have, the one that saved Heath when Matt Bentell left him for dead, you remember? »

« What of it? »

« Maybe if you’d concentrate… »

« Dammit Jarrod! This isn’t somethin’ I can easily switch on and off! » Nick bluntly interjected.

« I’m sure you can. You just need to calm yourself and let your mind go blank. Channel all of your concentration on that single one person, » Jarrod explained with a composed voice that seemed to soothe Nick’s temper.

Nick heaved a sigh and watched the men mount their horses. Fred told the Barkleys that he and the rest of the posse would be at their house first thing tomorrow morning to resume the search. Jarrod nodded his head in gratitude while Nick snubbed them by looking away. Jarrod took Nick by the shoulders and led him inside the cabin where he sat him in a chair. « This is ridiculous, Jarrod. We’re wastin’ time! » Nick complained in a gruff voice.

« We’re not wasting time on the contrary, we’re narrowing our search. »

« I can’t do this, » Nick whimpered as his face crumpled at the helpless feeling gnawing at him.

« Don’t try so hard. Just relax. »

Nick rested his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. « He’s in trouble, I can feel it. Just don’t know where he is. »


The next morning, while Molly’s brothers we’re out hunting, Heath roused with the smell of freshly baked bacon and sausages. His stomach growled and his mouth watered as he caught whiff after whiff of the tantalizing aroma wafting from the kitchen. He tried to move but his bonds weren’t allowing him much room to work with. Molly walked in the room, carrying a tray. On it was a copious breakfast that Heath ached to get a taste of. He was famished.

« Heath, ya’ awake? » Molly sat on the bed and dangled a slice of bacon inches above Heath’s mouth. His eyes followed her every move until he threw his head forward to snatch the piece between his teeth. « My, aren’t we hungry? Want more? » she teased maliciously as she waved another slice of bacon over his nose. Heath grabbed it between his teeth. Molly leaned closer and began caressing his chest. « A good hearty breakfast for a strong man. That’s what ya’ll get bein’ married to me, darlin’ » She leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips. When Heath appeared to be returning her affection, the kiss turned passionate. She started nibbling at his neck.

« I wanna touch ya’, » Heath said, feigning interest in wanting to consumate their marriage. « Let me make love to ya’ proper like a man does to his wife, » he added convincingly so that she would let down her guard and untie him.

« What made ya’ change yar’ mind? »

« That breakfast. I figured a woman who can cook like that can’t be all that bad. »

Molly kissed him once more as she caressed his body. Heath endeavoured not to let his true emotions show and focused on his purpose of convincing Molly to sever his bonds. « Please, untie me, » Heath asked in a deep voice she’d never heard before as he forced a sultry smile upon her.

She slowly cut the ropes around his wrists and ankles and laid on top of him. She kissed him passionately, unaware that he was reaching for the knife on the dresser. He grabbed her by the back of the head and swiftly swirled on top of her, pinning her to the mattress with the knife at her neck and a hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. « Now, ya’ and me are gonna take a lil’ ride. Ya’ get up nice and easy and I promised not to slit your throat. »

Molly nodded and he slowly released his hand.

« Ya’ wouldn’t do that. »

« Don’t be too sure, Missy. » Heath removed himself from her person and yanked her to her feet. He walked behind her, twisting her arm in the back while keeping the knife handy in his free hand. Heath loathed his behavior but saw no other alternative under the circumstances. He had to escape before Molly’s brothers returned from their hunt. He grabbed a gun and dropped the knife, keeping Molly at gun point a few inches in front of him. He ordered her to step outside where they mounted her horse, all the while keeping the gun pressed against her side. He spurred the horse at a light galop into the woods.

The surroundings were unfamiliar to Heath as he navigated through the thick vegetation, trying to find a road. As he heard the sound of hooves approaching, he quickly reined back his horse and dismounted. He concealed the animal behind a tree and forced Molly to crouch down with him. As the riders drew closer, Molly let out a scream. Heath grabbed a hold of her and wrestled her to the ground, putting his hand over her mouth.

« Heath! » The sound of a familiar gruff voice prompted Heath to look up. To his relief, there were Nick and Jarrod running toward him. « Heath, are you all right? » Nick asked frantically, groping his brother all over to check for any serious injury.

« I’m fine, Nick, » Heath breathed out with relief. » How did ya’ find me? »

« Do you have to ask? » Jarrod said with a raised eyebrow. Heath understood that the baffling gift he shared with Nick had once again worked its magic.

« Are we interrupting somethin’ here? » Nick teased, seeing Heath in a compromising position.

« Yes and I’m glad ya’ did. » Heath got up and yanked Molly to her feet. « Is the sheriff with ya? »

« Not far behind. »

« I’ve got a new tenant for his jail. »

« What about her brothers? »

« Gone hunting. There’s a small cabin ‘bout three miles down. Better tell Fred to send men over there to wait for ‘em. »

Jarrod offered to be the messenger. He mounted Jingo and galloped away to meet with the posse. Nick looped Molly’s hands with a rope and assisted Heath is getting her into the saddle. Heath swung on the horse’s rump behind her and they rode away.


Molly’s brothers were caught and hauled off to jail to keep their sister company pending their trial. The circuit judge wasn’t due to pass through Stockton for another two weeks, which would give the siblings time to reflect on their crimes.

Upon his return home, Heath was showered with kisses and hugs from Victoria, Audra and Sandra. Instead of talking about his ordeal, Heath thanked everyone for their solicitude and excused himself from the present company before he locked himself in his room. Sandra wished to follow him, but Victoria suggested to leave him alone for the time being, confident that he would eventually come around.


Days passed and Heath remained cloistered in his room, leaving only to help Nick with the ranch work. Sandra was privy that Heath intended to invite her to join him and his family on their annual camping trip up in the mountains and she was looking forward to it, but he still hadn’t asked her. She worried that his ordeal might have affected the way he felt about her. She feared she might have done or say something that offended him and drove him to shun from her. Since his abduction, Heath rarely strayed far from the ranch and hadn’t been seen in town. She voiced her concerns to Nick, making him promised not to breathe a word to Heath. Nick found his brother’s change in behavior very peculiar, particularly after he’d confessed to him that he intended to ask Sandra to marry him during that weekend getaway.

At night, as they adjourned to the living room for their afterdinner drink. Nick breezily broached the subject of the camping trip, hoping to ease Heath into the conversation. Even a blind man could see that Heath was deeply disturbed as he remained silent, an arm resting on the fireplace mantle and sipping his brandy.

« Heath, I reckon you already asked Sandra to join us? »

« That goes without saying, Brother Nick. » Jarrod joined in, giving a friendly tap on Heath’s back.

Heath cracked a strained smile as he absentmindedly whirled his brandy in his glass.

« Something wrong, Honey? » Victoria asked after noting Heath’s subdued demeanour.

« Everything’s fine, Mother. I’m just a bit tired. If ya’ll all ‘scuse me, I think I’ll turn in. » Heath gulped down the rest of his brandy and handed the glass over to Jarrod before heading upstairs.


Later, as Nick headed upstairs, he noticed a strip of light under Heath’s bedroom door. He decided to knock. « Heath, you awake? »

« Yeah, come on in. »

Nick entered and found Heath sprawled on his bed still fully clothed with his hands laced at the back of his head. He was staring at the ceiling, completely lost in his thoughts. « Want to talk about it, Little Brother? »

Heath sighed and smiled. He knew Nick could read him like a book and there was no way he could hide his feelings from him. « I’m married. »

Nick raised his eyebrow in incredulity. Before he could get a word in edgewise, Heath related his story with Molly and the shotgun wedding. In all good conscience, he couldn’t let Sandra believe that there might be a future for them. Regardless of the circumstances in which his wedding took place, he was nonetheless legally married to Molly and dating Sandra would be considered adultery. He had a hard time living with the word ‘bastard’ and had no intention to add ‘adultery’ to his vocabulary. He didn’t want history to repeat itself. Nick suggested to have the marriage annulled and promised Heath to discuss it over with Jarrod only.


The next day, Jarrod drew over the annulment papers which Heath gladly signed. He went over to the jail to have Molly do the same but she flatly refused, stating that she loved him and wanted their marriage to work. Unfortunately there was no legal action that could be undertaken to force Molly to sign those papers. Saturday was only two days away and Heath was itching to ask Sandra to join him on the camping trip, for he intended to make his marriage proposal on that occasion.


On Friday afternoon, Heath decided to make one last attempt at convincing Molly to set him free. He walked inside the sheriff’s office. « Hi, Fred. Can I talk to her? »

« Sure, Heath. »

Heath followed Fred back to the cells. Molly was resting on the cot. When she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, she jumped to her feet and went over to where Heath stood behind the bars. Heath asked Fred to open the door and let him inside where he could have a heart-to-heart talk with Molly. Fred unbolted the door long enough to let Heath through, then locked it behind him and returned to his desk.

« Heath if ya’ came here to try to make me change my mind ‘bout those annulment papers, ya’ wastin’ yar’ time. I’ll never sign ‘em. »

« Why Molly? You know very well there’s no future for us. I don’t love ya’. »

« I don’t believe that, Heath. »

Heath sighed in exasperation. « Ya’ know I don’t really care what ya’ believe. »

« Admit it, ya were attracted to me. »

« Once, maybe, but that was before I found out ya’ made a living outta robbing banks, stages and killing people. »

« Do ya’ think I like doin’ that? » she bellowed as she glared at Heath to get his attention. « Lemme tell ya’ sumptin’, Heath. Ya cain’t know what it’s like to be an abandoned kid, havin’ to rummage through trash for bits of food, beddin’ down in cold smelly stables and gettin’ sick when there ain’t no doctor aroun’ for miles. I didn’ choose this life, it chose me! Then I met ya’. I had high hopes that ya’d be my savior, that ya’d free me from this hell. I want so much to settle down, have a stable home and family. »

Heath blinked away a tear before closing his eyes in despair. A strange sensation formed in the pit of his stomach as Molly told her story. Somehow he believed her. Her childhood compared with his on many levels and couldn’t help feeling a kinship. Molly walked up to Heath, wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his back. He stood, frozen with emotions gushing to his throat. A transformation was occurring within him. Could it be that deep down he cared for Molly or was it just pity?

« Please, Heath. I only wanna make ya’ happy. I need ya’ to love me, I need ya’ in my life. I’ve waited for ya’ for so long and now that yar’ here, I feel ya’ slippin’ away. »

Heath called out to Fred to let him out of the cell. Molly grabbed his arm, begging him not to abandon her. As Heath felt his emotions about to betray him, he wrenched his arm free of Molly’s grip and hurried outside. His breathing grew heavier as he struggled to stifle the flood of emotions gushing to his throat. How could he have feelings for a woman that nearly killed him, roughed up his family and forced him to married her?

For his part, Jarrod did a bit of investigating on the alleged Reverend Harold McCall who performed the shotgun ceremony. He discovered that such a preacher never existed and that in fact the name Harold McCall was associated with crime. He was wanted for robbery, therefore rendering Heath’s marriage to Molly nul and void. Heath was legally free to court Sandra. Although relieved, Heath couldn’t help thinking of Molly. Did she tell the truth about her wretched existence? Could she have changed being married to him? Heath was still torn.


Dinner at the Barkleys that night was spent in silence. Brothers and sister couldn’t help casting a sidelong glance at their dejected blond sibling, distractedly prodding at his food, while Victoria attempted to enliven the conversation by introducing the subject of the camping trip. They were to leave for the mountains early in the morning and Jarrod, Nick and Audra all assured that their bags were packed and ready. Heath remained silent, his mind plagued by his predicament. There was questioning the deep love he felt for Sandra, but doubts lingered when it came to Molly. He despised everything about her and yet, she kept haunting his thoughts. He almost came to regret discovering that their marriage was a sham.

« Mother if ya’ don’t mind, I think I’ll skip the trip this weekend, » Heath said without looking up from his plate.

Victoria placed her hand on Heath’s arm. « We won’t go without you, Heath. »

« I just don’t think I’ll be good company. Besides I wanted Sandra to join us but after everything that’s happened, I didn’t get ‘round to ask her. »

« Perhaps we could pospone the trip, at least until the trial is over, » Jarrod proposed to ease his brother’s mind.

« That’s a wonderful idea, » Audra enthused.

« Yeah, could give Heath and me a chance to finish busting those ornery stallions, » Nick chimed in to add his vote to the suggestion.

« Well I believe it’s settled, then. We will set another date for the trip once the trial is behind us, » Victoria stated firmly as she gently squeezed Heath’s arm.

Heath lifted his eyes from his food and cast a glance at each family member with a lopsided smile. « Thanks everyone. »

Audra put her hand on Heath’s shoulder and gave him a peck on the cheek. « Just wouldn’t have been the same without you, Heath. Remember, you promised me a dance. »

He returned her beaming smile. « How can I forget? »


When the circuit judge arrived in Stockton for the trial, Heath asked Jarrod to act on Molly’s behalf to try to obtain the leniency of the court in reducing her sentence. Rueben and Buford were convicted of armed robbery and murder in greater part due to Heath’s testimony. Molly was exonerated of all crimes and set free.

Molly ecstatically flung herself into Heath’s arms and kissed him hard and long on the lips. The amorous display captivated the audience, with many eyebrows raising in suspicion that the young Barkley and set his cap at the exuberant blonde, casting aside the brunette he seemed so intensely enamoured of.

Heath quickly pulled out of the tight clench and much to Molly’s dismay, gave her a plain handshake and wished her luck in her new life.

« Good luck? That’s it? » Molly hissed, completety appalled by Heath’s snub. « I thought ya’ testified for me coz ya’ wanted to be with me? »

« I’m sorry Molly. I merely wanted ya’ to be free of your corrupt brothers and have a chance to start a brand new life. »

« Start a new life? With what? I ain’t got nothin’! Ya’ all I have now. Don’t push me away, Heath, » she begged as she wrapped her arms around his waist, which he was quick to remove.

« Good bye Molly. » Heath turned to walk out of the courtroom with Sandra on his arm.

« Heath, please! Don’t leave me! » Molly entreated with tear-clouded eyes.

Heath ignored her plea, though his heart was breaking at having to resort to a harsh and tearful parting.

« Heath, I love ya’! » Molly sobbed, hoping to sway Heath’s decision to jilt her.

Heath stopped at the door but didn’t look up.

« Come on Heath, let’s go. You did everything you could. It’s up to her now, » Sandra coaxed as she nudged him to press on.

Molly threw herself into Victoria’s arms and dissolved into tears. « Mrs. Barkley, why’s yar’ son doin’ this to me? » she blubbered with a voice broken with sobs.

« Molly, Heath doesn’t love you, » Nick blurted out assertively.

« Nicholas! » Victoria rebuked as she threw Nick a withering look.

« Well it’s true. Don’t get me wrong, he’s grateful for what you did for him but that’s as far as it goes. »

Molly stared at Victoria. « Is that true Mrs. Barkley? »

Victoria lowered her eyes a gave a slight nod of the head.

« Awright. Guess I got my anwser. » Molly sniffed back her tears and regained her composure.

« Will you be okay? » Audra asked with great concern.

« I don’t know. I ain’t been alone since I was five. Thanks for ev’rythin’ folks. » Molly released Victoria’s hand and headed outside where she saw Heath assisting Sandra in the front seat of the surrey. Both exchanged rueful stares before Heath flicked the horse onwards.

From this day forward, memories of Molly lingered on Heath’s guilty conscience, which plunged him into a state of despond and plagued his nights with recurring nightmares of his ordeal in Coreyville, jolting him awake. He desperately sought answers to his pangs of conscience. He thought, perhaps, he should have stayed with Molly long enough to help her get her bearings back instead of heartlessly sending her on her way. She was alone and scared. He remembered that feeling of helplessness for he had often experienced it. However, he couldn’t be held liable for every stray dog he came across. He had his own life to lead, one that included Sandra Bates. She had accepted his invitation to join the family on their annual camping trip this weekend, where he planned to ask her hand in marriage. He held no misgivings as to his choice of Sandra for his wife and mother of his children.


Bright and early Friday morning, Heath drove the surrey to the Bates’ farm to pick up Sandra. As he escorted her to the carriage, he could feel his heart throbbing at his neck. Tomorrow night he was to make his marriage proposal to this brunette and although he already had her parents’ blessing, he anticipated a refusal from their daughter, perhaps owing to the fact that he projected his own doubts of her wanting to marry a man who still bore feelings for another woman, albeit superficial.

Hours later, they arrived at the campsite. The men busied themselves with pitching the tents while the woman sorted out the utensils and gathered wood for the fire. Once their work done, Heath, Nick and Jarrod headed down the river to catch fish for dinner.

The three brothers cast their lines into the water and sat together on the grass, Nick in the middle.

« Hey Heath, when are you planning to pop the question? » Nick probed with a playful nudge in his brother’s arm.

« What are you talking about? » Jarrod queried, having been left in the dark about the marriage proposal.

« Heath wants to ask Sandra to marry him. »

« He is? » Jarrod craned his neck over Nick’s shoulder to gauge Heath’s reaction to the question. « When? »

« Tomorrow night, right after the dance. » Heath informed with an blissful smile.

« Well it’s about time, Brother Heath. »

« That’s what I keep telling him. It’s time to put that Molly character in the past. »

Nick’s mention of Molly’s name made Heath’s flesh crawl.

« I’m sure you and Sandra will be very happy. She’s a wonderful girl, Heath, » Jarrod commented. He then noticed Heath’s eyes taking on a sudden vacant stare. « Heath? »

Heath remained undisturbed.

« Hey! » Nick shouted, elbowing him in the side. « You still with us? »

« What? »

« Wait a second here…you’re not still reeling over that woman, are you? » Nick asked on an accusatory tone.

« No, » Heath answered distractedly.

« You’re lying through your teeth, boy. »

Heath sighed with an edge of annoyance before he hoistered himself up. « Just drop it Nick, okay? »

« Heath for God’s sake you can’t be serious? After what that harpy did to you and our family? You honestly can’t be… » Nick felt a tug on his arm before he could finish his sentence. Jarrod was urging him with a shake of the head to drop the touchy subject that was visibly disturbing his blond sibling.

« I said drop it, Nick! » Heath snapped before hurling his fishing pole to the ground and walking away.

« Give him time, Nick. »


An hour later, Nick and Jarrod returned to the campsite with six fresh trouts that they boastly dangled in front of the women. « Look what we caught, ladies. » Jarrod said with a satisfied grin across his face.

Audra and Sandra came rushing to them. « Oh my, they’re big! » Audra commented. « Come Sandra, I’ll show you how to clean them. »

« Have fun, ladies. »

« Where’s Heath? » Victoria asked. Her eyes darted between her two sons when they deigned to answer. « Something happened? »

« Kinda. » Nick replied without elaborating on the subject.

« Nick here, » Jarrod nodded toward his slightly embarrassed brother, « mentioned Molly and… »

« I see, » Victoria interrupted, conscious of Heath’s lingering mixed emotions about Molly.

« Mother, I…I…didn’t mean to upset him, » Nick repented, avoiding eye contact with Victoria knowing she disapproved of his conduct towards his brother.

Instead, she cupped his chin and lifted his head to gaze into the remorseful hazel eyes. « I know you didn’t. I should have warned you that Heath is still a bit sensitive on that subject. »

« He told me that he intended to ask Sandra to marry him, so naturally I figured Molly was well in the past, » Nick defended.

« I know. » She ran her hand up and down Nick’s arm. « I’ll go talk to him. »

« Do you know where he is? » Jarrod asked.

« I have an idea. »

Victoria’s hunch led her to a small clearing by the riverbank in the midst of which stood the carcass of an old shack. Heath was sitting on the step of the fireplace, arms hugging his legs with his head resting on his knees.

Victoria strode over a few debris to reach her son. « I thought I might find you here. »

Heath looked up. « Mother? »

« Do you mind some company? »

Heath carved a lopsided smile and shook his head. Victoria brushed off the dust and sat on the slab next to Heath.

« Come here often, stranger? » she bantered to lighten the mood and by the same occasion to embolden him to open up to her.

Heath’s smile turned to anguish. « I just don’t know what to do. »

She draped her arm around his. « Ok, let’s analyse the situation. You have Sandra on one hand and Molly on the other. Let’s start with Sandra. Close your eyes and picture her in your mind. » She glanced at Heath who had his eyes closed in concentration. « Good, can you see her? »

« Yeah. »

« Now go forward in time. Can you imagine this woman as your wife and mother of your children? Taking care of the house and cooking you a luscious meal when you come home after a hard day at work? » she peeked at Heath who wore a blissful smile on his face. « Now take Molly. » She noticed his countenance changing from beaming happiness to gloom. « I think we have a winner. »

«When I think about Molly I can’t help feel guilty. »

« For what? Giving her a new lease on life? »

« For leaving her with nothing! » Heath lashed out at himself. « No money, no family, no home. At least before she had her brothers. She’s been with them all her life. Now she’s completely alone. »

« You’re not responsible for her situation, Heath. »

« Aren’t I? » Heath got up and walked away. Victoria followed and caught up with him. They continued talking while walking alongside the riverbank, unaware of the prowler following them at a distance by stealthily zigzagging behind trees and bushes.

« What do you intend to do now? » Victoria asked as she laced her arm with Heath’s.

« I love Sandra and I want her to be my wife. »

« I think you just made a sensible decision. » She stopped and kissed him on the cheek. « Molly will be alright. »

Heath hung his head and sighed heavily. « I hope so. »

« Your caring and compassion are your greatest virtues, Heath Barkley, but don’t let them destroy you. »

Heath gave a slight nod of the head.

« Come on, let’s go back. »

« You go. I wanna stay here for awhile. »

She held his face in her hands and stared deeply into his eyes. « Are you sure? »

He nodded with a reassuring smile. She pecked him on the cheek once more before walking back to the campsite. Minutes later, the moving shadow sprung up from behind bushes.

« Ya’ cain’t marry her, Heath. »

Heath whirled around and reacted shockingly at the figure standing a few feet away with a gun trained on him. « Molly, what are ya’ doing here? »

She took a few steps toward Heath. « Ya’ cain’t marry that girl. Told ya’, she ain’t right for ya’, » she fumed with a slight quaver in her voice and a lovesick gaze.

Heath slowly took a few steps backwards with his arms raised. « Molly listen to me. I will help ya’. »

« Help me? How? »

« Whatever ya’ want. Just…just put the gun down. »

« Will ya’ marry me? » she asked with eager expectation. When Heath remained silent, her lips curled up in contempt and she fired a shot in Heath’s shoulder. He jerked backwards but managed to retain his balance until a second shot entered his stomach. He grabbed the bleeding wound just as his knees buckled. He stared pop-eyed at Molly before he crumbled to the ground. She stoically slouched over to where he was desperately gasping for breaths.

« Why…why are ya’ doing this? » he breathed out.

« Til death do us part ya’ said in yar’ weddin’ vows to me. » She levelled her gun at Heath’s chest. « Goodbye my darlin’ »

« I..I love…love ya, » Heath painfully studdered between gasps in an effort to stall for he knew his family must have heard the gunshots.

Molly gazed at Heath for a moment before a third shot rang out. Heath closed his eyes as he prepared himself to die. He heard Molly slump to the ground beside him. When he opened his eyes, he discerned the blurred figure of Nick running toward him with a smoking gun in his hand. « Heath! »

« Nick? »

« Yeah. Hold on Little Brother. You’re gonna be alright. » Victoria gently cradled Heath in her arms while Sandra knelt down beside him in complete hysteria. « Heath, my God! » She began stroking his cheek.

« It..it looks worse than..it is, » Heath cracked in a whisper to appease her fears. He blinked heavily and gulped down a breath. « Molly? »

« She’s dead, » Nick informed after taking Molly’s pulse.

Heath began to whimper in Victoria’s arms. « Why Mother? I only tried to do what..what was best, » he sobbed, choking on his words.

« I know, » she anwered in a calm voice while Audra and Sandra applied pressure on the bleeding wounds.

Heath slowly turned his head toward Sandra. « I love you. »

She sniffed back her tears and kissed him. « I love you too, Heath, » she cried.

Heath tilted his head back to Victoria and smiled. « Thank you, » he breathed out before his head slumped against Victoria’s shoulder.


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