"Vengence is Mine"


Logline: Hanson's widow tries to kill Steve

  A few weeks later Jaime sat in the car with James and Jennifer. Steve had gone into the Richmond School to pick up Steven Carl. “Well guys your dad’s birthday is in a few weeks. What should we do?”

“Let’s go to Rocket Rob’s, James suggested. “Daddy likes it.”

“Yes he does.” Jaime agreed. “Should we invite Uncle Oscar and Uncle Rudy to come too?”

James nodded. “That would work. Can Dan, Matt and Joey come too?”

“Of course” Jaime agreed. “I’ll call as soon as we get home and make the arrangements Will you kids keep daddy occupied while mom makes the calls.”

James and Jennifer giggled glad to be part of the secret plans. “We sure will.”


In the kitchen of her house Rachel Hanson sat with two men. “This is going to be tricky. I want it done right.” She seethed.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Hanson” the chubby man replied holding the envelope full of money.

“I want them to suffer.” She continued.” I want them to all suffer. I don’t care how painful it is either.”

“Don’t worry we will make it very painful.” The thinner man smiled. “We like it that way ourselves….Now who do you want us to get first…or is there any particular order?”

“No, just kill them…one by one…together…I don’t care!!” She shrieked. “My husband will not rest till they are all dead.”

The chubby man was counting the monies in the envelope. “This is only part of it.” He complained.

“That’s right. As each one is killed…I’ll give you more till they’re all dead.” Rachel said.

“Then you’ll give us the balance?” The thin man questioned.

“Of course I will. I’m not about to give you the balance till the job is complete. I give you that much money and then you skip town? I don’t think so.”

“Very clever” The chubby man complimented.


When they got home James ran up to Marc’s room and told him what was going on. “Will you help us keep dad busy while mom calls everybody?”

“Of course I will.” Marc agreed.

“Well then we better go get him.” James was still giggling.

“James.” Marc cautioned. You better not giggle otherwise dad will suspect.”

“’Aspect,’ ‘aspect’ what?” James asked.

“Not ‘aspect’ suspect” Marc corrected.

“What’s it mean?” James continued.

“It means dad will wonder why you are giggling and figure out what mom is up to.”

“Oh I see. Ok I’ll try not to laugh.” James tried to stop giggling.

The two headed downstairs and over to where Steve was sitting in the living room. “Hey dad” Marc let James take the lead.

“Yea son” Steve smiled.

“Could you come up to my room for a minute? I need you to look at something.”

“Sure son.” Steve followed James upstairs.

‘Mom’ Marc called. ‘Dad is on his way upstairs.’

‘Thanks’ Jaime replied back. She headed for the phone and dialed Rudy and then Oscar telling them about the party.

“We’d love to come” Rudy replied when Jaime spoke to him.

“So Sat. February, 5 at Rocket Robs, the way I’m planning it is for you guys to meet us there with the kids. I thought I would tell him I left the kids with you so we could go alone, then when we get to the restaurant…”

“We’ll already be there. That sounds perfect.” Rudy agreed.

“I thought so.” Jaime gave a slight laugh.

She hung up the phone and went to see what Steve and the kids were doing.


“Sounds to me” the thinner man noted. “We could get our money a lot faster if they were to all die at the same time”

“That may be true.” Rachel sneered. “Like I said, do them all together do them separate…I don’t really care.”

Lance Books and Bill Branson left the house and headed for the car “So who do you want to get first?” Lance asked.

“I want to get Austin first. It will be much easier that way.” Branson replied.

‘I think that’s a good idea.” Lance agreed.

“With him out of the way, the rest will be a piece of cake.” Bill continued.

“How do we do it?” Lance asked.

“I think I have a plan.” Bill smiled. “We’ll lure him away from the house and kill him that way.”

I think I like that idea.” Lance smiled. “How do we kill him…shoot him…stab…just what do you have in mind?”

“Hanson’s wife wants it to be painful. I’m thinking of a slow acting poison…”

“I thought you said you were going to lure him away.” Lance reminded.

“I’ve just changed my mind.” Bill grinned. “I’ve come up with a different plan. I need to call my sister Karen. She’s going to move into the house next door to Austin. I noticed it was for sale…I’ll have her deliver a plate of cookies. They will be full of poison.”

“Very clever idea…but now you’re involving a third person…”

“Don’t worry I’ll give her her cut out of mine.” Bill assured.

“Well that’s good.” Lance snorted.

“I better give Karen a call.” Bill stopped in front of a pay phone and placed the call.

“I’d love to help.” Karen replied.

“Then we’ll pick you up in just about an hour. Then we’ll see about renting the house.


“So what are you guys up to?” Jaime smiled at her family gathered around the kids sized table that had once belonged to Marc and Matt.

‘We’re playing Sorry.” Jennifer said.

“Well I’m going to get something started for dinner…any volunteers to help?” She asked.

“I’ll help out mom.” Marc offered.

“I thank you kindly sir.” Jaime led the way downstairs where she and Marc started hamburgers.


The next morning Marc, James and Jennifer were enjoying there mid morning break from their lessons when they saw the moving van pull up in front of the house next door.

“Hey!’ Marc called “somebody’s moving in…”

“I hope they have kids.” James interrupted.

“Me too” Jennifer cried. “I’d like a girl to play with.”

They watched the moving men go back and forth between the truck and the house till Jaime called them inside for lunch.

“Someone rented that house next door.” Marc told her as they started lunch.

“Really, well that’s nice.” Jaime half muttered.

“Maybe they have kids.” Jennifer piped up. “Hopefully a girl for me to play with we could play dolls together.”

“Dolls are gross.” James teased

“James! That‘s not nice to tease your sister. Now I don’t want you kids bothering them till your father and I have had time to talk to them. I don’t know if they are going to want a bunch of kids hanging around.”

“Aw! Mom!” James and Jennifer complained.

“I mean it!” She scolded. “Besides, moving is hard work. If they do have kids I’m sure they are with friends right now…at least till they get settled in.”

“I’ll watch them mom.” Marc offered

“Thank you Marc.” Jaime smiled at him.


“Well it looks like you’re all set sis.” Bill noted after the moving truck pulled out of the drive.

“How soon do you want me to do this?” Karen asked.

“Bake the cookies tonight.” He handed her a packet containing the poison. “Then you can deliver them in the morning.”

“I’ll get to baking then. I’ll call you as soon as I make the delivery.” Karen assured.

Lance was waiting when Bill stepped out of the house. “I still don’t like this very well. I don’t think we should have involved anyone else.”

“She’s my sister. I trust her.” Bill snapped. “She has always done what I told her to do.”

“Well if you’re that sure…”

“I am.” Bill smiled.


Steve arrived home in time for dinner. “I see lights next door.” He noted.

“They’ve been moving in all day.” Jaime told him “The kids were hoping they had children especially Jennifer she hopes they have a girl.”

“There.” Karen said after she finished baking the cookies. “I’ll take them over first thing in the morning.”

She didn’t sleep very well that night. ‘Why do they want to poison him?’ She asked herself

“Alright everyone,” Jaime spoke. Let’s get started…” She was interrupted by the door bell. Annoyed she stomped to the door.

“I’m sorry to bother you.” Karen spoke softly. “I just moved in and thought I’d introduce myself. I’m Karen Printer. I baked you some cookies. I hope you like them. Just my way of saying ‘hi’ I guess.”

Jaime took the plate. “Thank you. I’d invite you in but I home school my children and we were just getting started…”

“Don’t worry about it.” Karen gave a wave. “Just enjoy the cookies.” She stepped off the porch.

Jaime put the cookies in the kitchen and headed back to the room they had set up as a classroom.

Once again she had just got started when Steve poked his head in. “I don’t mean to interrupt.” He started. “But who was at the door?”

“The new neighbor, just a minute,” she turned back to the kids. “I want you to all do the next assignment in you math books. I’m going to talk to daddy for just a second.”

They stepped out into the hall. “She just wanted to introduce herself. I’ll have to get back to her later. I’m sure she was looking for someone to talk to…I just couldn’t at the time. Anyway she left a plate of cookies. I set them on the counter.

“Good I’ll have that for breakfast.” Steve smiled.

“Just don’t tell the kids they’ll want cookies for breakfast.” Jaime laughed as she stepped back into her classroom.

As Steve passed through the kitchen he grabbed up one of the cookies. “Hey, snicker doodles, my favorite’ he grabbed up several and started munching them on his way out the door….

From her front window Karen watched as Steve got into his car and drove off eating the tainted cookies.

“I must speak to my brother.” Karen spoke aloud to no one. She quickly went to the phone and dialed.

“This is wonderful news.” Bill laughed as he held his thumb up for Lance to see. “Now we must get you out of that house. We will be by late tonight to empty it out…in the mean time you should leave. If they connect you with the poisoned cookies…”

“I’m leaving right now.” Karen assured.

At 11:00 Jaime let the kids go for their mid day break so she could fix lunch. She stepped into the kitchen and saw the plate of cookies. “Well I guess Steve likes snickerdoodles” She smiled to herself. They’re not really a favorite of mine.”

At lunch she offered them to the kids who also turned their noses up. “I like chocolate chip.” Jennifer snorted. “Mommy, would you make some while we do our homework this afternoon?”

“I’ve always wondered.” James began.

“What’s that honey?” Jaime ran her hand through his hair.

“If we do our schoolwork at home why do you still call it homework?”

“I don’t know.” Jaime laughed. “I suppose it’s just work you do in addition to your school work.”

James nodded seeming to agree with her.


Steve had several errands to run after leaving the house. He stopped by the Richmond School and rescheduled Steven Carl’s conferences then he headed for the OSI building.

“How are you doing Steve?” Rudy asked. “Are you ready for that meeting this afternoon?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be I suppose. This project is important to me. I just don’t know if I’m ready to go ‘public’ with it.”

“I understand I think it will work. Dan and I have run all sorts of tests on it. I think we can make it work.”

“Well you two are the ones with all the know.” Steve admitted. “I just came up with the idea.”

“Well Dan and I would never have thought of it…”

“Don’t put anything past Dan.” Steve laughed.

“That’s true…do you feel alright?”

“You know. I’m not so sure.” Steve took a deep breath. “Boy did it hit all of the sudden. Why did you ask?”

“You’re sweating. It’s not that hot in here.” Rudy acknowledged. “Where do you feel bad?”

“To be real honest I feel sick to my stomach.” Steve explained.

Rudy reached up and put his hand on Steve’s forehead. “You don’t have a fever” he noted.

“That’s just like a doctor.” Steve laughed. “You sound like my mother. “If you don’t have a fever you can’t be to sick…that’s what she said the day she sent me to school with the measles.”

Rudy laughed. “Well I’m not saying you’re not sick. You look terrible” he continued. “Do you think you can make the meeting?”

“I think so. Will you and Dan both be there?” Steve asked.

Rudy nodded. “Yeah we’ll be there. Dan is looking forward to it. This is really the first project he has worked on that he can actually go public with. I mean if you have it right this could mean that in just a few short months we could actually have a serum that could cure any poison that anyone could come into contact with…a universal antidote so to speak.” Rudy added.

Well I got the idea from a movie I was watching the other night about a Russian spy. It would be nice if we had and instant antidote for cyanide that way they couldn’t commit suicide in the blink of an eye.”

“It’s not that full proof Steve.” Rudy continued. “You would have to literally carry the antidote with you at all times. It would have to be administered within seconds.”

“That’s where we might have a problem.” Steve agreed “how about the antidote itself?

“It’s coming. I’d say another two…maybe three months and Dan will have it perfected.

“Have you tried it on lab subjects?” Steve wondered.

Rudy nodded. “That’s why we’re having the meeting today. Oscar will be here for it too as well as Gregory at the NSB, Douglas from the FBI and Thompson from the CIA. We are all very interested in it.”

“It sounds like Dan has made quite a break through.” Steve noted wiping the perspiration from his brow.

Again Rudy nodded. “I tell you all you need to do is just mention something to him and he has the idea right now.”

“I know. What time is the meeting?” Steve asked.

“At around 3:00” Rudy told him “why?”

“I think I’m going to rest for a while, maybe I’ll feel better if I take a nap or something. I really don’t feel well. It seems to be getting worse rather than better.”

“Go ahead. Use the couch in my office. Dan and I will be in the lab.” Rudy offered.

Steve laid down on the couch and was asleep in seconds.


At 3:00 Dan and Rudy got ready to go to the meeting in Oscar’s office. “You go ahead Dan.” Rudy stated “I’m going to wake Steve up.”

“Wake him up?” Dan questioned.

Rudy nodded. “He wasn’t feeling well. He said he was going to take a nap.” Rudy explained.

“I’ll see you down there then.” Dan headed out the door and down the hall.

Rudy walked over to where Steve lay on the couch. “Hey Steve” he called. “It’s time for the meeting were you going to join us?” Rudy reached out and gave Steve a shake. There was no response.


In Oscar’s office Dan and the rest sat waiting for Steve and Rudy to arrive.

“Well Dan,” Oscar stated. “Why don’t you go ahead? This is your project.”

“Well gentlemen” Dan began. “We all know the problem we have with Soviet Agents taking cyanide when they are captured by our agents…much less the fact that they use the same drug on our agents.”

“You’ve come up with a solution for this problem Dan?” Gregory asked.

“I believe I have.” Dan nodded. “I believe I have developed an antidote that will counter act the poison.”

“Is this just an antidote for cyanide? Or will it counter act other poisons as well.” Gregory asked.

“I believe it will counter act all poisons.” Dan surmised.

“This is fantastic.” Jeff King of the FBI stated.

“It does work.” Dan interrupted. “It has been tested on lab subjects.” Dan continued. “The only problem we have is that cyanide works very fast. It would mean ‘arming’ all agents with a syringe containing the antidote…”

“I would suppose that would only be necessary if we were going to up against the KGB.” Phil McQueen for the CIA added.

“That’s true.” Dan agreed.

“So is it ready to go?” Gregory asked.

“Like I said…it’s been tested on lab animals…not humans yet.” Dan replied.

“Are you sure it will work on humans?” Oscar wondered.

“Well until we have the right test subject…I mean I’m not going to go out and poison someone. So as I was saying until we find the right test subject…we’ll just have to wait.”

Oscar glanced down at his watch “I wonder where Steve and Rudy are.” He noted they were still not there.


Karen watched as Bill and Lance pulled into the drive. She stepped off the porch and got into the car. “I don’t think we need to bother moving anything.” She stated. “I’ll just buy new furniture for my apartment.”

“Sounds good to me” Bill agreed. “That way we don’t have to come back here. “You say you saw Austin eating the cookies?”


Rudy shook Steve several more time. “Steve, come on. What’s wrong?”

Steve still didn’t respond. Rudy reached down and grabbed at Steve’s left wrist. His pulse was very…very weak.

Instantly Rudy started to examine his patient.

‘I just don’t get it’ Rudy thought to himself. ‘What could the problem be?’

As he finished the examination Oscar and Dan walked in. “Rudy are you going to join us or not?” Oscar asked.

“I don’t know.” Rudy’s voice was distant.

“What’s going on?” Oscar asked.

“I don’t know.” Rudy managed. “Something is very…very wrong.” Rudy explained.

“What are you saying?” Oscar stepped closer to him.

“I’m not real sure. Steve was here earlier. He said he didn’t feel well and was going to rest for a minute…. I tried to wake him when it was time for the….”

“What do you mean ‘tried’?” Dan wondered.

“He won’t wake up.” Rudy sighed. “I’m going to run some tests. You two wait right here…You might give Jaime a call…let her know what’s going on.”

Dan went with Rudy to assist on the tests and Oscar called Jaime.


An hour later Jaime and the kids sat with Oscar in Rudy’s office they waited for Rudy to come in and tell them what if anything was wrong with Steve.

They had sat for about an hour when Rudy and Dan finally stepped in.

“What is it Rudy?” Jaime demanded. “Is he awake yet?”

Rudy shook his head. “No he’s not awake.” He spoke slowly.

Jaime looked at him. “Rudy what is it…what’s wrong?”

Dan and Rudy exchanged glances. “Jaime.” Rudy began. “I’m afraid that Steve has been poisoned…


Karen nodded. “He had a whole handful. I think he took half the plate.”

“That’s wonderful. One down three to go. Hopefully his wife will eat them as well.” Lance spoke.

“Are you going to need my help anymore brother dear?” Karen looked at Bill.

“I don’t think so. I’ll let you know when we get paid.” They pulled up in front of Karen’s apartment building.

”I didn’t move everything…just enough to make it look like someone was moving in.” Karen muttered as she got out of the car.


“Poisoned?” Jaime gasped. “Rudy is he going to be all right?”

“We don’t know.” Rudy shrugged.

“The antidote” Oscar snapped his fingers. “What about the antidote?” Oscar pressed.

“What’s he talking about?” Jaime drilled.

“It was Steve’s idea…Dan perfected it. If it works it should counteract any poison.”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Jaime yelled. “Let’s get it going.”

Rudy turned to her. “I have your permission then?” He asked.

“Of course you do.” Jaime snapped.

“I have to tell you it’s very experimental we haven’t tested it on humans yet.” Rudy tried to explain.

“Will it work?” Jaime demanded.

“It should.” Rudy replied.

Jaime thought of his answer “it should? I’d like better odds than that.”

“The way it is now.” Rudy jumped in. “It won’t do him any harm.”

“I suppose you’re right. Yes I’ll give you my permission.”

Rudy turned to leave. “Dan is getting everything set up. I’ll be back down as soon as we start to administer the antidote.”

After he left Oscar moved closer to Jaime. “How do you suppose he was poisoned?”

Jaime shook her head. “I don’t know. We all had the same thing for dinner last night.”

“Could he have eaten anything this morning?” Oscar asked.

Jaime shook her head. “I really don’t know. I was busy with the kids…maybe he ate something on his way in…I just don’t know.”

“It would be good to know. We have to go after them.” Oscar reminded. He glanced over at the kids sitting on the couch. “I’ll see if Callahan will give them a ride back to your place. Marc can watch them. I’ll have Russ pick up Steven Carl and take him to Minnie. I think that would be easier.”

“That would probably be good.” Jaime agreed I don’t think they need to be here.”

As Oscar started for his office Marc caught up to him. “What’s going on?” He demanded.

“Nothing…I guess you’re not a little kid anymore are you Marc.” Oscar looked at tall sixteen year old standing in front of him…in fact he and Matt had just turned 16.

“No I’m not a kid anymore. What’s going on?”

“I suppose you’ve heard. Steve was poisoned.”

“I got that much.” Marc responded. “My question is who did it and why?”

“We don’t have any clues yet.” Oscar opened the door to his office. And until we get something concrete I want you to take the little kids and go back to your house.”

“You’ll let me know if you find something out.” Marc pleaded.

“Of course I will.” Oscar assured.

“Ok then I’ll take the little ones home.”


“Ok Dan.” Rudy began “the IV lines are ready to go.”

“I’ll start to administer the antidote then. I just hope this works. When I said we needed to test it on a human I never expected this.”

“Same here” Rudy sighed. “How long do you think it will be before it takes affect?” “It should start working the instant it’s administered.” Dan explained. “But Steve is much bigger than the test animals. I don’t know how long the poison was in him. It could have been days or just a few hours.”

“I know. I wish we could pinpoint exactly when he came into contact with it.” Rudy continued to sigh. According to Jaime she has no idea.”

“Yeah, I know.” Dan muttered. “Anyway as I was saying…if it’s only a matter of hours we should see some results in the next twenty-four hours…if it’s been longer the poison could have already done its damage.”

Rudy nodded as he headed for the door. “I’m going to tell Oscar what’s going on thus far. You’ll stay here?”

“Of course” Dan continued injecting the antidote into the IV. “Let me know if Jaime comes up with anything.” Dan called as Rudy left the room.

Rudy waved his acknowledgement and stepped out into the hall.


Callahan dropped the kids off and headed back to work. Marc ushered the kids back into the house. “I think we better get our homework done. I’ll see if I can get something started for dinner.”

“You’re not dad.” James scowled.

“Well do you want me to tell him that you won’t do your school work?” Marc challenged.

Grumbling James and Jennifer went upstairs while Marc headed into the kitchen he sat down at the table and started his own homework while he tried to think of what he was going to fix the little kids for dinner. He had just finished up his math when Jennifer came bounding into the kitchen.

“I’m hungry.” She cried.

“I’m fixing dinner in a few minutes.” Marc promised.

“Maybe I’ll have one of those yucky cookies.” Jennifer reached for one.

Just as she was about to take a bite Marc grabbed it out of her hand. “Jennifer!” He cried don’t eat that.”

“And why not?” Jennifer demanded.

“I think that’s what might have made dad sick.” He said.

“How could a cookie make you sick?” She glared at him.

“It’s hard to explain. Just don’t eat it. I’ll fix you tomato soup and grilled cheese ok?” Marc took what was left of the cookies and put them into a bag then carefully using another bag around his hand he slipped the plate in the bag as well.

“What are you doing?” James asked as he entered the kitchen.

“Nothing important” Marc smiled. “Come on. I’ll fix you dinner.”


“How’s he doing?” Oscar asked as Rudy stepped into his office.

“We started him on the antidote. We just aren’t sure how long it will take before Steve is out of danger. Any leads on how this happened?”

Oscar shook his head. “Jaime is trying she just can’t grab onto anything.”

“I wish we knew when and how he was given the poison.” Rudy muttered.

“That would help?” Oscar asked.

“It would give us some kind of a clue as to how long Steve will be like this….” He was interrupted by the phone. Oscar picked it up. “Yes.” He spoke

“Dad, its Dan, tell Rudy to get down here!” Dan practically shouted into the phone.

Oscar, Jaime and Rudy raced down the hall to Rudy’s lab. “What is it Dan?” Rudy questioned as they met Dan outside of Steve’s room.

At the house Marc cleaned up the dinner mess then sent James and Jennifer back upstairs. He went to the phone and dialed Minnie.

“Yes Marc how can I help you?” She wondered.

“You have Steven Carl…right?” Marc asked.

“Yes Russ brought him right after school. He’s not here he’s with Oscar at the OSI.”

“I figured that. I need to get over there. Would you come pick us up? Drop me off there and watch the other kids.”

“Of course I will.” Minnie agreed. “I’ll be there in just a few minutes.

Within minutes Minnie pulled up in front of Steve’s house. Marc pushed the younger kids in the back seat with their brother. “I appreciate this.” He told her.

Minnie dropped Marc off in front to the OSI Marc carefully carried the bag containing the cookies and the plate inside…


“What is it Dan?” Rudy asked as he and Oscar rushed down to Steve’s room.

Dan’s face was grim. “I’m afraid I have some bad news.” He sighed. “Steve slipped into a coma.”

Jaime sank to the floor as Oscar caught her and set her in a chair. “Just take it easy.” He soothed.

Rudy dashed past Dan to Steve. He quickly examined him.

“Well Rudy?” Oscar demanded still standing beside Jaime.

“I’m afraid Dan is right. He’s in a coma…but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.” Rudy pondered for a moment. “In face it may result to be a good thing. With everything shut down…the poison won’t work so fast and the antidote and take hold.”

“So we just sit and wait huh?” Oscar asked.

Jaime stood and walked over to where Rudy stood “He’ll be alright then?” She asked.

“I’m reasonably sure.” Rudy speculated… “Although I’m not taking anything for granted right now he’s not in any real danger. Let’s let him rest.” Rudy suggested.

“I’m staying here.” Jaime sat back down.

“That’s fine.” Rudy agreed. “I’ll be back in just a bit.”

They started out into the hall and were greeted by Marc. “I brought these from home.” He exclaimed. “I don’t know if this is the source or not.” He handed the plate of cookies to Dan. “I stopped Jennifer from eating one. I wanted to get them right over here. Minnie gave me a ride. The kids are with her.” He answered their unspoken question.

“Where did these come from?” Dan asked

“The neighbor lady brought them this morning. None of us like snicker doodles…none of us except for Steve. Jaime could probably tell you how many were on the plate to begin with.”

Dan headed back into the room with the cookies. “Jaime, Marc says the neighbor lady brought these…do you remember how many were on the plate to begin with?”

“Probably a dozen, no more” Jaime replied. “Why?”

“We think it might be the source.” Dan responded. “Marc brought them in.”

“Marc? The children didn’t…”

Marc stopped them. The kids are with Minnie.” Dan assured. “I’m going to get these to the lab. See if that is the source.”

Jaime nodded and continued to sit with Steve.

Down in the lab Dan began his examination of the cookies. He carefully left the plate in the bag so it could be sent to the CSI guys and dusted for prints. In fact some one was on their way.

“Well.” Rudy called from the door.

Dan nodded “It’s the source.”

“Well at least now we know what we’re up against.” Rudy muttered. “Jaime said there were probably a dozen cookies on that plate…Steve was the only one who ate them…how many are left”

“Six…so that means Steve ate at least six” Dan speculated.

They both turned as the CSI man entered the room. “You have a plate you want dusted?” He asked.

Dan handed him the plate which was still in the bag Marc had placed it in.

“Did anyone else touch it?” He asked.

Dan shrugged. “I don’t think so…my little brother might have.”

“We’ll take that into consideration.” He took the plate and started to leave the lab. “Tell Mr. Goldman I’ll let him know as soon as we find out who the prints belong to.”

Dan and Rudy both nodded. “Thanks.” Dan replied.


Marc was pacing back in forth in Oscar’s office. “Finally!” he shouted when Oscar walked into the room. “Dad I want this case. Who ever this is they went after my family. I want to bring them in.”

“Out of the question Marc, you know how I feel…”

“Dad I want the case!” Marc placed his hands on Oscar’s desk and he leaned across it glaring at him.

“Ok Marc. I’ll let you know when we have something for you to go on.” He reached for the phone. “Yes..Oh yes Tom…nothing huh?” Dejected he hung up. “Well that was Tom Rich. There were no prints on that plate you brought in.”

“Well now we’re back to square one.” Marc sighed. “Wait I wonder if she told Jaime her name…”

“Even if she did Marc” Oscar sighed. “I’m sure it wasn’t her real name.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Marc slumped down in the chair. “Hey!” he snapped his fingers. “What about the house. Maybe she left prints there.”

Oscar reached for the phone “I’ll get a search warrant.” He agreed.

“I’ll wait.” Marc replied.


“Well it’s a good thing he only ate six of the cookies.” Rudy leaned over the file Dan was reading.

“Actually there was enough poison in one cookie to wipe out the City of Atlanta.” Dan told him.

“You’re sure this antidote will work?” Rudy questioned once more.

“No I’m not sure. But at least we got to it in time.” Dan explained. “If he only ate the cookies this morning then the poison hasn’t been in his system for that long.”

“At least that’s in our favor.” Rudy sighed. “You keep working here. I’m going to go check Steve.

“Right” Dan gave him a slight wave as he left.

Rudy headed down to Steve’s room. He carefully examined Steve to see if there were changes there might have been.

“Well.” Rudy spoke to Jaime as he completed the exam “His vitals are stronger.”

“That’s good…right?” Jaime anxiously awaited a reply.

Rudy nodded. “It’s very good.”

“Why won’t he move?” Jaime wondered.

“He’s still in a coma. Why don’t you go home and get some rest.” Rudy suggested.

“I’d rather stay here.” Jaime sighed.

“Ok then I’ll be back in an hour or so to see if he’s made any more improvements.”


Tired of sitting Marc began to pace around Oscar’s office. “Where is Russ with that search warrant?”

He no more spoke those words and Russ stepped in. “I have the warrant Oscar…I don’t understand why I couldn’t just go to the house myself…”

“Marc is coming with you.” Oscar told him. He turned to Marc. “You don’t mind working with Russ do you?”

Marc shook his head. “Of course not” Marc replied. “Come on Russ let’s get going.

“Do you have everything you need?” Oscar called as the two headed for the door.

Russ nodded as he held the door for Marc.

“I’ll see you when you get back then. Better take a CSI team with you.” Oscar suggested.

“They’re all ready to go.” Russ assured.


After leaving Steve’s room Rudy headed back to the lab. He saw Marc and Russ getting on the elevator. “Where are you two headed?” He asked.

“We’re going to the house next to Steve and Jaime’s.” Russ informed. “We’re going to see if we can figure out who’s behind this.”

“Good idea.” Rudy stepped into the lab.

“How’s Steve doing?” Dan asked.

“No change…but at least he’s not getting any worse.” Rudy finished.

Dan nodded. “How’s Jaime holding out?”

Rudy gave a slight smile. “She’s doing pretty good.”

“Well that’s good.” Dan noted. “I think I’ll go check on Steve myself. There really isn’t much more that can be done till Steve comes out of that coma.”

Rudy nodded his agreement. “then maybe you should go home and get some well deserved rest.”

“I just might take you up on that.” Dan yawned.


Russ and Marc pulled up in front of the house next to Steve and Jaime’s Russ started to get out when Marc stopped him. “In case they aren’t here maybe we better park in Steve’s drive way. That way if they show up…”

“I get what you’re saying.” Russ pulled away from the curb and pulled into Steve’s driveway. “Ok Marc…are you ready?”

Marc nodded. “Better tell the CSI team to park over here too.”

Russ motioned for the van behind them to pull into the drive as well.

They all walked across the lawn and up the steps to the house. Russ banged on the door. “Federal Government…we have a search warrant.” He called out.

Marc listened carefully to the inside of the house to see if there was any movement. When he heard nothing he gave Russ the signal and Russ stepped back to allow Marc to open the door.

They entered the house and Marc and Russ began to look around. The CSI team began dusting everything for any usable finger prints when they heard car doors slam. Marc looked out the window. “Russ it’s her she’s back…and she’s not alone.” They watched as Karen and two men made their way to the front porch and toward the door.


At the OSI Oscar and Rudy were talking in Oscar’s office. “I knew Karen Printer would come up blank. We’re just waiting for the report on the prints to come back Marc and Russ are at the house right now to see if they can come up with any leads.

“Did they take the CSI team with them?” Rudy asked.

Oscar nodded. “I’m just waiting to hear from…” He stopped to answer the phone. “Sure Dan he’s right here.” He handed the phone to Rudy.

“We’ll be right there.” Rudy cried into the phone. He set the receiver back down. “It’s Steve,. Dan said his heart stopped!”…

Oscar and Rudy raced down to Steve’s room they got there just as Dan was once again coming out.

“How is he?” Oscar demanded as Rudy pushed his way into Steve’s room.

“He’s going to be ok for now anyway. I got the heart started again.” Dan replied.

“That’s a relief. Where’s Jaime?”

“She’s still sleeping as far as I know.” They both turned as Rudy walked out. “He’s just sleeping now. I guess what I mean is he’s not unconscious he’s just sleeping. The worst of it is over.”

“Why did his heart stop?” Oscar wondered.

“I’m not sure, maybe it was just his way of coming back to us.” Rudy replied. “I’m going to go get Jaime I’ll be right back.”


Russ pushed Marc behind him. “If you still communicate with Matt I suggest you do it now.” Russ whispered so only Marc could hear. He removed his revolver from the shoulder and waited for the woman and two men to enter the house.

“Hold it right there!” Russ called out as the closed the door. I’m a federal agent” he warned. “I suggest very strongly the three of you get down on the ground with you hands behind your heads.”

Lance lunged at Russ who fired and struck him in the shoulder. “I have five more.” Russ turned from Bill to Karen.”

“She’s the lady who moved in.” Marc told Russ. “She’s the one who brought the cookies.”

“Come on.” Russ grabbed Bill by the elbow. The three of you are coming with us.”

An hour later Oscar joined them in the interrogation room at OSI headquarters “I’m not going down for this one alone.” Lance complained.

“Do you want to spill your guts?” Oscar seethed or do you want me to do it for you?”

Bill and Lance looked at one another and nodded. Bill said he would do the talking. “She hired us to kill all of you.” Bill began he proceeded to tell Oscar everything.

After listening carefully Oscar looked at the three of them. “Are you going to tell me?”

“Tell you what.” Lance asked.

“Who hired you?” Oscar gritted his teeth.

“I thought we did. Her name is Rachel…Rachel Hanson. She said her husband was a man named…”

“Jack…Jack Hanson?” Oscar asked.

“That was it!” Bill shouted. “She said you…all of you contributed to his death and she wanted you dead as well.”

“Lock em up!” Oscar ordered. “I’m getting a warrant to have Rachel Hanson brought in.”

Oscar got the paper work and handed it to Russ. “Take Marc again. Russ you don’t need to protect him…I’m sending him to protect you.” Oscar explained.

Russ gave a quick smile. “I know. It’s just that I’ve always protected your kids…I feel I still have to.”

“I know. But really Marc leaned from the best. I think he could handle just about anything.”

Russ looked to where Marc was sitting on the couch in Oscar’s office reading a file on Jack Hanson. “You’re right. Marc I’m going to pick up Rachel Hanson. Are you coming?”

Marc stood. “Of course I am.”


Jaime sat in Steve’s room waiting for him to wake up she wanted to wake him herself but knew he needed his sleep. She was about to step out and get a cup of coffee when she heard Steve whisper her name. ‘Jaime?’ He spoke softly.

Jaime dashed for his bed. “I’m right here.” She reached for his hand.

“What happened?” He continued to whisper.

That’s not important right now. Rudy and Dan want you to get as much rest as you can.” She tried to keep him calm. “You just go back to sleep I’ll be here when you wake up.”

“Where are the kids?” His voice was just a little stronger.

“They’re with Minnie Russell.” She explained.

“They’re ok?” Steve persisted.

“They’re fine. You just rest.” She sat beside him till he drifted back to sleep.


Marc and Russ climbed the front porch steps of Rachel Hanson’s house. Russ knocked on the door. “Mrs. Hanson?” He called out. “It’s Mark Russell with the OSI we have a search warrant!”

They waited several moments Marc could here sounds from inside. “She’s there.” He told Russ. “I hear her.”

“Come on Mrs. Hanson open the door.” Russ demanded.

“Go away…Go away or I’ll shoot.” Rachel shouted from inside.

“You don’t want to do that.” Russ tried to reason. “Just come out with your hands up.”

“Duck Russ!” Marc cried. Marc and Russ hit the porch as two shots came through the front door.

Marc stood and kicked the door in. Russ drew his gun. “Just drop it Rachel.” He ordered.

Rachel turned the gun around and before Marc or Russ could stop her she shot herself in the head.

“Marc.” Russ called out “call an ambulance. I’ll stay with her.”


At the hospital Russ, Oscar and Marc waited for Rudy and Danny to give them the report on how Rachel was doing.

“How is she?” Oscar was ready to turn her over to the prison hospital.

“We lost her.” Dan told them. “It’s probably a good thing. The damage would have been so intense she probably would never have remembered ordering the hit in the first place.”

“What about Lance and Bill and his sister Karen?” Rudy wondered.

“They’ll be in prison for quite some time.” Oscar assured.


Several days later Jaime sat in Steve’s room Steve was sitting up in bed eating breakfast. Jaime had just finished telling him what had gone on.”

“Sounds like I missed all the excitement.” He sighed.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door and Rudy stepped in. “I can’t hold them off any longer. Steve do you feel strong enough for company?”

“I suppose. Who’s out there?”

“You’ll see. Ok gang you can come in.”

Steve beamed as James, Jennifer, and Steven Carl darted into his room and bounced onto the bed. “Hey guys.” Tears rolled down his cheeks. “Boy did I ever miss you.”

“We missed you to daddy!” they called out.

Steve looked around “Where’s Marc.”

“He’s coming.” Oscar spoke from the doorway. “He and Dan were discussing some thing.”

A few seconds later Marc joined the group. “I’m glad you’re feeling better dad.” He gave Steve a big hug.


Three days before Steve’s birthday Rudy gave him the all clear to go home. He watched as Steve along with his family walked to the elevator. Steve lifted Steven Carl so he could push the button for the elevator.

When they got home Jaime made Steve go straight upstairs and lie down. “You still need your rest.” She told him I’ll keep the kids quiet.”

“I’m more than happy to lie down.” Steve agreed “But if the kids want to join me they can.”

“As you wish” It was just an excuse anyway. The kids were in on it with her they had devised the plan on the way to the OSI. With Steve busy in their room with the kids Jaime was free to use the phone. She dialed Oscar’s office first.

“I couldn’t say anything in front of Steve.” She spoke softly into the phone. “The plans are the same for Saturday.”

“I was wondering about that.” Oscar stated. “We’re going ahead with the party as planned.” Jaime heard him say. Then he spoke to Jaime again. “I was just telling Rudy. He’s right here.”

“Good that will save me a call. We’ll see you on Saturday at Rocket Rob’s.

“We’ll be there.”


The day of Steve’s birthday Jaime sent him to the store to get a gallon of milk they didn’t really need but with a teenage boy in the house they did go through it rather quickly.

“Where are the kids?” Steve asked when he returned.

“They are with Callahan. I thought we’d spend a quiet evening together. I have reservations for two at Rocket Rob’s.” She continued with the ‘dastardly’ plan.

“I was kind of hoping…I mean in view of all that’s happened that we would have dinner with the kids.” Steve sighed.

“I know. We’ll do something tomorrow. We need to be there by seven.”

“It took some coaxing but Jaime was finally able to convince Steve that dinner alone was just the ticket.

He was still sulking when they arrived at the restaurant. “I still wish the kids were here” he pouted.

Jaime smiled to herself as she strode up the Hostess and told her they had reservations.

“Oh yes Mrs. Austin.” The hostess winked right this way.

Muttering to himself and still sulking, Steve followed several paces behind Jaime. He didn’t even notice that they were led to the private party room.

When they entered everyone jumped out and hollered “surprise!!!”

Steve jumped back several steps as he searched the room for the kids. Then he turned to Jaime. “This is the best birthday.” He exclaimed.

“Well we’ve had it planned for quite sometime.” Jaime smiled “even before you were…got sick.” She didn’t want to let the littler kids hear the word poison. As far as they were concerned daddy was just sick.

They all enjoyed their dinner. They were at Rocket Rob’s till they closed at 11:00.


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