A Healthy Growth
A healthy growth has taken root at McIntosh this spring. The assurance that the reservation is going to be thrown open this fall has brought about a wonderful change here the past few weeks. From near and far business and professional men have had their eye on McIntosh with the view of locating and making it their permanent home, realizing that they should be on the ground floor in order to become master of the situation and before the opening rush.
It was only the uncertainty of the date of opening that caused them to hesitate in commencing operations, but now that the date is certain they are turning loose and what a few weeks ago was an open prairie is now being built up with large substantial buildings representing various business enterprises. There are no shacks among them. They are being built, not so much to handle the present trade but preparatory for the day when all this splendid country shall be thrown open to the farmers. It is then that they will reap their harvest for the forethought that they are now displaying. A stranger is always impressed by the thrift of our businessmen and the beautiful and sanitary location of our city, by the large territory and the richness of its soil that is tributary to it, the well constructed buildings which denote capital and much faith in our city.
The forming of the new county Corson by the last legislature has given McIntosh, the advantage of any other possible town as this placed it in the center of the county east and west, which are the principal points to be considered.
McIntosh is situated at a point far enough away from both Lemmon and Mobridge to be the making of one of the largest cities in the northwest, having a territory of from forty to a hundred miles to draw from when the strip is opened. Aside from all this it is the permanent railway division point of the Milwaukee and as fast as residences become available for rental railroad men will make their homes here.
McIntosh is backed up by the railway company who will leave no stone unturned in their efforts to promote its interests and bringing their influence to bear in its behalf when it comes to real important issues. The railway company is disposing of its townsites on both sides of us which will naturally cause them to devote more of their boosting to McIntosh.
The company have made known their intention to plat an addition to the townsite and officials of the road are now touring the country looking up a feasible route for a branch between here and Dickinson to head off competition on the north. It is the most logical point on the reservation for a registration point and this office is practically assured us.
Summing all these things together it is plain that McIntosh is the coming metropolis of northwestern South Dakota and of the Standing Rock Reservation, to which it is the main Gateway.
Taken from the McIntosh Globe April 29, 1909