Fuzzy was Aurora's other pet guinea pig. He was a Teddy cowlicked. She got him January 1, 1999. He was just a baby back then and looked up to and loved Clove so much. He'd always try to snuggle up against Clove. Fuzzy was more of a normal guinea pig, he liked other guinea pigs and didn't want to be alone.
Eventually Fuzzy grew though, and when Clove got sick Fuzzy would push him around. Fuzzy was the bigger of the two, very robust also, unlike Clove. Well, once Clove died Fuzzy got really depressed and quit eating. Fuzzy rapidly lost weight, you could barley tell because of all his fur standing on end, but on a visit to the Vet they said he had mites and was very skinny. So we tried to make sure he was eating and gave him som treatment for the mites. The mites went away, but he still wasn't eating. He got very sick and miserable so they took him to the Vet one last time and put him to sleep.
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