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First Corson County Convention

COUNTY CONVENTION The first county convention of Corson county which was held for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various county offices to be filled at the special election on July 13, 1909, was held at McIntosh Wednesday the 16th. Almost every voting precinct was represented with exception of Morristown. The convention was called to order by Attorney N. B. Bartlett who expressed his pleasure of meeting in a body the promoters and framers of our new county and explained the purpose of this essembly in a few brief words, after which the nomination of a chairman and secretary was in order. On motion duly carried J. E. Davies was appointed chairman and C. S. Clemmensen secretary. The following candidates were nominated and the convention being purely non-partisan it is predicted that very few of them will have any opposition by independent candidates. Sheriff, Frank Lawrence; Auditor, H. B. Elbert; Clerk of Courts, Chas S. Watson; State's Attorney, Attorney N. B. Bartlett; Treasurer, G. W. Comstock; Register of Deeds, C. A. Green; County Judge, Guy R. Schmelle; Assessor, Simon Kirk; Surveyor, Eugene Bear King. Three Commissioners: Harry McLaughlin, Antonie DeRock Brain and Chas Duncan. Four Justices of the Peace; O. J. Fett, Ralph Belden, J. E. Shea and C. S. Shortridge. Four Constables; Ray Lease, Samiel Bruguier, Louis Agard and James Harrigan. Nominations made each nominee present was called upon for a speech who all thanked the convention for the honor that they had bestowed upon them and respectively promised their hearty support for McIntosh for county seat. The commercial club had bent its best efforts to give the visiting delegates a courteous reception and arrangements were made for their comfort and accommodation. Consequently everybody was in good humor and the convention harmonious in every detail. Each precinct that was represented got what they came for and more too, making everybody feel more than satisfied. McIntosh was after nothing but the endorsement for the county seat which it received by a unanimous vote.

First County Convention-1909