"Turkey Shoot"


Logline: The families thanksgiving trip ot Disney World turns tragic when a contract killer shoots and seriously injurs Steve And that's not the end...

  “Well Rudy.” Oscar smiled. “We pulled it off. We leave day after tomorrow and the little kids don’t suspect a thing. I mean Dan knows, but he’s kept it a secret.”

“Yea I know.” Rudy glanced at his watch. “I’ll be in my office. Jaime is bringing the twins in. I would like to give them both complete physicals before the trip. I want to check on the baby as well.”

“Sounds good. But it was just a few weeks ago you changed Marc’s bionics” Oscar reminded.

“Yea I know. I haven’t tested them yet. I need to do that.”

“Now these will ‘grow’ with him like the others right.”

“That’s the plan.”

“Ok then. I’ll come down to your office in a while. I have some phone calls to make.” When Rudy got down to his office the twins, Joey and Jaime were waiting for him.

Rudy turned to the kids. “Listen Marc I’m going to test your bionics in a minute. Right now I need to talk to Jaime and see how the baby is doing. “Then we still need run those tests.”

“Yea sure.” Marc replied still bent over the puzzle.

Jaime followed Rudy into his inner office. “Well, shall we see how the future pilot is doing?” Rudy smiled.

“Don’t let Steve hear you say that. He is never allowing this child anywhere near an airplane.”

“Really, why not?” Rudy wondered.

“He’s says he’s not about to let history repeat itself. He doesn’t want his son to end up like him.”

“Shh do you want Marc to hear you. If he thinks Steve feels that way...”

“I think he’s to busy to listen in. He’s putting that puzzle together.” Jaime reminded.

“You maybe right but just the same...” He stepped over to the door.

“I never even thought about Marc. I forget he is still so fragile emotionally.”

Rudy nodded. He opened his office door. Matt, Joey and Marc were bent over the puzzle. “No Matt.” Marc argued. “That piece doesn’t go there.”

“You’re right. They didn’t hear a thing. Thank goodness. We have to be more careful. I want to discuss this with you two in more detail when the kids aren’t around.”

“Ok Rudy. Right now, Steve is too excited to talk about any thing though. I swear that man has packed and unpacked his suitcase at least five times getting ready for the trip.”

“Yea I know. The kids still don’t know so we have to watch it with that to. Oscar really wants it to be a surprise.”

“I know, he has sworn us all to secrecy Where is he anyway?” Jaime asked. “I think if he could he would classify it a grade ten project.

Rudy laughed “He said he had to make a phone call and would join us in a minute.”

“So Yuriy, are you ready?” Rustam asked as the two of them sat in Yuriy’s small apartment in George Town.

“All ready. That travel agent you set me up with arranged it so I’m on the same flight as Austin, my hotel room is even right next to his. I’ll be able to keep track of when he comes and goes. I’ll watch him very closely.”

“That is wonderful” Rustam smiled. “What about Goldman?

‘He’s very close to Austin. But I don’t think he’ll give me any problems. I plan on doing this long range.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan.” Rustam laughed. “Now I owe you some money for what you paid out of the trip.” He pushed an envelope toward him. Yuriy picked it up and slid it into his pocket.

“Now.” Rustam continued. “I will pay you extra if you have the job done the day after Thanksgiving. I want this over with as soon as possible.”

“What if I get Austin before then?” Yuriy wondered.

Rustam thought for a moment. “Naw I don’t think so. This will be more interesting. Besides. You can use the time to practice.

“I will practice I mean I don’t want to miss. They go into the park the Friday after Thanks giving. I have it all planned out.”

“Then we do not need to meet till the job is complete. The envelope I gave you contains the repay for the trip plus half of the payment. You will receive the rest when the job is complete.”

“That is great. See you the Saturday after Thanksgiving.”

Rustam left Yuriy’s apartment. Yuriy opened the envelope and counted his earnings. “ I

“So how are you feeling?”

“I feel great.” Jaime explained. “But I feel sorry for poor Steve.”

“Why?” Rudy wondered

“Well he is always getting up in the middle of the night, running to the all night market to get what ever I might be carving at that particular time”

Rudy laughed “How bout after this one. Want to go for a girl?” Rudy wondered

“No way I refuse to give birth to myself.” Jaime objected.

“Well then let’s just check and see how the little guy is doing.”

Rudy gave her a quick check up. “I think everything is going just fine Jaime. The baby seems to be growing just fine.

“Well that’s good.” Jaime was relieved Of course this type pregnancy had. to their knowledge been attempted before. How would it all come out in the end? Just how much would the baby be like his father?

When they stepped out of the office. Steve had joined the kids at the table. He was helping them with their puzzle.

He stood the minute he saw the two of them emerge. “So how is the baby doing?”

“He’s just fine. Growing right on target.

“Well that’s good.” Steve walked over to Jaime.

“Marc, Matt. Why don’t you two come with me? I want to run some tests on Marc.”

The twins followed him into his office.

“So how are you feeling?” Rudy asked as he began examine them.

“I feel great.” Matt told him.”

“Me tool” Marc replied.

“Well that’s good.” Rudy replied. He quickly examined the boys then ran the tests on Marc.

“Well Marc. I think you are doing just fine.” Rudy said

On a shooting range in a room under the Russian Embassy Yuriy stood with Rustam. They had several targets before them. They all had a picture of Steve’s face pasted where the head should be. Yuriy shot at each one striking the target in the chest or head each time.

“You do very well Yuriy.” Rustam commented. “I’m sure you will have no trouble fulfilling your end of the contract.”

“That’s true. I can hardly wait.” Yuriy laughed.

So how is everyone doing/” Oscar asked when he joined them all in Rudy’s office. “Marc’s tests, they came out ok?”

“Yea Oscar he’s fine.” Rudy assured.

“Well that’s good.” Oscar sounded relieved. He looked around Rudy’s office. “Where are the kids?”

“Russ took them to a puppet show in the park.” Rudy told him.

‘Yea” Steve added. “Something about Mary and her lamb or something. I wanted to go, but Russ only had four tickets.”

“Aw, poor baby.” Jaime soothed.

Anyway I guess I’m looking forward to the trip.”

Jaime, Steve and Rudy all exchanged amused looks. “What is so funny?” He demanded.

“It’s just that a year ago you would never have thought Disney World would be a good time.” Jaime replied.

“Well I do now. I think the kids will enjoy it. Especially that big one over there.” He pointed to Steve. Who was working in the word puzzle books Rudy had bought for the kids.

“Well day after tomorrow is the big day.” Jaime continued. “I’m just sorry I won’t be able to ride most of the rides. I can ride the kiddy rides with Joey.” She sighed.

They all laughed “And even some of those the park won’t let you ride on.” Rudy warned.

Jaime pretended to cry. “I guess I’ll just have to wait till next year when we take our own son.”

“I think he’ll be a bit young. Don’t you?” Oscar said.

“Probably but we’re taking him anyway.” Steve added. By the way what time is our flight?”

It’s at nine in the morning. That will give us plenty of time to get settled and then do some sightseeing. Then we have reservations for dinner on Thursday. And the park on Friday.”

“Sounds good.” Rudy agreed.

Just then the twins and Joey burst into the room. “Boy was that a neat show.” They exclaimed.

“Well.” Jaime interrupted. “I’m sorry to break this up. But I really need to get my students back to the classroom. We have really wasted the morning. And part of the afternoon”

“Well.” Steve proclaimed after Jaime and the kids left. “I need to pick up a few more things for the trip.”

“Like what?” Rudy teased. “You have to buy the mouse ears once you get there.”

“Ha, ha.” I’ll be back in just a bit.” Steve smiled.

As Steve did his shopping he was unaware that Yuriy was right behind him. At one point he took out his gun and aimed it directly at Steve...

“Pow! Pow!” He imitated. “That’s for you Col Austin. Next time it’s for real” Yuriy laughed as he pulled away from the curb

After finishing his errands Steve headed back to the OSI. “Did Jaime get home ok with the kids?”

“Yea she called a few moments ago.” Oscar said. “Did you get what you needed?”

“Yea I did.” Steve said.

“Well.” Oscar proclaimed. “I better get going. I try to get home a little earlier so Jaime can have a break.”

“Yea, I’ve noticed that. And I appreciate it. Well I’m going to go home and fix dinner. I want to have it ready when Jaime gets home.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then. And then the next day is our trip.” Oscar reminded

“Yea I know.” Steve gave a little dance. “I can hardly wait.”

“Hi Jaime.” Oscar said when he stepped into the twin’s and Joey’s room “Steve is waiting for you at home. You won’t need to come tomorrow. I’ll stay with the kids. I have some packing to do.”

“I guess I do to. I am really looking forward to this trip.” Jaime was almost as excited as Steve. “Where is Danny?” She wondered.

“He rode with Rudy. They were right behind me.” Oscar explained.

“What trip?” Marc, Matt and Joey all asked.

“Well Oscar, the cat is out of the bag. I guess you are going to have to tell them.” Jaime teased.

Oscar told the kids about their impending trip. The kids were ecstatic

“When do we leave dad?” Matt asked.

“Day after tomorrow.” Oscar smiled.

“Now. Why don’t we get ready for dinner?”

“Well you guys do that, and I’m going to head home.” Jaime cleared up the workspace “Thanks for the day off tomorrow. I have so much to do before I get ready.”

“I’ll speak to you sometime tomorrow then. I want to leave here around 7:00 so we have time to get to the airport.”

“Ok we’ll see you then.” Jaime gave the kids a quick good-bye then headed home.

Steve was waiting for her when she arrived. “I have dinner all ready. In fact all we have to do is sit down.”

“That’s great. I have so much to do.”

“What did Rudy say about the baby?”

“I really wish you would stop worrying, everything is just fine.” Jaime assured.

“I just can’t wait for him to be born.” Steve sighed. “Then we’ll know for sure.”

“What do you mean?” Jaime wondered

“I keep having nightmares. I even had one that Dan cloned himself instead of me.”

“Don’t give Dan any ideas.” Jaime laughed.

After Yuriy had pretended to ‘shoot’ Steve he headed back to his apartment. “I’ll lay low for the next couple of days.” He said to himself. “Maybe I should have shot him while I had the chance today, oh well. I’ll have plenty of chances.”

He slowly started to pack his bag for his trip. He wouldn’t need to pack the gun he had been using. There was one just like it waiting for him in Florida. He couldn’t run the risk of airport security discovering the gun in his bag. So they had decided to have two guns, one that he would use for practice, the other he would use to carry out his contract.

Back at Steve and Jaime’s Steve said he would do the dishes if Jaime wanted to get started packing.

“That’s great.” Jaime exclaimed. “I think I’ll take you up on it.” She headed upstairs to start getting ready for their trip in two days. And Steve cleaned up the kitchen.

The next day Oscar was beginning to regret telling the children of their trip so soon. They were so excited they couldn’t be contained.

“Come on guys.” Oscar tried to remain calm. “I have to get stuff packed.”

But the twins kept jumping up and down exclaiming “when are we going? When are we going?”

Oscar had had enough. He picked up the phone and dialed Steve. “I hate to bother, and I know you have your own packing to do…”

“Not really Oscar.” Steve told him. “Jaime did it all last night. What’s the problem?”

“Could you take the kids to the park or something?”

Steve gave a slight chuckle. “I’ll be right there.”

He arrived and took the twins and Joey, Dan opted to stay home and get as much homework done as he could before they left.

At the park Steve was unaware that Yuriy had broken his promise to himself to lay low. He sat in a car not to far from where Steve sat watching the boys play.

“I don’t see why I have to wait.” Yuriy complained to himself. “I have had two perfect opportunities to honor the contract. But for some reason Rustam wants it done while they are in Disney World. I do think that could be a very interesting prospect. Once the job is finished, I’ll just disappear into the crowd.”

At lunchtime Steve and the boys walked across the street to grab some sandwiches but they were so excited they could hardly sit still long enough to eat.

“Come on guys.” Steve urged. ‘You have to eat. Other wise you’ll have no energy for Disney World. In fact with all this jumping around you’re doing. I don’t know. I’m afraid you’ll just be to tired and will sleep the whole time we’re gone.”

That did it. The kids settled down as soon as Steve said they would sleep the whole weekend.

When they got back to Oscar’s He greeted them at the door. “Listen I have a great idea. Why don’t you two just stay here tonight? Save you a trip in the morning. “That sounds good.” Steve agreed. “I’ll go get our bags and be back in say half an hour.” Steve offered.

“We’ll have dinner ready.” Oscar called after him.

The next morning everyone was up early. Since Steve and Jaime had stayed all night they were ready to go earlier than they thought.

They all sat at the table and ate breakfast. “Not so fast Matt. You’ll get a stomachache. Oscar scolded as Matt tried to gulp down his cereal.

“We have plenty of time.” Steve explained.

“Well gang the big day is finally here.” Oscar said. “Is everyone ready to go?” He said as they finished breakfast.”

Everyone got up from the table. Jaime and Steve offered to do the dishes while Oscar got the kids ready to go.

“The suitcases are already in the car. That was a good idea to pack last night.” Oscar said as he finished with the kids.

They all arrived at the airport at the same time. Oscar, the kids Steve, Jaime, Rudy and Yuriy Shurik…

The flight to Orlando was uneventful. The kids enjoyed the plane ride.

They gathered up their luggage and headed out to catch a cab. They piled into three separate cabs. Steve and the twins were in one cab, Rudy, Dan and Jaime in another and Oscar and Joey in the third.

Yuriy Shurik got into his own cab. They all headed for the same hotel.

Oscar got everyone checked in. Rudy had one room. Steve and Jaime had their own room and Oscar and the kids had a room.

“Dad” Dan asked. “If it’s ok with Rudy could I stay in his room. I don’t think this room is big enough for us. I mean even if you put the twins and Joey together. That leaves you and me. And no offence dad I really don’t want to…”

“I understand. I never thought. I’ll ask Rudy.”

“Maybe we could stay with Steve?” the twins wondered.

“No let’s leave Steve and Jaime alone. They are going to have their own baby real soon. Let’s let them have a little piece and quiet.”

“Come on Dan. We’ll see if Rudy won’t mind you bunking with him.” They walked across the hall to Rudy’s room and knocked.

“Rudy we discovered we are a little cramped Mind taking Dan in with you?”

“Not at all come on in Dan There is plenty of room.” Rudy pointed.

“Thanks. I really didn’t want to sleep with dad. Just a guy thing I guess.”

“I understand.” He turned to Oscar while Dan started to unpack. “So what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day?”

“I thought we would do a little sight seeing. Then go out for dinner.”

“That sounds great. Let me get cleaned up “ Rudy said.

“I want to clean up to. How about if we meet in the lobby, in say half an hour?”

“I’ll tell Jaime and Steve.” Rudy offered.

After freshening they all headed out the door. Yuriy was right behind them. His plan was to not let Steve Austin and company out of his sight.

Of course he could kill him now, after all, the contract only called for only Steve Austin to be killed, but should anyone get in his way.

They all had a wonderful time and enjoyed their dinner. Then they headed back to the hotel so they could get to bed. Oscar had arranged for dinner the next day.

Before they retired to their rooms Oscar once again asked Rudy if it was all right for Dan to stay in his room “Of course it is. Don’t worry about it.” Rudy once again assured him.

“Like I said Oscar it’s fine.” Rudy assured.

Everyone had a good time, but they were really looking forward to the next day which would get them closer to the big day.

Thanksgiving Day went great. Oscar had made plans at a lovely restaurant for dinner. Yuriy was furious when they informed him he had to have a reservation.

“I see plenty of empty tables he complained.

“They are all reserved sir.” The hostess explained.

As he stood arguing the place rapidly filled up and there was not one table left.

Dejected. Yuriy went out to his car to wait.

The next day everyone was excited. Jaime and Steve woke up in their room “I wonder if everyone is ready?” Jaime wondered.

“Let’s go find out.” They stepped out of their room and crossed the hall. Jaime knocked.

Marc answered the door. Come on in. We’re just about ready.”

Yuriy was up early too. He made sure his guns were loaded then laid them in the hotel room. He concealed them in a suitcase and headed downstairs.

Mean while in Oscar’s group everyone had gathered in Oscar’s room. They wanted to get to the park at a good time.

“So are we all ready.” Oscar said as he opened the door. He reached in his pocket. “Oh no!” He called out. “I think I left those tickets on the kitchen table back home!”

“No way dad.” Marc cried you didn’t”

Oscar gave a smile to Steve, Jaime and Rudy. “I’m afraid I did. Did either of you pick them up?”

“Oscar the tickets were your responsibility.” Steve played along.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do. We can’t get into the park with out them.”

The twins started crying. “Wait, wait a minute” Oscar reached into his other pocket. “Oh here they are.”

“You tricked us.” Matt laughed.

“I sure did.” Oscar joined him laughing. “Come on let’s go.”

They left the hotel and headed down to the lobby to catch their cabs.

Yuriy followed close behind, he didn’t want to let them out of his sight for a moment.

They all arrived at the park at the same time.

All the kids wanted to go on different rides and if Oscar hadn’t stopped them, they would have taken off in four different directions.

“Since Joey is the youngest. Why don’t we let him choose first?” Oscar suggested.

They all agreed that would be the fair thing to do.

”Then since we are the next youngest.” Marc began. “Matt and I get to choose the next ride? Right dad?”

Oscar smiled “I guess that would be about right.

Oscar knelt down to his youngest son. “So Joey, what ride would you like to go on?”

“I want to go on Dumbos ride.” Joey smiled.

“Ok. We’ll head that direction.” Oscar turned to the gang. “You don’t have to stay with us you know.”

“Yea I know.” Steve said, but my idea of having a good time is watching the kids have a good time.”

“I’m all for that.” Jaime added. “Besides the kiddie rides are all I’m going to be able to go on. All the others say that if you’re pregnant you can’t go on them.” They joined her laughing.

“So I think I’ll ride with Joey.”

It took them a few minutes but they arrived at Dumbos ride.

“Why don’t you stay here?” Jaime suggested. “I’ll take Joey through the line.”

“Ok we’ll be watching from the fence.” Oscar said. “We’ll meet you at the exit.”

“Sounds good.” Jaime took Joey by the hand. “Come on honey. Let’s get on the ride.”

She and Joey headed for the line.

Oscar took a hand of each twin. “Come on guys I think we’ll be able to see real well over this way.

Steve took a place not far from them.

Rudy and Danny headed for a bench and sat down. “I wanted to talk to you Dan.” Rudy said when they were sitting.

“Yea?” Dan wondered.

“Are you excited about being here?”

“Not really, but the little ones are having a good time. Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know. You just don’t act like you’re happy.” Rudy observed.

“I didn’t realize I was that obvious.” Dan smiled.

“Try to at least act cheerful for your dad, huh?”

“Yea sure Rudy ok.”

Oscar and the twins made their way over to the exit so they could greet Jaime and Joey as they came off the ride.

“So did you have a good time?” Oscar asked.

Joey nodded.

“How bout you?” He turned to Jaime.

“Oh I had a ball. Where’s Steve?”

“I don’t know. I thought he was right behind us.” Oscar began looking around. “Maybe he’s over with Rudy and Dan. They were going to sit this one out.” Oscar lifted Joey onto his shoulders and they headed in the direction where Rudy and Dan were sitting.

As they headed toward Rudy and Dan they didn’t notice a small crowd had gathered.

“So how was the ride?” Rudy asked Jaime.

“It was ok I guess, for a kiddie ride anyway.” Jaime was looking around.

“What’s the matter?” Rudy asked

“I was hoping Steve would be here. Have you seen him?”

“No. Dan and I have been sitting here the whole time.” Rudy replied.

“Let’s head back over to where you went on the ride.” Rudy suggested.

As they headed back they noticed the crowd this time. “Wonder what that’s all about.” Oscar noted.

“I don’t know.” Rudy muttered.

They were about to head in another direction when a voice stopped them.

“Oh my lord!” A woman cried. “He’s been shot!”

Oscar and Rudy turned their attention to the man lying face down on the ground. Rudy ran to see if he could offer his assistance. He gently rolled the man over to his back. “Oscar!” Rudy called as he stared down at the familiar face. “It’s Steve...!”

Oscar moved to where Rudy was bent over Steve. “Is he going to be all right?”

“I don’t know.” Rudy started treating him right there. By now Jaime and the kids joined them. “He has three bullet wounds.” Rudy announced. “One in the back left shoulder, one that went through the right side. I hope it didn’t damage the kidneys.”

“And the third?” Oscar wondered.

“It went in through the back on the left side…”

“Rudy!” Jaime cried.

“Jaime just take it easy.” Rudy started looking around. “Oscar get an ambulance, …” He thought again. “Let’s take him to the space center. I can stabilize him there, then we can fly on up to DC.”

Oscar nodded and ran off to fill Rudy’s request.

The ambulance arrived “I’ll ride with Steve.” Rudy called out. ‘The rest of you will have to take cabs I guess.”

“Rudy!” Dan ran up to him. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Yea Dan as a matter of fact there is. I need you to keep a close eye on Jaime. Undo stress like this could cause her to go into labor.”

“I understand.” Dan agreed.

“Just watch her close in the cab on the way over.” Rudy stepped into back of the ambulance.

“I will Rudy.” Dan promised.

The ambulance drove off and Dan caught up to his dad and the rest of the gang.

“There you are. Where were you?” Oscar asked.

“Just talking to Rudy…” He explained what Rudy had told him.

“Ok I understand. Why don’t we grab a couple of cabs and head for NASA.”

Oscar managed to attract two cabs.

“Dad. Jaime and I will take one, you and the little kids take the other.” Dan suggested.

“Yea I suppose we’ll never fit in one.” Oscar realized.

Dan watched Jaime close on the way to the Space Center hospital. “You doing ok Jaime?” Dan asked.

“Yea I’m fine. I’m just worried about Steve.”

They arrived at the hospital at the same time. Rudy rushed Steve into the flight surgeon’s office.

“Please Dr. Wells.” The Flight surgeon offered. “I’ll let you have what ever you need. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.”

“Get us a flight to DC” Rudy ordered.

“I’ll take you there myself as soon as you’re ready.” The flight surgeon offered.

“Thanks John. I appreciate it. I’ll let you know when we’re ready.

Oscar and Jaime were waiting when Rudy stepped out John’s office.

“I can’t tell you much of anything right now except for the fact that I have him stabilized. That is what I was aiming for at this point. I’ll know more when I get him to the lab. I wish I could give you the answer you want to here.”

They carefully loaded Steve onto the plane. They took out several seats in the back to give Rudy plenty of room to work.

Rudy laid Steve across the aisle on a board, with the board resting on the two seats.

“I’ll try to give you a smooth flight.” John promised. ‘Now is everyone settled in?’

Everyone said they were. The flight was just a little bumpy, but they made it back to DC. Oscar had called ahead. An ambulance from the National Medical Center and Russ were standing by.

Russ took the younger kids home. Rudy still wanted Dan to keep an eye on Jaime.

Rudy rode in the ambulance with Steve. Oscar, Jaime and Dan got into the car Russ had arranged for them.

Rudy didn’t even stop. He rushed Steve straight into surgery leaving Oscar and Jaime to sit and wait.

“I can’t believe it Oscar three bullets. I just hope Rudy can bring him through this one.” Jaime cried.

“He will, Jaime. Steve has been through worse…”

“I don’t know if he’s been through anything like this before.” Jaime pointed out.

“Look Jaime Rudy wants you to take it easy. He’s afraid all this stress could cause you to have the baby early.” Oscar reminded.

Six hours later Rudy emerged in his office.

Jaime and Oscar jumped to their feet.

“Well Rudy?” They demanded.

“We got lucky. I don’t know how, but we got lucky. The bullet that went into his shoulder I wasn’t worried about. That was simple.”

“What about the ones close to his heart and kidney’s?” Jaime pressed.

“They missed their targets. By a mere fraction, but they missed.”

“That’s a relief.” Oscar sighed. “When can we see him?”

“Not until morning. He needs all the sleep he can get. Oscar, Jaime I just want him to sleep right now. As a matter of fact I have him sedated so he won’t wake up.” Rudy explained.

“We’ll see to it he gets all he needs..” Oscar stated.

“Rudy I want to stay here.” Jaime argued.

“I want you to too. I’m staying here with Steve. And like I told Dan I don’t want this to have a negative affects on…”

“Oscar told me. I feel fine though.”

“Well that’s good. I do want to keep an eye on you though.” Rudy led her to the room directly across from Steve’s. ‘You should be comfortable here. I’ll be in my office, let me know if you need anything.”

“I will. Has Steve regained conciseness?” Jaime wondered

“Briefly.” Rudy told her. “But like I said I want him to sleep.”

“Ok hopefully in the morning I can see him. Weather he’s awake or not.”

“We’ll see.” Rudy shook his head then turned to Jaime “You get some rest now and I mean it.”

“I will” Jaime promised as he left the room.

Oscar was waiting when Rudy came out. “Rudy we need to find out who did this.” Oscar whispered as they walked into Rudy’s office.

“I didn’t say anything before, but I think it was a professional hit.” Rudy told him.

“That’s what I was thinking too. But who would want Steve dead?”

“He’s made a lot of enemies over the past few years. Any number of them could…”

“I suppose you’re right Rudy. We just have to figure out who it was.”

“We may never know.” Rudy sighed.

“Well I better get home and see how my kids are doing. I’ll be here first thing in the morning.”

“Ok Oscar. We’ll see you then.” Rudy gave him a wave as Oscar left.

Yuriy Shurik entered Rustam’s office. “What do you want?” Rustam seethed.

“I came for my payment.” Yuriy smiled.

“You fool!” Rustam shouted. “Austin is still alive!”

“That’s not possible.” Yuriy sneered. “I shot him three times!”

“That might be true, but the fact of the matter is he is still alive. You need to make good on the contract.”

“I will. Don’t worry about it. What hospital is he in?”

“National Medical Center.” Rustam gave him the address.

“I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry. Col. Austin will not see Christmas.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” Rustam smiled.

Yuriy set out to find a new way to dispose of his rival.

After casing the situation Yuriy thought. ‘I’m not going to be able to do this myself. I can’t get into the restricted area. I’ll have to find someone inside.’

The next morning Steve remained in critical condition. Rudy kept him sedated all day.

“When can I see him Rudy?” Jaime asked again.

“I want him to stay as still and as quiet as possible. He had a pretty rough go yesterday…”

“I understand, could I at least sit with him?”

“Sure Jaime, go ahead.” Rudy let her into Steve’s room. “I’ll be back in a bit to check on Steve if he wakes up, which I doubt. I gave him a pretty strong sedative, but I also know Steve. Don’t let him move around to much.”

“I won’t.” Jaime promised.

Rudy left the two of them together. He stopped Oscar, as he was getting ready to go in.

“Steve is still sedated..” Rudy told him. “Like I said last night, I want him to sleep as much as possible…”

“Ok I’ll be at the office then. Let me know if there is any change.” Oscar turned and headed don the hall.

“I will. Who’s taking care of the kids?” Rudy wondered

“Minnie. I told her to keep an extra watch on Marc. I don’t want him showing up here.”

“Yea I agree with that one. Jaime is in there with him now. And I’ll be in and out.”

“Ok Rudy. I’ll be in my office at OSI call if you need me.”

“Sure thing.” Rudy headed for his own office to check on some test results he had just received.

Yuriy Shurik walked into the hospital. His goal was to find a nurse or someone who either worked in or could gain access to the restricted area where Co. Austin was.

He hung around outside the area waiting for his chance. Since he posed no threat the guards for the most part ignored him, but they did keep an eye on him.

After waiting all morning Yuriy finally caught someone coming out. His name was Jon Pine. He worked as a janitor in the Bionics Section.

‘Perfect,’ thought Yuriy. ‘How perfect can you get’?

Back at Oscar’s house Minnie was frantically looking for the twins. They had said they were going over to Teddy’s to play but when Minnie called to tell Elise to send the twins home, Elise informed her that She had not seen the twins all morning.

After searching for the better part of an hour Minnie gave in and called Oscar.

“I’m sorry Mr. Goldman, they said they were going to Teddy’s.”

“Don’t worry Minnie. I’ll check the hospital, I’m sure that’s where they are.” ‘Now he’s involving Matt’ Oscar grumbled as he reached for the phone to warn Rudy, that Marc and Matt were more than likely on their way.

Yuriy approached the janitor. “I have an offer you can not refuse.” He whispered to the man as he handed him a one hundred dollar bill.”

“I’m listening.” The janitor smiled.

“Let’s go somewhere where we can talk.” Yuriy took him by the arm and led him down the hall.

Two boys exited the elevator as Yuriy and Jon passed by. “I need you to do something for me.” Yuriy whispered. “There is plenty more where this came from.”

“You have my attention.” Jon whispered back.

“I need you kill Col. Steve Austin…” By now they had stopped in front of the water cooler at the end of the hall.

The mention of Steve’s name attracted Marc’s attention. He listened into the conversation.

“You want me to what?” Jon asked.

“I need Col. Austin dead. I was hired to kill him, but I can’t get past security. I need someone on the inside.”

“How much are you willing to pay?” Jon sounded interested.

“I was going to make one hundred thousand American. I’ll give you $10,000

“Make it fifteen and you have a deal.” Jon counter offered.

“You drive a hard bargain..” Yuriy smiled

“Especially when we are talking about murder.” Jon laughed. “When and where?”

“Well here. And I would say around mid night. Most of the staff has gone home by then.”

“Yes you’re right?”

“Marc!” Oscar called. “Get over here!”

Marc and Matt walked over to where their dad stood. “What are you two doing here?” Oscar continued to shout.

“Dad!” Marc cried out. “I have something to tell…”

“I don’t want to hear it!” Oscar yelled. “You are grounded till further notice. You know you are not to wander around the City by yourself!!”

“But Dad…”

“I don’t want to hear it. Russ will take you home.” Oscar had calmed just a bit.

“Dad. Please listen…” Marc tried to talk to him.

“I’ve said all I’m going to say on the matter. Russ take them home.”

“What are you going to do?” Matt asked late that night.”

“I’m going to have to go and help Steve myself.” Marc replied. “You stay here. I can go faster without you.”

“Ok” Matt stated.

In Steve’s room at the National Medical Center Jaime had just left and had gone to her own room across the hall.

At mid night Jon slipped into the still sedated man’s room. He grabbed Steve by his hair and pulled his head back. He withdrew a knife and set the sharpened blade against Steve’s throat…

“Hold it right there!” Marc shouted as he burst through the door to Steve’s room.

“Get out of here you little brat!” Jon ordered.

“You get away from him!” Marc screamed.

Jon started toward Marc “I’ll take care of you first. That way there will be no witnesses.” Jon seethed.

Marc’s screams alerted Jaime who was just getting settled in. She dashed across the hall to see what was going on.

She saw the knife-wielding stranger lunging toward Marc. She quickly grabbed him and shoved him out of the room. “Marc. Go get Rudy. Tell him to call your father.” She ordered.

Marc ran down the hall toward Rudy’s office. “Rudy! Rudy!” Marc cried as he ran

Hearing Marc’s cries Rudy burst out of his office. He saw the young boy running toward him. “Marc? What is it what’s wrong?” Rudy called out.

“Rudy call my dad right now!” Marc cried as he continued running toward Rudy.

Sensing trouble Rudy grabbed Marc and led him to his office. “What’s going on son?” Rudy asked as he dialed Oscar’s number.

“There’s a man in Steve’s room with a knife. Jaime is in there with him.”

Before calling Oscar, Rudy called security to assist Jaime.

“Why are you here Marc.” Rudy wondered.

“I over heard him talking to another man this afternoon.” Marc’s voice was shaking. “He, the other man said he would pay this guy 15,000 dollars to kill Steve.”

“Why didn’t you tell you father?” Rudy was waiting for Oscar to answer his phone.

“I tried. But dad wouldn’t…”

Rudy put his hand up indicating Oscar had answered the phone. “Oscar. There’s trouble you need to get here. Just bring the kids. There isn’t time to get someone to watch them.”

“I’m on my way!” Oscar slammed down the phone and headed to get his kids ready. Of course he was not at all shocked to see Marc was already gone. He saved himself a lot of time asking where he was.”

By the time Oscar arrived security had already removed the man who was bent on killing Steve. Jaime sat by Steve’s bed. Steve hadn’t even flinched through the entire incident

“What happened?” Oscar demanded when he entered Steve’s room. “I want to know first how this man got past security!”

“He works here.” Rudy explained. “He’s a janitor.

“Why would a janitor…”

Rudy took Oscar off to the side. “Marc says he over heard the man we have in custody and another man plotting this.”

“Why didn’t he tell me?” Oscar wondered. “He should have told me. I would have put a guard outside Steve’s door!”

“Don’t blame Marc. He says you wouldn’t listen.” Rudy whispered. “He did the only thing he thought he could do.”

Oscar walked over to where Marc stood. “I’m listening now Marc.” He put his hand on Marc’s shoulder.

“When Matt and I were here earlier. I heard these two guys talking. The other guy said he would pay him.” Marc pointed toward the room where the man sat. “15,000 dollars to kill Steve.”

“What!” Oscar shouted.

“That’s what he said dad.” Marc was still shaking.

“Oscar. I think Marc has had enough excitement for one night.” Jaime stepped over toward them.

“Yea you’re right.” Oscar turned back toward Marc. “Are you all right son?”

“Yea dad I’m fine. I’m just worried about Steve.”

“It’ll be all right now. We’ll take care of it.” Oscar assured.

Oscar called Russ and arranged for him to take the kids back home.

“I’ll stay with them till you get back Oscar.” Russ promised.

“Thanks Russ. I appreciate that.”

After assuring the safety of the kids Oscar stormed down to the room where Jon was being held.

“I want the name of the person who hired you!” Oscar seethed as he slammed the man’s personal records on the table in front of him.

Jon was now terrified especially to see Oscar Goldman in person. “I don’t know who he was sir.” The man stammered. “All I can tell you is he had some kind of accent.”

“What accent? Russian, German, Arabic?”

“I don’t know it was just some sort of accent.” Jon started crying.

“Get him out of here!” Oscar ordered. “If you come up with anything, anything at all tell your guard, he’ll tell me.”

“Yes sir.” The man continued to stammer.

The guard escorted Jon out of the room and was going to take him to the NSB.

“Is Steve alright?” Oscar finally got around to asking.

“Thanks to Marc. He’s going to be fine. According to Marc, Jon had a knife to Steve’s throat…”

“What?” Oscar was shocked.

“That’s what Marc said. “ Rudy replied.

“I suppose I’ll go home and talk to Marc.” Oscar stated.

“Don’t be hard on him Oscar. If it weren’t for Marc I’m afraid Steve would be…”

“Dead?” Oscar finished the sentence.

Rudy nodded. “That’s about it.”

The next morning Rudy felt Steve was strong enough to bring him out of sedation. Slowly Steve woke up.

“Take it easy Steve. I have you toned down just a bit. I don’t want you moving around to much….” Rudy proceeded to tell Steve what had happened.

Steve’s eyes grew wide. “I can’t believe it.” He whispered when Rudy had finished.

“Is everybody else ok?”

“Everyone is fine. They are still after you though.” Oscar added.

“Would Marc recognize the other man if he saw him?” Steve’s voice was weak but gaining in strength.

“I have him going through the books right now. I hope he can come up with something.”

“I want you out of the country NOW!” Rustam shouted. “If they do connect it to you, you will be long gone.”

“But I didn’t fulfill the contract.” Yuriy protested.

“I’ll have to find someone else.” Rustam sighed. “Now more than ever I want Austin dead!”

“Let me do it. It’s more than a job now, it’s a quest.” Yuriy pleaded. “I’ll lay low. I’ll stay at the embassy, besides the man won’t say a word he has no idea who I am.”

“All right Yuriy, I’ll give you till the end of the year.” Rustam agreed.

“I won’t let you down.” Yuriy smiled. “In fact once the job is complete you will owe me nothing. “

That sounds fair enough to me. You have no time restraints.”

“Thanks boss.” Yuriy smiled.

“I want you to stay here for a while though”

By the end of two weeks Steve was getting restless. “Come on Rudy when can I get out of here?”

“How does tomorrow morning sound?” Rudy gave him a pat.

“Sounds great!” Steve wanted to leap out of the bed.

The next morning Rudy allowed Steve to go home.

“I just wish I knew who had it in for me.” Steve sounded angry.

“Well let’s not worry about it now.” Jaime said as she walked with Steve down the hall. “We have a lot to get ready for. Christmas. The baby. Everything.

“Yea let’s not let it spoil the holiday for us.”

As they pulled away from the curb a man in a black car followed them down the street…

To be continued in
"Christmas Time is Here Again"

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