Clove was Aurora's pet guinea pig. He was tricolor, as you can tell. She got him on a really stormy day, and then at night the power went out. I know that doesn't have much weight to it, but we're not the best story tellers. Anyways, she got Fuzzy later on while he was a baby so Clove would accept him. Clove was kind of a loner guinea pig, which is very uncommon. He was very weak and sick too. He wasn't actually a loner, he liked Aurora. All he wanted to do was have her hold him and pet him, except, he peed on her so much she didn't do it that often, even when she had a cloth underneath it would leak through.
The second year Ro had him, he had this bubble on the side of his neck, so they took him to the Veterinarian and got some medicine which Aurora fed him everyday. It still didn't go away so they paid around $400 for surgery and $120 for the medicine. In surgery they basically sucked out all the puss in the bubble and it was a lot more like a tumor than they expected because there were arteries and all that kind of stuff in the way. So then everyone thought everything was ok with Clove after that. Then as time went on Clove was getting thinner and on one visit to the Veterinarian they checked out his teeth because he wasn't eating well and he was having trouble swallowing because of the way rodent teeth constantly grow and if they don't chew enough then they get so long they can't eat properly and start to lose weight and eventually starve to death.
So then Aurora's family took a trip to Ohio then on to Niagra Falls and Toronto, Canada. They took Clove along in the car so Aurora could still give Clove his new medicine twice a day. When they got to Buffalo, New York they had to drop Clove off at a Vet there, because guinea pigs aren't allowed in Canada. Then they picked him up on their way back.
Then once they got back home to Atlanta they kept Clove and Fuzzy seperated, because Fuzzy being a typical dominant male guinea pig sensed Clove's weakness and couldn't help but push him around. One day it was really rainy and stormy, pretty much like when Ro first got Clove. Aurora came home from school, saw that Clove was doing alright in his cage, decided she'd go outside and when she'd come back she'd hold him a little while. An hour later she came back and he was half way in his little hideaway place and half way out, lying on his side, stiff. He was just a very unhealthy and unlucky guinea pig. The next day she cried pretty much all through school and everytime anyone even mentions guinea pigs or Clove.
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