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Sarah G.

Sarah Grusin moved to Detroit (Beverly Hills to be specific), Michigan last summer in August 2001. We gave her a going away party on the last day of school in June 2001. She played softball (pitcher) and took ballet. She's coming back to visit us late June 2002. A welcome back party is in the planning process. Now that Sarah has moved to Michigan she claims to have turned into a prep (not a snob, but a prep) since there's only punks and preps at her school. She has made friends up there and her best one yet, is Karen.
~*Pictures from the Going Away Party*~
There's Helen and Sarah and some other people from the party kissing Julie's foot
Here's some of Sarah's people from her party goofing around
That's Andrea spreading silly string during her's, Michaela's and Aurora's Party Song performance
That's Sarah, Andrea, Michaela and Aurora getting ready for Party Song
Michaela was jumpin around to Blink 182
That's some more people at Sarah's party
That's Shannon opening a can of soda that she shook up
Shannon! A.k.a. Lil Kim! Andrea, Michaela, Aurora and Shannon did various performances for Sarah's going away party and Lady Marmalade was one of them
That's Shannon and Julie's little brother attempting to smash some plastic guitars
Andrea and Michaela were dancing and singing about how they like big butts at Sarah's going away party
That, is probably most everybody who was at Sarah's going away party. But to explain a few things.....Helen was wearing the soccer shorts and everything because we were at Julie's house and we had a big water gun fight and she got soaked and needed to change. Ro's face is all red because she put on A LOT of blush for the Lady Marmalade performance not long before this picture was taken. Sarah's eyes are red with tears :'( Awww.
There's Helen hugging Sarah after Goodbye, aww

~*Pictures from Sarah's return*~

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