Duncan was a black/gray tabby cat and he was 15 years old when he was put to sleep. A month before he died, he had been shitting all over the den, so we brought him over to my grandma's apartment to live there for a while, and it was working out well. My grandma got attached to him and all, but after 3 weeks of him living there, he was shitting out mostly blood, and food wouldn't stay in him, so we had him put to sleep, on a Monday morning... so I never saw him b 4 he died... =(
He was skinny ever since he was a kitten and even more so for the last 6 months of his life.....
He thought he was human and he always loved treats like steak, the wrapping of any meat to lick, grissle, chicken....turkey lunchmeat......he liked just to lay down in your lap, or right next to you and have you pet him for a long time... and he wasn't exactly the softest cat, but he was very cuddly.
His farts smelt extremely putrid, but it was sorta funny..
When he was little, he thought that Nigel was his mom...uh a really disgusting anectdote is that Duncan truly thought Nigel was his mom so much, that he tried to y'know....and he and Nigel were bffs and would get into fights together and all.....
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